Báltica Beatriz Cabieses Valdés
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
Social inequities in Health Health of international migrants and refugees Global Public Health Traslational research Implementation research and implementation science Participation of patients in coverage related decision making processes
Nursing and Midwifery, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Chile, 2002
Certificate in Health Teaching, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Chile, 2004
Epidemiology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Chile, 2008
Health Sciences (Health Inequalities), University of York. Reino Unido, 2011
Instructor Full Time
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
2003 - 2008
Project Coordinator "UC Saludable" Programme Part Time
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
2005 - 2010
Co-Investigator, Mano a Mano Research Projects (RO1/3 NIH funded) for Community-based HIV and AIDS prevention strategies in Chile Part Time
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
2004 - 2011
Associate Professor Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2009 - 2014
Honorary visiting scholar Part Time
University of York
York, Reino Unido
2011 - 2021
Associate Epidemiologist Part Time
Bradford Institute for Health Research, NHS
Bradford, Reino Unido
2011 - 2014
Professor Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
2014 - A la fecha
Visiting scholar to the PhD in Nursing Programme Other
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile
2020 - A la fecha
Research Assistant Part Time
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
2001 - 2002
Associate Epidemiologist Other
Bradford Institute for Health Research
Bradford, Chile
2013 - A la fecha
Consultant to the Health of Migrants Policy development Other
Ministerio de Salud de Chile
Santiago, Colombia
2016 - 2019
Consultant to the eSAC equity in eHealth in LAC Part Time
Pan Ameican Health Organization
WDC, Estados Unidos
2011 - 2013
Consultant in qualitative study on the experience of living with atopic dermatitis in Chile Other
SANOFI-Epsylon Research
Santiago, Colombia
2020 - 2020
Consultant on quantitative study on health of mogrants Other
Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Sur Oriemte
Santiago, Chile
2018 - 2018
Consultant on quantitative study on health of migrants Other
Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Occidente
Santiago, Chile
2020 - 2021
Consultant on health coverage decision making Other
Roche SA
Santiago, Colombia
2019 - 2019
Consultant to organised patients role in health coverage decision making: a workshop Other
Pfizer SA
Santiago, Chile
2019 - 2019
Consultant on qualitative methods por patients participation Other
Santiago, Chile
2020 - 2020
Principal investigator (PI)
1. Title: Living and health trajectories of international migrants to Chile: how do they compare to the locals and what are their related costs to the healthcare system? Funder: Fondecyt Regular Conicyt Chile. Collaborators: UFRO, PUC, UChile, UAndes Purpose: to analyze the trajectories of international migrants to Chile, including living standards, access to and use of healthcare, health status, costs and consequences of including them to the healthcare system, and compare them to the trajectories of the Chileans over time. Duration: 2018-2019 (4 years, US$300,000).
2. Title: Generating competencies in intercultural health to intermational migrants amongst healthcare workers. Funder: FONIS, Conicyt. Collaborators: PI UFRO, CoPI UValpo UCNorte Purpose: to develop a training programme on intercultural health to intermational migrants amongst healthcare workers. Duration: 2019-2021 (2.5 years, US$85.000).
3. Title: International migrants in quarantine facilities in Chile during the COVID-19 pandemic: towards an ethical response to deeply rooted challenges. Funder: WHO. Collaborators: PI UFRO, CoPI UValpo UCNorte Purpose: to develop a training programme on intercultural health to intermational migrants amongst healthcare workers. Duration: 2020-2021 (6 months, US$25.000).
4. Title: Vulnerabilities and resources of international migrant communities in Chile to face the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: building differentiated strategies from interculturality. Funder: ex ANID COVID-19, UDD DID. Collaborators: SJM, UMayor, UAutónoma Purpose: to characterise Vulnerabilities and resources of international migrant communities in Chile to face the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and to develop evidence-based solutions to support the inclusion of this population in future sanitary emergencies. Duration: 2020-20201 (1 year, US$28.000).
5. Title: Living conditions, access to healthcare and healthcare needs on international migrants living in the Western area of Santiago (SSMOC). Funder: SSMOCC Chile. Collaborators: SSMOCC Purpose: to develop a baseline or diagnosis of living conditions, access to healthcare and healthcare needs on international migrants living in the Western area of Santiago (SSMOC) through a multi-methods case study. Duration: 2019-2021 (2.5 years, US$85.000).
Co-investigator (Co-I)
6. Title: Unveiling the institutional sanitary response to Venezuelan migrants in Andean countries in the region. Funder: UKRI. Collaborators: Perú (PI), Ecuador, Colombia. Purpose: to systematize and promote recommendations around the institutional sanitary response to Venezuelan migrants in Andean countries in the region. Duration: 2020-2021 (1 year, US$9.000).
7. Title: Health prevention of HIV and AIDS amongst youth in Chile. Funder: FONIS, Conicyt. Collaborators: PI UFRO, CoPI UValpo UCNorte Purpose: to develop novel knowledge and related strategies on prevention of HIV and AIDS amongst youth in Chile. Duration: 2019-2021 (2.5 years, US$85.000).
8. Title: Excessive gestational weight gain: trend and geo-spatial analysis in a decade (2009-2018) for the design of technical guidelines in pregnant women of the conurbation Temuco-Padre las casas. Funder: FONIS, Conicyt. Collaborators: PI UFRO, CoPI PUC Purpose: to explore a decade of epidemiological trend and spatial analysis on the relationship between obesity and pregnancy outcomes in women living in poor areas of Chile. Duration: 2018-2010 (2 years, US$250,000).
9. Title: Effects of the perception of discrimination and unfair treatment in obesity and metabolic syndrome: Psychological and physiological mechanisms in a longitudinal study. Funder: Fondecyt Regular Conicyt. Collaborators: Pi UFRO, CoPI PUC Purpose: to understand the Effects of the perception of discrimination and unfair treatment in obesity and metabolic syndrome: Psychological and physiological mechanisms in a longitudinal study. Duration: 2018-2020 (3 years, US$50,000).
10. Title: MICROB-R on antimicrobial resistance. Funder: Millenium Initiative Corfo Chile. Collaborators: UFRO, PUC, UChile, UConcepción Purpose: to understand the prevalences and determinants of antimicrobial resistance in Chile and Latin America. Role: Adjunct researcher. Duration: 2018-2020 (2 years, US$300,000).
Principal investigator (PI)
11. Title: Understanding experiences and knowledge related to COVID-19 by international migrants in Chile. Funder: UDD. Collaborators: ColMeed, SJM, MICROB-R Purpose: to describe the experience, knowledge and practices of international migrants in Chile during the SASR-CoV-2 pandemic. Duration: 2020 (1 year, US$1.000).
12. Title: Understanding self-perceived health in Latin America. Funder: EuroQol. Collaborators: PI UFRO, CoPI PUC Purpose: to explore a decade of epidemiological trend and spatial analysis on the relationship between obesity and pregnancy outcomes in women living in poor areas of Chile. Duration: 2018-2019 (2 years, US$30,000).
13. Title: Multi-method study on asylum seekers in Chile: recommendations for public policy. Funder: Santander El Mercurio Collaborators: PI UFRO, CoPI PUC Purpose: to explore a decade of epidemiological trend and spatial analysis on the relationship between obesity and pregnancy outcomes in women living in poor areas of Chile. Duration: 2018-2019 (2 years, US$10,000).
14. Title: Knowledge and practices of parenting and child care of Haitian families in Chile: a critical analysis of interventions to early childhood from intercultural perspectives. Funder: Santander El Mercurio Collaborators: PI UFRO, CoPI PUC Purpose: to explore a decade of epidemiological trend and spatial analysis on the relationship between obesity and pregnancy outcomes in women living in poor areas of Chile. Duration: 2018-2019 (2 years, US$10,000).
15. Title: Assessment of the pilot intervention “The health of migrants´ pilot programme”. Funder: Ministry of Health. Collaborators: OIM Purpose: to assess the pilot intervention “The health of migrants´ pilot programme that was implemented in 5 boroughs of the country. Duration: 2017-2018 (7 months, US$67,000).
