
Nicole Françoise Colin Muñoz

Profesor Auxiliar

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia , Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Evaluación de la estructura y funcionamiento de las comunidades acuáticas continentales, especialmente íciticas, y su respuesta biológica a estresores ambientales múltiples, utilizando aproximaciones ecológicas, bioindicadores y biomarcadores.


  •  Biodiversidad/Ecologia, Universidad de Barcelona. España, 2017
  •  Zoologia, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2011
  •  Biologa, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2005

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Auxiliar Full Time



    Valdivia, Chile

    2019 - A la fecha

  •   Investigador Postdoctoral Full Time

    Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepción


    Concepción, Chile

    2017 - 2019

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Biologo de campo Full Time

    Estación de Investigación río San Pedro, Centro EULA, Universidad deConcepción


    2005 - 2008

  •   Asistente Investigación Part Time

    Planificación territorial, Centro EULA, Universidad deConcepción


    2010 - 2011

  •   Biologo Part Time

    LEUFU, Consultoria e Investigación Ambiental


    2016 - 2017

Formación de Capital Humano

Beca Chile para estudios de Doctorado en el extranjero (2011-2015) . Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT).
Beca para estudios de Magíster en Chile (2008-2010) . Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT).

Difusión y Transferencia

2019 Integrante Sub-mesa Ecosistemas Dulceacuícolas. Mesa de Biodiversidad. Comité Científico COP25. Ministerio de Ciencia.
2019 Evaluador Congreso Regional Explora Los Ríos
2019 Conversando con Científicos, Par Explora Los Ríos
2018 Evaluador Congreso Nacional Explora

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Mejor trabajo modalidad Poster


    Francia, 2014

    Mejor trabajo modalidad Poster

  •   International Visitor Leadership Programme (IVLP), Climate Change and Environmental Resilience. U.S. Department of State, USA.

    Department of State

    Estados Unidos, 2022

    Future generations depend on local, national, and international cooperation to preserve natural resources and to develop practical solutions and resilience to environmental challenges. Facing a range of challenges posed by climate change, Chile is becoming a regional leader on environmental issues, and many young leaders were elected on environmental platforms. This project is designed for local municipal leaders, regional and national government representatives (i.e., Ministry of the Environment & Ministry of Public Works), civil society, and academics from the regions of Los Rios, Los Lagos, Antofagasta, and Santiago. It will explore responses to environmental challenges presented or exacerbated by global climate change, specifically water scarcity, solid waste management, water resource/wastewater management, and air pollution.


Article (22)

Species tree analyses and speciation-based species delimitation support new species in the relict catfish family Diplomystidae and provide insights on recent glacial history in Patagonia
Juvenile salmon presence effects on the diet of native Puye Galaxias maculatus in lakes and estuaries of Patagonian fjords
Taxonomic and Functional Responses of Species-Poor Riverine Fish Assemblages to the Interplay of Human-Induced Stressors
The presence of kelp Lessonia trabeculata drives isotopic niche segregation of redspotted catshark Schroederichthys chilensis
Variation of stomach content and isotopic niche of puye Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) in large river systems of southern Chile
A Century after! Rediscovery of the ancient catfish Diplomystes Bleeker 1858 (Siluriformes: Diplomystidae) in coastal river basins of Chile and its implications for conservation
Functional response of fish assemblage to multiple stressors in a highly regulated Mediterranean river system
Assessing the impact of waste water effluents on native fish species from a semi-arid region, NE Spain
Functional diversity measures revealed impacts of non-native species and habitat degradation on species-poor freshwater fish assemblages
Movement patterns and home range in Diplomystes camposensis (Siluriformes: Diplomystidae), an endemic and threatened species from Chile
Trends in biomarkers, biotic indices, and fish population size revealed contrasting long-term effects of recycled water on the ecological status of a Mediterranean river.
Ecological impact and recovery of a Mediterranean river after receiving the effluent from a textile dyeing industry
Ecological relevance of biomarkers in monitoring studies of macro-invertebrates and fish in Mediterranean rivers
First stages of the life cycle in native fish from the San Pedro River (Valdivia River Basin, Chile)
Movement patterns of the native fish fauna of the San Pedro River (Valdivia River Basin, Chile)
Patrones de desplazamiento de peces nativos en el Río San Pedro (cuenca del Río Valdivia, Chile)
Primeros estadios del ciclo de vida de peces nativos del Río San Pedro (Cuenca del Rio Valdivia, Chile)
Spatial and temporal distribution of riparian fish communities in an undisturbed fluvial system: the san pedro river, valdivia basin (Chile)
Variaciones espaciales y temporales de las comunidades ribereñas de peces en un sistema fluvial no intervenido: Río San Pedro, Cuenca del Río Valdivia (Chile)
Changes in the distribution of native fishes in response to introduced species and other anthropogenic effects
Surgical implantation of radio transmitters in Diplomystes camposensis (Siluriformes, Diplomystidae)
Threatened fishes of the world: Diplomystes camposensis Arratia, 1987 (Diplomystidae)

BookSection (2)

Rivers of Southern Pacific
San Pedro River: A Biological and Cultural Treasure in Northern Patagonia

ConferencePaper (7)

Ausencia de la macroalga Lessonia trabeculata puede afectar la dieta del tiburón pintarroja Schroederichthys chilensis
Functional response of fish assemblage to multiple stressors in a Mediterranean river
The effects of multiple stressors on fish in temperate river systems of central Chile: community responses
Impact of recycled water on the trophic interactions among top consumers in a semi-arid region
Why use lethal tools if the aim is to conserve the species? trends in the use of non-lethal techniques in fish biology
Evaluación temporal de los parámetros hematológicos de dos especies ícticas mediterráneas sometidas a polución urbana e industrial
Impact of urban and industrial sewage discharges on the trophic ecology of two wild native cyprinids in a Mediterranean Stream

ConferencePoster (3)

Evaluation of the effects of multiple stressors on fish in temperate river systems of central-southern Chile: population and community responses
Trends in biomarkers and bioindicators revealed contrasting long-term effects of pollution on native fish populations in a Mediterranean river
Assessing the seasonal variability of biotic integrity indices in a Mediterranean stream exposed to industrial sewage discharge: a multi-taxa approach

Proyecto (7)

Bioensayos de toxicidad mediante la evaluación de biomarcadores de comportamiento en peces nativos del Sur de Chile
Community water biomonitoring and management: diagnosis and solutions for climate change in the South of Chile with Mapuche-Williche Indigenous communities
Fish metapopulations and metacommunities in large andean and small coastal river basins: implications for conservation.
Ecología trófica del pejerrey chileno como indicador de la salud de los ríos.
Mecanismos de respuesta de individuos y comunidades de peces resilientes a estresores múltiples dentro de una cuenca hidrográfica: integración del uso de biomarcadores y aproximaciones ecológicas
Migratory Life Histories and trophic niche riverine puye Galaxias Maculatus in Chilean Rivers: effects of parasites
Patrones de desplazamiento y uso del hábitat ribereño de peces nativos en el río San Pedro
Nicole Colin

Profesor Auxiliar

Ciencias Ambientales y Evolutivas

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia , Chile

Evelyn Habit

Profesor Titular

Sistemas Acuáticos


Concepcion, Chile

Alejandra Oyanedel


Medio Ambiente

Instituto de Fomento Pesquero

Puerto Montt, Chile

Konrad Górski

Profesor Asociado

Facultad de Ciencias

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Carlos Munoz

Associate Professor

Instituto de Entomología

Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Santiago, Chile

Germán Montoya

Associated Researcher

Department of Zoology

University of South Bohemia

Ceske Budejovice, Rep. Checa

Pedro Victoriano

Académico Jornada Completa



Concepcion, Chile

Pablo Fierro

Profesor Auxiliar

Facultad de Ciencias

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile