
Andres Fernando Canales Johnson

Profesor Asistente

Universidad Católica del Maule

Talca, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

- Cognitive neuroscience of consciousness - Functional connectivity of EEG and iEEG signals - Theoretical neuroscience


  •  Biological Sciences, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. Reino Unido, 2017

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Auxiliar Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - 2012

  •   Profesor Invitado Programa Doctorado en Neurociencia Social y Cognicion Part Time



    2019 - 2019

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor Adjunto Full Time

    Universidad Catolica del Maule

    Talca, Chile., Chile

    2019 - At present

  •   Research Associate Full Time

    University of Amsterdam

    Amsterdam, Holanda

    2017 - 2018

  •   Research Associate Full Time

    University of Cambridge

    Cambridge, Reino Unido

    2018 - 2020

  •   Investigador Asociado Other

    Universidad Adolfo Ibanez

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - 2019

  •   PhD Student Full Time

    University of Cambridge

    Cambridge, Chile

    2013 - 2017


Article (23)

Neural Dynamics of Associative Learning during Human Sleep
Interoception, Functional Connectivity and Emotional Processing in Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder
In your phase! Neural phase synchronization underlies social imagery of faces.
Neurobehavioral dynamics of drowsiness.
Wakefulness state modulates conscious access=> Suppression of auditory detection in the transition to sleep.
Auditory Feedback Differentially Modulates Behavioral and Neural Markers of Objective and Subjective Performance When Tapping to Your Heartbeat.
Disentangling interoception=> insights from two focal strokes affecting the perception of external and internal milieus.
Heart evoked potential triggers brain responses to natural affective scenes=> A preliminary study.
Neurophenomenology revisited=> second-person methods for the study of human consciousness.
Brain signatures of moral sensitivity in adolescents with early social deprivation.
How do you feel when you can’t feel your body?=> interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in chronic depersonalization disorder.
Hypnoanalgesia and the study of pain experience=> from Cajal to modern neuroscience.
Preliminary evidence about the effects of meditation on interoceptive sensitivity and social cognition.
The man who feels two hearts=> the different pathways of interoception.
Towards an experimental account of argumentation=> the case of the slippery slope and the ad hominem arguments.
Attachment style triggers differential neural signature of emotional processing in adolescents.
The man who feels two hearts: the different pathways of interoception
Neurobiología de la hipnosis y su contribución al estudio de la cognición y la conciencia.
What event-related potentials (ERPs) bring to social neuroscience?
Fluid intelligence and psychosocial outcome=> from logical problem solving to psychosocial adaptation.
The cortical processing of facial emotional expression is associated to social cognition skills and executive function ing=> A preliminary study.
The role of consciousness in the urge for action.
A critical assessment of the consciousness by synchrony hypothesis.

Letter (2)

Default-mode network connectivity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and possible effects on semantic verbal fluency [Conectividad de la red neuronal por defecto en el deterioro cognitivo leve amnésico y posibles efectos sobre la fluencia verbal semántica]
Facial mimicry in borderline personality disorder: On empathy and beyond [Mímica facial en el trastorno limíte de la personalidad: Sobre la empatía y más allá]

Proyecto (5)

Desregulación metacognitiva como marcador de (in)adaptación social en poblaciones vulnerables,
No-report paradigms for studying the neural information dynamics of phenomenal consciousness
Inteligencia fluida, cognición social y cambio de perspectiva como predictores de adaptabilidad psicosocial
Cognitive Focus
Neuronal and behavioural dynamics during the transition from wakefulness to sleep

Review (1)

[Francisco Varela's neurophenomenology of time: temporality of consciousness explained?]. [Neurofenomenologia del tiempo segun Francisco Varela: ¿la temporalidad de la conciencia explicada?]
Andres Canales

Profesor Asistente

Vicerectoria de Investigacion y Posgrado

Universidad Católica del Maule

Talca, Chile

Agustin Ibañez



CABA, Argentina


Director Laboratory of cognitive and social neuroscience


Universidad Diego Portales

Santiago, Chile

Agustin Ibanez

Profesor Titular


Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile