
Germán Andrés Montoya Sanhueza

Associated Researcher

University of South Bohemia

Ceske Budejovice, Rep. Checa

Líneas de Investigación

– Skeletal adaptation in mammals – Growth patterns and osteogenesis in mammals – Morphology and developmental biology of mole rats (Bathyergidae)


  •  Bone microstructure, UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN. Suráfrica, 2020
  •  Zoology, UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN. Chile, 2014
  •  Biologo, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2010

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Researcher Full Time

    Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia

    Ceske Budejovice, Rep. Checa

    2020 - A la fecha


Article (24)

Developmental Plasticity in the Ossification of the Proximal Femur of Heterocephalus glaber (Bathyergidae, Rodentia)
Fossorial adaptations in African mole-rats (Bathyergidae) and the unique appendicular phenotype of naked mole-rats
Functional anatomy and disparity of the postcranial skeleton of African mole-rats (Bathyergidae)
Bone remodeling in the longest living rodent, the naked mole-rat: Interelement variation and the effects of reproduction
Late early Miocene mammals from Laguna del Laja, Cura-Mallin Formation, south-central Chile (-37 degrees S) and their biogeographical and paleoenvironmental significance
Long bone histomorphogenesis of the naked mole-rat: Histodiversity and intraspecific variation
Late early Miocene caviomorph rodents from Laguna del Laja (similar to 37 degrees S), Cura-Mallin Formation, south-central Chile
Postnatal development of the largest subterranean mammal (Bathyergus suillus): Morphology, osteogenesis, and modularity of the appendicular skeleton
Postnatal development of the largest subterranean mammal (Bathyergus suillus)=> morphology, osteogenesis and modularity of the appendicular skeleton.
Cortical bone adaptation and mineral mobilization in the subterranean mammal Bathyergus suillus (Rodentia: Bathyergidae): effects of age and sex
Cortical bone adaptation and mineral mobilization in the subterranean mammal Bathyergus suillus (Rodentia=> Bathyergidae)=> effects of age and sex.
Long bone histology of the subterranean rodent Bathyergus suillus (Bathyergidae): ontogenetic pattern of cortical bone thickening
Long bone histology of the subterranean rodent Bathyergus suillus (Bathyergidae)=> ontogenetic pattern of cortical bone thickening.
Peltephilidae and Mesotheriidae (Mammalia) from late Miocene strata of Northern Chilean Andes, Caragua
Peltephilidae and Mesotheriidae (Mammalia) from late Miocene strata of Northern Chilean Andes, Caragua.
First stages of the life cycle in native fish from the San Pedro River (Valdivia River Basin, Chile)
First stages of the life cycle in native fish from the San Pedro River (Valdivia River Basin, Chile)
Primeros estadios del ciclo de vida de peces nativos del Río San Pedro (Cuenca del Rio Valdivia, Chile)
Relación longitud-peso y factor de condición de los peces nativos del río San Pedro (cuenca del río Valdivia, Chile)
Weight-length relationships and condition factor of native fish from San Pedro River (Valdivia River basin, Chile)
Weight-length relationships and condition factor of native fish from San Pedro river (Valdivia river basin, Chile)
Weight-length relationships and condition factor of native fish from San Sedro river (Valdivia river Basin, Chile) Relación longitud-peso y factor de condición de los peces nativos del río San Pedro (cuenca del río Valdivia, Chile)
Dientes de tiburones y rayas (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) de la Formación Quiriquina aflorante en Talcahuano, Chile Central

Proyecto (12)

Skeletal 3D morphology of African molerats (Bathyergidae)
Ecophysiology of fossorial mammals
MOOC online course=> “Extinctions Past and Present”. The Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT - UCT, South Africa).
Tectonosedimentary evolution of the mid-Cenozoic basins in the forearc and Main Andean Cordillera of south-central Chile (~36°-43°S)
Upper Cretaceous Formations. Prof. in charge=> Anusuya Chinsamy.
3D visualisation of the microanatomy and microvascularization of Bathyergus suillus (Rodentia=> Bathyergidae)
Skeletal morpho-function of Caragua's Miocene Fauna. Este proyecto fue recientemente adjudicado, y planeo participar en el como investigador y ejecutor técnico durante los próximos meses.
Using predictive models to focus conservation efforts on the elusive Golden Moles
Uso de microhábitat y competencia intraespecífica entre peces introducidos y nativos.
Latitudinal and Local Patterns of Diversity in the Native and non-Native Lacustrine Fish Fauna of the Chilean Patagonia
Plan de Monitoreo y Manejo de peces del rio San Pedro
Producción a escala piloto de mejillones hembras de gónada de coloración modificada por técnicas biotecnológicas
Germán Montoya

Associated Researcher

Department of Zoology

University of South Bohemia

Ceske Budejovice, Rep. Checa

Evelyn Habit

Profesor Titular

Sistemas Acuáticos


Concepcion, Chile

Nicole Colin

Profesor Auxiliar

Ciencias Ambientales y Evolutivas

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia , Chile

Alexandre Corgne

Associate Professor

Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra


Valdivia, Chile

Karen Moreno

Profesor Auxiliar

Instituto Ciencias de la Tierra


Valdivia, Chile

René Bobe



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Andrés Solórzano

Profesor adjunto

Universidad Católica del Maule

Talca, Chile