
María José Frugone Wielandt

Researcher associtated to Laboratorio de Ecología Molecular

Universidad de Chile

Ñuñoa, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Evolution and diversification of the Southern Ocean marine biota; genomics; molecular ecology; Bioinformatics


  •  Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas, UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 2012
  •  Ciencias Biológicas, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2016
  •  Ecología y Biología Evolutiva, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2020

Experiencia Académica

  •   Teaching assitant in: Biología de Organismos y Comunidad Other



    Valdivia, Chile

    2008 - 2008

  •   Teaching assitant in: Biología del Desarrollo Other



    Valdivia, Chile

    2008 - 2008

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research assistant of Dr. Rodrigo Vásquez Part Time

    Universidad de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2012 - 2013

  •   Research assistant of Dr. Eduardo Jaramillo Full Time

    Universidad Austral de Chile

    Valdivia, Chile

    2012 - 2012

  •   Laboratory assistant of Dr. Loreto Correa and Dr. Mauricio Soto Part Time

    Universidad Austral de Chile

    Valdivia, Chile

    2009 - 2011

  •   Research asssitant of Dr. Bernardo Broitman Part Time


    Coquimbo, Chile

    2014 - 2014

Formación de Capital Humano

Teaching activities and data analyses support provided to Dr. Karin Gérard research group, including master and PhD students from Universidad de Magallanes, Laboratory of Antarctic and Subantarctic Marine Ecosystems, Punta Arenas.

Teaching activities and data analyses support provided to the Postdoc Researcher Dr. Andrea Varela, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile.

Difusión y Transferencia

Article published by La Tercera, in which we describe to a general audience, the results from our paper "Contrasting phylogeographic pattern among Eudyptes penguins around the Southern Ocean" published on scientific reports on 2018:

Article published by El Mostrador, in which we describe to a general audience, the results from our paper "Receding ice drove parallel expansions in Southern Ocean penguin" published on PNAS in 2019.

Article published by "Ladera Sur" in which we describe with other scientists, what is known about emotions on animals

Premios y Distinciones

  •   100 read ecology papers for Scientific Reports in 2018.

    Nature research

    Chile, 2019

    Our paper "Contrasting phylogeographic pattern among Eudyptes penguins around the Southern Ocean" By Frugone et al. 2018, was place as one of the top 100 read ecology papers for Scientific Reports in 2018.


Article (6)

Genome-wide analyses reveal drivers of penguin diversification
Activity and group-living in the porteris rock rats, aconaemys porteri
More than the eye can see: Genomic insights into the drivers of genetic differentiation in Royal/Macaroni penguins across the Southern Ocean
Receding ice drove parallel expansions in Southern Ocean penguins
Contrasting phylogeographic pattern among Eudyptes penguins around the Southern Ocean
Social dominance and behavioral consequences of intrauterine position in female groups of the social rodent Octodon degus

ConferencePoster (13)

Genómica de poblaciones en los pingüinos royal y macaroni: rol de la distancia geográfica y de barreras oceanográficas en los procesos de diferenciación
Assessment of the capacity of Halicarcinus planatus larva to reach the South Shetland Islands through passive dispersal
Population genomics of Royal and Macaroni penguins across the Southern Ocean
Are oceanic fronts an effective barrier to dispersal in Eudyptes penguins?
Patrones filogeográficos de pingüinos del género Eudyptes en el Océano Austral
Which are the main drivers of differences in phylogeographical patterns in Eudyptes penguin species?
Estudios en mamíferos: variabilidad intra-específica y comportamiento.
¿Se relacionan la exploración espacial y la neofobia con la atrapabilidad de dos roedores endémicos de chile?
Effects of maternal allostasis and intrauterine position on litter features in a social rodent Octodon degus.
Effects of maternal allostasis and intrauterine position on social behavior in the caviomorph rodent Octodon degus: Consequences of masculinized female phenotypes on group dynamics.
Variabilidad espacial en la abundancia de aves acuáticas en el Humedal del Río Cruces y ríos tributarios, Valdivia, Chile.
Patrón de actividad, ámbito de hogar y uso compartido de madrigueras en el roedor semifosorial Aconaemys porteri

Proyecto (8)

Genomics insight into the past and present of Antarctic Biodiversity: a tool to assess the fate of a unique ecosystem in a changing world (GAB)
Filogeografía comparada de especies de pingüino del género Eudyptes: diversidad genómica y conductual en el Océano Austral
On the relationship between personality and decision-making=> assessing within and between population variability
Diagnóstico Ambiental del humedal del río Cruces basado en la comparación de condiciones actuales e históricas=> bases para su monitoreo y sustentabilidad.
Multiscale biophysical determinants of larval arrival to benthic habitats and effects on intertidal biodiversity
Sinergias de procesos en comunidades intermareales de la interface roca-arena del litoral chileno=> búsqueda de generalizaciones mediante una aproximación inter-hábitat
A mechanistic model to explain direct fitness consequences of sociality in the rodent Octodon degus
Animal personalities and the underlying roles of behavioral innovation and decision-making
María José Frugone

Researcher associtated to Laboratorio de Ecología Molecular

Ciencias Ecológicas

Universidad de Chile

Ñuñoa, Chile

Loreto Correa

Profesor Asistente

Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria

Universidad Mayor de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Mauricio Soto


Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Evolutivas


Valdivia, Chile