Humberto Enrique González Estay
Valdivia, Chile
Biological oceanography of upwelling systems from the northern, central and southern Humboldt Current System off Chile and fjords/channels from the Chilean Patagonia. Carbon flows through the classical and microbial pelagic food webs.
Biological Oceanographer, Universitat Bremen. Alemania, 1992
Marine Biologist, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 1982
Ayudante de Investigación Part Time
Ciencias del Mar
Talcahuano, Chile
1984 - 1988
Doktorand Full Time
Biological Oceanography
Bremerhaven, Alemania
1989 - 1992
Profesor Titular Full Time
Valdivia, Chile
1995 - At present
Director Centro Fondap-IDEAL Full Time
Valdivia y Punta Arenas, Chile
2015 - At present
Professor Full Time
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia, Chile
1995 - At present
Principal Investigator Part Time
COPAS Center of Oceanography
Concepción, Chile
2000 - Not Available
Principal Investigator Part Time
COPAS Center of Oceanography
Concepción, Chile
2000 - 2010
Supervision of Post-doc`s
1) Rodrigo Torres Saavedra (Aug 2004-Feb 2005) & Beatriz Yannicelli de Olivera (Mar 2005-Mar 2006). Post-doc COPAS Center of Oceanography (FONDAP N°15010007) on ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchange along the Chilean coast, and Concepción time serie station modelling, respectively.
2) Pamela Hidalgo Díaz “Zooplankton dynamics and its interaction with the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the upwelling zone off northern Chile: the copepod Eucalanus as a model” 2007-2008. FONDECYT Nº3070002.
3) Lorena Rebolledo Manríquez: “Changes in the siliceous productivity in the Comau Fjord sediments (42ºS,72ºW) and its relationship with events on global and local scales: Climate change and streamflow during the twentieth century”. 2008-2009. FONDECYT 3085045.
4) Héctor Paves Hernández. “Ecotrophic relationships between the microbial loop and the classic food web of the Humboldt Current System-Cape Horn and Patagonian Fjord of Chile" Aug. 2011 – Aug 2014. FONDECYT 3120100
5) Claudia Aracena Pérez “ Freshwater impact on the primary production, biogenic inorganic nutrient and biogenic silice in the southern Patagonia and Antarctic Peninsula". (Ag. 2012 - Ago. 2015). FONDECYT 3130356
Supervision of Master and PhD thesis
1. Cristian Vargas Galvez “Influence of copepods and appendicularians in the carbon cycling in both boreal and coastal upwelling ecosystems”. PhD, University of Concepción, 2002
2. Ricardo Giesecke Astorga. “Energetic budget of dominant chaetognaths of the Humboldt Current System and Antarctica, and their role in biogeochemical cycles of the pelagic ecosystems”. PhD, University of Concepción, 2010.
3. Marcelo Pavez Carrasco. “Role of the carnivorous gelatinous zooplancton in biogeochemical cycles of the pelagic ecosystem off central Chile”. PhD, University of Concepción. December 2011
4. Rodrigo Vera Sepúlveda. “Vertical fluxes of particulate organic carbon in the water column of the oceanic areas off Coquimbo (30ºS), Chile, during the period 1993 – 2005”. Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, 2008
5. Cecilia Torres González. “Growth and deveopment of nauplii stages of the copepod Oithona nana reared in experiment conditions: influence of the quality of the diet”. Magister, University of Concepción. 2006.
6. Paulina Montero Reyes. “Productivity cycle in the upwelling system off Concepción: the importance of diatoms and bacterioplankton in the carbon flux”. Magíster, Pontificial Catholic University of Valparaíso, 2 Nov. 2007.
7. Catharina Alves de Souza. “Interactions parasitoid-host between Amoebophryidae (Malv II) and planktonic dinoflagellates in marine systems with different trophic status. Programa de Doctorado en Sistemática y Ecología, Universidad Austral de Chile y Universidad Pierre & Marie Curie, Francia. 21 abril 2011.
8. Eduardo Menschel Aguilar. Distribución y rol ecológico de cocolitofóridos y su impacto en los flujos de carbonato en el Sistema de Corriente de Humboldt. Programa de Doctorado en Oceanografía, Universidad de Concepción. On going thesis.
Doktorand stipendium
Alemania, 1989
Fellowship to study PhD in Germany
Response to "Whales Might Also Be an Important Component in Patagonian Fjord Ecosystems" |
Centro de Investigación=> Dinámica de ecosistemas Marinos de Altas Latitudes (IDEAL) |
Plankton and cold-water coral ecology in Comau Fjord, Chile (PACOC |
Ecological role of the Fe-dissolved organic matter interactions=> is Fe modulating phytoplankton species composition in Patagonian fjords? |
“Fortalecimiento de las capacidades científicas en las áreas de ciencias marinas y limnológicas de la Universidad Austral de Chile”. |
“Estudios oceanográficos y modelo de análisis de riesgo para el manejo integrado y sustentable del fiordo Aysén (LAT. 45º 24´S, LONG. 72º 59´W), XI región” |
“Aplicaciones de la Oceanografía para el Desarrollo Económico Sustentable de la Zona Sur-Austral de Chile” (“Oceanographic applications for the sustainable economic development of the southern region of Chile”). |
“Estudio del flujo de carbono hacia la trama trófica pelágica y acoplamiento pelágico bentónico en el estuario del río Baker y canal Messier, sur de Chile”. |
“Evaluación de la capacidad de carga del estuario Reloncaví, X región”. |
The role of silicic acid on phytoplankton blooms in the Chilean fjord system=> impact of past and future diminished freshwater streamflow scenario on marine productivity |
“Center for Ocean Research in the Eastern South Pacific (COPAS) II” Research Program 4 (Pelagic-benthic coupling). |
“Flujo de carbono hacia la trama trófica pelágica y acoplamiento pelágico – bentónico en el fiordo Aysén, sur de Chile”. |
“Monitoreo de las Condiciones Oceanográficas en las VIII y IX Regiones”. |
“Monitoreo de las Condiciones Oceanográficas frente a Concepción” |
“Primary production and its fate in the pelagic food web of the Reloncaví Estuary, southern Chile”. |
Principal Investigator of the Fondap Center “Center for Ocean Research in the Eastern South Pacific (COPAS)” |
“Decomposition of organic matter in the water column=> The role of bacteria and zooplankton in modifying chemical structure and fluxes in the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) off Chile.” |
“Trophic ecology of gelatinous zooplankton (filter-feeding and carnivorous) and their significance in the carbon flux in the northern Humboldt Current off Chile.” |
“Interannual and seasonal variability in the sedimentation rates of microzooplankton and detritus at 2300 m depth in the oceanic region off Coquimbo (30ºS) during the period 1993-1998”. |
Circulation and physical-biological interactions in the Humboldt Current System (HCS) and their impact upon regional biogeochemical cycling. |
“Producción primaria y su destino en la trama trófica e intercambio océano-atmósfera de CO2 en el ecosistema de surgencia de Antofagasta”. |
“Mollusc Aquaculture Enhancement in Chile”. |
The coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi as a model system of quantifying ocean biological controls on the global climate charge”. |
Distribution, abundance and fate of copepod faecal material and its role in the vertical flux of particles in the Spitsbergen area, Artic”. Instituto Alfred-Wegener para Investigaciones Polares y Marinas, Alemania. |
Role of bacterioplankton and Phytoplankton in the maintenance of layers of high concentration of organic particles |