Holger Drass
Postdoctoral researcher
Pontificia Universidad Cat\'olica
Santiago, Chile
Management of astroengineering projects: -- Project manager for the metrology system of the MOONS spectrograph -- Project manager for the CTA atmosphere monitoring spectrograph In astronomy: The initial mass function in star forming regions.
Astronomy, RUHR-UNIVERSITAT BOCHUM. Alemania, 2014
Postdoctoral researcher Full Time
Bochum, Alemania
2014 - 2014
Postdoctoral researcher Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2014 - At present
Postdoctoral researcher Full Time
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2014 - At present
Master thesis of Louise Dauvin co-directed, 2016-2017
Master thesis of Mauricio Flores co-directed, 2017
Project of the Licenciatura Franciso Belmar co-directed
ACS (Alma Common Software) operating a set of robotic telescopes |
The Bochum survey of the southern Galactic disk: I. Survey design and first results on 50 square degrees monitored in 2011 |
Fondecyt Postdoc 3150134 |

Holger Drass
Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Electrical Engineering
Pontificia Universidad Cat\'olica
Santiago, Chile

Amelia Bayo
Full Professor
Instituto de Fisica y Astronomia, Facultado de Ciencias
Valparaiso, Chile