
Jorge Antonio Pontt Olivares


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Power Electronics Systems; Reliability & Power Quality; Electrical &Electronics Systems for Mineral Processing; High-Power Gearless Mill Drives


  •  Electrical Engineer, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 1977
  •  Electrical Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 1977

Experiencia Académica

  •   Professor Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    1977 - 1989

  •   Professor Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    1990 - At present

  •   Guest Professor Full Time



    2000 - 2001

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Director Other

    Centre for Automation and Supervision of Mining Industry - Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María

    Valparaiso, Chile

    2004 - 2012

  •   Director Other

    Laboratory for Reliability and Power Quality-Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

    Valparaiso, Chile

    1996 - At present

  •   Director Full Time

    Millennium Nucleus Industrial Electronics and Mechatronics

    Valparaíso, Chile

    2005 - 2008

  •   Director Full Time

    Millennium Nucleus Industrial Electronics, Mechatronics and Process Control

    Valparaíso, Chile

    2009 - 2012

Formación de Capital Humano

NEIM, Millennium Nucleus Industrial Electronics, Mechatronis and Process Control, with participation of researcher groups from UTFSM and PUC, has received two times the recognition from the Program of Excellence Millennium Scientific Initiative regarding two 3-year terms (2005-2009) and (2010-2012). NEIM has considered and motivated young researchers as the key for sustainability. Enhancement of the joint work with industrial sector is needed to open the way for new learning and access to practical know-how. Meetings and activities to expose young researchers to the current challenges of the industry and the development of capability to effective field working is being gradually increasing. Facing this challenges are our missions to accomplish focus in development of highly qualified human resources in science and technology related to Industrial Electronics. In this way we are achieved in the past years finish 16 undergraduate, 5 master and 1 doctoral theses in the field oriented to practical industrial applications.
Jorge Pontt as Director of NEIM has conducted the guidance of following works, with impact on human capital training, innovation and entrepreneurship:
In the year 2010 was finished 7 undergraduate and 2 master theses keeping in course 5 undergraduate, 2 master and 3 Physic Doctoral works.
In the year 2011 was finished 3 undergraduate degree theses, keeping in course 6 undergraduate, 2 masters and 3 Physic Doctoral works.
Last in 2012 was finished 6 undergraduate, 3 master and 1 physic doctoral theses keeping in course 4 undergraduate, 2 master and 2 physic doctoral works.

Difusión y Transferencia

4 patents granted from 2010 to 2012 and others 9 applied waiting to defend those appliances (four of them international).
Chilean Patent nº48356 in energy mining sector granted in 2012, the invention relates to a method and apparatus for preventing faults in electrical / electronic industrial systems on mining environments in high altitudes, through the use of certain sensing variables such as current, whether input and ground voltages, operating temperature, impacts and abnormal vibration, pressure and humidity.
Chilean patent nº47667 in mining sector granted in 2011, the invention specify a system and method for monitoring and measuring the ring gap motors present in mineral grinding mills, giving and extra info to develop maintenance program cutting downtime due to unscheduled stops mineral grinding mills.
Chilean patent nº46971 for general industry sector granted in 2010, the invention specify a system and method for measuring conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) to allow a diagnosis of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) according to international norms on equipment under test (EUT) three-phase industrial power.
Chilean patent nº46824 for mining industry sector granted in 2010, the invention specify a system and method for measurement and classification of impacts inside a rotary mill and its operative control in a mineral grinding process, giving extra data of the operating condition of the mill to establish a better operation point improving the efficiency of the mill.
Also in the last 3 years we have development several seminars, in the field of power electronics and energy processing and renewable energy generation such as photovoltaic and oceanic generating with waves, current and tide. It allows students to present research works in these seminars, being a the first step to encourage them to apply to more advanced scientific research publications and presentations in international conferences.
In previous years and in collaboration with the funding of Millennium Nucleus program we generated efforts to give secondary education tools to motivate students in the field or power electronics, one of this examples is the giving of power electronics modules to schools of the region and a set of exercises to test those.
Previously in year 2007, NEIM has supported the creation of CASIM, Center for Automation and Supervision of Mining Industry at UTFSM, with the aim of broadening the networking with productive sector. In the last years 2010-2012, increasing activities with applied R&D as well as consulting to the industry has been supported, giving synergy between basic and applied R&D, with fueling innovation and entrepreneurship.
During 2012 NEIM has also supported a new “Diploma Program for New Technologies in the mining” for improving the training of professionals around current challenges, problems, technologies and trends in Energy, Mining and Technology issues.
In year 2008, NEIM conducted a study for determining the potentials of Energy Efficiency and Renewable energies (NCRE) to be injected to the Chilean Central Interconnected System SIC in the year 2025. The study had a powerful participation, interaction and discussions among researchers of NEIM, UTFSM, U. de Chile, ONG’s, Enterprises, Institutional sector and consulters. The impact was very important to show potentials and critical factors to be overcome. After this study, NCRE has gained a stronger perception in the community. One of the result was, the development of a simplified methodology to do the assessment for Levelized Cost of Energy, in order to have a common tool for evaluation of NCRE potential under different scenarios. Other important result was the estimation that, from 40.000 GWH energy demand (2008), in year 2025, the demand would be ca. 106.000 GWH in the SIC, and 40% of the added demand could be fed by NCRE. Other impact was highlighting the need of an actualized energy policy for clean energy and environmental issues and technical and legal framework. One corner stone for the development of energy sector is the human capital training in hard technologies, power engineering and smart systems for energy processing.

