
Igor Fernandez Urruzola

Investigador Postdoctante

Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía

Concepción, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

(1) Reciclaje de nutrientes y eficiencia de la bomba biológica. (2) Dinámicas y estructura de la red trófica planctónica. (3) Ecología del océano profundo y ciclos biogeoquímicos.


  •  Biología, Universidad del País Vasco. España, 2008
  •  Oceanografía, UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA. España, 2010
  •  Oceanografía Biológica, UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA. España, 2016
  •  Educación Superior, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2023

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctorante Full Time

    Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía

    Concepción, Chile

    2017 - A la fecha

  •   Postdoctorante Part Time

    Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

    Rostock, Alemania

    2016 - 2017


Article (20)

High variability in organic carbon sources and microbial activities in the hadopelagic waters
Particulate Organic Matter in the Atacama Trench: Tracing Sources and Possible Transport Mechanisms to the Hadal Seafloor
Revealing zooplankton diversity in the midnight zone
The lateral transport of zooplankton explains trophic and taxonomic similarities over the zonal gradient of central Chile
Trophic ecology of midwater zooplankton along a productivity gradient in the Southeast Pacific
Ocean acidification induces distinct metabolic responses in subtropical zooplankton under oligotrophic conditions and after simulated upwelling
Aerobic and anaerobic metabolic scaling in the burrowing freshwater crayfish Parastacus pugnax
Plankton respiration in the Atacama Trench region: Implications for particulate organic carbon flux into the hadal realm
Stratification, nitrogen fixation, and cyanobacterial bloom stage regulate the planktonic food web structure
Influence of ocean acidification and deep water upwelling on oligotrophic plankton communities in the Subtropical North Atlantic=> Insights from an in situ mesocosm study
Building a general kinetic model of glutamate dehydrogenase in two species of marine zooplankton
Influence of starvation on respiratory metabolism and pyridine nucleotide levels in the marine dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina
Modeling downward particulate organic nitrogen flux from zooplankton ammonium regeneration in the northern Benguela
Predicting in vivo oxygen consumption rate from ETS activity and bisubstrated kinetics in cultured marine zooplankton
Spatio-temporal variability in the GDH activity to ammonium excretion ratio in epipelagic marine zooplankton
Variability of respiration and pyridine nucleotide concentration in oceanic zooplankton
Peruvian upwelling plankton respiration=> Calculations of carbon Flux, nutrient retention efficiency and heterotrophic energy production
Distribution of zooplankton biomass and potential metabolic activities across the northern Benguela upwelling system
Short term patterns of vertical particle flux in the northern Benguela upwelling=> a comparison between sinking POC and respiratory carbon consumption
GDH activity and ammonium excretion in the marine mysid, Leptomysis lingvura=> Effects of age and starvation

Proyecto (10)

Unraveling the sources of organic matter and sedimentation dynamics that support hadal communities in the Atacama Trench (HADOM)
Constraining the zooplankton respiration and trophic dynamics in the deep waters of the southeastern Pacific=> Implications for carbon sequestration and bathypelagic food webs
Aplicación de un modelo cinético para la monitorización del metabolismo del zooplancton tras el proceso eruptivo de la isla de El Hierro
ZET Change=> Zooplankton energy turnover in a changing environment
BIOACID=> Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification
Metabolismo planctónico=> regulación bioquímica e impacto oceanográfico sobre la bomba biológica (BIOMBA)
SUCCESSION=> Northern Benguela upwelling, driving forces and ecosystem responses
Campaña de validación para el estudio de un modelo mecanístico para el metabolismo del zooplancton (CAMVALEX)
Estudio de un modelo mecanístico para el metabolismo del zooplankton (EXZOME)
MALASPINA=> Cambio global y exploración de la biodiversidad del océano global
Igor Fernandez

Investigador Postdoctante

Departamento de Oceanografía

Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía

Concepción, Chile

Mauricio Urbina

Professor asistente


Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile