Julio Andres Haberland Arellano
Assistant teacher
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
- Efficient use of water resources for irrigation - Agronomic management of table grape rootstocks in the northern zone - Use of hydrogels in agriculture - Use of physiological indicators to control irrigation in table grapes
Agricultural engineer, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1993
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA. Estados Unidos, 2001
Assistant teacher Part Time
agricultural sciences
Santiago, Chile
1993 - A la fecha
Assistant teacher Part Time
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
1993 - A la fecha
In charge of internships and computer summer courses Part Time
University of Arizona
Tempe, Estados Unidos
1999 - 2001
In my years dedicated to teaching I have participated in the formation of human capital through the chairs that I have directed and in which I have participated as an associate professor, I have also been advisor or director of undergraduate and postgraduate theses.
In the last 16 years I have developed a series of initiatives with public financing related to carrying out applied research in relation to the efficient use of water resources, in the Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso and O'Higgins Regions, all of them with a strong dissemination component. and transfer of knowledge to agricultural producers and related extensionists. Among the most outstanding in which I have participated:
Year/ Institution Name/Description
2016 / National Irrigation Commission / Training and technology transfer program in adaptation to climate change for vulnerable areas of small-scale irrigated agriculture, Northern Zone
2009/ CORFO/ Irrigation node: diffusion and technology transfer for the efficient use of irrigation water in the Atacama region” (code 08NF1-1855)
2011/ FIA/ Development and Innovation of an agrometeorological network for climate zoning and monitoring at soil, water and plant levels; Towards the design of optimized monitoring systems in order to improve the use of intra-farm water in the Copiapó Valley
2012/ CORFO/APECO/ Single intra-farm water management platform for the Copiapó Valley
2012/ DGA/ Training on the Administration of Water Resources in the Indigenous Communities of the Region of Arica and Parinacota
2012/ National Irrigation Commission/ Diagnosis of Potential Water Demand in Northern Chile
2013/ FIA/ Solid irrigation as an alternative to the problem of drought and climate change in fruit, vegetable and cereal farms in the O'Higgins Region
2013/ CORFO/ Geospatialized Water Bank Pilot System in sectors 5 and 6 of the Copiapó aquifer
2014/FONDEF/ Dynamic Model of Water Demand applicable to the Management of Water Resources at the basin level (Copiapó)
2015/ CNR/ Irrigation Management Plan for the Copiapó river basin
2015/ CNR/ Irrigation Management Plan for the Huasco river basin
2017/ CONADI/ Promotion, elaboration and evaluation of irrigation projects for indigenous organizations and people of the Atacama Region
2016/ FIC R III/Development of an agrometeorological network for the Huasco valley and dissemination of the existing network in the Copiapó valley for the efficient use of water
2016/FIC R III/ Applied research and technology transfer of variety behavior - table grape rootstock for the efficient use of irrigation water in the Copiapó Valley
2015/FIC R IV/ “Technology transfer and innovation program in irrigation for pisco grape producers in the Limarí Valley”
2016/CORFO/CODESSER/ Irrigation Equipment Management and Operation Node
2012/FIC R III/ Technology transfer program for farmers in the San Fernando-Desembocadura sector, Copiapó Province
2012/CONICYT/ Business Science Linkage to improve the competitiveness of Table Grapes in the Copiapó Valley through joint work on the problem of selection of variety-rootstock combinations.
2007/CNR/Diagnosis and proposals to promote irrigation and drainage for small-scale agriculture and original ethnic groups: Agriculture of original peoples
2013/INDAP/Entrepreneurs Modality Technical Advice (SAT) table grapes, Commune of Alto del Carmen
Meritorious Award for Teaching Assistants
Estados Unidos, 2001
• Premio a la calidad docente “Meritorious Award for Teaching Assistants, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Distinción Honoraria, Alpha Epsilon
Agricultural Engineering Honor Society
Chile, 1998
Distinción Honoraria
Beca Presidente de la Republica
Chile, 1997
Beca de doctorado
Closure to "Laboratory and Field Calibration of the Diviner 2000 Probe in Two Types of Soil" by J. Haberland, R. Galvez, C. Kremer, and C. Carter |
Agricultural irrigation imaging system, design and application |
Características del suelo en algunas comunidades de tundra de la península Coppermi-ne, Isla Robert, Shetland del Sur (Antártica) |
Riego sólido como alternativa al problema de la sequía y cambio climático en predios frutales, hortalizas y cereales de la Región de O'Higgins |
Plataforma Única de Gestión Hídrica Intrapredial para el Valle de Copiapó |
Desarrollo e Innovación de una red Agrometereológica para el Valle de Copiapó |
Diseño de sistemas para el uso eficiente del agua de riego intrapredial en el Valle de Copiapó |
Mejoramiento de la Competitividad de los huertos de olivo para la producción de aceite extra virgen a través del manejo del añerismo y enfermedades |
Tecnología Sustentable para la producción de cerezas de exportación en la zona Centro-Sur Chile (Los Ángeles-Osorno) |
Riego y fertirrigación. Innovación y cambios tecnológicos en el uso racional del agua de riego y fertilización en la optimización del manejo de parronales en el valle de Copiapó |
Descubriendo la ciencia por medio de la relación suelo-agua-planta |

Oscar Seguel
Académico Jornada Ordinaria
Ingeniería y Suelos
Santiago, Chile