16. Title: Developing public health intelligence in primary care for international immigrants in Chile: A multi-methods study Funder: Fondecyt Chile N° 11130042 Collaborators: University of York, Bradford Institute for Health Research Purpose: To assess what are the health status, health needs and healthcare use of this population in the 8 immigrant-densest boroughs in Chile and how are they being addressed at the primary care level. Duration: 2013-2017 (4 years, US$250,000).
17. Title: Effective access to healthcare, multidimensional poverty and self-reported health status in adult population in Chile: a path analysis. Funder: Direction of Research at UDD. Collaborators: University of York, Bradford Institute for Health Research Purpose: To assess the association between effective access to healthcare, multidimensional poverty and self-reported health status in adult population in Chile. Duration: 2016 (2 years, US$10,000).
18. Title: Social vulnerability and its effect in population heath in Chile: a participation-action study. Funder: Direction of Research at UDD & Ministry of Education. Collaborators: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, América Solidaria, PAHO/WHO. Purpose: To develop a novel book on social vulnerability and health effects in Chile through a participatory intersector process in the country. Duration: 2015-2016 (1 year, US$13,000).
19. Title: [Information and communication technologies for health equity beyond clinical settings: lessons from selected interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean] Funder: IDRC Purpose: To assess Information and communication technologies for health equity beyond clinical settings: lessons from selected interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Duration: 2013-2014 (1 years, US$10,000).
20. Title: Mapping eHealth strategies in Chile Funder: Pan American Health Organization Collaborators: OPS Chile, OPS Argentina, MINSAL Purpose: To map eHealth strategies in Chile Duration: 2013 (5 months, US$3,000).
21. Title: Income distribution and its relationship to various health problems in the adult population in Chile from 2009 National Survey Funder: Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. Collaborators: University of York, Centre for Health Economics, Hospital Barros Luco Unidad de Estudios Purpose: To assess the relationship between income distribution of the adult Chilean population and various health problems. It will estimate concentration index for multiple chronic conditions in Chile. Duration: 2012 (1 year, US$10,287).
Co-investigator (Co-I)
22. Title: Ethnographic study for the promotion of sexual / reproductive health and the prevention of teen pregnancy in Chile: identifying challenges and proposing solutions. Funder: UDD. Collaborators: UDD, Minsal, SSMSO Purpose: to
systematize, from an ethnographic approach, the implementation of the affectivity and sexuality component of the 3A Program in three schools in the commune of Lo Prado. Duration: 2018-2019 (2 years, US$6,000).
23. Title: International Network for research collaboration on DataScience. Funder: Conicyt Chile. Collaborators: University of York Purpose: to catalyse and International Network between UDD ISI Foundation and others for research collaboration on DataScience. Duration: 2018 (1 year, US$20,000).
24. Title: a case study of the trajectory and mechanisms for developing institutional capacity for the demand and use of health policy and systems research in Chile. Funder: WHO. Collaborators: OIM Purpose: to assess the pilot intervention “The health of migrants´ pilot programme that was implemented in 5 boroughs of the country. Duration: 2017-2018 (7 months, US$50,000).
25. Title: Participation of patient groups/associations in decisional making process in Chile: opportunities and challenges. Funder: FONIS Chile. Collaborators: UDD Purpose: To explore the participation of patient groups/associations in decisional making process in Chile. Duration: 2016-2018 (1 year, US$45,000).
26. Title: Developing public policy recommendations for non-oncologic pain in Chile Funder: Public Policy Research Centre at PUC. Collaborators: UDD Purpose: To develop public policy recommendations for non-oncologic pain in Chile. Duration: 2017 (1 year, US$12,000).
27. Title: Knowledge and attitudes towards natural disasters among international immigrants in Chile: the case of the fire in Valparaiso 2015. Funder: Direction of Research at UDD. Collaborators: University of York Purpose: To explore knowledge and attitudes towards natural disasters among international immigrants in Chile. Duration: 2016 (1 year, US$8,000).
28. Title: [Congenital anomalies and developmental disorders: evaluation of cost-effectiveness of new diagnostic tools] Funder: Fonis Chile Purpose: To assess whether Congenital anomalies and developmental disorders are cost-effective as new diagnostic tools in primary care in Santiago. Duration: 2013-2015 (2 years, US$56,000).
29. Title: Cost-consequence analysis of weight excess in Chile. Funder: Herbalife S.A.. Purpose: to conduct a cost-consequence analysis of weight excess in Chile. Duration: 2014-2015 (1 year, US $20,000).
30. Title: First national training programme in health economics in Chile. Funder:FONIS, National Fund for Health Research in Chile. Purpose: to develop and pilot the first national training programme in health economics in Chile. Duration:2010-2011 (1 year, US $62,025).
31. Title: First national training programme in clinical health research in Chile. Funder: FONIS, National Fund for Health Research in Chile. Purpose: to develop and pilot the first national training programme in clinical health research in Chile. Duration: 2008-2009 (1 year, US$62,025).
32. Title: Mobilizing Health Workers for Community HIV Prevention in Chile. Funder: National Institute of Health, USA (NIH) Grant R03 TW006980-01. Purpose: Adapt and test a training program for health workers in primary health centers in HIVprevention. Duration: 2004-2007 (3 years, US $54,000).
33. Title: Health Professionals: Media communication pathways preferred to seek continuing education programmes. Funder: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Dirección de Extensión Escuela de Enfermería UC. Purpose: To describe preferred mass media among health professionals, in order to receive information about continuing education at School of Nursing, UC. Duration: 2004-2005 (1 year, US$8,000).
34. Title: Nursing Undergraduates 2005- 2006: Preferred media pathways and motivations to apply for the UC Nursing career. Funder: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Dirección de Extensión Escuela de Enfermería UC. Purpose: To describe motivations and mass media preferred to know about nursing career at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Duration: 2004-2005 (1 year, US$8,000).
35. Title: A manual on translational research for undergraduate students from health sciences at UDD: a participation-action project. Funder: Direction of Research at UDD. Collaborators: University of York Purpose: To develop a novel manual on translational research for undergraduate students from health sciences at UDD. Duration: 2016 (1 year, US$8,000).
Associate researcher
36. Title: Born In Bradford Cohort study Funders: The British government via various grant funders. Collaborators: Multiple research teams all over Europe and in the UK Purpose: The Born in Bradford cohort study will examine how genetic, nutritional, environmental and social factors impact on health and development during childhood, and subsequently in adult life. It will also examine how nutritional, environmental and social factors influence the woman's subsequent health and wellbeing. Duration: 2004 and ongoing (cohort study, ongoing governmental and EU financial support, US$ 14million by 2013)
37. Title: The eSAC project: The Public eHealth Innovation and Equity In Latin America and the Caribbean Funders: University of Toronto Collaborators: Pan-American Health Organization, International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Canada. Purpose: The Public eHealth Innovation and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (eSAC) Project offers young professionals the opportunity to work in Public eHealth in Latin American and the Caribbean. The project aims at improving the health of disadvantaged groups and contributing to the advancement of equity in health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Duration: 2011-2013 (2 years, US$ 2million)
38. Title: MedALL project: Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy Funders: Collaborative Project (Large-scale integrating research project including 21 different research centres all over Europe). Coordinators in Paris, France: Jean Bousquet and Josep M. Antó. Collaborators: Multiple research teams all over Europe Purpose: Investigation of the mechanisms of initiation of allergic response, genetic predisposition, biomarkers and identification of targets for therapy. Duration: 2011-2016 (5 years, US$ 3million)
39. Title: IDRC in Canada: NCDP programme global priority-setting exercise in the field of non-communicable diseases in low and middle income countries. Funder: International Development Research Centre. Collaborators: Experts all over the world Purpose: to develop a set of priority topics to inform researchers, public health practitioners and stakeholders in the field of non-communicable diseases in low and middle income countries. Duration: 2010-2013 (3 years).
40. Title: Verification of Average Expected Cost per Individual Beneficiary, Joint Prioritized Health Problems with Explicit Guarantees, Chilean Ministry of Health– 2012. Funder: Chilean Ministry of Health. Collaborators: independent researchers Purpose: to estimate the expected annual cost per average beneficiary individual for the year 2013 (UF) for each of the health problems covered or to be covered by the AUGE plan. Duration: 2012 (5 months, US$ 210,000).
41. Title: Testing an intervention in HIV prevention for women in Chile. Funder: National Institute of Health, USA (NIH) Grant RO1 TW-03-006 Purpose: To develop and test an HIV prevention intervention in low-income Chilean women. Duration: 2004-2009 (5 years, US$51,202).
42. Title: Future health professionals: Strengthening their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors against HIV/AIDS. Funder: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, DIPUC 2005/27Ce. Purpose: Develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an HIV/ AIDS prevention program for nursing and medical students in Chile. Duration: 2005-2006 (1 year, US$15,000).
Current teaching experience
2020 Research leader at the undergrad module of Quantitative Research Methods for Nursing students at UDD
2016-date Research leader at the PONT UDD programme to connect undergrad students of the Faculty of Medicine at UDD with real research environments
2014-date Responsible for the “Scientific Nursing Undergraduate Academy” for research assistants training
2013-date Responsible for the research curricula at the Nursing career at Universidad del Desarrollo
2013-date Casual Lecturer, Module Anthropology of health care, School of Psychology UC
2013-date Casual Lecturer, Module Public Health, School of Medicine at UDD
Past teaching experience
2013-2015 Module Leader, Society, Inequality and Health (optional module), UDD, II semester
2013-2016 Module Leader, Research Methods, School of Nursing UDD, I semester
2013-2015 Supervisor, Module Undergraduate Thesis dissertation, School of Nursing UDD, I-II semester
2005 Occupational Health, School of Nursing UC
2004 Prevention and management of accidents, School of Nursing UC
2004-2005 Nursing Care in Newborn period, School of Nursing UC
2003-2004 Nursing care in Infants. Young children/Adolescents, School of Nursing UC
2004 Nursing Care in Obstetric and perinatal period II, School of Nursing UC
2003-2004 Nursing Care in the Mother and Infant, School of Nursing UC
2003-2005 Nursing Care in Obstetric and perinatal period I, School of Nursing UC
Committee membership
2014-date Executive Board, PhD in Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, CAS-UDD
2014-date Advisory Board, MSc in Nursing Practice, CAS-UDD
2014-2015 Academic Executive Board, Faculty of Medicine, CAS-UDD
PhD and MSc supervisions
2020-date MSc Epidemiology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Mr. Rodrigo Severino)
2020-date PhD in Medical Innovation and Sciences thesis director, Universidad del Desarrollo (Mrs. Isabel Rada)
2017-date PhD in Public Health thesis director, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain (Mrs. Eliozka Nuñez)
2013-2019 PhD in Public Health thesis co-supervisor, Universidad de Pompeu Fabra, Spain (Mrs. Iris Delgado)
2018-date MSc Public Policy thesis supervisor, Universidad de Chile (Ms. Camila Sepúlveda)
2016-2018 Member of PhD committee board, University of La Frontera Temuco (Mrs. Daniela Gómez)
2016-2018 MPH thesis supervisor, University of Chile (Mr. Daniel Larenas)
2016-2017 MPH thesis supervisor, University of Chile (Mrs. Patricia Bustos)
2014-2016 MSc Epidemiology thesis supervisor, Northern Catholic University of Chile in Coquimbo (Mrs. Johanna Rivera)
Past teaching experience
2014-2016 Lecturer, Module Society, Public Policy and Health, Masters in Health Psychology, UC, Chile
2014-2016 Lecturer and Core Founder member, Diploma in health research with translational approach, UDD, Santiago, Chile
2013 PhD student mentor in Public Health, University of Chile (Ms. Macarena Valdés)
2013 Casual Lecturer, Module Anthropology of healthcare, MSc Health Psychology, UC
2013 Casual Lecturer, MSc Bioethics, UDD
2012 Director and main lecturer for the course [“Epidemiological analysis of population-based datasets in Stata: basic to intermediate level”] 9-11April 2012. UDD, Chile
2012 Guest Lecturer, Health inequalities module, Masters in Health Research, University of York, UK
2011-2012 Guest Lecturer, Global Public Health module, Masters in Health Research, University of York, UK
2011 Mentor of PhD student from University of Loughborough, research work developed at Born in Bradford project
2009-2012 Coordinator, SEED scientific meetings, PhD programme at the University of York, UK
2010 Director and main lecturer forthe course [”New applications of epidemiological research and economic evaluations in health: emphasis on inequality”] 6-9 Jan 2010. UDD, Chile
2010 Curricula designer and e-learning coordinator, Diploma [“Clinical Research Methodology Training in Chile (EMIC-Chile): Health Economics Module”]. Chilean National Health Research Fund.
