
Paulina Alejandra Wegertseder Martinez

Académica Jornada Completa


Concepcion, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Confort Ambiental, Eficiencia Energética, Evaluación Post Ocupacional, Arquitectura Sustentable, Bienestar


  •  Doctorado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, UNIVERSIDAD DEL BIO-BIO. Chile, 2014
  •  Arquitecto, UNIVERSIDAD DEL BIO-BIO. Chile, 2009

Experiencia Académica

  •   Académica Full Time


    Arquitectura, Concetrucción y Diseño

    Concepción, Chile

    2009 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Académico Asistente A Full Time

    Universidad del Bío-Bío

    Concepción, Chile

    2009 - At present

  •   Asesora Independiente Eficiencia Energética Other



    2015 - At present

  •   Editora de Sección Revista Habitat Sustentable

    Universidad del Bío-Bío


    2011 - 2014

Formación de Capital Humano

In relation to the formation of human capital, since 2018, she has guided five completed degree theses in the Master's program Hábitat Sustentable y Eficiencia Energetica of UBB. In this same program, she has also co-guided one thesis completed in 2021. Two of the indicated theses arose from the regular UBB project led by researcher, allowing the project to be expanded to other national and international latitudes. In the Doctorate program in Architecture and Urbanism of the same institution, there is one completed thesis co-guided by the academic. She currently guides two theses of this program, one in in its third year of development and another has begun this year and its included in the Fondecyt Project led by Dra. Wegertseder. In undergraduate studies, since 2017 she has guided 5 Thesis that deliver the degree of Bachelor of Architecture, and 5 end-of-career projects, that deliver the Title of Architect at the School of Architecture, UBB.

Difusión y Transferencia

Regarding the dissemination and transfer of knowledge, she has published 8 scientific articles in indexed journals, 2 chapters of books with external reference and 13 conference papers. She is a member of the Research Group "Comfort and Energy Poverty" of UBB, where three researchers from this application also participate. She has led two outreach projects: one to transfer information about the design of a Solar Attic (product of the Conicyt-AKA 009 research project) to the inhabitants of the city of Concepción; and second, a collaborative work with school students for the dissemination of environmental actions for sustainable schools. In 2018 she was part of the team that worked on the development of a New Regulatory Framework for the Chilean School Infrastructure and led the CORFO Project N°15NODO08-48654, which sought to promote collaboration among peers, linking with relevant industry players, with the sources of information and knowledge to contribute to the market. During 2016 and commissioned by the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, she trained more than 40 professionals to apply for the certification of advisers of the housing energy rating system in Chile (CEV). Since 2015, she has conducted energy efficiency and environmental comfort assessments in 10 building projects, most of which are in public sector, highlighting the SERVIU Biobío Building. In terms of evaluations, the researcher has been an external reviewer of scientific articles for the journals of Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Sustentabilidad - AUS (Austral University, Chile), Hábitat Sustentable - HS (Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile), ESTOA (Universidad de Cuenca , Ecuador) and for the PLEA 2015 International Conference, besides being a peer reviewer in research projects at the University of Las Américas, Ecuador.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Premio Universidad


    Chile, 2009

    Premio al mejor alumno de la generación.


Article (10)

Energy Poverty Evaluation Using a Three-Dimensional and Territorial Indicator: A Case Study in Chile
Are high-rise residential buildings rising to future weather scenarios?
A systematic review of retrofitting tools for residential buildings
Enhanced retrofitting process by integrating post-occupancy evaluation and user perception
Combining solar resource mapping and energy system integration methods for realistic valuation of urban solar energy potential
Integración de criterios de desempeños en el mejoramiento energético-ambiental de viviendas sociales existentes en Chile
A map of solar-energy in Concepcion: urban cartography of energy consumption and solar capture for residential buildings in Concepcion, Chile
Barreras y oportunidades observadas en la incorporación de estándares de alta eficiencia energética en la vivienda social chilena”
Energy-solar map of Concepción: Urban mapping of energy consumption and solar capture in residential buildings of Concepción, Chile [Mapa energético-solar de concepción: Cartografía urbana del consumo energético y captación solar en edificaciones residenciales de concepción, Chile]

BookSection (2)

Bases teóricas de la energía solar
Potencial Solar Urbano

ConferencePaper (3)

Solar Attic Map: On-line divulgation of single-houses´ extensions with integrated solar panels
Estimación Integrada de Captación Energética Solar en SIG-¬‐BIM
Post occupancy evaluation for energy and environmental retrofitting of existing social housing in Chile : Development of performance-based strategies

ConferenceProceedingWhole (2)

Performance Based Integration for Energy and Environmental Retrofitting in Chilean Social Housing
Diagnosis of Physical Quality of Existing Social Housing without Thermal Considerations in Chile

Proyecto (3)

Comfort, well-being and indoor environmental quality in buildings: cross-modal stimulation driving user perceptions and behaviours
Estudio prospectivo del impacto del cambio climático sobre el desempeño energético-ambiental del sector residencial en Chile=> directrices de estrategias pasivas para el diseño de viviendas unifamiliares y colectivas
Assessment of Solar energy Potential in Urban Areas
Paulina Wegertseder

Académica Jornada Completa

Diseño y Teoría de la Arquitectura


Concepcion, Chile

Maureen Trebilcock

Profesora Titular

Diseño y Teoría de la Arquitectura


Concepción, Chile