
Andrés Alfonso Núñez González

Profesor asociado


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Geografía Cultural; Geografía Social; Geografía Histórica; Producción Social del Espacio; Imaginarios Geográficos; Experiencia del Habitar; Geopolítica del Conocimiento y Geografía cotidiana.



Experiencia Académica

  •   Docente e Investigador Asociado Full Time


    Historia, Geografía y Ciencia Política

    SANTIAGO, Chile

    2013 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   profesional división bienes nacionales Full Time

    Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales

    Santiago, Chile

    1998 - 2009

  •   profesor asociado Full Time

    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano


Undergraduate courses

• 2011. (1st semester) .. GEO505. Workshop of Territorial Analysis .. Minimum Course .. Institute of Geography.
• 2011. (2nd semester) GEO 505. Workshop on Territorial Analysis .. Minimum Course. Institute of Geography.
• 2012. (2nd semester). GEO 505. Workshop on Territorial Analysis. Minimum course. Institute of Geography.
• 2012. (2nd semester). GEO 1012. Regional Geography of the World. Minimum course .. Institute of Geography.
• 2013. (1st and 2nd semester). GEO 505. Workshop on Territorial Analysis. Minimum course. Institute of Geography.
• 2013. (2nd semester). GEO 508. Land IV. Institute of Geography.
• 2013. (2nd semester). GEO 401. Seminar I. Minimum Course. Institute of Geography.
• 2013. (2nd semester). GEO 1012. Regional Geography of the World. Minimum course. Institute of Geography.
• 2013. (2nd semester). GEO 1012. Regional Geography of the World. Minimum course. Institute of Geography.
• 2014. (1st semester). GEO 505 Workshop on Territorial Analysis. Institute of Geography.
• 2014. (1st semester). GEO 405. Research Seminar II. Institute of Geography.
• 2014. (2nd semester). GEO 1012. Regional Geography of the World. Minimum course. Institute of Geography.
• 2014. (2nd semester). GEO 508. Land IV. Institute of Geography.
• 2014. (2nd semester). GEO 401. Seminar I. Institute of Geography.
• 2014. (2nd semester). GEO 505. Workshop on Territorial Analysis. Minimum course. Institute of Geography.
• 2015. (1st semester). GEO 405 Research Seminar II. Institute of Geography.
• 2015. (1st semester). GEO 505 Workshop on Territorial Analysis. Institute of Geography.
• 2015. (2nd semester). GEO 401 Research Seminar I. Geography Institute.
• 2016. (1st semester). GEO 405 Research Seminar II. Institute of Geography.
• 2016. (1st semester). GEO 401 Research Seminar I. Geography Institute.
• 2016. (2nd semester). GEO 508 Land IV. Institute of Geography.
• 2016. (2nd semester). GEO 405 Research Seminar II. Institute of Geography.
• 2016. (2nd semester). GEO 505 Workshop on Territorial Analysis. Institute of Geography.
• 2017. GEO 1700 Course UC Proposes, together with Alejandro Salazar and Fernando Alfaro. Topic: Patagonia-Aysén and Public Policies.
• 2017. GEO 401 Research Seminar I. Institute of Geography.
• 2017. GEO 405 Research Seminar II. Institute of Geography.
• 2017. GEO 505 Workshop on Territorial Analysis. Institute of Geography.
• 2018. (1st semester). Research Seminar III (Historical Geography/Ph.D. Geography UC). Institute of Geography.
• 2018. Research Project. Doctorate in Geography UC.
• 2018. Research Seminar II. Institute of Geography.
• 2018. Research Seminar I. Institute of Geography
• 2019. (First Semester) Cultural Geography: Space, Memory and Society. Institute of Geography UC.
• 2019. (Second Semester) Cultural Geography: Space, Memory and Society. Institute of Geography UC.
• 2019. Research Seminar I. Institute of Geography.
• 2020. Research Seminar II. Institute of Geography.
• 2020. (First Semester) Cultural Geography: Space, Memory and Society. Institute of Geography UC.

Post-graduate courses

• 2016. (1st semester). GEO 5115-1 Research Seminar III (Historical Geography - Doctorate Geography PUC). Institute of Geography.
• 2017. (1st semester). GEO 5115-1 Research Seminar III (Historical Geography - Doctorate Geography PUC). Institute of Geography.
• 2017 GEO 5116. Thesis Project. Doctorate Geography PUC.
• 2018. (1st semester). GEO 5115-1 Research Seminar III (Historical Geography - Doctorate Geography PUC). Institute of Geography.
• 2019. Thesis III. (Historical Geography/ Doctorate in Geography UC). Institute of Geography.
• 2020. Thesis IV. (Historical Geography/ Doctorate in Geography UC). Institute of Geography.
• 2020. (1st semester). GEO 5115-1 Research Seminar III (Historical Geography - Doctorate Geography PUC). Institute of Geography.

Tutoring - Address Seminar / Undergraduate Thesis

• 2014. Title: "The urban monuments of the neoliberal santiaguino landscape between 1990-2013: Costanera Center as a case study". Student: Vanessa Matamala. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2014. Title: "Unveiling a territory for the nation: geographical knowledge as a tool for control, rationalization and occupation of the Mapuche territory in the 19th century". Student: Valentina Ready. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2014. Title: "Urban Mapuche: the construction of a new identity through the symbolic spaces of the Pintana commune". Student: Paulina Zúñiga. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2014. Title: "Geography of Religions: socio-spatial analysis and patterns of distribution of the cult buildings of the traditional Evangelical and Neo-Pentecostal churches of the commune of Santiago". Student: Iván Cerda. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2014. Title: "The material and symbolic construction of the" Elefante Blanco ", commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago, Chile". Student: Nadia Sandoval. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2014. Title: "The circus as a machinic device for forms of territorialization: the case of the social circus Centro Cultural la Chimba, Recoleta, Santiago Chile". Student: Ivonne Brangier. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "Re-signification and valuation of border areas towards conservation spaces and tourist interest. Aysén 1976-2016 ". Student: Matías Galarce. Culture and Space Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "Conservationism and Sustainable Development in Aysén: Environmental Business and new forms of Coloniality (1989-2016)". Student: Fernanda Miranda. Seminary Culture and Space Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "Rural Gentrification? The socio-territorial resignification of the Exploradores Valley, Aysén 1989-2016 ". Student: Alex Mayne-Nicholls. Culture and Space Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "The experience of the Habitar and the social representations in relation to the isolation in the commune of Alhué, Chile". Student: Fernando Godoy. Culture and Space Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "Socio-spatial changes due to densification in height: The case of Avenida Macul in the period 2002-2015". Student: Javier Guajardo. Geography and Society Seminar. June 2016
• 2016. Title: "Potentialities of Mountain Tourism for the local development of the commune of San Fernando, O'Higgins Region". Student: Cecilia Morales. Geography and Society Seminar. June 2016
• 2016. Title: "Analysis of the university academic field of the institutionalized Geography in Chile: Current state and its configuration process in the last decades". Student: Waldo Samson. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "The City of the Blind ... when the environment is thought only for some: Urban Experiences and accessibility barriers in the center of Santiago de Chile". Student: Ayleen Martínez. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "The built and the lived: relations between the production of space and landscape in La Islita, commune of Isla de Maipo". Student: Pablo Vilches. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "Urban gardens as spaces of resistance. Case studies: Huerto Urbano Yungay, Santiago and Aldea del Encuentro, La Reina ". Student: Ignacio Silva. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "Invisible Practices in the Andes Mountains: Case Study of Transhumance in Illapel, Chile". Student: Luis Padilla. Geography and Society Seminar. December 2016
• 2016. Title: "The City of Children: looking at the public space with different eyes. The right to the city of boys and girls in the globalized public space ". Student: Javiera Muñoz. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2016. Title: "Gender and Spatiality. Masculinization of public space by street sexual harassment ". Student: María Paz Flores. Geography and Society Seminar.
•2017. Title: "Nature as a Museum: new green practices and privatization of common goods in Patagonia-Aysén. Case study: Chile Chico". Student: Tania Vas. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2017. Title: "Potential of heritage tourism for the local development of the Cachapoal Valley, O'Higgins Region". Student: Gabriel Gutiérrez. Geography and Society Seminar.
• 2017. Title: "Geography and gender: Daily experience and public space of women in Barrio Brasil". Student: Bárbara Trincado. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2017. Title: "A new link of North-South dependence? Chile's trajectory and challenges in trade with East Asian powers". Student: Javier Lois. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2017. Title: "Geographic knowledge and borders: from national line to global space". Student: Roberto González. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "A Scenario in Process, The Effects of Conservation on the Landscape by Raúl Marín Balmaceda". Student: Alexandre Molina. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "Geographic Imaginaries and Tourism: Territorial Analysis of the Tourism Production of Frutillar (1986-2018)". Student: Camila Cortés. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "Valparaíso, World Heritage Site: Gentrification or Tourism in the Commune? The specific case of the sector Barrio Puerto, Cerro Alegre and Cerro Concepción". Student: Antonio Pavez. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "Memory and Spatiality. Practices and Daily Life in the Villa Grimaldi and Londres 38 memory sites". Student: Magdalena Espejo. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "Socio-territorial transformations due to Haitian immigration in the population "La Victoria", Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago de Chile". Student: Sebastián Villalón. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "Experiences of the habitat and spatiality after the catastrophe in Santa Olga, Maule region". Student: Geraldine Gottreaux. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "Persa Teniente Cruz (Commune of Pudahuel): A space of resistance in times of modernization". Student: Javier Morales. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "Women and the countryside: A synthesis of women's work in rural areas. Case study: Alto del Río Esmeralda, communes of Quinta de Tilcoco and Rengo respectively (VI Region)". Student: Katherine Vásquez. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2018. Title: "Women's fear of violence in the city: practices and experiences in the use of public space in the sector of Plaza Ñúñoa, Santiago de Chile". Student: Fernanda Villalobos. Seminar on Geography and Society
• 2019. Title: "Narrative and poetry in the elaboration and construction of territorial meanings in Aysén (XX-S.XXI Century)". Student: Carolina Aliaga. Seminar on Geography and Society.
• 2015-2017. Undergraduate Thesis Anthropology University of Chile.
(a) Title: "Practices and representations linked to the native forest in Aysén, in the current context of commodification of nature". Fondecyt No. 1141169. Student: Macarena Libuy. Tutors: Jorge Razato / Andrés Núñez
(b) Title: "Sociocultural construction of isolation: A study of its representations in the towns of Puyuhuapi and Villa Cerro Castillo, Aysén Region". Fondecyt No. 1141169. Student: Catalina Amigo Tutors: Jorge Razato / Andrés Núñez.