2008 Curricula designer and lecturer, Diploma ["Clinical Research Methodology Training in Chile (EMIC-Chile)”] Chilean National Health Research Fund. CONICYT, Chile
2011-2014 Collaborator to the eSAC project young professionals, Panamerican Health Organization and University of Toronto
2010-2011 Coordinator of Nursing Directors visit to the University of York, co-led with the Nursing curricula, Department of Health Sciences
2003-2005 Coordinator and mentor of undergraduate students of the REAL international project [Red de estudiantes de Enfermeria de Latinoamerica], Latin American Nursing students Network, UC, Chile
2003-2005 Coordinator of short courses and international interchange programme between UC and University of Illinois at Chicago, funded by the MIRT (Minority International Research Training Programme). The programme supported educational visits to rural ethnic minority groups living in the South of Chile (5 visits with international students), Chile
2004 Coordinator and lecturer. Course: First aid with emphasis on prevention of HIV/AIDS. Rural Mapuche youth community at Traitraico village, IX region, UC, Chile
2004 Member of the Executive Committee and lecturer at the course: Human Subject Protections Program. Continuing Education. UC and the University of Illinois at Chicago. Santiago, Chile
2005-2007 Lecturer, Prevention of alcohol and other drugs at the workplace, Asociación Chilena de Seguridad, Santiago
2004 Lecturer and Workshop leader, Course “First Aid”, Auxilio Maltés Foundation, Chile
1. Avaria A, Cabieses B, Obach A (2020). Nuevas aproximaciones a la salud de migrantes internacionales. Editorial RIL. Universidad Autónoma y Universidad del Desarrollo. En prensa.
2. Espinoza ME, Rodríguez C, Cabieses B. (2019). Manual de participación de pacientes en toma de decisiones sobre cobertura en salud. Pontificia Universidad Católica y Universidad del Desarrollo. Ediciones UC y FONIS, ANID Chile.
3. Cabieses B, Correa ME. (2019). Encuentros interculturales en salud. Testimonios de migrantes internacionales y equipos de salud. Ed. Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile. Protegido por derechos de autor Impreso en Chile/Printed in Chile ISBN versión digital: 978-956-374-031-8 ISBN versión impresa: 978-956-374-030-1. Digital free on line versión https://repositorio.udd.cl/handle/11447/2784
4. Cabieses B, Bernales M, McIntyre AMM. (2017). La migración internacional como determinante social de la salud: miradas y propuestas para políticas públicas. Ed. Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile, 522 pages. ISBN versión impresa: 978-956-374-000-4. ISBN versión digital: 978-956-374-001-1. Digital free on line versión http://www.udd.cl/dircom/pdfs/Libro_La_migracion_internacional.pdf
5. Cabieses B, Bernales M, Obach A, Pedrero V. (2016). [Social vulnerability and its effects on population health in Chile] Spanish. Ed. Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile, 500 pages. ISBN 9789567961801. Digital free on line version http://hdl.handle.net/11447/1459
1. Cabieses B. (2019). Capítulo: Salud de personas migrantes internacionales. En: Rojas N, Vicuña JT: Migración en Chile: evidencia y mitos de una nueva realidad. Editorial LOM: Santiago, Chile. ISBN: 9789560012272.
