
Daniel Alejandro Rozas Vásquez

Associate professor

Universidad Católica de Temuco

Temuco, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Sustainable regional and urban planning - Resilience and adaptation to climate change - Strategic environmental assessment - Ecosystem services


  •   Sustainable spatial planning and strategic environmental assessment, UNIVERSITY OF BONN. Alemania, 2017
  •  Bachelor in Natural Resources Management, UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE TEMUCO. Chile, 2008
  •   Biologist in Natural Resources Management, UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE TEMUCO. Chile, 2008
  •  Spatial Planning and Management, UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE TEMUCO. Chile, 2013
  •   Gestión Contable y Financiera, UNIVERSIDAD ADOLFO IBANEZ. Chile, 2021
  •   Strategic foresight, ILPES-CEPAL. Chile, 2022
  •  International cooperation, UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE TEMUCO. Chile, 2022
  •  Strategic planning, ILPES-CEPAL. Chile, 2021
  •  Nature-Based Solutions, ReNature project- Horizont2020. Chile, 2021
  •  Business Intelligence, Eclass Academy. Chile, 2023
  •  Effective Negotiation Techniques, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2022

Experiencia Académica

  •   Associate Professor Full Time


    Natural Resources

    Temuco, Chile

    2017 - At present

  •   Academic Other


    Natural resources

    Temuco, Chile

    2011 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Technician of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Full Time

    Spatial Planning Laboratory-UCT

    Temuco, Chile

    2007 - 2010

  •   Geospatial Modeling Coordinator Full Time

    Spatial Planning Laboratory-UCT

    Temuco, Chile

    2010 - 2013

  •   Technical Coordinator of research projects Full Time

    Spatial Planning Laboratory-UCT

    Temuco, Chile

    2011 - 2013

  •   Academic Full Time

    Universidad Católica de Temuco

    Temuco, Chile

    2017 - At present

  •   Co-researcher "Regional energy plan: an instrument for strategic planning and strengthening the competitiveness of La Araucanía region". Innova-Corfo 18BPCR-102251 Part Time

    Spatial Planning Laboratory-UCT

    Temuco, Chile

    2018 - 2020

  •   coordinator Physical and Natural Environment in "Regional Development Strategy, La Araucanía" Part Time

    Spatial Planning Laboratory-UCT

    Temuco, Chile

    2023 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

- Lecturer in bachelor programs
2022: Guest Professor of Territorial Planning and Management Course (online). Hydrology Engineering Program, Ikiam Amazon Regional University, Ecuador.
2021: Professor in the International Postgraduate Course - Summer School "Assessing and Modeling Ecosystem Services". Ikiam Amazon Regional University, Ecuador - Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
2021: Guest Professor of Territorial Planning Course (online). Hydrology Engineering Program, Ikiam Amazon Regional University, Ecuador.
2020: Guest Professor of Territorial Planning Course (online). Water Science Engineering Program, Ikiam Amazon Regional University, Ecuador.
2022: Guest Professor of Biodiversity, Landscape, and Territory Course, School of Architecture, University of Talca, Chile.
2021: Professor of Strategic Environmental Assessment Course: Tools and Methodologies Applied to Territorial Planning in Chile, Biobío Regional Government.
2018-2022: Responsible lecturer: Geographical projects, Research seminar, Spatial Planning. Bachelor in Geography, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2018-2021: Guest lecturer course: territorial planning (videoconference). Engineering career in ecosystems, Ikiam Amazon Regional University, Ecuador.
2016: Guest lecturer course: planning and conservation of the territory. University of Concepción, Chile.
2012: Guest lecturer in a special program within the framework of the Millennium Nucleus in Intercultural research. Course: Geotechnologies applied to territorial study. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2011: Responsible lecturer: Integrated Management of Natural Resources. School of Environmental Sciences, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.

- Lecturer in Doctoral, Master and Diploma programs
2022 - 2023: Sustainability Module Coordinator. Doctoral Program in Territorial Planning and Sustainability. Catholic University of Temuco.
2022 - 2023: Professor of Sustainable Territorial Planning Course. Doctoral Program in Territorial Planning and Sustainability. Catholic University of Temuco.
2022 - 2023: Professor of Ecosystem Services Course. Master's in Natural Resources. Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.
2022: Professor of the Course: Normative Framework and Management of Special Territories. Diploma in E-learning Mode on Spatialization and Functionality of Special, Neglected, and Extreme Territories in Chile: Strengthening Public Management to Improve and Optimize Local Development. Undersecretariat of Regional and Administrative Development (SUBDERE).
2021: Professor of Sustainable Territorial Planning in Productive Systems Course. Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences. Catholic University of Temuco.
2021: Professor of Spatial Analysis, Strategic Environmental Assessment, and Ecosystem Services Course. Master's in Territorial Planning and Management. Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.
2021: Professor of Climate Change Course. Diploma in E-learning Mode on Construction and Prioritization of Portfolios for Development Plans of Special and Neglected Territories. Undersecretariat of Regional and Administrative Development (SUBDERE).
2021: Professor of Citizen Participation and Strategic Environmental Assessment Course. Diploma in Territorial Planning in the framework of the "Program of Strengthening Regional Capacities in the context of the new tasks and challenges of Regional Governments." Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
2022: PhD in Spatial Planning and Sustainability. Coordinator and lecturer of the Sustainability Module
2019-2021: PhD in Agricultural Sciences. Collaborator lecturer in the research area sustainability in productive systems.
2018-2022: Responsible lecturer module: Territorial development and sustainability. Master in Spatial Planning and Management. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2018-2022: Responsible lecturer module: strategic environmental assessment in the framework of spatial planning. Diploma in Spatial Planning. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2018: Guest lecturer course: territorial development and sustainability (4 hrs). Master in Government and Public Policies. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2017: Guest lecturer course: The strategic environmental assessment in the spatial planning instruments (24 hrs). Master in Spatial Planning and Management. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.

- Postgraduate thesis
2023 - 2027: Thesis Committee Member: "Ecosystem services in assessing landscape multifunctionality." PhD in Food and Environmental Sciences. University of La Frontera. Chile. Student: Diego Harris. Status: Initial.
2019-2022: Commission PhD Thesis: “Linking components of human well-being and characteristics of urban green spaces”. Doctoral Program in Agrifood Sciences and Environiment. Universidad de la Frontera. Chile. Student: Rosa Reyes.
2018-2022: Co-supervisor PhD thesis: "Analysis of the management and inclusion of the social dimension in conservation projects developed by the Regional Autonomous Corporations in Colombia". Doctoral program in Ecology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Student: Aracely Burgos.

2021-2023: Supervision Master thesis: “Ecosystem services perception in the Villarrica National Park for supporting the spatial planning of protected areas in Chile" Master in Spatial Planning and Management. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Felipe Ortega
2021-2023: Supervision Master thesis: “Identification of the current state in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at territorial level in La Araucanía Region" Master in Spatial Planning and Management. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Josefa Acuña
2018-2020: Supervisor Master thesis: "Modeling of participatory scenarios and proposals for the location of sanitary landfills in the coastal area of La Araucanía". Master in Spatial Planning and Management. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Javiera Vega.
2016-2017: Co-supervisor Master thesis: "Integrating the ecosystem services approach as a basis for decision-making processes in intercultural contexts: Assessment through participatory methods in the municipality of Saavedra, La Araucanía Region, Chile". Master of Planning and Territorial Management. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Jorge Constanzo.

- Undergraduate Thesis
2021-2023: Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor: "Analysis of spatial patterns and socioeconomic factors influencing domestic violence against women in the Temuco commune." Geography Program, Catholic University of Temuco. Student: Anaís Rosas.
2021: Supervisor Bachelor thesis “Analysis of the integration of climate adaptatoin and mitigation measures in the spatial planning instruments in La Araucanía Region". Bachelor in Geography, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Leonila Fernández.
2020-2021: Supervisor Bachelor thesis “Evolution, benefits, and opportunities for well-being in urban green areas: a systematic literature review at global level". Bachelor in Geography, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Sebastián Molina.
2018-2020: Supervisor Bachelor thesis: "Mapping realities: Discovering forms of social inclusion through participatory cartography". Geography, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Teccia Molina.
2018-2019: Co-supervisor Bachelor thesis: "State of knowledge on the ability of urban floristic composition to capture carbon and retain particles in suspension. Eng. In natural resources, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile Student: Constanza Schmidt.
2012-2013: Supervisor Bachelor thesis: "Urban green areas: Diagnosis and selection of new sites. Eng. In natural resources, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Orenella Cicarelli.
2011-2013: Co-supervisor Bachelor thesis: "Quality of riparian vegetation in the Lingue River, Los Ríos region, Chile. Base environmental indicator for planning and territorial management in coastal systems ". Eng. In natural resources, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Student: Sebastián Carrasco.

- Instructions and / or assistantships:
2021: Course Instructor: "Tools and methodologies applied to territorial planning in Chile. Version 1. Delivered to officials of the Biobío Regional Government."
2013: Instructor course: ArcGis 10 use and basic applications. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2012: Course: Coordination between the Mapuche educational knowledge and school knowledge. Topic: "Geotecnologies applied to territorial study" and "temporal and spatial analysis of school performance." Taught under the Millennium Science Initiative. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2012: Instructor course: Analysis and Territorial Modeling with Idrisi Selva. Universidad Católica de Temuco-Resource Center Idrisi Chile and Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico. Temuco, Chile
2011: Instructor training: "Territorial Planning and Natural Risks". Imparted to officials of the Municipality of Cabo de Hornos.
2007: Instructor Training: "Techniques and Digital Tools Applied to Territorial Planning in ArcView 3.2". Imparted to the Road Service of the Ministry of Public Works. Temuco, Chile.

- International Networking and Research Internships
2022-2024: Researcher in the international cooperation network on climate change and circular economy between Spain, Chile, and Mexico, funded by the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España).
2023: Coordinator of the cooperation network between researchers from the University of Trento, Italy, and the Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.
2018 to present: Guest lecturer by the Global Change Laboratory of the Amazon Regional University Ikiam, Ecuador, to support courses on territorial planning and management.
2022: Facilitator of an international workshop as part of the generation of a cooperation network between UCT and the University of Cuenca, University of Azuay, and CELEC to support the process of designing and future development of the Regional Energy Plan in a pilot region of Ecuador.
2022: Visiting researcher at the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico, for the exchange of experiences regarding the science-policy interaction in sustainability, ecosystem services, climate change, and development planning.
2019 and 2022: Visiting researcher sponsored by the University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, to establish international cooperation networks between the university and Latin America (Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Costa Rica, Colombia), work on research proposals, and develop scientific articles.

- Participation in Journals

Assistant Editor at the journal: Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems. Climate Change, Social Changes, Technological Development

- Reviewer for the following journals:
Land Use Policy:
Ecosystems and People:
Environmental Impact Assessment Review.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning: CITIES.
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal.
Revista Geográfica del Sur.

- Scientific and Academic Committees
(Scientific Committees):
2021: Member of the Scientific Committee of the III Biennial Meeting IALE-Chile 2021 "Landscapes of the Anthropocene: sustainability and resilience in changing socio-ecological systems."
2019: Member of the Scientific Committee of the XL National Congress and XXV International Congress of Geography. SOCHIGEO.
2019: Member of the Scientific Committee of the II Biennial Meeting IALE-Chile "Eco-Civilization: Changing the course of humanity towards a future with sustainable landscapes."
2019: Member of the Scientific Committee of Sustainanable Built Environment 19 "urban planning, global problems, and local policies."
2012: Member of the organizing committee of the international conference: IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference. Concepción, Chile, 2012.

(Academic Committees):
2023: Faculty Representative for the Research Advisory Committee of the University of Católica de Temuco.
2018-2023: Member of the academic committee of the Master's in Planning and Territorial Management. University of Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2022 - 2023: Member of the academic committee of the Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences. University of Católica de Temuco, Chile.
2021 - 2023: Member of the academic committee of the Doctorate in Territorial Planning and Sustainability. University of Católica de Temuco, Chile.

2022: Daniel Rozas-Vásquez: "Provision of ecosystem services in peri-urban landscapes and their contribution to sustainable development goals: a global perspective". XLII National Congress and XXVII International Congress of Geography of the Chilean Society of Geographical Sciences. Santiago, Chile.
2021: Daniel Rozas-Vásquez: Advances and challenges for sustainable development and territorial planning. Environmental lecture series organized by the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.
2020: Daniel Rozas-Vásquez: Ecosystem services and their contribution to sustainable territorial development. Seminar "Territorial development and sustainability: a look from landscape planning and its ecosystem services". Ampliando Nuestros Paisajes Seminar Series, IALE-Chile.
2020: Daniel Rozas-Vásquez: The role of biodiversity in growth and development: An approach from the ecosystem services and territorial planning perspective. Seminar "Conservation of the biodiversity of ecosystems in Northern Patagonia: from mountains to the sea". Ilustre Municipalidad de Palena. Palena, Chile.
2019: D. Rozas-Vásquez, M.I. López, L. Fernández: Spatial planning and territorial sustainability: advances and challenges of strategic environmental assessment. 10th IALE World Conference. Milan, Italy.
2019: D. Rozas-Vásquez, F. Peña-Cortés, M.I. López, L. Fernández: Sustainable development goals and territorial planning in Chile: Advances and pending tasks. IALE-Chile Conference. Santiago, Chile.
2018: Daniel Rozas-Vásquez: Growth, development, and quality of life. The role of sustainable development goals and territorial planning instruments. Energy and Sustainability Seminar in Magallanes. Punta Arenas, Chile.
2018: Daniel Rozas-Vásquez, Christine Fürst, Davide Geneletti: Integration of ecosystem services across multiple scales of spatial planning: The role of strategic environmental assessment. Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) European Conference 2018. San Sebastian, Spain.
2018: Daniel Rozas-Vásquez, Christine Fürst, Davide Geneletti: Participatory identification and prioritization of ecosystem services to support regional-scale territorial planning. XXXIX National Congress and XXIV International Congress of Geography. SOCHIGEO. Concepción, Chile.
2017: Daniel Rozas: Ecosystem services as a tool to enhance local tourism offer in an environmental conservation context. I Seminar on the conservation of avifaunistic biodiversity in Chaitén. Chaitén, Chile.
2016: D. Rozas, C. Fürst, D. Geneletti, G. Rebolledo, F. Peña, C. Vergara: Participatory identification and prioritization of ecosystem services for scenario development in regional planning in Chile. 5th International Ecosummit. Montpellier, France.
2015: Daniel Rozas, Davide Geneletti, Christine Fürst, Francisco Muñoz: Strategic Environmental Assessment and ecosystem services for regional planning in Chile: From understanding to practice. International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). Florence, Italy.
2015: Daniel Rozas, Christine Fürst, Davide Geneletti, Francisco Muñoz: Multi-actor understanding of the integration of ecosystem services in strategic environmental assessment of spatial plans. IUFRO landscape ecology conference. Tartu, Estonia.
2012: Fernando Peña-Cortés, Daniel Rozas (speaker): Theoretical models of habitat and coastal landscape connectivity in La Araucanía, Chile. Basis for definition of conservation priority areas of Lontra Provocax. IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference. Concepción, Chile.
2010: Fernando Peña-Cortés, Daniel Rozas (speaker): Analysis of temporal dynamics and future trends of change in coastal landscape patterns in La Araucanía, Chile. Latin American Remote Sensing Week. Santiago, Chile.

Difusión y Transferencia

2023: InterAcción Climática: science, citizenship and local management for resilience to climate change. UCT internal project financed by the Vice-rectorate for Outreach and Public Engagement.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Academic Excellence


    Chile, 2008

    Awarded for the best academic performance of the Biology in Natural Resource Management career, promotion 2008

  •   Study scholarship abroad


    España, 2008

    Study scholarship for international course at the Universidad Alcalá, Spain, in Natural Resources and Environment.

  •   Scholarship for postgraduate studies


    Alemania, 2013

    Scholarship to study a Doctorate program in Germany.

  •   Scholarship for workshop


    Francia, 2015

    "Science and You PhD study days"


Article (14)

Ecosystem Services Supply from Peri-Urban Landscapes and Their Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals: A Global Perspective
Lessons learned and challenges for environmental management in Colombia: The role of communication, education and participation strategies
Linking public urban green spaces and human well-being: A systematic review
Integrating Ecosystem Services in Nature Conservation for Colombia
Leveraging indigenous and local knowledge in environmental management for human-nature connectedness
Integrating ecosystem services in spatial planning and strategic environmental assessment: The role of the cascade model
Advances and challenges in the implementation of strategic environmental assessment in Chile
Integration of ecosystem services in strategic environmental assessment across spatial planning scales
The ecosystem services concept: a new Esperanto to facilitate participatory planning processes?
Multi-actor involvement for integrating ecosystem services in strategic environmental assessment of spatial plans
Scenario modelling to support strategic environmental assessment: Application to spatial planning of coastal wetlands in la Araucanía region, Chile
A study of the geographic distribution of swamp forest in the coastal zone of the Araucania Region, Chile
Morfología y dinámica dunaria en el borde costero de la Región de La Araucanía en Chile: Antecedentes para la conservación y gestión territorial
Population dynamics and reproduction of a Musculium argentinum (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) population in Southern Chile, South America

BookSection (8)

Evolución, aportes y oportunidades del bienestar en áreas verdes urbanas: Una revisión sistemática de literatura a escala global
Paisaje costero en La Araucanía. Proyectando el futuro a partir de información del pasado y el presente
Planificación de sistemas urbanos sostenibles y resilientes al cambio climático: el caso de las ciudades del sur de Chile
Avances y desafíos para el desarrollo sostenible y la planificación territorial en La Araucanía
How to assess the impact of agricultural and forest management on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Caracterización de las unidades territoriales andina y costera de la región de La Araucanía, Chile.
Determinación de los niveles de alteración de cuencas costeras mediante modelos espaciales de fragilidad y estabilidad territorial
Spatial and temporal dynamics and future trends of change in the coastal landscape of La Araucanía, Chile.

BookWhole (3)

Ecología del Paisaje en Latinoamérica: biodiversidad, sustentabilidad y bienestar en sistemas dinámicos. International Association for Landscape Ecology – Chile
Las ciudades al sur del mundo. Urbanismo y vida urbana más allá de la gran capital.
Mainstreaming the ecosystem services approach in strategic environmental assessment of spatial planning in Chile

ConferencePaper (8)

Collaborative identification and prioritization of ecosystem services for supporting spatial planning at regional scale
Growth, development and quality of life: the role of the sustainable development goals and the spatial planning instruments
Integration of ecosystem services across multiple scales of spatial planning: The role of strategic environmental assessment
Ecosystem services as an instrument to promote the local touristic offer under a context of environmental conservation
Participatory identification and prioritization of ecosystem services for scenario development in regional planning in Chile
Multi-actor understanding of the integration of ecosystem services in strategic environmental assessment of spatial plans
Strategic Environmental Assessment and ecosystem services for regional planning in Chile: From understanding to practice
Sustainable development and spatial planning: Coupling ecosystem services, strategic environmental assessment and multiple actors

Proyecto (21)

Estrategia de Desarrollo Regional, Región de La Araucanía.
Integrated assessment of the impacts of climate and land use change on multiple ecosystem services in south-central Chile
Riesgos climáticos en ciudades y estrategias de adaptación multiescalar: integración de soluciones basadas en la naturaleza en la planificación urbana
Universities For Net-Zero International Teaching Exchange: Transhemispheric Research And Capacity Building Between Chile And The United States
Sostenibilidad y circularidad - Retos y oportunidades para el sector forestal ante el cambio climático
KimGen Data Escenarios para la Gestión de le Emergencia
Provisión de servicios ecosistémicos y su rol como soporte al logro de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible: bases para la integración del enfoque de sostenibilidad en múltiples niveles de planificación territorial en La Araucanía
Escenarios Participativos para el Ordenamiento Territorial=> hacia la sustentabilidad del paisaje en las regiones de La Araucanía y los Ríos
Gestión del Riesgo de Desastre ante la ocurrencia de eventos catastróficos a través de escenarios prospectivos de soporte decisional. Un aporte piloto geoespacial para el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia en la región de La Araucanía, Chile
Participatory Scenarios for Territorial Planning: towards the sustainability of the landscape in the regions of La Araucanía and Los Ríos
Plan energético regional=> un instrumento para la planificación estratégica y el fortalecimiento de la competitividad de la región de La Araucanía
Escenarios prospectivos del paisaje para la planificación territorial=> Un marco adaptativo de apoyo a las decisiones en espacios costeros integrando modelación de cambio de uso/cobertura de suelo y dinámica de producción de servicios Ecosistémicos.
Prospective landscape scenarios for territorial planning: An adaptive framework to support decisions in coastal areas integrating modeling of LULC and supply of ecosystem services
Definition of geographic-environmental indicators of natural risk in the landscape of La Araucanía and Los Ríos regions: decision support tools for planning and management in coastal systems
Determinación de indicadores geográfico- ambientales y de riesgo natural en el paisaje de La Araucanía y Los Ríos=> herramientas de soporte decisional para la planificación y gestión territorial en sistemas costeros.
Riesgos Naturales=> Una aproximación didáctico-digital para su enseñanza-aprendizaje, a través de la integración de geomática, simulación digital y entornos colaborativos.
Centro de Investigación de educación en contexto indígena intercultural.
Efectos antrópicos sobre el paisaje costero de La Araucanía=> Geoecología aplicada a la planificación y gestión territorial en cuencas hidrográficas.
Epistemología del conocimiento mapuche y el escolar=> un análisis desde la pedagogía intercultural, la geografía y sociología educacional.
Disaster risk management of catastrophic events through prospective scenarios for decision support: a pilot geospatial contribution to strengthening the resilience in La Araucanía region, Chile
Regional energy plan: an instrument for strategic planning and strengthening the competitiveness of La Araucanía region
Daniel Rozas

Associate professor

Environmental Sciences

Universidad Católica de Temuco

Temuco, Chile

Enrique Hauenstein

Profesor Titular


Temuco, Chile

Fernando Peña

Profesor Titular

Laboratorio de Planificación Territorial

Universidad Católica de Temuco

Temuco, Chile

Jimmy Pincheira


Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales

Universidad Católica de Temuco

Temuco, Chile

Paula Meli

Profesor Asistente

Manejo de Bosques y Medio Ambiente

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile



Universidad Católica de Temuco

Temuco, Chile



Universidad Católica de Temuco

Santiago, Chile

Lorena Vieli


Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales


Temuco, Chile

Jaime Tapia


Talca, Chile