Nicolás Mujica Fernández
Full professor
Santiago, Chile
Granular matter, fluid instabilities and ultrasonic material characterization
Physics, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1998
Physics, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1995
Research Associate Full Time
College Park, Estados Unidos
2002 - 2004
Profesor instructor Full Time
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Santiago, Chile
2001 - 2004
Profesor asistente Full Time
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Santiago, Chile
2004 - 2008
Profesor asociado Full Time
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Santiago, Chile
2008 - 2017
Profesor titular Full Time
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Santiago, Chile
2017 - A la fecha
1) Undergraduate students (*=jointly supervised):
Makarena Osorio (Physical Engineering, USACH, 2018)
Juan Silva* (Computer Science Engineering, U. de Chile, 2012). Co-advised by N. Hitschfeld (Computer Science Department, FCFM, U. de Chile). Current position: Engineer Developer for video games at Atakama Labs.
Andres Caru (Acoustical Engineering Degree, Universidad Austral de Valdivia, 2007). Current position: In charge of teaching laboratories, Department of Physics, FCFM, U. of Chile.
2) Graduate Students advised (*=jointly supervised)
Verónica Gaete (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, expected defense 2019)
Juan Carlos Sobarzo (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, expected defense 2019)
Carolina Espinoza (Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2019)
Juvenal Letelier (Ph.D. in Fluidynamics, Universidad de Chile, 2016)
Carolina Espinoza (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2013)
Gustavo Castillo (Ph.D. in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2013). Current position: Postdoc at LPS-ENS Paris, France.
Leonardo Gordillo (Ph.D. in Physics, U. de Chile, 2012). Current position: Postdoc at Université Paris VII, France.
Tania Sauma* (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2012, co-advised by M. Clerc). Current position: Ph.D. student at University of Manchester, UK.
Suomi Ponce (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2012). Current position: Ph.D. student at ESPCI – Paris, France.
Loreto Oyarte (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2010). Current position: Ph.D. student at University of Twente, Netherlands.
María Teresa Cerda* (Master Degree in Physics, U. de Chile, 2009, co-advised by F. Barra). Current position: Professor at University Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago & Viña del Mar, Chile. Also Master in Geo-physics student at University of Chile.
Germán Varas (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2007). Current position: Associate professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.
Cristobal Arratia (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2007). Current position: Postdoc at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Maria Luisa Cordero (Master Degree in Physics, Universidad de Chile, 2006). Current position: Assistant professor at Department of Physics, FCFM, Universidad de Chile.
3) Postdocs (*=jointly supervised)
Antonella Rescaglio, since May 2017. Quimal.
Héctor Alarcón, Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2018. Fondecyt.
Vicente Salinas*. Since 2014. Funded by ANR 38 (Co-advised by F. Lund) & Fondecyt.
David Espíndola*. Dec. 2012 – Nov. 2013. Funded by ANR 38. Co-advised by F. Lund.
Nicolas Perinet*. July 2012 – July 2013. Funded by Anillo ACT 127. Co-advised by C. Falcón.
Julián Martínez*. Dec. 2011 – Sept. 2012. Funded by Anillo ACT 127 grant. Oct. 2012 – Sept. 2014 Funded by Fondecyt Postdoctoral grant 3130492. Co-advised by C. Falcón.
Aurelien Merkel*. Sept. 2011 – June 2012. Funded by ANR 38. Co-advised by F. Lund.
Li-Hua Luu. March – September 2011. Funded by Anillo ACT 127 grant; October 2011 – September 2012. Funded by Fondecyt Postdoctoral grant 3120172.
Thomas Séon, Dic. 2006 – Dic. 2007. Funded by SCAT program.
- Guidance of undergraduate students (research internships)
• ECOS Ph.D. student training: Basile Gallet (december 2009 - january 2010 & July – August 2010).
• Student research assistant from U. of Chicago internship program (July – september 2010): Michael Baumer (undergraduate)
• Student research assistants from U. of Chicago internship program (July – september 2009): Alexander Brandt (undergraduate), Scott Waitukaitis (graduate student).
• Undergraduate research assistant: Nicolás Rivas, march – december 2007.
• Undergraduate research assistant: Jocelyn Dunstan, march 2006 – december 2007.
• Undergraduate research assistant: Suomi Ponce, january – december 2008.
• Undergraduate research assistant: Tania Sauma, march 2008 – present.
• Undergraduate research assistants from U. of Chicago internship program (July – september 2005): Colin McFaul, Matthew O’Meara.
• Undergraduate research assistants from U. of Chicago internship program (July – september 2006): Katheryn Huff, Jessica Millar.
• Undergraduate research assistants from U. of Chicago internship program (July – september 2007): Elliott Brannon.
• Undergraduate research assistants from U. of Chicago internship program (July – september 2008): Daniel Citron, Samuel Oberdick.
• Undergraduate research assistant: Thomas Barois, from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France (May – July 2007).
• Undergraduate research assistant: Valentin Louf, from Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, France (May – July 2008).
• Summer research internship at U. de Chile: Germán Varas, Cristian Gonzalez (january 2005).
• Summer research internship at U. de Chile: Juan Macías (january 2006).
• Summer research internship at U. de Chile: Nicolás Rivas (january 2007).
• Summer research internship at U. de Chile: Suomi Ponce, Tania Sauma (january 2008).
• Summer research internship at U. de Chile: Sebastián Céspedes, Ignacio Vergara (january 2009).
• Summer research internship at U. de Chile: Piero Ferrari, Pia Homm, Osvaldo Fredes, Enrique Oyanedel & Carolina Espinoza (january 2010).
• Talk for general public "Donde conviven lo simple y lo complejo. Medios granulares", Corporación Cultural de Las Condes, August 16, 2018
• Talk for general public "Donde conviven lo simple y lo complejo. Medios granulares", Casa Central Universidad de Chile, October 12, 2017.
• Interview for Radio France International about granular matter (Feb. 2015). http://es.rfi.fr/ciencia/20150217-la-arena-y-sus-misterios
• Appearance in TV show Mentes Brillantes. Chapter dedicated to F. Lund (Oct. 2014). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OammVTcU7g
• Co-author of “Dinámica de medios heterogéneos y desordenados: Buscando señales certeras”, published in the FCFM bulletin (2012) and at the DFI web page (http://www.dfi.uchile.cl/divulgacion-cientifica/).
• Between 2012 and 2013 in charge of high school teacher program “Física del desorden, materiales didácticos”; experimental kits were designed and provided to teachers with a practical course. http://colegios.dfi.uchile.cl
• Responsible of stand “Patterns in nature” composed of five simple experiments showing the appearance of pattern formation in nature. This stand was setup in the Physics Fair show held in the Interactive Museum Mirador as part of the XI National Week of Science and Technology organized by Explora-Conicyt, October 11-16, 2005.
• Appearance in TV show Estamos Conectados, edition about Albert Einstein’s work in celebration of the World Year of Physics. Canal 13 Cable (Chile), September 2005.
• Invited talk “Planetary and extra-planetary magnetic fields; the experimental challenge”. World Year of Physics 2005 series of talks organized by Departamento de Física, FCFM, Universidad de Chile, June 22, 2005.
• Responsible of stand “Granular model of Brownian Motion” presented in show Quantos, organized by Explora-Conicyt as first activity of the World Year of Physics 2005. Metro station Quinta Normal, May 5-15, 2005.
Consulting and technology transfer
• Jan. 2016; Dec. 2018 and Jan. 2019: Measurement of transverse and longitudinal sound speed for Mining Industry.
• 2017-2018: consulting for Argenta. In situ ultrasonic characterization of pressure cylinders. Guidance of Mechanical Engineering student for professional internship: finite element numerical simulation of pressure cylinders in order to predict zones of largest applied stress.
• July 2007 – march 2008: Ultrasound diagnostics for IDIEM (Institute for Materials Research and Testing) of U. of Chile. Measurement of dynamic elastic constants (Young Modulus and Poisson ratio) of concrete samples.
• Consulting for IM2-Codelco during March-April 2008.
Fundación Andes Fellowship Inicio de carrera de jóvenes investigadores
Chile, 2004
Grant C-13960/9, “Experimental study of acoustic interactions in two-phase media”.
Winning poster at the second Annual Gallery of Nonlinear Images exhibit
American Physical Society
Estados Unidos, 2005
2005 March Meeting of the American Physical Society. Visualizing the invisible: Ultrasound velocimetry in liquid sodium, B.E. Brawn, K. Joshi, D.P. Lathrop, N. Mujica, & D.R. Sisan.
Aguirre-Basualdo Award
Chancellerie des universités de Paris
Francia, 2000
Aguirre-Basualdo Award, 80.000 French Francs
New Horizons for Mechanical Spectroscopy in Materials Science |

Rodrigo Soto
Full professor
Santiago, Chile

Jaime Ortega
Full Professor
Ingeniería Matemática & Centro de Modelamiento Matemático
Santiago, Chile

Gustavo Castillo
Université Paris Diderot - Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC)
París, Francia

Rodrigo Espinoza
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering Biotechnology and Materials
Santiago, Chile

Jocelyn Dunstan
Profesora Asistente
Ciencia de la Computación
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Pablo Gutiérrez
Profesor asistente
Instituto de ciencias de la ingeniería
Universidad de O'Higgins
Rancagua, Chile

Mauricio Cerda
Assistant Professor (appointed)
Programa de Anatomía y Biología del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile

Nancy Hitschfeld
Full Professor
Computer Science
Santiago, Chile
Claudio Aguilar
Metallurgy and Materials
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María
Valparaíso, Chile

Alejandro Jara
Investigador Postdoctoral FONDECYT
Departamento de Física
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María