

Director Departamento

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Blanqueamiento dentario Alternativas de tratamiento para restauraciones defectuosas


  •  Ciencias Odontológicas mención Odontología Restauradora, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho" UNESP. Brasil, 2015
  •  Cirujano Dentista, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1996
  •  Odontología, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1996
  •  Especialista en Endodoncia, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2008

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor asistente Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - 2019

  •   Ayudante Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2007 - 2011

  •   Director de Departamento Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2016 - A la fecha

  •   Profesor Asociado Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2019 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Académico Part Time

    Universidad de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2007 - A la fecha

  •   Endodoncista Part Time

    Integramédica mall plaza norte

    Santiago, Chile

    2008 - 2017

  •   Cirujano dentista Part Time

    Clínica dental de la Caja de Compensación Gabriela Mistral

    Santiago, Chile

    2002 - 2006


Article (78)

Biological, mechanical and adhesive properties of universal adhesives containing zinc and copper nanoparticles
One-year bleaching efficacy using two HP products with different pH: A double-blind randomized clinical trial
Teeth whitening with 6% hydrogen peroxide and its impact on quality of life: 2years of follow-up
12 Years of Repair of Amalgam and Composite Resins: A Clinical Study
Color stability, psychosocial impact, and effect on self-perception of esthetics of tooth whitening using low-concentration (6%) hydrogen peroxide
Effects of Sealing Marginal Occlusal Defects of Composite Restorations with a Nanofiller-Reinforced Flowable Resin Composite: A Double-Blind, Randomised Clinical Trial with One-Year Follow-Up
Quality of life and stability of tooth color change at three months after dental bleaching
The effects of at-home whitening on patients' oral health, psychology, and aesthetic perception
Comparison of Effectiveness and Sensitivity Using Two In-Office Bleaching Protocols for a 6% Hydrogen Peroxide Gel in a Randomized Clinical Trial
Effect of Refurbishing Amalgam and Resin Composite Restorations After 12 Years: Controlled Clinical Trial
Effectiveness and Impact of the Walking Bleach Technique on Esthetic Self-perception and Psychosocial Factors: A Randomized Double-blind Clinical Trial
Influence of the Passive Evaporation of adhesive on the conductance of dentin
Long-term Performance of Refurbished Amalgam Restorations: 10-year Follow-up
Longevity, Esthetic Perception, and Psychosocial Impact of Teeth Bleaching by Low (6%) Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration for In-office Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Teeth bleaching with low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (6%) and catalyzed by LED blue (450 +/- 10 nm) and laser infrared (808 +/- 10 nm) light for in-office treatment: Randomized clinical trial 1-year follow-up
Aumento de longevidad de restauraciones de resinas compuestas y de su unión adhesiva. Revisión de tema
Is personality relevant in the choice of bleaching?
Personality style in patients looking for tooth bleaching and its correlation with treatment satisfaction
Revisión del estado actual de cementos de silicato de calcio en odontología restauradora
Can an LED-laser hybrid light help to decrease hydrogen peroxide concentration while maintaining effectiveness in teeth bleaching?
Can an LED-laser hybrid light help to decrease hydrogen peroxide concentration while maintaining effectiveness in teeth bleaching?
Can repair increase the longevity of composite resins? Results of a 10-year clinical trial
Can repair increase the longevity of composite resins? Results of a 10-year clinical trial
Comparación de la Conductancia Hidraulica Dentinaria, de acuerdo al Tiempo de Aplicación de Desensibilizantes con Base de Oxalatos
Correlación entre diferentes métodos de evaluación de color en el clareamiento dental
Does refurbishing composites lead to short-term effects or long-lasting improvement?
Effectiveness of 6% hydrogen peroxide concentration for tooth bleaching-A double-blind, randomized clinical trial
Effectiveness of 6% hydrogen peroxide concentration for tooth bleaching-A double-blind, randomized clinical trial.
Is there difference of Streptococcus mutans count and adherence on amalgam and resin occlusal restorations? A blind clinical study
Longitudinal Results of a 10-year Clinical Trial of Repair of Amalgam Restorations
Seal, replacement or monitoring amalgam restorations with occlusal marginal defects? Results of a 10-year clinical trial
Sealing Composite With Defective Margins, Good Care or Over Treatment? Results of a 10-year Clinical Trial
Caries-free subjects have high levels of urease and arginine deiminase activity
Caries-free subjects have high levels of urease and arginine deiminase activity.
Estudio descriptivo in vitro de dos agentes blanqueadores de distinta concentración sobre la micromorfología del esmalte bovino
Evaluation of dental restorations: a comparative study between clinical and digital photographic assessments
Evaluation of dental restorations: A comparative study between clinical and digital photographic assessments
Indicators of the risk mechanics for Class-I and Class-II amalgam and composite resin restorations
Rol del 10-metacriloxidecilfosfato dihidrogenado en el cambio de paradigma de los sistemas adhesivos integrados en la dentina
Activity and effects of urease and arginine deiminase in saliva and oral human biofilm
Bond strength evaluation of nanohybrid resin-based composite repair.
Dentin hypersensitivity after teeth bleaching with in-office systems. Randomized clinical trial
Dentin hypersensitivity after teeth bleaching with in-office systems. Randomized clinical trial
Efecto del almacenamiento en solución de HBSS sobre la difusión transdentinaria en terceros molares extraídos
Efecto del ácido oxálico bajo restauraciones cervicales en dientes con hipersensibilidad ensayo clínico randomizado controlado doble ciego
Effects of Light Activation, Agent Concentration, and Tooth Thickness on Dental Sensitivity After Bleaching
Effects of Light Activation, Agent Concentration, and Tooth Thickness on Dental Sensitivity After Bleaching
Estado actual del blanqueamiento sigue siendo un tratamiento seguro? Review
Influence of type of bur and acid etching on dentin hydraulic conductance
Influencia del número de capas de adhesivo en la conductancia hidraúlica en dentina humana
Management of Class I and Class II Amalgam Restorations with Localized Defects: Five-Year Results
Management of Class I and Class II Amalgam Restorations with Localized Defects: Five-Year Results.
Minimal Invasive Treatment for Defective Restorations: Five-Year Results Using Sealants
Minimal Invasive Treatment for Defective Restorations: Five-Year Results Using Sealants
Modelo de conductancia hidráulica de la dentina humana ex vivo
Validation of the Spanish OHIP‐Aesthetic Questionnaire for Chilean Adults
Bond strength evaluation of nanohybrid resin-based composite repair
¿Está Relacionado El Espesor Dentario Con La Sensibilidad Dental Posterior Al Tratamiento Blanqueador?
Comparación de la sensibilidad dentaria de los pacientes sometidos a terapia de blanqueamiento dental con y sin luz
Efecto In-Vitro de dos tipos de piedra de diamante sobre la tasa de difusión transdentinaria
Oxalic Acid Under Adhesive Restorations as a Means to Reduce Dentin Sensitivity: A Four-Month Clinical Trial
Oxalic Acid Under Adhesive Restorations as a Means to Reduce Dentin Sensitivity: A Four-Month Clinical Trial
Survival rate of Sealed, Refurbished and repaired defective restorations: 4-year follow-up
Survival rate of sealed, refurbished and repaired defective restorations: 4-year follow-up.
Sealing, refurbishment and repair of Class I and Class II defective restorations: A three-year clinical trial
Sealing, refurbishment and repair of Class I and Class II defective restorations: A three-year clinical trial
Increasing the longevity of restorations by minimal intervention: A two-year clinical trial
Increasing the longevity of restorations by minimal intervention: A two-year clinical trial
Alternative treatments for resin-based composite and amalgam restorations with marginal defects: A 12-month clinical trial
Alternative treatments for resin-based composite and amalgam restorations with marginal defects: A 12-month clinical trial
Deterioration reasons of amalgam restorations.
Effects of prisms orientation on enamel microleakage with two adhesives.
Iatrogenic abrasion of root area after composite polishing systems.
Oral diagnosis of first year dental school students University of Chile 2003.
Longitudinal results of a 10-year clinical trial of repair of amalgam restorations.
Seal, Replacement or Monitoring Amalgam Restorations with Occlusal Marginal Defects? Results of a 10-year Clinical Trial
Sealing composite with defective margins, good care or over treatment? Results of a 10-year clinical trial.
Sealing of restorations with marginal defects does not affect their longevity

Abstract (4)

Deterioration reasons of amalgam restorations.
Effects of prisms orientation on enamel microleakage with two adhesives.
Iatrogenic abrasion of root area after composite polishing systems.
Oral diagnosis of first year dental school students University of Chile 2003.

Director Departamento

Odontología Restauradora

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Eduardo Fernandez

Profesor Asociado


santiago, Chile

Patricio Vildosola

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Cristian Bersezio

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Odontología Restauradora

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Estay

Profesor Asistente

Odontología Restauradora

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Andrea Herrera

Profesor Asistente

Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Odontológicas

Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rolando Vernal

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Odontología Conservadora


Santiago, Chile

patricia palma


Departamento de Patología y Medicina Oral

Universidad de Chile

santiago, Chile

Camila Corral

Assistant Professor

Restorative Dentistry

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Sonja Buvinic

Associate Professor

Institute for Research in Dental Sciences

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Ziyad Haidar

Professor and Scientific Director (Faculty of Dentistry), Founder and Director (BioMAT'X R&D&I - HAiDAR I+D+i LAB), Claustro of Professors (PhD Program in BioMedicine, CiiB, Faculty of Medicine)



Las Condes, Chile

Mario Gutiérrez

Profesor Asistente

Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Odontológicas

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Gloria Xaus

Profesor Asistente

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile