Carina Beatriz Lange
Profesor Titular
Concepcion, Chile
Oceanography; Paleoceanography; Marine Diatoms; Fluxes to the seafloor; Continent – Ocean interactions; Fjord ecosystems
Biological Sciences, Hydrobiology, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, 1989
Biology, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, 1980
Profesor Titular Full Time
Ciencias Naturales y Oceanograficas
Concepcion, Chile
2005 - At present
Profesor Asociado Full Time
Ciencias Naturales y Oceanograficas
Concepcion, Chile
2001 - 2005
Directora Full Time
Concepcion, Chile
2004 - 2011
Directora Full Time
Concepcion, Chile
2008 - 2013
Investigador Asociado Other
Concepcion, Chile
2016 - At present
Investigador Asociado Other
Concepcion, Chile
2013 - At present
Associate Fellow Other
Stazione Zoologica "A. Dohrn"
Napoles, Italia
2015 - At present
Research Associate Other
UCSD/Scripps Oceanography
La Jolla, Estados Unidos
2003 - At present
2006 - 2017: Member Capacity Building Task Team del Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER),
2008, 2012, 2015 and 2019: Advanced Phytoplankton Course
Stazione Zoologica "A. Dohrn", Naples, Italy: 5-26 April 2008: “APC-9 Advanced Phytoplankton Course, Taxonomy and Systematics”.
Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark: 12 Nov-01 Dec 2012: “APC-10 Advanced Phytoplankton Course, Taxonomy and Systematics”.
Stazione Zoologica "A. Dohrn", Naples, Italy: 04-24 October 2015: “APC-11 Advanced Phytoplankton Course, Taxonomy and Systematics”.
Station Biologique de Roscoff, Roscoff, France: 19 May-08 June 2019: "APC-12 Advanced Phytoplankton Course, Taxonomy and Systematics”.
Organization of Austral Summer Institute XIX (ASI XIX), "Harmful Algal Blooms: Optical and Oceanographic Approaches", January 2019.
Nacional - Theses directed at University of Concepcion:
PhD in Oceanography: 7
María Toyos (ongoing since 2016)
Lorena Rebolledo (13/07/2007. Univ. Concepción)
Samuel Nuñez (25/01/2008. Univ. Concepción)
Javier Díaz (08/05/2008. Univ. Concepción)
Gloria Sánchez (08/05/2009. Univ. de Concepción)
Juan Placencia (08/04/2010. Univ. Concepción)
Claudia Aracena (30/08/2011. Univ. Concepción)
Master in Science, Oceanography: 4
Paola Cárdenas (Magister el 29/03/2019. Univ. Concepción)
Raúl Tapia (Magister el 24/01/2008. Univ. Concepción)
Pablo Salgado (Magister el 22/11/2011. Univ. Concepción)
Susana Sandoval (Magister el 23/08/2012. Univ. Concepción)
External Evaluator: 3
Magaly Caniupán (PhD 2011, University of Bremen, Germany)
Laura Perez Becoña (MSc 2014, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay)
Elke Vandekerkhove (PhD 2021, Ghent University, Belgium)
Lange, C. B., 2015. Interview with HWK Fellow Prof. Carina B. Lange. /fileadmin/dateien/downloads/jahresberichte/hwk_jahresbericht2015_online.pdf
Lange, C. B., 2017. Pressemitteilung HWK. Meeres-und Klimaforscher untersuchen am HWK die klimatischen und ozeanographischen Veränderungen aus dem Südostpazifik.
Lange, C. B. 2017. Das Zusammenspiel von Meer und Klima. Nordwest-Zeitung, 07/04/2017.,2,3319670623.html
Lange, C. B., 2017. Expedition POLARSTERN PS97: Around Cape Horn and across the Drake Passage - a Stormy Journey across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Guest Lecture, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, Alemania, 05 Abril 2017.
Lange, C. B., 2018. SABÍAS QUE Estudiar la historia y evolución de los océanos es clave para entender los cambios futuros. 26/03/2018
Lange, C. B., 2019. Sedimentos Marinos como Archivos de Cambios Climáticos y Oceanográficos del Pasado. Charla invitada por Departamento Ciencias de la Tierra (Geología), UdeC, 23 Agosto 2019.
Lange, C. B., 2019. TVU
Lange, C. B., 2019. En el tormentoso Paso Drake, científicos actualizan información geológica del suelo oceánico. 02/08/2019, diario El Mostrador
Lange, C. B., 2019. SABÍAS QUE Los sedimentos del fondo marino sirven para conocer el pasado. 27/08/2019
Lange, C. B., 2021. Mujeres en la Ciencias del Mar,
First record of Lingulodinium polyedrum (Dinophyceae) resting cysts in coastal sediments from the Inner Sea of Chiloé, Los Lagos Region, southern Chile (~41°-43°S) |
Developing human capital for successful implementation of international marine scientific research projects |
Oceanographic studies in the Humboldt current system off Chile: an introduction |
Diatom resting stages in surface sediments=> morphology, preservation and germination |
Quaternary paleoceanography and paleoclimate of the Drake Passage including adjacent southernmost South America and the Antarctic Peninsula (King George Island). Application for ship time. |
Study Group: Atmosphere-ocean changes in the Southeast Pacific ― from glacial/interglacial to instrumental time-scales |
Aplicaciones de la oceanografía para el desarrollo económico sustentable de la zona Sur Austral de Chile |
The biogeochemistry of the Oxygen Minimum Zone of northern Chile in a warming world: present and past evolution using novel lipid biomarkers, |
The biogeochemistry of the Oxygen Minimum Zone of northern Chile in a warming world=> present and past evolution using novel lipid biomarkers |
Microbial Initiative in Low Oxygen areas off Concepción and Oregon |
Microbial Initiative in Low Oxygen areas off Concepción and Oregon |
Aplicaciones de la oceanografía para el desarrollo económico sustentable de la zona Sur Austral de Chile |
Center for Oceanographic Research in the eastern South Pacific |
Holocene Temperature Changes in the Chilean Fjords |
Consolidating Advanced Research and Higher Education in Ocean Sciences at the University of Concepción |
Center for Oceanographic Research in the eastern South Pacific |
Center for Oceanographic Research in the eastern South Pacific |
Centro de Investigación Oceanográfica en el Pacífico Sur-Oriental |
Diatom resting stages in surface sediments: morphology, preservation and germination |
Line 2. Environmental variability and ecosystem patterns associated with changing freshwater inputs in Patagonian fjords |
Research Line 1. Marine productivity in a changing ocean |