Mauricio Andronico Urbina Foneron
Professor asistente
Universidad de Concepcion
Concepcion, Chile
My work aims to understand how animals adapt to their environment, and the mechanisms that allow them to cope with different environmental and anthropogenic stressors. I am a comparative animal physiologist, especially related to aquatic animals.
Ingeniero en Acuicultura, UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 2005
Animal Physiology, University of Canterbury. Nueva Zelanda, 2013
Assistant Marine Resources I Part Time
Facultad de Pesquerias y Oceanografia
Puerto Montt, Chile
2000 - 2003
Assistant Marine Resources II Part Time
Facultad de Pesquerias y Oceanografia
Puerto Montt, Chile
2001 - 2003
Assistant General Biology Part Time
Facultad de Pesquerias y Oceanografia
Puerto Montt, Chile
2003 - 2004
Assistant fish farming engineering Part Time
Facultad de Pesquerias y Oceanografia
Puerto Montt, Chile
2004 - 2004
Assistant Animal Biology Part Time
Facultad de Pesquerias y Oceanografia
Puerto Montt, Chile
2005 - 2005
Assistant Physics Part Time
Facultad de Pesquerias y Oceanografia
Puerto Montt, Chile
2005 - 2005
Assistant Professor Animal Physiology Full Time
Facultad de Pesquerias y Oceanografia
Puerto Montt, Chile
2006 - 2006
Assistant Animal Physiology Part Time
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda
2010 - 2011
Assistant Neurons, hormones and behaviour Part Time
University of canterbury
Christchurch, Chile
2010 - 2011
Profesor asistente Part Time
Universidad Austral de Chile
Puerto Montt, Chile
2006 - 2006
Research Fellow Full Time
University of Exeter
Exeter, Reino Unido
2013 - 2016
Investigador Adjunto Part Time
Instituto milenio de oceanografia
Concepcion, Chile
2018 - A la fecha
- Sergio Beltran. Tesis de pregrado, Biologia UdeC. Effecto del lixiviado de Eucalyptus, cenizas y su combinación sobre la columna de agua e invertebrados dulceacuícolas. 2019.
-Solange Cruces. Research seminar “Effecto de la salinidad en el escalamiento de la tasa metabolica en un cangrejo eurihalino” Universidad de Concepción. 2018
-Alberto Jorquera. Research seminar “Cuantificación de micro plásticos sedimentos marinos de la X y XI regiones de Chile” Universidad de Concepción. 2018
-Jorge Toro. Thesis Degree “Respuestas metabólicas y respiratorias a la hipoxia en el camarón de vega Parastacus pugnax” Universidad de Concepción. 2018
-Esteban Riffo. Thesis Degree “Efectos físico químicos, fisiológicos y comunitarios post incendios forestales en ríos de la región del Bio-Bio” Universidad de Concepción. 2017
-Rocio Del Pilar. Thesis Degree “Respuestas fisiológicas de la en lisa común (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) a distintas salinidades y niveles oxígeno, factores que varían en su hábitat natural” Universidad de Concepción. 2017
- Proyecto Seminario de Titulo, Franco Novoa, carrera de Ingeniería en Biotecnología Marina y Acuicultura. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas. “Desarrollo de una formulación a base de una micro alga con efectos anestésicos en larvas de Danio rerio”.
- William Bailey. Tesis de pregrado “The ancient secret of a freshwater crab: have freshwater crabs retained the ability to thrive in seawater?” Universidad de Manchester.
- Anne George. Tesis de pregrado “Metabolic scaling in a facultative air breather crab” Universidad de Manchester.
- PhD. Jenny Fitzgerald, Universidad de Exeter, UK. “The Influence of Hypoxia on the Toxicity of Copper along the development in Zebrafish”
- PhD. Anna Campbell, Universidad de Exeter, UK. “Sperm performance under ocean acidification in marine species”
- PhD. Cameron Hird, Universidad de Exeter, UK. “Pharmacodynamic responses to fluoxetine in a marine worm”
- MsC. Stephanie Mangan, Universidad de Exeter, UK. “Diurnal variability of seawater carbonate chemistry increases the effect of ocean acidification on the mussel Mytilus edulis”
- Yenny Zambrano. Tesis de pregrado “Tolerancia a cambios salinis como mecanismo de especiacion en equinodermos de la costa Chilena”
- Angela Schafer. Unidad de Investigacion. "Efecto de la expocicion cronica a microplasticos".
- Camila Rifo. Research seminar “Cuantificación de micro plásticos en la cuenca de rio Biobío” Universidad de Concepción. 2017
- Flora Tickel . Tesis de pregrado “Surviving droughts: Lessons from the burrowing crayfish”. 2019. Universidad de Manchester.
Participacion en proyectos
2018-2022 NERK-UK NE/R013241/1 Flexing your mussels: futureproofing shellfish aquaculture in the face of global climate change. Co-Investigador
2019-2023 LIA MAST 1035 - FR LIA Multiscale Adaptive STrategies Laboratory (MAST). Co-Investigador
2019-2020: VRID semilla 219.113.094-S. Efectos de la salinidad y temperatura sobre la sobrevivencia y desarrollo del equinodermo (o erizo de mar) Arbacia spatuligera (Valenciennes 1846). Co- Investigador.
2018 – 2021 FONDECYT POSTDOCTORADO 3180013 Limitaciones de oxígeno en micro-hábitats marinos y sus efectos ecofisiológicos sobre invertebrados bentónicos. Co-Investigador/ Investigador patrocinante.
2019-2020 REDES 180015. The next generation of river scientists: developing an interdisciplinary perspective. Co-Investigador.
2016-2019 Principal Investigator. Fondecyt de iniciación 11160019. Metabolic scaling in facultative air breathers.
2016-2018 Co- Investigator. Fondef ID16I10092. Produccion de caviar de Lisa (Mugil cephalus) como un nuevo producto comercial en Chile y evaluación biológica y técnica del cultivo
2016-2017 DIUC-VRID. The ancient secret of freshwater crab: Have freshwater crabs retained the ability to thrive in seawater. Investigador Principal.
2015 till present. Co-Investigator. FIP 2014-65. Determinación del posible impacto de los productos utilizados en el control del ectoparásito Caligus rogercressery, sobre mitílidos y crustáceos.
2014-2015 Invited reseracher. European community COST action. FA1004. Conservation Physiology of Marine Fishes. European community.
2014. STSM. Short term scientific mission. Specific Dynamic Action (cost of digestion) database for marine fishes European community COST action. FA1004. Principal Investigator.
2013-2016. Co-Investigator BSBRC / Skretting (Industrial partnership award) funded project. Understanding acid-base responses to meal digestion to improve the efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture fish production. University of Exeter. England.
2012-2013. Principal Investigator. White gold vs whitebait dairying related hypoxia and its impacts on the behaviour and physiology of inanga. Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust. University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2008-2009. Principal Investigator. Comparative study: breaking strength and elongation in fish farming nets coated with solvent and water based antifouling. Bayer S.A. Chile.
2007- 2009. Technician and collaborator. Project “Development of the Southern King crab farming technology. Phase II: Optimization and development of juveniles production and growth technologies”. FONDEF DO05I10217. Chile.
2006-2008. Co-Investigator. Description of the development stages and infection mechanisms of acanthocephalan parasites in crustaceans. Universidad Santo Tomas. Chile. Chile
2006-2007. Instructor/Speaker. Salmon farming diseases and considerations for live harvest and transport onboard a Wellboat. CPT. Empresas marítimas S.A
2005 till present. Consultant and environmental services. Self-employee - accredited by the Chilean authorities. Working with companies such as: Oxxean S.A., Aqua Puro S.A., Marine Harvest, and many others.
2003- 2004. Technician and collaborator. Project “Diagnostic and characterization of the antifouling paints used in the Chilean aquatic industry”. FIP 2003-28. Chile.
2003. Aquaculture consultant. Project engineer, fishing company Marinika Austral.
1999- 2002. Collaborator. Project "Science on wheels". Explora. Chile.
Presentaciones a congresos
R.P.Ellis, R.D.Houston, M.A.Urbina & A.E.Todgham. 2019. Hybridisation in a future ocean: a mechanism for adaptation of mussels to multiple environmental challenges. 3rd International symposium on the advances in marine mussel research.
Paula A. Ruiz, Iván A. Hinojosa, Ángel G. Urzua, Mauricio Urbina. 2019. Anthropogenic noise disrupts sexual behavior and oxygen consumption in the rock shrimp rynchocinetes typus (h. milne edwards, 1837). The 5th international conference on the effects of noise on aquatic life.
Cumillaf, JP., Paschke, K., Mancilla-Schultz, J., Barria, P., Ruiz, K., Montory, J., Mancilla, M., Gebauer, P. & Urbina, M. Energy availability during the early development of Caligus rogercreseseyi, delayed settlement and implications for attachment success and development times. SeaLice conference, Punta Arenas, Chile. Noviembre 2018.
Cumillaf, JP., Mancilla-Schultz, J., Barria, P., Ruiz, K., & Urbina, M. Reduced sensitivity of Caligus rogercreseseyi to azametiphos in Chiloe island. SeaLice conference, Punta Arenas, Chile. Noviembre 2018.
Cumillaf, JP., Mancilla-Schultz, J., Barria, P., Ruiz, K., & Urbina, M. Sensitivity of juvenile stages of Caligus rogercreseseyi to azametiphos in response to different exposure times. SeaLice conference, Punta Arenas, Chile. Noviembre 2018.
Urbina, M., Meriño, C., Fernández, B., Jorquera, E., Escribano, R & Riquelme-Bugueño, R. Tasa metabólica y su escalamiento en condiciones de normoxia e hipoxia en eufáusidos : Atacamex (enero 2018). Congreso Chileno de Ciencias del Mar. Valdivia 2018.
Urbina, M., Zambrano, Y., Díaz A. Efecto de la salinidad en la fertilización y osmorregulación de dos especies del género de erizos de mar Arbacia. Congreso Chileno de Ciencias del Mar. Valdivia 2018.
Wilson R.W, Ellis, R.P and Urbina, M.A. 2018. Using fundamental physiology to tackle high CO2 associated problems in aquaculture. Lessons from two high CO2 worlds, Azores, April 2018.
Ellis, R.P, Urbina, M.A. and Wilson R.W. 2018. Elevated and variable CO2 - a concern isolated to RAS or synonomus with intensive aquaculture globally?. Lessons from two high CO2 worlds, Azores, April 2018.
Davison, W. Urbina, M.A. and Wilson R.W. 2018. Cumulative impacts of high CO2 and low salinity on the behaviour and physiology of shore crabs, Carcinus maenas. Lessons from two high CO2 worlds, Azores, April 2018.
Wilson R.W., Ellis, R.P, and Urbina, M.A. 2017. Regulation of red blood cell pH and haemoglobin-O2 affinity during the post-feeding alkaline tide. SEB 3 - 6 July 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Urbina M.A., Saavedra, L. Thiel M. 2017. Ciencia desechable: Desechos plásticos en la investigación. Congeso de Ciencias del Mar, Valparaiso 22-26 de Mayo 2017.
Urbina, M.A., Schvezov, N. and Wilson, R.W. 2016. Effect of feeding and digestion on oxidative stress in rainbow trout. 12th International Congress on the Biology of Fish. June 12-16 San Marcos, Texas, USA.
Ellis, R.P, Urbina, M.A., Phillips, D. and Wilson, R.W. 2016. Using physiology to optimise water quality and the sustainability of intensive recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). 12th International Congress on the Biology of Fish. June 12-16 San Marcos, Texas, USA.
Wilson, R.W., Urbina, M.A., and Ellis, R.P. 2016. Extra- and intra-cellular acid-base regulation during the post-feeding alkaline tide. 12th International Congress on the Biology of Fish. June 12-16 San Marcos, Texas, USA.
Wilson, R.W., Whittamore, J.M., Reardon, E.E., Urbina, M.A., and Wilson, J.M. 2016. Gut carbonate precipitation is an important mechanism for osmoregulation in marine teleosts but limited at low temperatures and high pressures . 12th International Congress on the Biology of Fish. June 12-16 San Marcos, Texas, USA.
Fitzgerald, J.A., Urbina, M.A., Wilson, R.W., Katsiadaki, I., and Santos, E.M. 2016. Hypoxia modulates the responses to chemical exposures in the threespine stickleback (gasterosteus aculeatus). 12th International Congress on the Biology of Fish. June 12-16 San Marcos, Texas, USA.
Urzúa, Ángel, Román, Jorge, Guzmán, Fabian, Bascur, Miguel, Urbina, Mauricio. 2016. El efecto de la salinidad sobre el desarrollo embrionario y primeras etapas del cangrejo eurihalino Hemigrapsus crenulatus. XXXVI Congreso Ciencias del Mar. May 23-27 Concepción, Chile.
Robert. P. Ellis, Mauricio. A. Urbina, Daniel. Philips and Rod. W. Wilson. 2016. Lessons from two high CO2 worlds: Future oceans and intensive aquaculture. Fourth International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, Hobart, Australia, May 5 -10, 2016
Andrew Watts, Mauricio Urbina, Ceri Lewis, Tamara Galloway. 2016. Ingestion and branchial uptake of micro plastic leads to bioaccumulation, retention and reduced scope for growth in shore crab Carcinus maenas. XXXVI Congreso Ciencias del Mar. May 23-27 Concepción, Chile.
Urbina, M.A. Watts AJ, Reardon EE. 2016. "Environment Cuantos desechos plásticos genera nuestra investigación? XXXVI Congreso Ciencias del Mar. May 23-27 Concepción, Chile.
Urbina M. & Wilson R.W. 2015. Freshwater chloride levels dramatically influences post feeding acid-base recovery and SDA in rainbow trout. The 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry: From Molecules to Macrophysiology. August 23-28, Kraków, Poland.
Urbina M., Schvezov S & Wilson R.W. 2015. Effect of feeding and digestion on oxidative stress in rainbow trout. The 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry: From Molecules to Macrophysiology. August 23-28, Kraków, Poland.
Jennifer A. Fitzgerald, Mauricio A. Urbina, Ioanna Katsiadaki, Rod Wilson, and Eduarda Santos. Hypoxia modulates the responses to chemical exposures in the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Eighth international conference on stickleback: Behaviour and Evolution. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA. July 2015.
Leiva, F.P., Urbina, M.A., Cumillaf, J.P., Gebauer, P., Paschke, K. Respuestas fisiológicas del camarón fantasma Neotrypaea uncinata (Milne Edwards 1837) (Decapoda: Thalassinidea) a la disponibilidad de oxígeno y recuperación luego de hipoxia severa. XXXV Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. Coquimbo, Chile. May 2015.
Urbina, M.A, Rogers, N., Wilson, R., Svendsen, M., Turnois, J. McKenzie, D., Birchenough, S., Metcalfe, J. Physiological traits databases of marine fishes: Informing conservation management. May 2015, Montpellier, France.
Watts, A. J., Lewis, C., Urbina, M. A., Goodhead, R. M., Beckett, S. J., Tyler, C. R., Galloway, T. S. Uptake routes and retention of microplastics within the shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Aquatic Sciences Meeting Aquatic Sciences: Global and Regional Perspectives. Association for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography 22-27 February 2015. Granada, Spain
Watts A.J.R., Urbina M.A., Lewis C., Goodhead R.M., Beckett S., Tyler C.R, Galloway T.S. Microplastic Intake by The Common Shore Crab Carcinus Maenas: Routes of Uptake, Retention and Possible Physiological Effects. ESCPB-European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry bi-annual meeting September 2014 Glasgow, Scotland
Urbina M. and Wilson R. Freshwater chemistry dramatically influences post feeding acid-base recovery in trout. 4th Conference on Conservation Physiology of Marine Fishes. Thessaloniki, Greece. November 2014
Urbina M, Walsh, P.J., Meredith, A.S., Glover, C.N. & Forster, M.E. air breathing and physiological strategies during emersion in Galaxiids. Air breathing fish, International conference on the Biology of Fish. Edinburg, August 2014.
Wilson, R., Smith C.R.& Urbina M. Red cell pH regulation during post-feeding alkaline tide. Ion regulation, International conference on the Biology of Fish. Edinburg, August 2014.
Urbina M, & Wilson, R. Impact of freshwater chemistry on post-feedingacid-base relulationand repiratory function in rainbow trout. Ion regulation, International conference on the Biology of Fish. Edinburg, August 2014.
Cumillaf, J.P., Urbina, M.A., Gebauer, P., Paschke, K. Why to change your diet?: Bioenergetics and physiological changes during the benthonic development of Taliepus dentatus feeding on algae and fish. International conference, Aquaculture 2013: To the Next 40 Years of Sustainable Global Aquaculture, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain. November 2013
Urbina M, Forster, M. & Glover, N. A novel oxyconforming response in Galaxias maculatus: Physiological, metabolic and biochemical responses to hypoxia. Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. Auckland, New Zealand. December 2012.
Urbina M, Forster, M. & Glover, N. D Differential expression of Na+, K+-ATPase ?-1 isoforms during seawater acclimation in the amphidromous galaxiid fish Galaxias maculates. School of Biological Sciences. University of Canterbury. New Zealand. Annual Departmental Conference 2012
Urbina M, Schulte, P., Forster, M. & Glover, N. Salinity acclimation in an amphidromous fish (Galaxias maculatus) involves Na+,K+ ATPase isoform switching. SEB meeting, Salzburg, Austria 2012
Urbina M, Forster, M. & Glover, N. Leap of faith: Physiological drivers of emersion behaviour and its metabolic consequences in the oxyconforming galaxiid fish, Galaxias maculatus. SEB meeting, Salzburg, Austria 2012
Urbina M. Physiological responses of inanga (Galaxias maculatus) (Jenys) to environmental salinity and oxygen levels. School of Biologycal Sciences. University of Canterbury. Christchurch. New Zealand. Annual Departmental Conference 2010.
Balboa, L., Urbina, M., Rodriguez, S., Riedemann, A., Cumillaf, J.P., Loyola, S & Paschke, K. Behavioural, physiological and inmunologycal responses of Emerita analoga to the infection by the acanthocephala Profilicollis bullocki. International congress of parasitology. Lima, Peru 2008
Urbina, M., Riedemann, A., & Balboa, L. Physiological response of Emerita analoga to the infection by the endoparasite Profilicollis Bullocki. Symposioum of Parasitology. Universidad Santo Tomas. Chile. May 2008.
Paschke, K., Cumillaf, J., Gebauer, P., Sanchez, A., Loyola, S., Soto, . V., Urbina, M. & Rosas, C. Physiological responces to oxygen availability through larval and early juveniles stages of Southern king crab Lithodes santolla (Molina, 1782) (Decapoda: Lithodidae). Congreso de Ciencias del Mar 2008.
Kurt P., Riedemann A., Surot A & Urbina M. Zoeas en la alimentación de Robsonella fontaniana. International Workshops of Cephalopods. February 2008.
Segura C.J., Paschke K.A., Chaparro O.R.., Urbina M & Cumillaf P. Oxygen consumption on embrios of Crepipatella dilatata. ¿Is the eggs capsule a barrier for the oxygen difusión?. Florianópolis, Brasil, April 2007.
Riedemann A., Urbina M., Surot A & Paschke K. The effect of different oxygen concentrations to oxygen consumption during the larval development of hermit crab Pagurus edwardsi (Dana,1852) (DECAPODA: PAGURIDAE), under laboratory conditions. Florianópolis, Brasil, April 2007.
Urbina M., Paschke K & Gebauer P. Physiological responses of the centolla (Lithodes santolla) (Molina, 1782) (Decapoda Lithodidae) to aerial exposure under laboratory conditions. Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. Universidad Arturo Prat. Iquique. Chile 2006.
Urbina M., Paschke K & Gebauer P. The salinity effect on energy balance of Hemigrapsus crenulatus (Milne edwards, 1837), under laboratory conditions. Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. Universidad Católica del Norte. La Serena. Chile 2003.
Participacion en congresos y workshops
• Systematic review and meta-analysis for environmental sciences.NERC Advanced training course. Royal Holloway University of London. January 2015.
• Telemetry for Conservation Physiology of Marine Fish: A hands-on workshop. Ifremer Brest, France. May 2014
• Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte. La Serena. Chile. 2006. Exhibitor.
• Biology and farming of crustaceans. Universidad Austral de Chile. Puerto Montt. 2005
• Fisheries, Ecology and Growth of Cephalopods. Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia. Chile. 2003.
• Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte. La Serena. Chile. 2003. Exhibitor.
• Oceanographic topics of Humbolt Current, Pacific South Oriental. Project Copas. Universidad Austral de Chile. 2002.
• Larviculture of Marine Invertebrates. State of the art and projections. Universidad Austral de Chile. Puerto Montt. 2002.
• Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia. Chile. 2002.
• Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Concepción. Chile. 2000.
Best student of Aquaculture Engineering
Chile, 2003
Mejor alumno de la carrera 2000-2003