Postgraduate Thesis Management

• 2016. Master's Thesis in History, University of Chile. Title: "The dream for a road: Carretera Austral social and geopolitical representations in the Chilean dictatorship 1973-1990". Fondecyt Nº 1141169 Student: Santiago Urrutia. Tutors: Enrique Aliste/Andrés Núñez
• 2016-2017. Master's thesis, Catholic University of Chile. Title: "Analysis of the environmental actions of the local community linked to environmentally certified educational establishments (commune of Cerro Navia, 2013-2016)". Student: Victor Bravo. Tutor: Andrés Núñez
• 2016-2017. Master's thesis, Catholic University of Chile. Title: "Socio-Geographic Analysis of the Production of Protected Areas in the Aysén Region". Student: Manuel Vallejos. Tutor: Andrés Núñez
• 2017-2020. Doctoral Thesis Geography PUC. Title: "Study of the Colombian African-American community". Student: Yilver Mosquera. Tutor: Andrés Núñez
• 2018-2019. Master's thesis, Catholic University of Chile. Title: "Uses and appropriation of the interior sea of Chiloé by artisanal fishermen and salmon farmers in the Dalcahue Zone, Chiloé (1973-2017)". Student: Paulina Utreras. Tutor: Andrés Núñez
• 2018-2019. Master's thesis, Catholic University of Chile. Title: "Practices and Forms of Living in a Border Space. Case study Chile Chico, Aysén, Chile - Los antiguos, Santa Cruz, Argentina". Student: Oscar Urtubia. Tutor: Andrés Núñez
• 2018-2019. Thesis of Magister Geography University of Chile. Title: "Culture and territorial energy vulnerability: the problem of pollution in Coyhaique". Student: Catalina Amigo. Tutors: Anahí Urquiza and Andrés Núñez.
• 2018-2021. Doctoral Thesis Geography University of Buenos Aires. In co-tutorship with Verónica Hollman. Title: "Geographic imagery and power: the social production of the Carretera Austral". Student: Santiago Urrutia. In process.
• 2019-2021. Thesis for the Master's Degree in Geography, Universidad Católica de Chile. Title: Criminal Geography. Spatial analysis of subjects deprived of their liberty. Case study: C.D.P Santiago Sur. Student: Franco Bulnes. In process

Difusión y Transferencia


A) Organization Seminars / International Workshops

• 2014. International VRI Funds Seminar: "Historicity + Geography = Cultural Landscapes. First International and Interdisciplinary Seminar on Cultural Landscapes ". In conjunction with Professor Olaya Sanfuentes of the History Institute.
• 2015. Research Workshop: "Geography, Social Order and Living Space: Patagonia-Aysén from the experience of living". September 8, 2015. Institute of Geography. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
• 2015. International Seminar "Isolation in Aysén: regarding what? Perspectives to re-think the margins of the nation ". The Territory of Aysén as center: Perspectives to re-think the margins of the nation. International guests: Dr. Margarita Serje (Colombia), Dr. Paula Núñez (Argentina). December 3 and 4, 2015. Coyhaique, Region of Aysén.
• 2016. Ibero-American Symposium on the History of Cartography (6SIAHC). "From the world to the map and from the map to the world: objects, scales and imaginary of the territory". Andrés Núñez as a member of the Local Organization Committee of the 6th SIAHC. Held on April 19, 20 and 21, 2016 at the University of Chile and the Catholic University of Chile. International Guest: Graciela Silvestri. Invited and financed by FONDECYT Andrés Núñez.
• 2016. 1st International Seminar: "Geography and Geopolitics through Daily Life". Andrés Núñez (general coordination). Exhibition: "When the nation is far away: practices and experiences of inhabiting the border in Lago Verde-Las Pampas". Held on August 11, 2016. Institute of Geography. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Participants: María Carman (Argentina), Matthew Benwell (England). Seminar organized in conjunction with the School of Geography of the University of Newcastle (United Kingdom).
• 2016. International Seminar VRI Funds: "Historicity + Geography = Cultural Landscapes. 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Seminar on Cultural Landscapes ". In conjunction with Professor Olaya Sanfuentes. September 9, 2016. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. International guests: Luciana Mellado (Argentina) and Juan Manuel Monterroso (Spain).
• 2016. Research Workshop: "Geography, Discourses and Society-Nature Relations. The Territory since its Social Production ". Andrés Núñez (general coordination). Completed November 8, 2016. Faculty of History, Geography and Political Science. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. International guests: Luciana Mellado (Argentina) and Carolina Ardiles (Colombia).
• 2017. 2nd International Seminar: "Researching everyday geopolitics in Latin America". Newcastle University, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS); School of Geography, Politics and Sociology (GPS) and P. Catholic University (Chile). Organizers: Dr. Matthew C. Benwell (Newcastle University), Dr. Andrés Núñez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and Dr. Cordelia Freeman (University of Nottingham).
• 2018. Research Workshop: "The discourses of Nature in Patagonia-Aysén: new geographical imaginaries in the social production of the nation". Andrés Núñez (general coordination). Completed June 5, 2018. Faculty of History, Geography and Political Science. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. International guests: Perla Zusman (Argentina) and Ann Varley (London).
• 2018. International Seminar VRI Funds: "Historicity + Geography = Cultural Landscapes. 3rd International and Interdisciplinary Seminar on Cultural Landscapes". In conjunction with Professor Olaya Sanfuentes. December 6, 2018. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. International guests: Bárbara Mundy (Fordham University, New York) and Verónica Hollman (Universidad de Buenos Aires).
• 2018. Organization of the Second Conference on Culture and Nature, Chile, December 4 and 5, 2018. Study Group Society and Environment (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and Study Groups Culture, Nature, Territory (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Institute of Geography, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
• 2019. Organization of the Workshop between FONDECYT N°1170643 and N°1190855. Culture and Nature: Hyper-objects? Disputed natures and other habitats in Patagonia-Aysén. Friday August 30, 2019 at the Faculty of History, Geography and Political Science, San Joaquín Campus, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. International guest: Clare Beer, from the Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles.

B) Organization Dialogues with Geography

• 2014. Title: "Memory and Desert: nomadic Saharahui between the refugee camps and the walls of the Maghrebian occupation". Guest speaker: Raúl Molina, geographer, and Dr. in Anthropology.
• 2014. Title: "Relationship between space and cyberspace in Colombia's armed conflict". Guest Speaker: Jeffer Chaparro, Ph.D. in Geography, National University of Colombia.
• 2014. Title: "The armed conflict in Colombia is closely linked to the territory." Guest Speaker Jeffer Chaparro Dr. in Geography, National University of Colombia. September 8, 2014.
• 2014. Title: "Borders and identities in Central Patagonia". Invited speaker: Brígida Baeza, Ph.D. in Anthropology, University of Patagonia, Argentina.
• 2014. Title: "Contribution of the geographical perspective in the planning process: the port development of the central zone of Chile". Guest Speaker: Gonzalo Frigerio, Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications Advisor.
• 2015. Title: "The Jungle as a social landscape: the dilemma of the nature-culture relationship". Guest Speaker Margarita Serje, Anthropologist at the University of the Andes (Colombia). November 30, 2015.
• 2016. Title: "The appeal to culture as an argument for socio-spatial segregation". Guest speaker María Carman, Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires. August 12, 2016.
• 2016. Title: "Geopolitics of everyday life in the Southern Cone". Guest speaker Mathew Benwell, Doctor in Geography from the University of Newcastle (United Kingdom). September 2016.
2017. Title: "The appeal to culture as an argument for socio-spatial segregation". Guest speaker María Carman, Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires. August 12, 2016.
• 2018. Title: "Domestic spaces and mobile identities: reflections from gender geography". Guest speaker Dr. Ann Varley of the UCL (University College London). June, 2018.
• 2018. Title: "Historical geographies visible and invisible, audible and inaudible". Guest speaker Dra. Perla Zusman- geógrafa de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. june, 2018.
• 2018. Title "Colonial spaces, national territories. About corruption and sovereignties in the extreme south of Argentina and Chile. 1830-1920”. Guest speaker Alberto Harambour. D. in History, Universidad Austral de Chile. May 2018
• 2018. Title: "Two sides of the same coin. Politics and technique, two intrinsic aspects of Argentine cartographic knowledge". Guest speaker Malena Mazzitelli Mastricchio, PhD in Geography from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). October 2018.
• 2019. Title: "Geography, nature and genre. A look from eco-feminism". Guest speaker: Paula Gabriela Núñez. Doctor in Philosophy from the National University of Rio Negro, Argentina. Event held within the framework of the course Cultural Geography: space, memory and society. April 2019.
• 2019. Title: "Cartographic caricatures: a genre and a modus scribendi of geopolitical discourses". Guest speaker: Carla Lois. Doctor in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Event held within the framework of the course Cultural Geography: space, memory and society. May 2019.
• 2019. Title: Local identity, practices and spatial representations in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Guest speaker: Esperanza Hernández Árziga from the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Event held within the framework of the course Cultural Geography: space, memory and society. October 2019.
• 2020. Title: Greenmarkets and Philanthropic Capitalism in Chilean Patagonia: Networks, publicity and deployment of a territorial aesthetic device. Guest speaker: Ayleen Martínez Wong from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Event held within the framework of the course Cultural Geography: space, memory and society. June, 2020.


a) Attendance at congresses, seminars and meetings of the specialty

• 2011. IX Argentine-Chilean Congress of Historical Studies and Cultural Integration. April 25, 26 and 27, 2011. San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro National University.
• 2011. II International Binational Argentine-Chilean Workshop. Araucania-Norpatagonia: Culture and Space. San Carlos de Bariloche, April 28-30, 2011. Exhibition on the processes of the significance of the border.
• 2011. Scientific Tourism Workshop. Center for Research on Ecosystems in Patagonia (CIEP) as a researcher-scientist guest. Coyhaique, September 2011
• 2012. XXXII National Congress and XVII International Congress of Geography: "How is the concept of border defined today? Between political geography and cultural geography", Valparaíso, Chile.
• 2012. XII International Colloquium on Geocriticism "Independences and the Construction of National States. Power, territorialization and socialization, XIX-XX Century. Colombia, Bogotá, 7-11 May 2012.
• 2012. 54th International Congress of Americanists. Austria, Vienna, July 2012. Symposium on Borders and States in the 21st Century. Exhibition: "Globalization and privatization of the State: where is the national border installed?
• 2013. III International Binational Argentine-Chilean Workshop. Araucania-Norpatagonia: Culture and Space. April, Chile, Pucón. Exhibition: "Border and hermeneutics: space as text and the geographical imaginaries of the nation (Chile, 21st century)".
• 2013. X Argentine-Chilean Congress of Historical Studies and Cultural Integration. April 2013. Pucón, Chile. "Borders and National States: discursive bipolarity".
• 2013. I Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Mountain Regions in Chile. August, 2013, Chile. As a Table Organizer: "Borders, Mountains and Geographic Imaginaries" and as an exhibitor with "Center-Periphery Expressions in Border Discourses".
• 2014. Research Workshop: "Geography and Postcoloniality: Patagonia-Aysen and the social construction of peripheral geography of the nation". Andrés Núñez, Álvaro Bello, Enrique Aliste. Held October 21, 2014, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Brígida Baeza, Argentine Anthropologist, was invited to this workshop as international cooperation.
• 2014. XXXV National and XX International Congress of Geography. Chilean Patagonia: Territory of the Future. November, Coyhaique. Table Organization: "Frontiers and Geographic Imaginaries. The social production of Patagonia-Aysén".
• 2014. VI Conference on the History of Patagonia. November. Cipoletti, Neuquén, Argentina. Exhibitor Andrés Núñez: "The social production of nature in Patagonia-Aysén: Life Reserve and Territorial Control".
• 2014. International Seminar-Workshop "Towards a Hermeneutic of Territory: Representations and Imaginaries in Social and Cultural Geography". December 2014. Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography, University of Chile. Speaker Andrés Núñez: "Perspectives, silences and power: reflections on the order of the geographical discourse"
• 2014. Colloquium "Research Projects FONDECYT. Old challenges and new approaches". Universidad de la Frontera 11 and 12 December, Temuco. Exhibitor Andrés Núñez: Project "Late Borders, Current Borders: the Territory of Patagonia-Aysén in the Construction of the Nation's Geographic Imaginary. Chile, 20th and 21st centuries".
• 2015. XIII International Geocritical Colloquium. May 2014. Spain, Barcelona. Exhibitor Andrés Núñez: "The discourse of development in Patagonia-Aysén: the conservation and protection of nature as devices of a renewed colonization. Chile, XX-XXI centuries".
• 2015. VII Annual Colloquium "Diversity in Science-Diverse Sciences: Integration of Perspectives in Binational Social Sciences". Speakers Andrés Núñez, Álvaro Bello, Enrique Aliste: "On behalf of Nature: neo-colonization, territorial control and uprooting in Patagonia-Aysén". Held in May 2015. National University of Río Negro, Argentina.
• 2015 IV Binational Argentine-Chilean Workshop "Araucania- Norpatagonia: Culture and Space". Andrés Núñez Exhibition: "Green discourse and territorial representation in Patagonia-Aysén". It was part of the Axis "Cultural practices and material expressions". May 2015. National University of Río Negro, Argentina.
• 2015. 8th NOLAN Congress: "The struggles of resources in Latin America". Exhibitors Andrés Núñez and Enrique Aliste: "In the name of Nature: neo-colonization, environmental conservation and property control in Patagonia-Aysén (Chile)". Held June 11-13, 2015. University of Helsiki, Finland.
• 2015. Chile-France Forum for Higher Education, Research and Innovation. Within the framework of President Michelle Bachelet's visit to France, the Chile-France Academic Forum was held, organized by the University of Chile and the Pontifical Catholic University, with the support of CONICYT. Held on June 9, 2015. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris, France.
• 2015. XXXVI National and XXI International Congress of Geography. University Academy of Christian Humanism. Speakers Andrés Núñez and Enrique Aliste: "Chilean Patagonia (Aysén as text): Discourse on Development as agents of Production of Territories". Held from October 19 to 24, 2015. School of Geography. University Academy of Christian Humanism.
• 2016. Second Colloquium: Borders, Identities and Formation of the State in the Margins. Presentation Andrés Núñez (guest): "Patagonia-Aysén, the nation's periphery: the discourse of nature as a new capitalist utopia (Chile, 21st century)". Held Tuesday, January 19, 2016. University of La Frontera, Temuco.
• 2016. XIV International Colloquium on Geocriticism "Utopias and the construction of the society of the future". Exhibitors Andrés Núñez, Álvaro Bello, Enrique Aliste: "Patagonia-Aysén, Reserva de Vida: the discourse of nature as a new capitalist utopia (Chile, XXI century)". May 2 and 7, 2016. Spain, Barcelona.
• 2016. 33rd International Congress of Geography "Geographical Imaginations" (Commission "Cultural Approach in Geography"). Andrés Núñez and Enrique Aliste (Guests), Paper: "In the name of Nature: Eco-Colonisation, Environmental Conservation and Borderland as a Business in Patagonia Aysén". Held 21-25 August 2016. Organized by the International Geographical Union, held at the International Convention Center in the city of Beijing, China.
• 2017. XXXVII National and XXII International Geography Congress. University of La Frontera. Exhibitors Andrés Núñez and Enrique Aliste: "The new productions of nature: eco-extractivism, green landscapes and the paradoxes of the environmental discourses of Chilean Patagonia".
• 2017. Knowledge Culture Ecologies International Conference. 15-18 Nov. 2017. Universidad Diego Portales: "Eco-colonialism and the discourses of nature in Patagonia-Aysén: new geographical imaginaries and renewed processes of territorial control".
• 2017. First Conference Culture-Nature, "Natureza não tem fim. Geographic perspectives and debates on contemporary practices of appropriation of nature". Buenos Aires, 4 and 5 December 2017. Lecture: Green Too Green: Eco-Capitalist Narratives in Patagonia-Aysén (or the Business of Difference in Patagonia-Aysén). Organized by Culture, Nature and Territory Group. Institute of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, University of Buenos Aires.
• 2018. "XXXIX National and XXIV International Congress of Geography, University City, Concepción, Biobío Region". Title: "Frontiers of the State: spatial limitations of the view from the center". Exhibition Andrés Núñez: Beyond discourses, practices: daily life and living in the Lago Verde (Chile)-Las Pampas (Argentina) border. Held at the Universidad de Concepción from Tuesday 23 to Friday 26 October 2018.
• 2018. XIX Conference on Regional History of Chile, "Identities and Integration from the South". Organizer with Paula Núñez (Argentina) of Mesa: Senses of Nature and Geographic Imaginaries of Patagonia". Held from 13 to 16 November 2018, Castro, Chiloé.
• 2018. Study Group "Culture, Nature, Territory". Directed by the Argentine geographer Perla Zusman, Conference "Nation, globalization and imaginaries geográ?cos". Exhibition Andrés Núñez: "When the nation is far away: daily borders in the Lago Verde pass (Aysén- Chile)- Aldea las Pampas (Chubut-Argentina)". Held on August 2 and 3 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
• 2018. Second Conference Culture-Nature, "Natures/Cultures in dispute: Perspectives and spatial-temporal debates on the appropriation of Nature". Exhibition Andrés Núñez: Eco-extractivism and the end of cheap nature. Chile, 4 and 5 December 2018. Group of Studies Society and Environment (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and Groups of Studies Culture, Nature, Territory (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Institute of Geography, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
• 2019. XVI Annual Cycle of Conferences of the Department of Geography "The Regional Expression of Global Environmental Change". Exhibition Andrés Núñez: "The new frontiers of the capital: nature in Patagonia-Aysén (Chile) as stock and ecological surplus". Bogotá, Colombia, October 21-22, 2019. Alfonso López Pumarejo Convention Center - National University of Colombia. Bogotá D.C.
• 2019. Symposium on Spatial and Contemporary Studies of the Amazon and Patagonia: Geographies and Borders in Movement. Held on September 26 and 27 at the Universidad Austral de Chile, Science Faculty, Auditorium. Name of the table: frontier, accumulation by dispossession and territorial policies.
2019. VII Seminar "An encounter with our history. Aysén: immigrants of all times" Regional Museum of Aysén Auditorium June 20-21, 2019. Society of History and Geography of Aysén. Lecture Andrés Núñez, Santiago Urrutia and Enrique Aliste (21 June 2019): Pioneers? Homeland? Sovereignty, exploitation and nature in Aysén (20th and 21st centuries)

(b) Conferences

• 2014. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Exhibition Andrés Núñez: "Late Borders, Current Borders: the Territory of Patagonia-Aysén in the Construction of the Nation's Geographic Imaginary. Chile, XX and XXI centuries" (Fondecyt Project Nº 1141169).
• 2015. "XXI Colombian Congress on Geography: Territorial transformations and societies in conflict". Andrés Núñez (guest speaker): "In the name of nature: neo-colonization, environmental conservation and property control in Patagonia-Aysén. Held October 7-10, 2015. Cali, Colombia.
• 2016. Study Group "Nature, Culture and Territory" led by Argentine geographer Perla Zusman. Exhibition Andrés Núñez: "Patagonia-Aysén, Life Reserve: the discourse of nature as a new capitalist utopia (Chile, XXI century)". Held July 2016. Institute of Geography of the University of Buenos Aires. Argentina.
• 2016. 4th International Congress on Environmental History. Andrés Núñez (international guest together with Aliste, Enrique). Participation in two round tables: "Historia Ambiental na América do Sul: desafios contemporáneos" and "Território, Fronteira e Natureza na América do Sul". Held September 12-14, 2016. Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The meeting took place at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
• 2017. Day of the Week of Geography (Metropolitan Area of Students of Geography), May 24, U. of Chile. "Borders as territorial history. Towards a critique of the excess of identity".
• 2018. XI Patagonian Geography Conference and I International Congress of Geography of Argentine-Chilean Patagonia, "Contradictions of development and alternative horizons". Closing lecture Andrés Núñez: "Capitalocene? Eco-extractivism and geopolitics of the peripheries: the business of difference in Chilean Patagonia". Held on September 26, 27 and 28, at the Faculty of Humanities, National University of Comahue.
• 2019. Colloquium "Border in the Americas". Conference Andrés Núñez and Enrique Aliste: The new frontiers of capital: nature in Patagonia-Aysén (Chile) as stock and ecological surplus. Held on June 11-13, 2019 at the University of Grenoble Alps.


Article (30)

Interrogating green discourses in Patagonia-Aysén (Chile): green grabbing and eco-extractivism as a new strategy of capitalism?
La Mercancía- Espectáculo de las redes sociales: La producción del paisaje edénico y la reserva de vida en Patagonia-Aysén
"Wild and Rugged Nature": Nature's Imaginaries in the Construction of the Carretera Austral, Chile 1973-1990
Bringing the Falklands/Malvinas home: young people’s everyday engagements with geopolitics in domestic space
Eco-extractivism and discourses of nature in Patagonia-Aysén: new geographical imaginaries and renewed territorial control processes
Flagging the nations: Citizens’ active engagements with everyday nationalism in Patagonia, Chile
Minor geographies, everyday geographies: the construction of the national citizen in Chile Chico, Region of Aysén
Understanding space from other scales: lived geographies as everyday geography and geopolitics
Discourses of nature in new perceptions of the natural landscape in Southern Chile
The "frontiers of development" in the capitalist production of space in Chile
Environmental discourses and border processes in patagonia-Aysén (Chile): From the landscapes of the weed to the sacred forest
Fleeing landscapes. Imaginaries and geographic architectures in Patagonia
From a geographical mountain to mountain geographies. A social geography analysis of the Chilean Andes
The power of maps, the maps of power: The construction of geographic knowledge about Patagonia-Aysén
The social production of borders (De-naturalizing borders policies in Latin America)
When the nation is far away: Everyday experiencies of borders in the Lago Verde pass (Aysén-Chile) and Aldea Las Pampas (Chubut-Argentina)
Geographic Silences in Patagonia Aysén: Territory, Nomadism and Perspectives to Rethink the Margins of the Nation in the 19th Century
The boundaries of geographical discourse: time and space in the social research
Patagonia Aysen in the construction of the geographical imaginary of the nation
Discourse of development in Patagonia-Aysen: conservation and protection of nature as the renewed devices of colonization. Chile, XX-XXI centuries
Graciela Silvestri. El lugar común. Una historia de las figuras de paisaje en el Río de la Plata.
Geografía, historicidad y hermenéutica
Geography, Historicity and Hermeneutics. A conversation with the French geographer Dr. Alain Musset
La historicidad del espacio
The frontier conceals the mountain: invisibility of the Andes in the Chilean-Argentinian Northern Patagonia
THE LAND OF THE WATERSHED: MOVING BORDERS and imaginary territorial in nation building. CHILE. XVIII-XIX
La ciudad como sujeto: formas y procesos de su constitución moderna en Chile, siglos XVIII y XIX
The city as a subject: forms and processes of its modern constitution in Chile: 18th and 19th centuries
Geographic isolation: stress or opportunity for territories ? Cross-perspectives through chilean Patagonia
Territorial identities in Chile: Between globalization and regionalism

BookReview (4)

Sebastián Valverde, Graciela Maragliano, Marcelo Impemba y Florencia Trentini (Coordinadores). Historical processes, social transformations and frontier constructions. Approaches to inter-ethnic relations. Studies on Norpatagonia, Argentina and Labrador, Canadá
The commonplace. A History of the figures of landscape in Rio de la Plata.
Historical processes, social transformations and constructions of borders. Approaches to ethnic relations.
Carlos de Mattos. Globalization and urban metamorphosis in Latin America

BookSection (17)

Conservationism and Sustainable Development in Patagonia Aysén: Environmental Business and New Forms of Coloniality (1989 - present)
Geographies of the sublime and the process of tourism in Aysén-Patagonia. Tourism, territory and power
Patagonia Aysen in the construction of the geographical imaginary of the nation. Chile, XX-XXI centuries
Drawing the Nation's Margins: Narratives and Speeches of Patagonia-Aysen's Travelers-Explorers in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Geography and Hermeneutics: Space as a social mirror of a nation
Frontier bipolarity: dialectic between globalization, privatization of the State and the territoriality of the nation. Chile, XXI century
Geographic imaginaries and frontiers in Chile. The social construction of the Andes mountain
Beyond the line: the mountain and the border from its plurality of temporal space
Defining a geography for the nation: the territorial resignification of Chile, XVIII-XIX centuries
Frontier, globalization and state deconstruction: towards a critical political geography
Production of geographic frontiers and imaginaries: from nationalization to the globalization of the Andes mountain. Chile, XX and XXI centuries
The Economic Geography of Chile: the study and knowledge of the territory as sustenance for the reconstruction and promotion of the nation's production
The Economic Geography of Chile: the study and knowledge of the territory in the promotion of the economic production of the nation
Frontier territories, isolated territories: dynamic conceptos of historical construction ( meaning processes)
Geographic isolation in the French coastal islands and in the Aysén region of Chilean Patagonia: first comparative elements
Multiplicity of views and valorization of geographic isolation in the Region of Aysén
Strong and weak territorial discourses: tension or coexistence? Chile, XIX-XX Centuries

BookWhole (10)

Geographies of the becoming. Hermeneutics and geographical narrative (Referato Externo)
Imaginary geographies and the oasis of development. Climate change and the promise of future splendour (Referato Externo)
(The) Other Geographies in Chile. Social perspectives and critical approaches (Referato Externo)
A journey through geography: a geography for the world, a geography for all world
Araucanía-Norpatagonia II: La fluidez, lo disruptivo y el sentido de la frontera.
Geographical Imaginaries, Practices and Frontier Discourses: Aisén from the text of the nation
Araucanía Norpatagonia: Discourses and Representations of Materiality
Araucanía-Norpatagonia: material expressions and representations of practices, political-economic and socio-cultural
Frontiers in movement and geographic imaginaries. The Andes mountain as a cultural space
Geographic isolation: a problem or an opportunity? experiences, interpretations and public policies

ConferencePaper (1)

Patagonia-Aysén, life reserve: nature discourse as a new capitalist utopia (Chile, XXI century)

EditorialMaterial (1)

Historicity of space

Proyecto (5)

Interacciones geográficas-ambientales: Vinculando los sistemas socio ecológicos con la historia ambiental. Valle Exploradores, Patagonia Occidental, Región de Aysén
Naturalezas, territorios y paisajes forestales: imaginario verde y nuevas desigualdades socio-ambientales en la geografía social
CONICYT-FONDECYT REGULAR Project (2017-2021): "The discourse of Nature in Patagonia-Aysén: new geographical imaginaries in the production of the nation's space (Chile, 1990-2016)
Andrés Núñez

Profesor asociado



Santiago, Chile

Enrique Aliste

Full Professor


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile