Yasna Veronica Ordenes Briceño
Postdoctoral Fondecyt Fellowship
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Observational Astronomy: optical and near-infrared images and their data reduction. Galaxies: formation, evolution and their stellar population. Dwarf and massive galaxies, nuclear star clusters, globular clusters, ultra compact dwarf galaxies.
Astrophysics, UNIVERSITY OF BONN. Alemania, 2013
Physics, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SERENA. Chile, 2010
Astrophysics, UNIVERSITAT HEIDELBERG. Alemania, 2018
Professor assistant in Modern Physics and Physics II Other
Science Faculty
La Serena, Chile
2008 - 2009
Intern research assistant Full Time
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
La Serena, Chile
2010 - 2010
Research Assistant Full Time
Gemini Observatory South
La Serena, Chile
2011 - 2011
Research internship Full Time
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Radioastronomia y Astrofísica
Morelia, México
2014 - 2014
Research assistant Part Time
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2020 - 2021
Postdoctoral Fondecyt Fellowship Full Time
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2021 - At present
Research assistant Part Time
Gemini Observatory South
Santiago, Chile
2022 - At present
Conference and Schools:
06.2021 - European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2021, virtual.
12.2020 - XVI SOCHIAS Annual Meeting. Virtual meeting. Poster contribution. Title: The Dwarf Galaxy Population Inside the Fornax Cluster Virial Radius with the Next
Generation Fornax Survey.
10.2020 - Galaxy Formation and Evolution in the Era of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. Space Telescope Science Institute, virtual meeting.
08.2018 - IAU XXX General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. Poster contribution. Title: Nucleated dwarf galaxy population in the Fornax galaxy cluster.
07.2018 - The formation of globular clusters at high and low redshift workshop. Sexten, Italy. Poster contribution. Title:Globular Clusters in the Fornax Cluster Galaxy: Understanding their Origins.
07.2018 - IFAS4 school - Spectroscopy 2D 3D. Project: Determination of stellar atmospheric parameters of globular cluster stars from MUSE observations.
06.2018 - MODEST-18 workshop. Santorini, Greece. Oral contribution. Title: Nucleated star clusters and their link to compact stellar systems.
09.2017 - MODEST-17 conference. Prague, Czech Republic. Oral contribution. Title: Nucleated dwarf galaxies in the central region of the Fornax galaxy cluster: Nuclear cluster analysis.
06.2017 - LSST school and workshop: Getting ready to do science with LSST data. Lyon, France.
10.2016 - XVI LARIM. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Oral contribution. Title: Faint Dwarf Galaxies in Hickson Compact Group 90.
08.2015 - Pucon Symposium. Puerto Varas, Chile. Oral contribution. Title: Stellar Systems in Hickson Compact Group 90: Challenges in the image processing of HAWKI and VIMOS data.
08.2015 - La Serena School for Data Science 2015. Project title: Understanding the Stellar component in ALHAMBRA Survey.
04.2015 - Satellites and Streams. ESO Vitacura, Santiago, Chile.
03.2015 - XII SOCHIAS Annual Meeting. Puerto Varas, Chile. Poster title: Stellar systems in the Hickson Compact Group 90. NIR data reduction.
03.2014 - Satellites and streams. ESO Vitacura, Santiago, Chile. Oral contribution. Title: Compact Stellar Systems in Polar Ring Galaxies: NGC4650 A and NGC3808B.
01.2011 - 217th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Seattle, Washington, USA. Poster title: Status of the Stellar Population in Milky Way Globular Clusters using 2MASS.
11.2010 - ESO Workshop on the Spiral Structure of the Milky Way. Bahia Inglesa, Chile. Poster title: Near-Infrared View of the Open Clusters as Tracers of the Galactic
Spiral Structure.
11.2009 - ESO Workshop on Galaxy Clusters in the Early Universe, Pucón, Chile.
11.2007 - VI SOCHIAS Annual Meeting, Valparaiso, Chile.
Outreach activities:
10.2021 Charla de Astronom??a en la semana de la ciencia, en escuelita libre Almeraki para infancia entre 4 a 10 años, Ñuñoa, Chile.
09.2021 Charla con Graduados Open House 2021, Escuela de Graduados UC, online. Una de los tres graduados que fuimos invitados a este conversatorio de nuestro paso por la UC.
05.2021 Charlas Vocacionales online a alumnos de enseñanza Media, Colegio Trinity, La Serena, Chile.
03.2021 Conversatorio online, alummi UC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Mujeres en Terreno: Ganando espacios de Desarrollo Profesional. Una de las tres mujeres profesionales egresadas de la UC invitada como panelista.
06.2019 Talleres del eclipse solar. Colegio Francis School, Coquimbo, Chile.
04.2018 Talleres de Astronomia, primer y segundo ciclo. Escuela Santo Tomas de Aquino, Coquimbo, Chile.
05.2014 I Feria de Divulgación Científica UC 2014. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
10.2009 Monitor EXPLORA en exposición: "Universo de la luz". Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile.
L'Oreál Chile–UNESCO prize “For Women in Science”, graduate student category.
L'Oreál Chile - UNESCO
Chile, 2018
The L’Oréal UNESCO prize For Women in Science is delivered in our country together with the sponsorship of Conicyt and its objective is to recognize excellence in the research of young scientists, supporting future talent and contributing to the dissemination of science in the countries where it operates.

Yasna Ordenes
Postdoctoral Fondecyt Fellowship
Astrophysics Institute
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Thomas Puzia
Associate Professor
Institute of Astrophysics
Santiago, Chile

Gaspar Galaz
Profesor Titular, Director, Instituto de Astrofísica
Santiago, Chile