Beca Bicentenario
Chile, 2009
Bicentenario scholarship, PhD Australia and New Zealand. CONICYT-Chile 2009-2013
Travelling Fellowship
The Journal of Experimental Biology
Reino Unido, 2011
Evidence of different Na+/K+-ATPase isoforms in the diadromous fish Galaxias maculatus, and isoform switching with environmental salinity. Visiting Professor P. Schulte’s lab. Deparment of Zoology. University of British Columbia
Travel Grant
The Society for Experimental Biology
Reino Unido, 2012
To attend 2012 annual meeting of the Society of experimental Biology. Salzburg, June 2012
Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust Grant
Brian Mason trust
Nueva Zelanda, 2012
White gold vs whitebait dairying related hypoxia and its impacts on the behavior and physiology of inanga. 2012-2013
Travel Grant
The Society for Experimental Biology
Reino Unido, 2014
To attend 2014 International conference on the Biology of Fish. Edinburg, August 2014
Presentation award
The 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry
Polonia, 2015
ICCPB 2015 August 23-28, Kraków, Poland
Travel Grant
The fisheries society of the british isles
Reino Unido, 2016
Organizador de simposio en el Congreso Chileno de Ciencias del mar. 2016. Mayo, Concepción, Chile
Miembro programa "Ciencia de Frontera 2019-2020"
Chile, 2019
La Academia Chilena de Ciencias, con la finalidad de reconocer la excelencia y potencialidad de científicos jóvenes en diferentes áreas de las ciencias y vincularlos a las actividades de la selecciona investigadores para el Programa Ciencia de Frontera, 2019-2021.
Océano y Cambio Climático. 50 preguntas y respuestas |
Environment: Labs should cut plastic waste too |
Efectos de la salinidad y temperatura sobre la sobrevivencia y desarrollo del equinodermo (o erizo de mar) Arbacia spatuligera (Valenciennes 1846). |
Multiscale Adaptive STrategies Laboratory (MAST) |
Cultivo intensivo de Lisa (Mugil Cephalus) a escala experimentar -Fase 1: Generación y acondicionamiento de un plantel de reproductores en cautiverio |
Flexing your mussels=> futureproofing shellfish aquaculture in the face of global climate change. |
Limitaciones de oxígeno en micro-hábitats marinos y sus efectos ecofisiológicos sobre invertebrados bentónicos. Fondecyt 3180013 |
Produccion de caviar de Lisa (Mugil cephalus) como un nuevo producto comercial en Chile y evaluación biológica y técnica del cultivo |
Sistema de visión espectral para la discriminación de especies pelágicas pequeñas presentes en la pesca artesanal |
Desarrollo integral del cultivo de bacalao de profundidad para el escalamiento sustentable y el fortalecimiento de la competitividad del cluster acuícola chileno |
Produccion de caviar de Lisa (Mugil cephalus) como un nuevo producto comercial en Chile y evaluación biológica y técnica del cultivo |
Determinación del posible impacto de los productos utilizados en el control del ectoparásito Caligus rogercressery, sobre mitílidos y crustáceos |
Short term scientific mission. Specific Dynamic Action (cost of digestion) database for marine fishes |
Skretting (Industrial partnership award) funded project. Understanding acid-base responses to meal digestion to improve the efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture fish production |
White gold vs whitebait dairying related hypoxia and its impacts on the behaviour and physiology of inanga. Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust. University of Canterbury, New Zealand |
Evidence of different Na+/K+-ATPase isoforms in the diadromous fish Galaxias maculatus, and isoform switching with environmental salinity. |
Comparative study=> breaking strength and elongation in fish farming nets coated with solvent and water based antifouling. Bayer S.A. Chile |
Development of the Southern King crab farming technology. Phase II=> Optimization and development of juveniles production and growth technologies |
Description of the development stages and infection mechanisms of acanthocephalan parasites in crustaceans |
Diagnostico del uso de farmacos y anti-incrustantes en la industria salmomera nacional |
Ciencia sobre ruedas I y II |

Kurt Paschke
profesor titular
Instituto de Acuicultura
Puerto Montt, Chile
Cristóbal Galbán
Profesor Titular
Centro de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente
Universidad Mayor de Chile
Santiago de Chile, Chile

Jorge León
Profesor Asistente
Química Ambiental
Facultad de Ciencias /Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Juan Cumillaf
Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Acuicultura
Sede Puerto Montt
Universidad Austral de Chile
Puerto Montt, Chile

Jorge González
Jefe de Departamento
Departamento Científico
Punta Arenas, Chile

Daniela Nuñez
PhD student in Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Universidad de Chile

Carlos Esse
Director Instituto Iberoamericano de Desarrollo Sostenible (IIDS)
Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Temuco, Chile

Oscar Link
Full Professor
Civil Engineering
Concepción, Chile

Aldo Montecinos
Profesor Asociado
Departamento de Geofísica
Concepción, Chile

Edgardo Cruces
Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado
Universidad de Atacama
Copiapo, Chile

Ivan Hinojosa
Profesor Asistente
Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepción
Concepcion, Chile

Guillermo Luna
Profesor Titular
Biología Marina
Coquimbo, Chile

Igor Fernandez
Investigador Postdoctante
Departamento de Oceanografía
Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía
Concepción, Chile

Nicolás Alegría
Investigador en acústica pesquera
Instituto de Investigación Pesquera
Talcahuano, Chile

Pedro Echeveste
Profesor asistente
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Alexander von Humboldt
Universidad de Antofagasta
Antofagasta, Chile

Jorge Toro
Full Professor
Instituto de Ciencias Marinas y Limnológicas
Valdivia, Chile
María Amenábar
Investigadora asociada
Biología marina
Universidad Católica del Norte
Coquimbo, Chile

Rodrigo Aguayo
Posdoctoral researcher
Department of Water and Climate
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Brussel, Chile

Profesor Titular
Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry
Concepción, Chile