
Kaitlin Mae McConnell


Surf with Katie

Encinitas, Estados Unidos

Líneas de Investigación

marine ecology, molecular ecology, community ecology, marine biology, coastal oceanography, biogeography, marine resource management, policy, climate adaptation strategies, social-ecological systems, islands, microbiome, coral reef, kelp forests


  •  Science, OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2019
  •  Science, OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2019
  •  Science, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-SANTA CRUZ. Estados Unidos, 2012

Experiencia Académica

  •   National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow Full Time


    Corvallis, Estados Unidos

    2018 - 2019

  •   Graduate Teaching Assistant Part Time


    Corvallis, Estados Unidos

    2017 - 2018

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Instructor of Environmental Science Other

    Wildlands Studies


    2019 - A la fecha

  •   Project Developer Other

    One People One Reef


    2019 - A la fecha

  •   Research Diver Full Time

    United States Antarctic Program, New York Dept. of Health

    Estados Unidos

    2016 - Sin Información

  •   Asistente Técnico Científico Full Time

    Fundación Huinay


    2012 - 2015

  •   Research Diver, San Onofre Nuclear Generator Mitigation Project Full Time

    University of California Santa Barbara, Marine Science Institute

    Estados Unidos

    2015 - 2015

Formación de Capital Humano

Technical: Sterile laboratory technique, DNA/RNA extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), purification and quantification, DNA/RNA library preparation for sequencing on Illumina platforms, gel electrophoresis, epifluorescence microscopy, sample collection via snorkel and SCUBA, preservation and preparation of biological and sediment samples. Oceanographic sampling methods such as CTD casts, hydrophones, niskin bottles, secchi disks and plankton tows.

Coding Languages: Wrote bioinformatics and statistical analysis pipelines using R, the Unix/Linux Command Line and Python. Tailored scripts to synthesize the first year of a new microbial long-term ecological dataset and provided a framework for future sampling points.

Operational: AAUS/NAUI Scientific Diver, PADI Dive Master and experienced drysuit diver with approximately 500 dives in tropical, temperate and polar environments. Small Boat Operator’s License with over 150 accumulated motor hours (California Department of Motor Vehicles). Wilderness First Responder, National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS 2019). Comfortable with basic servicing and maintenance of mechanical equipment such as dive compressors or an old diesel van.

Languages: English (1stlanguage), Spanish, Castellano (fluent), French (basic conversational), Tahitian (some phrases), German (basic listening/reading).

Difusión y Transferencia

McConnell KM, Magel C. Student Representation in a Transdisciplinary Graduate Curriculum. Talk and facilitated discussion. Marine Socio-Ecological Systems conference (MSEAS). Yokohama, Japan. Planned May 2020 (postponed due to COVID-19)

McConnell KM, Thurber A. Reef Microbiomes of Mo’orea, French Polynesia, a Socio-Ecological System. Oral presentation. Western Society of Naturalists conference. Ensenada, Mexico. October 2019

McConnell KM, Wilson M, Wong Ala J. Transdisciplinary Graduate Curriculum: Risk and Uncertainty Analysis in Marine Systems. Poster. National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Annual Meeting, Northeastern University, Chicago IL. September 2019.

McConnell KM. Vida Después de la Muerte: Time Lapse Ballenas Muertas. Video Presentation. Congreso Ciencias del Mar, Valdivia, Chile. May 2018.

McConnell KM, Haussermann V, Gutstein CS Forsterra G. Ballenas muertas recicladas al ecosistemas en las playas de Golfo de Penas,Patagonia, Después de Una Mortalidad Másiva. Poster. Congreso Ciencias del Mar, Valparaiso, Chile, May 2017.

McConnell KM, Olivos JA, Gutstein CS, Haussermann V. Registros nuevos de Orcas, Orcinus Orca, atacando a cetaceos grandes en la Patagonia Chilena. Poster. Congreso Ciencias del Mar, Valparaíso, Chile, May 2017.

Försterra G., J. Laudien, C. Jantzen, R. Waller, J. Sellanes, K. McConnell, U. Pörschmann, C. Fuentes, P. Muñoz & V. Häussermann (2015). ¿Qué causa la muerte de corales en la Patagonia chilena? – hipótesis sobre la muerte masiva de bancos de Desmophyllum dianthus. XXXV Congreso Ciencias del Mar, Coquimbo, Chile

Jantzen C., Laudien J., Nowak C., McConnell KM., Haüssermann, V. In situ growth rate of a cold water coral in a natural pH gradient. XXX1V Congreso Ciencias del Mar, Osorno, Chile. May 26-30, 2014

Bellhoff D., V. Häussermann, G. Försterra, McConnell KM y U. Pörschmann: Señales de alarma de la región de los fiordos chilenos – Evidencias de degradación de biodiversidad y servicios de ecosistema de un estudio del fiordo Comau en el norte de la Patagonia, XXXIII congreso Ciencias del Mar, Antofagasta, Chile. May 27-30, 2013

McConnell K., H. Göhlich, U. Pörschmann, D. Bellhoff, G. Zapata-Hernández, J. Sellanes, V. Häussermann, J. Laudien, y G. Försterra: Muertes inexplicadas del escleractinio Desmophyllum dianthus en los fiordos del norte de la Patagonia chilena, XXXIII congreso Ciencias del Mar, Antofagasta, Chile. May 27-30, 2013.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar


    Estados Unidos, 2017


  •   Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar


    Chile, 2018


  •   Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar


    Chile, 2019


  •   National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Honorable Mention


    Chile, 2019

    The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce in the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF's mission. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant achievements in science and engineering research.

  •   Richard and Toshi Morita Microbiology Scholarship


    Chile, 2019

    Richard Yukio Morita March 23, 1923 – November 22, 2020 Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Microbiology & Oceanography Oregon State University On November 22, 2020 the family of Richard “Dick” Yukio Morita reached out to his former colleagues and students to tell them that Dick had died in the early morning hours at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Corvallis, Oregon. Dick lost his battle against the inflammation in his lungs; he was 97 years old. All of us reacted to the news with great sadness. He was an outstanding scientist who had accomplished so many firsts in the field of microbiology: the discovery of barophilic bacteria; the discovery of new thermal groups of bacteria, psychrophiles, and the establishment of the concept of starvation-survival in bacteria. This work resulted in 48 chapters in various books, 132 scientific papers, 4 review articles, 3 edited books, and untold numbers of presentations, service on national scientific committees. He was the first Japanese American Nisei (second generation), to hold a professorial position in Microbiology in the United States. He wrote in his 1995 autobiographical essay “I believe my greatest accomplishment was to open up the field of microbiology so that other Niseis could succeed. Now that the field of microbiology does have its share of Niseis and Sanseis (third generation), I feel that the self- obligation I have placed on myself, to some degree, has made the sacrifices by my fellow comrades in the 442nd and to the Niseis in the Military Intelligence Service (MISers) that served in the Pacific Theater of war, to a small degree, worthwhile.”

  •   William Trachtenberg Memorial Scholarship, Sustainable Fisheries Foundation & American Fisheries Society


    Chile, 2019

    The Foundation has established and maintains The William Trachtenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund. This Fund provides up to $650 (US) or $1000 (CDN) annually in a scholarship to master’s or doctoral student in the general area of fisheries science, with one award to an individual student. An award committee of five fisheries scientists from the Sustainable Fisheries Foundation and the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society makes the decision regarding the award of scholarships. This scholarship is maintained by the Sustainable Fisheries Foundation and is awarded at the Western Division Annual American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting Importantly, the Foundation receives donations from individuals who are kind enough to lend us their support to further the goal of the Foundation to “promote a balanced approach to fisheries management – one based on sound ecological and economic principles – to ensure that fish populations, and the ecosystems they depend on, remain viable, productive, and accessible to future generations”.

  •   Congreso Ciencias el Mar, Noche de Videos Mejor Presentación (2ndo lugar)


    Chile, 2018

    Los videos deben estar enfocados en el área de la biología marina y ciencias del mar entregando un mensaje claro (ej., protección, conservación, pesquerías, educación, cuidado del ambiente, etc.) y de forma entretenida. Deben ser originales, temática libre, pudiendo incorporar animación, textos, música, entre otros. La duración máxima es de 5 minutos.

  •   Biology Graduate Student Symposium, Best Presentation (2nd place)


    Estados Unidos, 2018

    BGSS is an informal scientific meeting organized by graduate students at Oregon State University to provide a campus-wide forum for the exchange of ideas in the field of biology. BGSS brings together students from all over the OSU campus including the main campus, the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, and the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station & Seafood Laboratory in Astoria. The participants hail from a wide variety of disciplines including: Biochemistry and Biophysics, Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Botany & Plant Pathology, Crop & Soil Science, Forest Ecosystems & Society, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Statistics, COAS, and Integrative Biology.

  •   National Geographic Waitts Foundation Grant


    Chile, 2017

    "Ballenas muertas recicladas al ecositema de Golfo de Penas, Patagonia Chilena, después de una mortalidad masiva"

  •   Dean's Honors


    Estados Unidos, 2010

    In accordance with the Santa Cruz Academic Senate regulations, students qualify for the Dean's Honors List for a given term when they have completed a minimum of 15 units of which 10 are units for letter grade with a grade point average in the range required for University Honors at graduation for the current academic year (i.e. the top 15% of their academic group).


Article (2)

Largest baleen whale mass mortality during strong El Nino event is likely related to harmful toxic algal bloom
Decapoda of the Huinay Fiordos-expeditions to the Chilean fjords 2005-2014: Inventory, pictorial atlas and faunistic remarks

ConferencePoster (1)

Long-term in situ growth rate adaptability of a cold-water coral in a natural pH gradient
Kaitlin McConnell


Surf with Katie

Encinitas, Estados Unidos

Hector Sepulveda

Profesor Asociado



Concepción, Chile

Ana Valenzuela

Assistant researcher

Área Científica

CIAHN Atacama

Caldera, Chile

Carlos Olavarria

Director Ejecutivo


La Serena, Chile

Carolina S. Gutstein

Investigadora auxiliar proyecto investigación


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile