Julio Bernardo Aracena Lucero
Full Professor
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile
discrete mathematics, mathematical modeling, computer science, complex systems
engineering science with a major in mathematics modeling, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2001
applied mathematics, UNIVERSITE JOSEPH FOURIER. Francia, 2001
Mathematical engineer, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1997
Assistant Professor Full Time
Cs. Físicas y Matemáticas
Concepción, Chile
2004 - 2007
Associate Professor Full Time
Cs. Físicas y Matemáticas
Concepcion, Chile
2008 - 2015
Full Professor Full Time
Cs. Físicas y Matemáticas
Concepción, Chile
2016 - At present
Postdoc Full Time
Lyon, Francia
2002 - 2003
chief of mathematical engineering career Full Time
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile
2012 - 2016
Director of the Mathematical Engineering Department Full Time
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile
2020 - At present
Supervision of research and postdoctoral stays:
• Florian Bridoux. Linit cycles in Boolean networks with different update schedules. Postdoctoral stay. Funded by the French government. January-December, 2006.
• Mathilde Noual. On update schedules and dynamics of Boolean networks. Master 1 stay, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France. Funded by the French government. June-August, 2008.
• Loic Forest. Multiscale modeling of the ventral furrow formation in Drosophila Melanogaster. Postdoctoral stay. Funded by the French government. August-October, 2006.
Training of doctoral students:
• Luis Cabrera C. Study of the block-sequential operator on Boolean networks. Application to discrete network analysis. Ph. D. in Computer Science. Universidad de Concepción. Co-advisors: Dra. Lilian Salinas A. In progress.
• Katerin De la hoz. Synchronization in Boolean networks. Ph. D. in Computer Science. Universidad de Concepción. Co-advisors: Dra. Lilian Salinas A. In progress.
• Luis Gómez G. Update Schedules in Regulatory Networks. Ph. D. in Mathematical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción. Co-advisor: Dra. Lilian Salinas A., Universidad de Concepción. Ended in January, 2015.
• Marco Montalva M. Feedback set problems and dynamical behavior in regulatory networks. Ph. D. in Mathematical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción. Co-advisor: Dr. Jacques Demongeot, Universitseph Fourier, France. Ended in August, 2011.
Training of master students:
• Ignacio Osorio. VC-dimension in Boolean networks. Magister en Ciencias de la Computación. Co-advisor: Lilian Salinas. Universidad de Concepción. In progress.
• Eduardo Palma. Enumeración de esquemas bloque-secuenciales que satifacen restricciones locales. Magister en Ciencias de la Computación. Co-advisor: Lilian Salinas. Universidad de Concepción. Ended in March, 2015.
• Bruno Karelovic. Estudio espacio temporal de patrones en el modelamiento discreto de la dinámica delictual. Magister en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Concepción. Ended in August 2012.
Training of undergraduate students:
• Katerin De la Hoz. Fixed points in Boolean networks with intercyclic interaction graph. Mathematical Engineering, U. de Concepción. Ended in December 2020.
• Felipe Benítez. “Embedding signed digraphs in the circumference ”. Student of mathematical engineering, U. of Concepción. Co-advisor: Dr. Christopher Thraves. Ended in June 2017.
• Ricardo de la Paz. “Frozen nodes of fixed points in Boolean networks ”. Student of mathematical engineering, U. of Concepción. Ended in December 2015.
• Bruno Karelovick. Study of the structure of lexical availability graphs. Student of mathematical engineering, U. of Concepción. Co-advisor: Dra. AnahíGajardo. Ended in April 2010.
• Luis Gómez G. Robustness of limit cycles in Boolean networks. Student of mathematical engineering, U. of Concepción. Co-advisor: Dra. LilianSalinas. Ended in May 2009.
• Marco Montalva. Study of positive and negative feedback vertex set problems. Student of mathematical engineering, U. of Concepción. Co-advisor: Dra. AnahíGajardo. Ended in May 2006.
• David Moena. Crimes Spatio-temporal prediction in Metropolitan region with neural networks. Student of computation engineering, U. of Concepción. Ended in April 2006.
• Fabiola Lobos.System of predicting future gas consumption for GasSur Company. Student of mathematical engineering, U. of Concepción. Co-advisor: Dra. Carlos Pérez. Ended in May 2006.
Transfer activities:
Project Fondef D03I1025, Conicyt. Crime prediction model for the Metropolitan region. In collaboration with Chilean Police Academy. Director of the modeling team. 2005-2008.
Design of the predictive crime software called OMINIS, Intellectual Property Registry no. 168260 in Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, Chile, January 2, 2008.
Invited talks at international scientific meetings (last five years):
1. Synchronization in Boolean Networks. Workshop: Automata Factory 3, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, November 26-27, 2020.
2. What can we say about the number of fixed points of a Boolean network only from its structure?. Workshop: Automata Factory, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, December 06, 2017.
3. Negative cycles and fixed points in Boolean networks. Workshop: Réseaux d'interactions fondements et applications a la biologie. CIRM, Marseille, France. January 03-06 , 2017.
4. Maximum number of fixed points and cycle structure in Boolean networks. UCN@Sophia Labex seminar. EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France. December 01, 2016.
Organization of workshops and meetings (last five years):
1. International Workshop on Boolean Networks (IWBN 2020)and satellite school. Universidad de Concepcion, January 07-11, 2020.
2. Workshop: "Dinámica en un mundo discreto", Chillán. 31 de octubre de 2018.
3. Logic and discrete mathematics session. XXX Jornadas Matemáticas de la Zona Sur 2017, Concepción, Chile. 26-28 April 2017.
4. Workshop: Desafíos matemáticos e informáticos para la construcción y análisis de redes de regulación biológica. Universidad de Concepción. 22-23 January 2016.
5. Logic and discrete mathematics session. XXVIII Jornadas Matemáticas de la Zona Sur 2015, Chillán, Chile. April 2015.
Research stays (last five years):
1. Visiting professor for sabbatical semester at the Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France . Funded by the French government. From August 08, 2016 to January 20, 2017.
2. Visiting professor at the Laboratory I3S, UMR 6070, CNRS. Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France. Periods: October 2017 and July 2015.
3. Visiting professor at the Laboratory TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble, France. Periods: February 2019.
4. Visiting professor at Laboratoire d'informatique et systèmes (LIS), Université Aix-Marseille, France. March 2019.
Main dissemination activities:
Participation in a campaign for the public assessment of science and technology, EXPLORA 2002 ". Explora and Metro de Santiago made an invitation to observe the world from forms. In this context, a billboard installed in the Baquedano metro was made with the title: `SHAPES: yesterday, today and tomorrow".
Participation in the project: "Games, strategies and vagaries of life". Interactive mathematical exhibition, imported from France. Adaptation of the exhibition support manual for teachers. In charge of the training of the teachers and monitors of the exhibition.
On the complexity of Discrete Regulatory Networks. School for Ph.D. students, Programa Alfa-Ipeca, Berder, Francia. June 2006.
Mini-Course: Neural Networks and Cellular Automata. Application to criminal modeling. Aimed at undergraduate and graduate students of the Police Academy of Police of Chile (ACIPOL). December 2011. Santiago, Chile.
International collaboration grants:
1. ANID-ECOS project cod. C19E02. Symbolic dynamical systems: a dialog between finite and infinite. Main researchers: Guillaume Theyssier (Université Aix-Marseille, France) and Julio Aracena (Universidad de Concepción, Chile). 2020-2022.
2. Project PICS-CNRS, Francia. Points fixes et cycles de rétroaction dans les réseaux Booléens (BooleanNet). Main researchers: Adrien Richard (Universitée de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France) and Julio Aracena (Universidad de Concepción, Chile). 2015-2017.
3. Morphex project. Multidisciplinary project in Mathematics, Information and Biology l. EU-CNRS, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Chile. Associate Researcher. 2007-2009.
4. IPECA Multidisciplinary project, ALFA program, France. Associate Researcher. 2005-2008.
5. INRIA-CONICYT cooperation project. Associate Researcher. 2003.
6. CNRS post-doc project. Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale, France. Main Researcher. 2002-2003.
Other relevant academic antecedents:
1. Reviewer for the following intitutions: Comisión Nacional de Investigación
Científica y Tecnológica, Conicyt-Fondecyt Chile; BBSRC SysBio, United
Kingdom; ANR program SYSCOMM, France.
2. Referee of the following ISI journals: Automatica, Biosystems, Bulletin
of Mathematical Biology, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, IEEE/ACM Transactions
on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IEEE Transaction on Neural
Networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Information Processing
Letters, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Mathematical Biosciences,
Natural Computing, Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Computer and System Sciences,
3. Reading Committee Membership of special number: Automates cellulaires
et réseaux d'automates: le rôle central de l'irrégularité", revue Technique
et Science Informatiques. April 2015.
4. President of Academic Evaluation Committee, Facultad Ciencias Físicas
y Matemáticas, Universidad de Concepción, 2017-2018.
Dynamical systems and biological regulations. |
Hot spots in chromosomal breakage: from description to etiologycal systems and biological regulations. |
Simbolic Dynamical Systems A Dialog Between Finite And Infinite |
Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, CMM /Universidad de Chile |
Points ?fixes et cycles de rétroaction dans les réseaux Booléens (Boolean-Net) |
Quantitative methods in security |
Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CMM), Universidad de Chile |
Connection graph and attractors in Boolean regulatory networks |
Signed interaction digraph and fixed points in Boolean networks |