
Emilio Mauricio Ungerfeld



Vilcún, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Nutrición de rumiantes y microbiología del rumen


  •  Ciencia Animal, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2003
  •  Nutrición Animal, University of Aberdeen. Reino Unido, 1998
  •  Agronomía, Universidad de la República. Uruguay, 1991

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctoral fellow Full Time


    College Park, MD, Estados Unidos

    2004 - 2008

  •   Postdoctoral fellow Full Time


    Lethbridge, AB, Canada

    2008 - 2011


Article (49)

Antifeedant Effects and Repellent Activity of Loline Alkaloids from Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue against Horn Flies, <i>Haematobia irritans</i> (Diptera: Muscidae)
Association of fibre degradation with ruminal dissolved hydrogen in growing beef bulls fed with two types of forages
Fifty years of research on rumen methanogenesis - lessons learned and future challenges for mitigation
Inhibiting Methanogenesis Stimulated de novo Synthesis of Microbial Amino Acids in Mixed Rumen Batch Cultures Growing on Starch but not on Cellulose
Metabolic Hydrogen Flows in Rumen Fermentation: Principles and Possibilities of Interventions
Ratios of rumen inoculum from Tibetan and Small-tailed Han sheep influenced in vitro fermentation and digestibility
Effects of feeding unprocessed oilseeds on methane emission, nitrogen utilization efficiency and milk fatty acid profile of lactating dairy cows
Factors associated with the content of mammary-synthesized fatty acids in milk fat: A meta-analysis
Inhibiting Methanogenesis in Rumen Batch Cultures Did Not Increase the Recovery of Metabolic Hydrogen in Microbial Amino Acids
Effects of dietary concentrate supplementation on enteric methane emissions and performance of late lactation dairy cows
In vitro rumen fermentation and effect of protein fractions of canola meals on methane production
Influence of season and diet on fiber digestion and bacterial community structure in the rumen of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus)
Inhibition of rumen methanogenesis and ruminant productivity: A meta-analysis
Nitrate improves ammonia incorporation into rumen microbial protein in lactating dairy cows fed a low-protein diet
Molecular hydrogen generated by elemental magnesium supplementation alters rumen fermentation and microbiota in goats
Redirection of Metabolic Hydrogen by Inhibiting Methanogenesis in the Rumen Simulation Technique (RUSITEC)
Redirection of metabolic hydrogen by inhibiting methanogenesis in the rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC)
Effects of pregrazing herbage mass in late spring on enteric methane emissions, dry matter intake, and milk production of dairy cows
Effects of pregrazing herbage mass in late spring on enteric methane emissions, dry matter intake, and milk production of dairy cows
Milk fatty acid profile is modulated by DGAT1 and SCD1 genotypes in dairy cattle on pasture and strategic supplementation
Supersaturation of Dissolved Hydrogen and Methane in Rumen of Tibetan Sheep
A comparison of milk fatty acid profile among three different dairy production systems in Los Rios District, Chile
A comparison of milk fatty acid profile among three different dairy production systems in Los Ríos District, Chile
Anaerobic digestibility of beef hooves with swine manure or slaughterhouse sludge
Anaerobic digestibility of beef hooves with swine manure or slaughterhouse sludge
Effects of concentrate supplementation on enteric methane emissions and milk production of grazing dairy cows
Effects of concentrate supplementation on enteric methane emissions and milk production of grazing dairy cows
Limits to Dihydrogen Incorporation into Electron Sinks Alternative to Methanogenesis in Ruminal Fermentation
Limits to dihydrogen incorporation into electron sinks alternative to methanogenesis in ruminal fermentation
Shifts in metabolic hydrogen sinks in the methanogenesis-inhibited ruminal fermentation: a meta-analysis
Shifts in metabolic hydrogen sinks in the methanogenesis-inhibited ruminal fermentation=> a meta-analysis
Use of tannins to improve fatty acids profile of meat and milk quality in ruminants: A review
Inclusion of glycerol in forage diets increases methane production in a rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC) system
Inclusion of glycerol in forage diets increases methane production in a rumen simulation technique system
A theoretical comparison between two ruminal electron sinks
Anaerobic digestion of chicken feather with swine manure or slaughterhouse sludge for biogas production
Anaerobic digestion of chicken feather with swine manure or slaughterhouse sludge for biogas production
A meta-analysis of malate effects on methanogenesis in ruminal batch cultures
Isolation of high-quality total RNA from rumen anaerobic bacteria and fungi, and subsequent detection of glycoside hydrolases
Snapshot of the Eukaryotic Gene Expression in Muskoxen Rumen-A Metatranscriptomic Approach
The Effects of Thiamine Inhibition on Ruminal Fermentation=> a Preliminary Study
Effects of direct-fed microbial supplementation on digestibility and fermentation end-products in horses fed low- and high-starch concentrates
A meta-analysis of fumarate effects on ruminal fermentation
Increases in microbial N production and efficiency in vitro with three inhibitors of ruminal methanogenesis
Effects of butyrate precursors on electron relocation when methanogenesis is inhibited in ruminal mixed cultures
Effects of two lipids on in vitro ruminal methane production
Effects of several inhibitors on pure cultures of ruminal methanogens
Attempts to inhibit ruminal methanogenesis by blocking pyruvate oxidative decarboxylation
Use of some novel electron sinks to inhibit ruminal methanogenesis

BookSection (3)

Factors influencing the efficiency of rumen energy metabolism
Utilization of organic acids to manipulate ruminal fermentation
The role of thermodynamics in the control of ruminal fermentation

BookWhole (2)

Engineering Rumen Metabolic Pathways: Where We Are, and Where Are We Heading
Utilization of organic acids to manipulate ruminal fermentation and improve ruminant productivity

Proyecto (6)

Stimulation of metabolic hydrogen sinks alternative to methane in rumen fermentation
Interaction between the inhibition of ruminal methanogenesis and microbial protein production in the rumen
Effects of oilseed supplementation on methane emissions, nitrogen utilization efficiency and milk fatty acid profile of dairy cows
Potential of the condensed tannins of Lotus uliginosus to inhibit biohydrogenation and improve beef quality
Meta-análisis del contenido de butirato en la leche
Physico-chemical control of hydrogen dynamics in ruminal fermentation
Emilio Ungerfeld


Centro Regional de Investigación Carillanca


Vilcún, Chile

Emilio Martínez

Académico e investigador

Ciencia Animal

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Natalie Urrutia



Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias

Osorno, Chile

Camila Muñoz


Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA Remehue

Osorno, Chile

Andres Quiroz

Profesor Titular

Ciencias Químicas y Recursos Naturales


Temuco, Chile

Rodrigo Morales



Osorno, Chile

Javier Espinoza


Ciencias Química y Recursos Naturales

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile