
Jose Miguel Cabezas Navarro

Assistant Professor

Universidad Mayor de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

I study comparative political behavior and it interaction with social and economic institutions in Latin America. I use quantitative analysis to large number of cases, putting together complex and systematic analysis creating computational programs


  •  Government and Politics, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Estados Unidos, 2018
  •  Goverment and Politics, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Estados Unidos, 2017
  •  Quantitative Methods for the Social Science, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2012
  •  Cientista Politico, UNIVERSIDAD DIEGO PORTALES. Chile, 2006

Experiencia Académica

  •   Investigador Asociado Other


    Santiago, Chile

    2003 - 2010

  •   Lecturer Part Time


    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - 2017

  •   Research Assistant Part Time


    The Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP)

    New York, NY, Estados Unidos

    2010 - 2013

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Analista Full Time

    Ministerio Secretaria General de la Presidencia

    Santiago, Chile

    2008 - 2010

  •   Analista Full Time

    Dirección Nacional del Servicio Civil

    Santiago, Chile

    2006 - 2008

Premios y Distinciones

  •   The Politics of Coronavirus in Chile

    Columbia Global Center Santiago

    Chile, 2020

    The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is transforming our daily lives in unprecedented ways that we are just beginning to understand. Emphasizing the political aspects of the pandemic and leveraging available data, we will produce data visualizations that communicate complex ideas in simple ways. For example, we will merge official data on cases and deaths with Google Community Mobility Reports and political decisions on dynamic quarantines to graphically display how individuals’ daily routines changed in response to political decisions on quarantines, and how these political decisions were shaped by epidemiological trends. We will also use opinion poll data to assess whether mayors benefit from being openly critical to the central government decisions. We will further analyze, synthesize, and communicate the pros and cons of available interventions, and how these are embraced by policymakers and authorities in Chile. All in all, this project is about visualizing how the politics of the coronavirus pandemic is playing out in Chile.

  •   Bechas Chile Maestría en el extranjero


    Chile, 2010

    Premiado con beca chile para cursar maestría en el extranjero

  •   Bechas Chile Doctorado en el extranjero


    Chile, 2013

    Fui premiado con Becas Chile para cursar Doctorado en el extranjero


Article (3)

Deviations from the Norm in Presidential Approval in Chile, 1990-2018
Efecto del Sistema Binominal en el Número de Candidatos y de Partidos en Elecciones Legislativas en Chile, 1989-2001
Presidential Support in Latin America 2010-2012: Economic Vote and Political Preferences

BookSection (1)

Elecciones Presidenciales en Chile 2013: El efecto de las percepciones económicas sobre la intención de voto
Jose Cabezas

Assistant Professor

Society and Health Research Center

Universidad Mayor de Chile

Santiago, Chile