Minera Los Pelambres received the prize Benjamín Teplizky 2012
It is interesting to highlight that Minera Los Pelambres received the prize “Benjamín Teplizky 2012” for the project “Energy generation with mineral transportation belt system”, that injects ca. 22 MW in the power grid employing the braking energy of the downhill conveyor from Crusher at the mine to the Concentrator plant. At the time of the engineering phase, the director of NEIM was the consulter on drives and power electronics regarding the technical topics and issues for this recognized innovation.


Article (49)

A Novel Noninvasive Failure-Detection System for High-Power Converters Based on SCRs
Optimization of DC-DC Converters for Improved Electromagnetic Compatibility With High Energy Physics Front-End Electronics
Analysis of a Stator Earth Fault Protection System of a Medium Voltage Converter-fed Synchronous Motor
Impact of Process and Energy Efficiency in Mineral Processing on Abatement of Carbon Emissions
Control Strategies Based on Symmetrical Components for Grid-Connected Converters Under Voltage Dips
Current topics on reliability of high power electrical machines employed in mining applications
Diagnostics of insulation condition and risk evaluation of electrical machines employed in mining application
Network-Friendly Low-Switching-Frequency Multipulse High-Power Three-Level PWM Rectifier
Power Electronics Tools-software for effective training and engineering in mining applications
Current-source converter and cycloconverter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Predictive Strategy to Control Common-Mode Voltage in Loads Fed by Matrix Converters
High-power machine drive, using nonredundant 27-level inverters and active front end rectifiers
Multilevel voltage-source-converter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
Operation of high-power cycloconverter-fed gearless drives under abnormal conditions
Predictive control of a three-phase neutral-point-clamped inverter
Resonances and overvoltages in a medium-voltage fan motor drive with long cables in an underground mine
Cycloconverter behavior for a grinding mill drive under firing pulses fault conditions
High-power LCI grinding mill drive under faulty conditions
Large current rectifiers: State of the art and future trends
Matrix converter controlled with the direct transfer function approach: analysis, modelling and simulation
Multilevel inverter modulation method with DC-link disturbance compensation
Novel Cell based on Reduced Single-phase Active Front End for Multicell Converters
Output sinus filter for medium voltage drive with direct torque control
Predictive control of a three-phase neutral point clamped inverter
Predictive power control of an AC/DC/AC converter
PWM regenerative rectifiers: State of the art
Resonances in a high-power active-front-end rectifier system
Technical evaluation and practical experience of high-power grinding mill drives in mining applications
A new modulation method to reduce common-mode voltages in multilevel inverters
Design of fast and robust current regulators for high-power drives based on complex state variables
Direct torque control with imposed switching frequency in an 11-level cascaded inverter
Hysteresis current control of a vector controlled induction motor and DTC: an assessment
Mitigation of noneliminated harmonics of SHEPWM three-level multipulse three-phase active front end converters with low switching frequency for meeting standard IEEE-519-92
MONSAG: A new monitoring system for measuring the load filling of a SAG mill
Operating experience of shovel drives for mining applications
Predictive control of three-phase inverter
Recent advances in mining haul trucks
Resonance effects, power quality and reliability issues of high-power converters-fed drives employed in modern SAG circuits
Simple direct torque control of induction machine using space vector modulation
A high-performance vector control of an 11-level inverter
Method to increase reliability in 5-level inverter
Modeling and analysis of common-mode voltages generated in medium voltage PWM-CSI drives
High-voltage multilevel converter with regeneration capability
Input Current Harmonics in a Regenerative Multi-cell Inverter with Single Phase Active Rectifiers
Novel 20-MW downhill conveyor system using three-level converters
Regenerative drives in the megawatt range for high-performance downhill belt conveyors
Failure Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive in Field Weakening Operation

ConferencePaper (56)

High-power drives for energy efficiency and abatement of carbon emissions in mineral processing
Predictive current control of a multilevel active filter for industrial installations
Predictive control of active filtering for industrial mining installations
Real-Time Interharmonics Detection and Measurement Based on FFT Algorithm
Real-time testing for interharmonics measurement and detection based on FFT algorithm
Design and evaluation criteria for high power drives
High Power Synchronous Machine fed by a Cascaded Regenerative Inverter
Interharmonics Power Losses Estimation in Power Transformer fed High Power Cycloconverter Drive
Predictive Strategy to Reduce Common-Mode Voltages on Power Converters
Reduction of Switching Losses and Increase in Efficiency of Power Converters using Predictive Control
Requirements and evaluation of an active harmonic filter application in an actual Industrial installation
Balanced grid currents in three-level voltage-source inverters connected to the utility under distorted condition using symmetrical components and linear quadratic regulator
Comparison of control strategies to meet low voltage ride-through requirements in distributed power generation systems
Control of Neutral-Point-Clamped converter in distributed power generation to fulfil Low Voltage Ride-Through requirements
Developing a simple, modern and cost effective system for EMC pre-compliance measurements of conducted emissions
Fast on-line symmetrical components separation method for synchronization and control purposes in three phase distributed power generation systems
Fault tolerant reconfiguration system for asymmetric multilevel converters using bi-directional power switches
Mitigation of sympathetic interaction between power transformers fed by long Over Head Lines caused by inrush transient currents
Model-based fault diagnosis applied to 6-pulse cycloconverter
New methodology for analysis and diagnosis of sympathetic interaction of inrush currents in power transformers for detecting abnormal operating conditions
Power distribution in hybrid multi-cell converter with nearest level modulation
Predictive direct torque control of an induction motor fed by a matrix converter
Up-rating of electrical drives in mining installations
Cycloconverter drive system for fault diagnosis study: Real time model, simulation and construction
Direct Torque Control With Reduced Switching Losses for Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drives
High performance torque and flux control for multilevel inverter fed induction motors
Integrated monitoring and Control of Cycloconverter Drive System for Fault Diagnosis and Predictive Maintenance
Interharmonic currents assessment in high-power cycloconverter-fed drives
Multicarrier PWM with DC-link ripple feedforward for multilevel inverters
Resonance mitigation and dynamical behavior of systems with harmonic filters for improving reliability in mining plants
Safety, reliability and economics in mining systems
A reduced switching frequency modulation algorithm for high power multilevel inverters
Improving operational performance of industrial systems with high-power rectifiers
Network friendly low-switching frequency high-power three-level PWM rectifier
24-pulse active front end rectifier with low switching frequency
A novel direct torque control scheme for induction machines with space vector modulation
High-power regenerative converter for ore transportation under failure conditions
New method for detection of harmful impacts on shell liners in large grinding mills
Operation of a medium-voltage drive under faulty conditions
Operation of a medium-voltage drive under faulty conditions 8.14
Operation of high power cyclo converter-fed gearless drives under abnormal conditions
Operation of high power cycloconverter-fed Gearless Drives under Abnormal Conditions
Predictive current control of a voltage source inverter
Resonances and overvoltages in a medium voltage fan motor drive with long cables in an underground mine
A mitigation method for non-eliminated harmonics of SHEPWM three-level multipulse three-phase active front end converter
Current issues on high-power cycloconverter-fed gearless motor drives for grinding mills
Digital signal processing course innovations for power electronics practice
Direct torque control with imposed switching frequency and torque ripple minimization in an 11-level cascaded inverter
Mitigation of non-eliminated harmonics of SHEPWM three-level multipulse three-phase active front end converters with low switching frequency for meeting standard IEEE-519-92
Technical evaluation and practical experience of high power grinding mill drives in mining applications
Topologies for regenerative cascaded multilevel inverters
Topologies for regenerative cascaded multilevel inverters.
Input current harmonics in a regenerative multi-cell inverter with single-phase active rectifiers
Novel 20 MW downhill conveyor system using three-level converters
'Regenerative drives in the megawatt range for high performance downhill belt conveyors'
Regenerative drives in the megawatt range for high performance downhill belt conveyors

Patent (7)

System and method for monitoring an industrial (EBM) critical availability of networked phasic or mono-phase supply to prevent failures in electrical and industrial electronic systems using electromagnetic interference information, temperature and relative humidity/Sistema y método de monitoreo de un equipo industrial (EBM) de disponibilidad crítica conectada a la red de alimentación trifásica o mono fásica para la prevención de fallas en sistemas eléctricos y electrónicos industriales que utilizan información de la interferencia electromagnética, temperatura y humedad relativa del aire
System and method for monitoring and measuring the ring entrhierro engines present minerale grinding mills
System and method for measurement and classification of impacts inside a rotary mill and its operative control in a mineral grinding process
System and method to measure electromagnetic interference (EMI) condiucida allowing a diagnosis of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) according to international standards, equipment under test (EUT) three phase electrical industrial use/Sistema y método para medir interferencia electromagnética (EMI) condiucida que permite realizar un diagnóstico de compatibilidad electromagnética (EMC) de acuerdo a normas internacionales, en equipos bajo prueba (EUT) electricos trifasicos de uso industrial
System and method for monitoring smart actuators grinding mineral grinding process/Sistema y método de monitoreo inteligente para accionamientos de molienda en proceso de molienda de minerales
System to determine and analyze the dynamic internal load in revolving mills, for mineral grinding
System and method of measuring and classifying the impacts inside a revolving mill used in mineral grinding

Proyecto (8)

Enhancement of reliability and efficiency in grinding mill drives
Electromagnetic stresses in ring motors fed by high-power cycloconverter used by gearless grinding mills
Millennium Nucleus Industrial Electronics, Mechatronics and Process Control
Valuation and Transfer Technologies for Improving Availability and Reliability Industrial Systems EMC improved by controlling, monitoring and mitigation of EMI phenomena Conducted
Diagnosis and detection of abnormal conditions in High-Power Cycloconverter-fed drives employed in grinding mills
National Network for Doctoral Program on Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Improving performance of industrial Proocesses with multilevel converters
Millennium Nucleus Industrial Electronics and Mechatronics
Jorge Pontt


Electronics Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Cesar Silva

Profesor Adjunto (Associate Professor)

Departamento de Electrónica


Valparaiso, Chile

Samir Kouro

Associate Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Marcelo Pérez

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Pablo Lezana

Associate Professor

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

José Rodríguez

Full Professor

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Weinstein

Associate professor


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile

Luis Morán


Concepción, Chile

Eduardo Silva

Associate Professor

Electronic Engineering

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile

Alvaro Liendo

Profesor asistente

Instituto de Matemática

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Evelyn Silva

Directora Ejecutiva


Universidad Mayor de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Héctor Carrasco

Assistant professor



Valparaíso, Chile

José Espinoza

Profesor Titular



Concepcion, Chile

Eduardo Wiechmann

Profesor Titular

Ingenieria Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Ricardo Olivares



Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile