
Francisca José Ortiz Ruiz

Investigadora Postdoctoral

Millennium Institute for Care Research (MICARE)

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Áreas de investigación son los métodos mixtos, análisis de redes sociales, gerontología social, y ciencia, género y cuidados.


  •  Pregrado en Sociología, UNIVERSIDAD ALBERTO HURTADO. Chile, 2012
  •  Diplomado Ténicas Avanzadas en Análisis de Datos Sociales, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2012
  •  Magister en Sociología, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2015
  •  PhD in Sociology, UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER. Chile, 2022

Experiencia Académica

  •   Asistente del centro Other


    Ciencias Sociales

    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - 2017

  •   Project researcher Other


    Social Sciences

    Manchester, Reino Unido

    2021 - 2021

  •   Investigadora Postdoctoral Full Time

    Millennium Institute for Care Research (MICARE)

    Santiago, Chile

    2021 - At present

  •   PhD in Sociology Full Time


    Social Sciences

    Manchester, Reino Unido

    2018 - 2022

Formación de Capital Humano

- Introduction to Egocentric Network Data Analysis with ERGMs using statnet At Networks 2021Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), July. Online, global. Teachers: Pavel Krivitsky and Martina Morris.
- Connect Workshops of Social Networks Analysis / 2021. January – June 2021. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Mixed Methods Research: Core and specialized content (season 2) / 2020. April – September 2020. Mixed Methods International Research Association.
- 10th UAB Summer School on Theory, Methods and Applications of Personal Networks / 2019. Julio 1-5, 2019. Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- Mixed method in social network analysis / 2019. At XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), June 18-23, 2019. Montreal, Quebec. Dr. Betina Holstein (University of Bremen) and Dr Elisa Bellotti (The University of Manchester).
- Necessary condition analysis (NCA) / 2019. At XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), June 18-23, 2019. Montreal, Quebec. Dr. Zsofia Toth (University of Nottingham) and Prof. Jan Dul.
- Relational Event Modeling with event net / 2019. At 4º European Conference for Social Networks (EUSN), September 9-12, 2019. Zurich, Switerland. Prof. Jürgen Lerner (University of Konstanz) and Alessandro Loni (University of Lugano).
- Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) / 2018. At the University of Manchester, October 2018. Manchester, United Kingdom. Prof. Wendy Olsen.

Difusión y Transferencia

- Podcasters / Podcast / 2020-current. “Knitting Networks / Tejiendo Redes” is a bilingual podcast about social network analysis with new chapters each first Wednesday of the month. Organization with Alejandro Espinosa-Rada. International project.
- Coordinator / Online Repository-Project / 2020-current. “Visual Narratives” Project about the photography as a method in social science research. Organization with Denisse Sepulveda. Located in Chile, but is an international project. Sponsored by COES (Chile), CIIR (Chile), LINEA (Argentina), CLACSO (Manchester), Hets (Switzerland), MLIV (Chile):
- Organizer / Colloquiums / 2020-current. “Coloquios de Redes” (in spanish). Each year was composed for one presentation per month by the academics from lista REDES. Red Hispanoamericana de Redes, Lista REDES.
- Member of the council / International network / 2021-current. Elected by the members of the Women in Network Science to be part of the council from March 2020. Global network.
- Chair / National Network / May 2021-current. Part of the coordinator team in the network “Red Feminista de las Ciencias Sociales”. Chile.
- Organizer / Conference Satellite / June-July 2021. Organizer of the Conference Satellite Women in Network Science (WiNS) (31 of June 2021 – 1 of July 2021). Co-organized with all the members of the council WiNS.
- Organizer / Wikipedia Edit-a-thon / July 2021. Organizer of the event Wikipedia Edit-a-thon in the framed of the conference Satellite Women in Network Science (WiNS) (31 of June 2021 – 1 of July 2021). Co-organized with Ana Maria Jaramillo.
- Chair / International Network / September 2019-July 2021. Two years as the chair in “MICRA (Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing) PhD and Early Career network”. In collaboration with Louise Mitchell. Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Organizer / Colloquiums / September 2018-July 2021. “Colloquiums of PhD in Sociology”. Each year was composed for one presentation per month by the PhD student in Sociology, from the University of Manchester. Organization with Natalie Hall and Anh-Susann Pham Thi. Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Organizer / Academic Event / 2021. “Ageing in Pandemic” (23 of march). PhD and early career network MICRA, University of Manchester. Organization with Louis Mitchell. Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Organizer / Panel in a Conference / 2020. “Panel Hispanic session of Social Network Analysis” (13-17 July 2020). Organization with Carlos Contreras and Alejandro García. Paris, France.
- Organizer / Conference / 2020. “Jornada de Redes 2020” (7 of July). Red Hispanoamericana de Redes. Organization with Jose Luis Molina, Isidro Maya, Gabriel Velez, Carlos Contreras, Alejandro García, Alejandro Espinosa-Rada. Barcelona, España.
- Organizer / MICRA Conference / 2020. “Ageing population and life course trajectories Conference” (20 of May 2020). MICRA PhD and Early Career Conference. Organization with Louise Mitchell. Manchester, United Kingdom. Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Organizer / Workshop / 2019. “Workshop Gender and networks” (3 of October). BSA British Sociological Association (call 2018). Organization with Alejandro Espinosa-Rada and Pete Jones.
- Organizer / Conference / 2019. PGR Sociology Conference “Identity in times of change”. Organization with Tiba Bonyad, Neta Yodovich and Dr. Alina Rzepnikowska-Philips. Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Representative / 2018-2021. Representative of first-, second- and third-year students from the PhD in Sociology, The University of Manchester. Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Organizer / Symposium / 2018. “Symposium PGR Sociology”. Organization with David Dobson. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Coordinator / Research group / 2012-2017. “Research Group of Actor-Network Theory”. In Content Journal. Santiago, Chile.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Annual ‘Sociology Public Engagement’ Prize


    Reino Unido, 2021

    Award for the project “Knitting Networks Podcast”. Annual Prize 2020-21 given by the Department of Sociology, at The University of Manchester.


Article (14)

Las redes son dinámicas
The Politics and Poetics of Aging: Ethnography of an Older Women’s Club in Santiago
Education and the production of inequalities across the Global South and North
Estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento entre profesionales de salud en Chile: una exploración en tiempos de pandemia
How to use QCA and SNA from mixed methods: an illustration using support networks in retirement
Social network analysis from the Ibero-American community in 2020
The Impact of Life Trajectories on Retirement: Socioeconomic Differences in Social Support Networks
“Por más que yo trabaje, trato de acomodar todo a mi hijo”: Usos de la visualización de líneas de tiempo para comprender desigualdades de género en la academia
Astroinformática y prospección de la astronomía chilena: Sub-disciplina en el escenario global y desarrollo científico local
Los cuidados en el laboratorio y la vida familiar en la academia
Subjects analysing subjects in the biographical approach: a generational study of Chilean musicians
Brechas y contradicciones entre la familia definida por la Ley y las familias en Santiago de Chile: miradas desde la antropología a partir de la dicotomía biología versus elección
Vida familiar y trayectorias académicas: una aproximación biográfica en una universidad chilena.
Museums of art as mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion in art and in society: A case study in Chile [Los museos de arte como mecanismos de inclusión y exclusión social en el arte y en la sociedad: un estudio de caso en Chile]

BookWhole (1)

Redes Sociales: teorías, metodologías y aplicaciones en América Latina

Proyecto (10)

Asesoramiento profesional para obtener información de actores clave y realizar un análisis prospectivo de Astroinformática
Los Estudios Biográficos en las Ciencias Sociales del Chile reciente=> Hacia la consolidación del enfoque
Ser Mujer Mayor en Santiago=> Organización social de los cuidados, feminización del envejecimiento y desigualdades acumuladas
Significados sobre la Adopción en Chile=> Una mirada interdisciplinaria que incorpora la voz de diversos actores sociales
El parentesco en la familia chilena=> un análisis de la configuración y construcción social de las redes sociales
La Incidencia de las Políticas de Competencia Escolar y de Responsabilización=> Un estudio etnográfico de la vida cotidiana de las escuelas
Las familias en Chile=> el trabajo de parentesco y la generación de constelaciones familiares
Datos y relatos científico sociales que dan forma a la realidad social de Chile=> Estudio de los entrelazamientos constructivos y performativos de la ciencia social
Colisión y armonización de regímenes regulatorios en contextos sociales globales
Museo de la sociedad=> Estudio cualitativo de las tensiones organizacionales al interior del Museo de Artes Visuales.
Francisca Ortiz

Investigadora Postdoctoral

Millennium Institute for Care Research (MICARE)

Santiago, Chile

Camila Moyano

Profesora Asociada

Ciencias de la Famila

Universidad Finis Terrae

Santiago, Chile

Ignacio Madero

Asisstant Professor

Sociology & Public Health

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Fernando Valenzuela

Associate Professor, Director Carrera de Sociología Sede Viña del Mar

School of Social Sciences

Universidad Andres Bello

Viña del Mar, Chile