
Otoniel Denis Alpizar

Profesor asistente

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Inelastic collisions. Reactive scattering. Astrochemistry. Ab initio quantum chemistry.


  •  Física Nuclear, Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas. Cuba, 2009
  •  Física Nuclear, Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas. Cuba, 2013
  •  Química Física, Université de Bordeaux. Francia, 2014

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctorado Full Time

    Université Bordeaux

    Bordeaux, Francia

    2014 - 2015

  •   Postdoctorado Full Time


    Basel, Suiza

    2015 - 2016

  •   Académico Docente Investigador Full Time


    Facultad de Ingeniería

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - 2024

  •   Profesor instructor Full Time

    Universidad de Matanzas

    Matanzas, Cuba

    2009 - 2011

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time


    Facultad de Ciencias

    Santiago, Chile

    2024 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor Instructor Full Time

    Universidad de Matanzas

    Matanzas, Cuba

    2009 - 2011

  •   Postdoctoral Research Associate Full Time

    Université de Bordeaux

    Bordeaux, Francia

    2014 - 2015

  •   Postdoctoral position Full Time

    Universität Basel

    Basel, Suiza

    2015 - 2016

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time

    Universidad Autónoma de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - 2024


Article (46)

An explicitly correlated six-dimensional potential energy surface for the SiCSi + H-2 complex
Rotational State-to-State Rate Coefficients of HeHNe plus by Collision with He at Low Temperatures
Deexcitation rate coefficients of C-3 by collision with H-2 at low temperatures
Quantum Inelastic Scattering of ArHAr+, HeHHe+, and NeHNe+ with He on New Potential Energy Surfaces
Quantum study of the bending relaxation of H2O by collision with H
State-to-state rate coefficients for HCS+ in rotationally inelastic collisions with H-2 at low temperatures
State-to-state rate coefficients for HCS+ in rotationally inelastic collisions with H2 at low temperatures
A close coupling study of the bending relaxation of H2O by collision with He
An unbiased NOEMA 2.6 to 4 mm survey of the GG Tau ring: First detection of CCS in a protoplanetary disk
Rotational relaxation of H2S by collision with He (vol 638, A31, 2020)
Study of the CN(X-2 Sigma(+)) + N(S-4) Reaction at High Temperatures: Potential Energy Surface and Thermal Rate Coefficients
Theoretical study of the HCS+-H-2 van der Waals complex: potential energy surface, rovibrational bound states, and rotationally inelastic collisional cross sections
Planet-induced spirals in the circumbinary disk of GG Tauri A
Relaxation of NO+ by collision with para-H-2 (j=0)
Rotational Relaxation of AlNC and AlCN by para-H-2 (j=0) at Low Temperatures
Rotational relaxation of H2S by collision with He
Rotational relaxation of HCO+ and DCO+ by collision with H-2
A benchmark for the size of the QM system required for accurate hybrid QM/MM calculations on the metal site of the protein copper, zinc superoxide dismutase
Relaxation of ArH+ by collision with He: Isotopic effects
Rigid-Bender Close-Coupling Treatment of the Inelastic Collisions of H2O with para-H-2
Rotational relaxation of CF+ by collision with para-H-2
Rotational Transitions of HOC+ Induced by Collision with He at Low Temperatures
New rate coefficients of CS in collision with para- and ortho-H-2 and astrophysical implications
Rotational rate coefficients of SN+(1Σ) by collision with He
Rotational relaxation of AlO+((1)Sigma(+)) in collision with He
Rotational relaxation of CF+(X-1 Sigma) in collision with He(1S)
Study of the formation of interstellar CF+ from the HF + C+ -> CF+ + H reaction
Communication: Vibrational relaxation of CO((1)Sigma) in collision with Ar(S-1) at temperatures relevant to the hypersonic flight regime
Quantum and quasiclassical trajectory studies of rotational relaxation in Ar-N-2(+) collisions
Reactive collisions for NO((II)-I-2) + N(S-4) at temperatures relevant to the hypersonic flight regime
Rotational energy transfer in collisions between CO and Ar at temperatures from 293 to 30 K
The Flying Saucer: Tomography of the thermal and density gas structure of an edge-on protoplanetary disk
Vibrational memory in quantum localized states
Heavy metal levels in dune sands from Matanzas urban resorts and Varadero beach (Cuba): Assessment of contamination and ecological risks
Isotopic effects in the collision of HCN with He: substitution of HCN by DCN
Rovibrational energy transfer in the He-C-3 collision: rigid bender treatment of the bending-rotation interaction and rate coefficients
Rovibrational rate coefficients of NO+ in collision with He
On the use of explicitly correlated treatment methods for the generation of accurate polyatomic -He/H-2 interaction potential energy surfaces: The case of C-3-He complex and generalization
Rotational excitation of HCN by para- and ortho-H-2
Rovibrational energy transfer in the He-C-3 collision: Potential energy surface and bound states
A new ab initio potential energy surface for the collisional excitation of HCN by para- and ortho-H-2
Ro-vibrational relaxation of HCN in collisions with He: Rigid bender treatment of the bending-rotation interaction
Rotational relaxation of CS by collision with ortho- and para-H-2 molecules
The interaction of He with vibrating HCN: Potential energy surface, bound states, and rotationally inelastic cross sections
A new ab initio potential energy surface for the collisional excitation of O-2 by H-2
Potential energy surface and rovibrational energy levels of the H-2-CS van der Waals complex

Proyecto (5)

Molecular processes at the extreme temperatures relevant for the hypersonic flight regime.
Effects of the coupling between rotation and bending of triatomic molecules of interestellar interest in inelastic collisions with helium or molecular hydrogen
GG Tau ring=> Dust trap or not Dust trap, that is the question…
Otoniel Denis

Profesor asistente

Departamento de Física

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Moisés Domínguez

Assistant professor

Department of Environmental sciences


Santiago, Chile

Ricardo Pino

Académico Investigador

Ciencias Químicas y Farmaceuticas

Universidad Arturo Prat

Iquique, Chile

Viviana Guzman

Assistant Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Raul Mera

Profesor Asistente


Santiago, Chile