2. Cabieses B. (2018). Capítulo 2: Incorporando la investigación en salud a la docencia de pregrado. En: Pedrero V & Chepo M (eds.). Manual para el desarrollo de competencias de investigación en ciencias de la salud. Ed: UDD, Santiago. En: http://repositorio.udd.cl/handle/11447/2037
3. Espinoza MA, Repetto P, Cabieses B, Vargas C, Zitko P. (2017). Propuesta de política pública para el manejo del dolor músculo- esquelético en Chile. En: Centro de Políticas Públicas PUC. Propuestas de políticas públicas para Chile 2017. Ed: PUC, Santiago, Chile.
4. Cabieses B, Pickett K, Wilkinson R (2016). Impact of socioeconomic inequality on children´s health. In: Handbook of Economics and Human Biology. Ed: Komlos J & Kelly I. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199389292
5. Leppe J, Maturana A, Cabieses B, Bernales M, Obach A. (2015). Innovative Diploma in Translational Research for health professions: the UDD experience. In: Innovative teaching strategies at UDD. Santiago: UDD.
6. Repetto P, Bernales M, Cabieses B. (2014). Encyclopedia of Health Promotion. A brief history of health promotion. Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA.
7. Cabieses B, Bernales M, Obach A, Maturana A. (2015). El modelo de investigación traslacional: Su aporte y desafíos para la toma de decisiones en salud. En: Llambias-Wolff: La Enfermedad de los sistemas de salud: miradas críticas y alternativas. 1a Ed. Toronto: York University Press.
8. Cabieses B, Tunstall H. (2013) Section II. Chapter 3: Access to, need and use of healthcare by international immigrants in Chile. In: Gideon J. and Thomas F. Migration, Health and Inequalities. Zed Press: England. 179-199. ISBN 9781780321257
9. Munoz M, Cabieses B, Contreras A & Zuzulich MS (2010). Capitulo 8: Universidades y Promoción de la Salud. En: Ippolito J. Promoción de la Salud, Experiencias internacionales en escuelas y universidades. Paidos Tramas sociales. ISBN 9789501245622.
2. Cabieses B. (2020). Survey of international migrants’ knowledge and ability to cope with COVID-19 in Chile. Descriptive general results. Encuesta sobre covid-19 a poblaciones migrantes internacionales en Chile. Capítulo 1: Resultados descriptivos generales. https://repositorio.udd.cl/bitstream/handle/11447/3267/Encuesta%20Migrantes%20y%20%20COVID19_Resultados%20Descriptivos%20Generales.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
3. Santander s, B Leyton, F Hasen, M Valdés, C D'Angelo, P Maureira, Obach A, Cabieses B. (2019). Informe de Sistematización del Primer Encuentro Participativo de Adolescentes y Jóvenes Migrantes en Salud. Ministerio de Salud de Chile. https://repositorio.udd.cl/handle/11447/3266
1. Cabieses B, Libuy M, Dabanch J. (2019). Hacia una comprensión integral de la relación entre migración internacional y enfermedades infecciosas. De la creencia a la evidencia para la acción sanitaria en Chile. http://hdl.handle.net/11447/2813
2. Cabieses B et al. (2017). Estudio Licitación Pública Minsal Salud Migrantes internacionales http://hdl.handle.net/11447/2487
3. Cabieses B et al. (2017). Collection of 8 reports: Community health of international migrants in eight boroughs in Chile. http://hdl.handle.net/11447/1632
4. Cabieses B et al. (2016). First healthcare consultation to recent international migrants to Chile: a primary care programme. http://hdl.handle.net/11447/1902
5. Cabieses B et al. (2016). Multidimensional poverty, self-perceived health and access to health in Chile: Generating critical knowledge for public health network action http://repositorio.udd.cl/handle/11447/1633
6. Bernales M & Cabieses B. (2016). Knowledge and practices of international migrants before natural disasters in Valparaíso. http://repositorio.udd.cl/handle/11447/1682
Excellence in Academic Performance Award
Chile, 2014
Excellence in Academic Performance Award
Health Sciences Departmental Annual Prize
Reino Unido, 2010
Winner of the Health Sciences Departmental Annual Prize 2010, best PhD student, University of York.
The Lancet/Global Forum IV Competition "Young Voices in Research for Health"
The Lancet/Global Forum
Chile, 2009
Essay shortlisted in The Lancet/Global Forum IV Competition "Young Voices in Research for Health"(http://light.globalforumhealth.org/Media-Publications/Publications/Young-Voices-in-research-for-Health-2009-Innovating-for-the-health-of-all)
Best Poster Award. First ARRC Conference
Chile, 2009
Best Poster Award. First ARRC Conference, July, University of York, UK
Excelence Academic Recognition
Chile, 2008
First Place. 2008 cohort, MSc Epidemiology UC, Santiago, Chile
National Scientific Research Award El Mercurio Santander
El Mercurio Santander
Chile, 2017
For conducted research on the health of migrants in Chile
Lancet Migration Board for Latin America
Lancet Migration Commission
Chile, 2020
Member of Lancet Migration Board for Latin America
A Brief History and Analysis of Health Promotion. |
The Link Between Information and Communication Technologies and Global Public Health: Pushing Forward |
Incremento ponderal gestacional excesivo=> análisis de tendencia y geo-espacial en una década (2009-2018) para el diseño de orientaciones técnicas en gestantes de la conurbación temuco-padre las casas. |
Effects of the perception of discrimination and unfair treatment in obesity and metabolic syndrome=> Psychological and physiological mechanisms in a longitudinal study |
Assessment of the pilot intervention “The health of migrants´ pilot programme”. |
Developing public policy recommendations for non-oncologic pain in Chile |
Participation of patient groups/associations in decisional making process in Chile=> opportunities and challenges. |
A manual on translational research for undergraduate students from health sciences at UDD=> a participation-action project. |
Effective access to healthcare, multidimensional poverty and self-reported health status in adult population in Chile=> a path analysis. |
Knowledge and attitudes towards natural disasters among international immigrants in Chile=> the case of the fire in Valparaiso 2015. |
Social vulnerability and its effect in population heath in Chile=> a participation-action study. |
Cost-consequence analysis of weight excess in Chile. |
[Congenital anomalies and developmental disorders=> evaluation of cost-effectiveness of new diagnostic tools] |
Developing public health intelligence in primary care for international immigrants in Chile=> A multi-methods study |
Information and communication technologies for health equity beyond clinical settings=> lessons from selected interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Mapping eHealth strategies in Chile |
Income distribution and its relationship to various health problems in the adult population in Chile from 2009 National Survey |
Verification of Average Expected Cost per Individual Beneficiary, Joint Prioritized Health Problems with Explicit Guarantees, Chilean Ministry of Health– 2012. |
MedALL project=> Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy |
The eSAC project=> The Public eHealth Innovation and Equity In Latin America and the Caribbean |
NCDP programme global priority-setting exercise in the field of non-communicable diseases in low and middle income countries |
Future health professionals=> Strengthening their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors against HIV/AIDS. |
Born In Bradford Cohort study |
Mobilizing Health Workers for Community HIV Prevention in Chile. |
Testing an intervention in HIV prevention for women in Chile. |
Manuel Espinoza
Profesor Asociado
Salud Pública
Santiago, Chile
Lisette Irarrazabal
Profesor Asistente
Salud del Adulto y Senescente
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Orozimba Delgado
Profesor Asociado
Facultad de Medicina Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
Paula Repetto
Associate Professor
Santiago, Chile
Ximena Aguilera
Full Professor; Director Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud /Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy
Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud (CEPS)/ Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy/Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud (CEPS)
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
María Matute
Regular Research Associate Professor
Centro de Epidemiologia y Politicas de Salud
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
Solange Campos
Profesor Asociado
Salud del Niño y Adolescente
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Carla Castillo
Associate Professor
Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud / Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile
Payam Dadvand
Associate Research Professor
Programa en Contaminación Atmosférica y Entorno Urbano
Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona
Barcelona, España