
Felipe José Bravo Márquez

Profesor Asistente

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Natural language processing, Data mining, Data science, Machine learning, Information retrieval, Social media analytics, Computational social science


  •  Computer Science, UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO. Nueva Zelanda, 2017
  •  Computer Science, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2013
  •  Ingeniero Civil Industrial, UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO. Chile, 2010
  •  Ingeniero Civil en Computación, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2010
  •  Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, mención Industrial, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2010
  •  Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, mención Computación, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2009

Experiencia Académica

  •   Research Fellow Full Time


    Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

    Hamilton, Nueva Zelanda

    2017 - 2019

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time


    Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    2019 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research Engineer Part Time

    Yahoo! Labs Latin America


    2011 - 2013

Formación de Capital Humano

## Teaching

* [CC6104] (Lecturer) Statistical Thinking (spring 2023, spring 2022, spring 2021), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile

* [CC66S] (Lecturer) Machine Learning (spring 2023, spring 2022, spring 2020), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile (Professional Diploma in Artificial Intelligence)

* [CC6205] (Lecturer) Natural Language Processing (fall 2023, fall 2022, fall 2021, fall 2020, spring 2019), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile

* [CC5206] (Lecturer) Introduction to Data Mining (fall 2023, fall 2022, fall 2021, spring 2020, fall 2020, spring 2019, fall 2019), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile

* [CC66E] (Lecturer) Data Mining (fall 2019), Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile (Professional Diploma in Data Science)

* [COMP321] (Lecturer) Practical Data Mining (spring 2018), Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato

* (Lecturer) Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (June 2018) [IfI Summer School 2018 on Machine Learning, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich](

* [COMP321] (Tutor) Practical Data Mining (spring 2017), Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato

* (Lecturer) Databases Management Diploma (spring 2013), Department of Informatics Engineering (postgraduate), Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

* [CC5206/CC71Q] (Lecturer) Data Mining (spring 2012), Computer Science Department (undergraduate and postgraduate), Universidad de Chile

* [IN72K] (Lecturer) Information Technologies and Business Process Redesign (fall 2011), Master in Operations Management, Universidad de Chile

* [IN4522] (TA) Web Mining (spring 2010), Industrial Engineering, Universidad de Chile

* [IN7B0] (TA) ICT for globalization (spring 2010), Master in Management for Globalization, Universidad de Chile

## Students

### PhD

* [2022 - ongoing] Fabián Villena, Co-supervised with Jocelyn Dunstan, PhD, University of Chile.

* [2019 - ongoing] Frank Zamora, PhD, University of Chile.

* [2020 - 2023] Hernán Sarmiento, Co-supervised with Bárbara Poblete, PhD, University of Chile.

* [2019- 2023 ] Juglar Díaz, Co-supervised with Bárbara Poblete, PhD, University of Chile.

### Master

* [2023 - ongoing] César Véliz, Master in Data Science, University of Chile.

* [2023 - ongoing] Natalia Abarca, Co-supervised with Andrés Carvallo, Master in Data Science, University of Chile.

* [2023 - ongoing] Victor Faraggi, Co-supervised with Jorge Silva, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2022 - ongoing] María José Zambrano, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2022 - ongoing] Ignacio Meza, Co-supervised with Edison Marrese and Cristian Rodriguez-Opazo, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2022 - ongoing] Ignacio Núñez, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2021 - ongoing] Jorge Ortiz, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2021 - 2023] José Cañete, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2021 - 2023] Gabriel Iturra, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2021 - 2023] Mauricio Araneda, Co-supervised with Denis Parra, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2020 - 2022] Matías Rojas, Co-supervised with Jocelyn Dunstan, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2020 - 2022] Javier Muñoz, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2019-2020] Pablo Badilla, Co-supervised with Jorge Pérez, Master in Computer Science, University of Chile.

* [2019] Arun Khanchandani, Co-supervised with Bernhard Pharinger, Master in Computer Science, University of Waikato.

* [2019-2020] Alan Ansell, Co-supervised with Bernhard Pharinger, Master in Computer Science, University of Waikato.

### Undergraduate

* [2023 - 2024] Millaray Valdivia, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.

* [2022 - 2023] Rodrigo Urrea, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.

* [2022 - 2023] Oziel Aguilera, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.

* [2022 - 2023] Maximiliano Aguilar, Co-supervised with Claudia López, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.

* [2021 - 2022] María José Zambrano, Co-supervised with Pablo Badilla, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.

* [2021 - 2022] Ignacio Meza, Co-supervised with Amanda Williamson, Electrical Engineering, University of Chile.

* [2019-2020] Cristián Tamblay, Computer Science Engineering, University of Chile.

* [2019] David Trye, Co-supervised with Andreea Calude, "M?ori Borrowings in Science Digital Media", Summer Research Scholarship, University of Waikato.

* [2018] Nicole Chan, Co-supervised with Andreea Calude, "Social Media Meets Te Reo M?ori Loanwords", Honours Project, University of Waikato.

* [2018] Joshua Lovelock, Co-supervised with Eibe Frank, "Automatic Detection of Hate Speech", Honours Project, University of Waikato.

* [2018] Tristan Anderson, Co-supervised with Bernhard Pfahringer, "Building Time-Evolving Opinion Lexicons", Honours Project, University of Waikato.

* [2012-2013] Edison Marrese Taylor, Co-supervised with Juan Velásquez, "Diseño e Implementación de una Aplicación de Web Opinion Mining para Identificar Preferencias de Usuarios sobre Productos Turísticos de la X Región de los Lagos", Industrial Engineering, U. of Chile.

* [2012] Luis Maldonado, Co-advisor with Mauricio Marín, "Análisis de Sentimiento en el Sistema de Red Social Twitter", Execution Informatics Engineering, U. of Santiago.

## Short Courses

* [MLSS 2015](, Machine Learning Summer School, February 16-25, 2015, Sydney, Australia.

* [Forecasting](, a short course taught by Bruce E. Hansen at Central Bank of Chile, October 29-31, 2013.

Difusión y Transferencia

## Academic Visits

* [July 2018] [Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich](, hosted by Martin Volk.

* [September 2017] [Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich](, hosted by Manfred Klenner.

* [October 2016] [National Research Council Canada (NRC)](, hosted by [Saif Mohammad](

## Seminars and Talks

* [January 2024] [What are LLMs (large language models) and how do they work?, Digital Technologies and Indigenous Languages Workshop at DCC Uchile](

* [December 2023] [Large Language Models Usage and Evaluation Patterns, CENIA seminar at DCC Uchile](

* [October 2023] [JCC2023, Jornadas Chilenas de Computación, Concepción, Chile]( A Tour through the Language Models: from Shannon to GPT-4. Guest Speaker.

* [July 2023] [Escuela Internacional en Ciencias Sociales Computacionales 2023 (IMFD-CICADA-UMAD), Montevideo, Uruguay]( Talk 1: Natural Language Processing in the last decade. Talk 2: Introduction to Bayesian Inference.

* [Agust 2023] IMFD & CENIA at Centro de Innovación UC, DashAI: An Interactive AI Experimentation Tool.

* [July 2023] [Unholster](, DashAI: An Interactive AI Experimentation Tool.

* [July 2023] [Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, Chile 2023]( A Tour through the Language Models: from Shannon to GPT-4. ([slides](

* [May 2023] A Tour through the Language Models: from Shannon to GPT-4. A talk given as part of the DCC, Uchile [lecture cycle on language models]( ([slides](

* [August 2022] Noche Cenia, Máquinas Dialogantes. An informal talk given in a pub in Santiago, Chile as part of the outreach activities of the National Center of Artificial Intelligence. ([flyer](

* [July 2022] [Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD)]( Tackling Fairness, Change and Polysemy in Word Embeddings.

* [May 2022] [Data Science Institute (DSI), Imperial College London]( Tackling Fairness, Change and Polysemy in Word Embeddings.

* [January 2022] First Friday Meeting at [Facebook (Meta) Research]( Will we ever understand Facebook's influence on elections? A scientists’ perspective.

* [December 2021] [AI Lab at PUC]( Tackling Fairness, Change and Polysemy in Word Embeddings.

* [August 2021] [FCFM- Iniciativa de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial (D&IA), Análisis de emociones y sentimientos en medios de comunicación social.](

* [August 2021] [Enaex Robotics, Introduction to Machine Learning](

* [October 2020] [WOPATEC 2020 - CILCC-2020, Invited talk: Sesgo en Word Embeddings]( ([acta congreso](

* [January 2020] [Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Seminario: Sistematizando la participación ciudadana]( Análisis de emociones y sentimientos en medios de comunicación social.

* [July 2019] [AI Lab at PUC]( Sentiment Analysis and NLP. Hosted by Álvaro Soto.

* [June 2019] [AMW Data Science School 2019]( Tutorial: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing.

* [November 2018] [Asia-Pacific iSchools Regional Meeting 2018]( 19 November 2018, Hamilton, New Zealand: Emotion Intensties of Tweets.

* [March 2018] [Natural Language Processing in NZ Meetup]( Tutorial: Using Sentiment Analysis as a Case Study for Introducing Modern NLP Concepts.

* [February 2018] [University of Waikato]( Tutorial: Using Sentiment Analysis as a Case Study for Introducing Modern NLP Concepts.

* [January 2018] [Universidad de Chile]( Tutorial: Using Sentiment Analysis as a Case Study for Introducing Modern NLP Concepts.

* [January 2018] Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile. Invited talk at CIWS Workshop - Future of Data: Emotion Intensties of Tweets.

* [September 2017] [Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich]( Acquiring and Exploiting Lexical Knowledge for Twitter Sentiment Analysis.

* [October 2016] [National Research Council Canada (NRC)]( Acquiring and Exploiting Lexical Knowledge for Twitter Sentiment Analysis.

* [September 2016] [University of Melbourne](, hosted by [Timothy Baldwin]( Acquiring and Exploiting Lexical Knowledge for Twitter Sentiment Analysis.

* [July 2016] [Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile]( Acquiring and Exploiting Lexical Knowledge for Twitter Sentiment Analysis.

* [July 2016] [Universidad de Chile]( Acquiring and Exploiting Lexical Knowledge for Twitter Sentiment Analysis.

* [June 2016] [Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria]( Acquiring and Exploiting Lexical Knowledge for Twitter Sentiment Analysis.

## Software

* [Dash AI: An Interactive AI Experimentation Tool](

* [WEFE: The Word Embeddings Fairness Evaluation Framework](

* [AffectiveTweets](, a Weka package for analysing emotion and sentiment of tweets.

* Contributor to the NLP modules of the [WekaDeepLearning4j]( package.

* Some code for building sentiment lexicons from tweets is [here]( (the core of this code has been integrated into AffectiveTweets).

## Shared Task Organisation

* Co-organizer of the LChange'22 [Semantic Change Detection in Spanish]( Task.

* Co-organizer of the SemEval-2018 Task 1: [Affect in Tweets](

* Co-organizer of WASSA-2017 [Emotion Intensity Detection]( Task.

## Media Outreach

* [Profesor Felipe Bravo Márquez asume como investigador principal de CENIA, Comunicaciones DCC Uchile, March 2024](

* [Invited Guest for U-Campus Webinar: Transformación Educativa, Integrando la Inteligencia Artificial, December 2023](

* [Dash AI: Plataforma interactiva de código abierto, ANID, September 2023](

* [Glosario para no perderse por los nuevos caminos de la inteligencia artificial: El Mercurio, Vida Ciencia y Tecnología, April 13,2023]( ([pdf](

* [Discriminación, pérdida de empleos y desinformación son algunos de los temores que conlleva la inteligencia artificial: El Mercurio, Vida Ciencia y Tecnología, April 1,2023]( ([pdf](

* [Cuatro Cabezas 13c Radio Interview with Kike Mujica on ChatGPT, minute 24](

* [OpenAI lanzó GPT-4:La inteligencia artificial de ChatGPT mejora con nueva versión: El Mercurio, Vida, Ciencia y Tecnología, March 16, 2023](§ion=A&publication=mercurio&action=getRanking) ([pdf]( Felipe Bravo_ El Mercurio.pdf))

* [Felipe Bravo es distinguido con el Premio TWAS-LACREP Young Scientists Award 2022: CENIA](

* [Profesor Felipe Bravo Márquez recibe reconocimiento como científico joven destacado: FCFM Uchile](

* [Comunidad DCC participa en el Aniversario 180 de la Universidad de Chile: Comunicaciones DCC Uchile](

* [Profesor Felipe Bravo Márquez y estudiante de doctorado Frank Zamora organizaron competencia de detección de cambio léxico semántico: Comunicaciones DCC Uchile](

* [Investigadores Cenia conversan con diario El Mercurio sobre el futuro de los motores de búsqueda: Cenia 2022](

* [Los buscadores entenderán el contexto de una pregunta y recopilarán la información desde muchas fuentes: El Mercurio, Vida, Ciencia y Tecnología, June 6, 2022]( ([pdf](

* [Beauchef Magazine 2021: Inteligencia artificial para el apoyo de la educación diferencial](

* [Investigadores del DCC participan en nuevo Centro de Inteligencia Artificial (CenIA)](

* [DCC realizó tradicional ceremonia de reconocimiento a estudiantes y profesores destacados](

* [Nano Break - Capítulo 5 - Sesgo algorítmico en IA: qué es y cómo combatirlo](

* [Les Doctores Salvajes - Entrevista a Felipe Bravo](

* [IMFD - IA y clasificación de contenidos: el desafío en el que trabajan el Poder Judicial y el IMFD](

* [IMFD - Modelos de análisis de lenguaje que evolucionen en el tiempo: el proyecto de Felipe Bravo que se adjudicó un Fondecyt de Iniciación](

* [FCFM Uchile - Ocho investigaciones patrocinadas por la FCFM son beneficiadas con Fondecyt de Iniciación](

* [Sesgo Algorítmico: a video about our research on bias in word embeddings](

* [Word Embedding Fairness Evaluation - an invited blog post about WEFE published in KDnuggets](

* [FCFM Uchile - Investigadores DCC publican trabajo que aborda problema de sesgo algorítmico](

* [FCFM Uchile - Prof. Felipe Bravo publica investigaciones sobre dos desarrollos de software de código abierto](

* [DCC Uchile - DCC integra a dos nuevos académicos de jornada completa](

* [University of Waikato - When machine learning, Twitter and te reo M?ori merge](

* [RadioNZ - NZ's unique te reo tweets](

Premios y Distinciones

  •   TWAS-LACREP Young Scientist Award 2022 in the Engineering Sciences


    Brasil, 2022

    November 2022.- In merit of his research work and the contributions made in the field of engineering, the DCC U. Chile academic and researcher at the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD), Felipe Bravo Márquez, was recognized with the “TWAS LACREP Young Scientists Award 2022”. This distinction was awarded to him by the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) through its headquarters for Latin America and the Caribbean, LACREP, which recognized him as the most outstanding young scientist in the region. TWAS, is an organization founded in 1983 with headquarters in Italy, dedicated to promoting scientific capacity and excellence for sustainable development in developing countries. In the case of the award given to Professor Felipe Bravo Márquez, TWAS recognized the quality and contributions of his academic work, mainly focused on natural language processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The number of citations to his research papers, the organization of various initiatives and activities, including the semantic lexical change detection competition held at the beginning of this year, and the development of WEFE, a framework that allows measuring the bias in word inclusion models. After receiving this recognition, Felipe Bravo, who is also a researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA), stated that “it is very valuable. TWAS is a very important scientific academy for developing countries with support from UNESCO”. He also commented that within the initiatives that he is currently promoting, he recently applied for a FONDEF project, in which he would assume the role of director and “which addresses the development of an Open Source software called DashAI, which will allow non-programmer users to approach to artificial intelligence. We applied together with Claudia López (UTFSM), Iván Sipirán (UChile) and Andrés Carvallo (CENIA)”, he concluded. Source: Communications DCC U. Chile


Article (21)

MUSIB: musical score inpainting benchmark
Automatic Extraction of Nested Entities in Clinical Referrals in Spanish
Incremental Word Vectors for Time-Evolving Sentiment Lexicon Induction
Language Modeling on Location-Based Social Networks
Data Science for Engineers: A Teaching Ecosystem
Words, Tweets, and Reviews: Leveraging Affective Knowledge Between Multiple Domains
An integrated model for textual social media data with spatio-temporal dimensions
Hybrid Hashtags: #YouKnowYoureAKiwiWhen Your Tweet Contains M(a)over-barori and English
Affective tweets: A weka package for analyzing affect in tweets
AffectiveTweets: a Weka Package for Analyzing Affect in Tweets
WekaDeeplearning4j: A deep learning package for Weka based on Deeplearning4j
Transferring sentiment knowledge between words and tweets
Annotate-Sample-Average (ASA): A New Distant Supervision Approach for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Building a Twitter opinion lexicon from automatically-annotated tweets
Determining Word-Emotion Associations from Tweets by Multi-Label Classification
DOCODE 3.0 (DOcument COpy DEtector): A system for plagiarism detection by applying an information fusion process from multiple documental data sources
From opinion lexicons to sentiment classification of tweets and vice versa: a transfer learning approach
From Unlabelled Tweets to Twitter-specific Opinion Words
A novel deterministic approach for aspect-based opinion mining in tourism products reviews
Meta-level sentiment models for big social data analysis
A Zipf-Like Distant Supervision Approach for Multi-document Summarization Using Wikinews Articles

ConferencePaper (13)

Semeval-2018 Task 1: Affect in tweets
Emotion Intensities in Tweets
WASSA-2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity
Positive, Negative, or Neutral: Learning an Expanded Opinion Lexicon from Emoticon-annotated Tweets
Combining strengths, emotions and polarities for boosting Twitter sentiment analysis
Identifying Customer Preferences about Tourism Products using an Aspect-Based Opinion Mining Approach
Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection
OpinionZoom, a modular tool to explore tourism opinions on the Web
Opinion dynamics of elections in twitter
A text similarity meta-search engine based on document fingerprints and search results records
An automatic text comprehension classifier based on mental models and latent semantic features
DOCODE-Lite: A meta-search engine for document similarity retrieval
Hypergeometric language model and Zipf-like scoring function for web document similarity retrieval

Proyecto (7)

Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial
Instituto Milenio Fundamento de los Datos
Automatic Knowledge Extraction from Social Media Data and User-Generated Contents for Improving the Web
SIF Centre for Machine Learning Applications
Observatorios Escalables en Tiempo Real
Diseño e Implementación de una Herramienta Computacional para la Detección de Copias en Documentos Digitales en la Educación
Felipe Bravo

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Barbara Poblete

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science

University of Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Mendoza


Ciencias de la Computación

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Sebastian Rios

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Felipe Tobar

Associate Professor

Initiative for Data and Artificial Intelligence

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Joaquin Fontbona

Associate Professor



Santiago, Chile

Jocelyn Dunstan

Profesora Asistente

Ciencia de la Computación

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Velásquez

Full Professor

Industrial Engineering


Santiago, Chile

Patricio Moya

Profesor Adjunto

Facultad de Humanidades

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Cristian Tamblay

Ingeniero de Desarrollo


Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Jorge Silva

Associate Professor

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile