Rodrigo Andrés Moreno Vieyra
Assistant Professor
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Power system optimization; power system planning and energy policy; power system economics and reliability; renewable energy and smart grid.
Civil Engineer of Industry with Major in Electrical Engineering, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2005
Assistant Professor Full Time
2013 - At present
Research Associate Part Time
Reino Unido
2012 - At present
Research Assistant Full Time
Reino Unido
2011 - 2012
Assistant/Instructor Professor Part Time
2007 - 2007
Assistant/Instructor Professor Part Time
2004 - 2005
Analyst and Project Leader Full Time
Systep Engineering and Design
2004 - 2007
Since 2014 Dr Moreno has directly supervised 18 theses in power systems engineering and is currently supervising 9 MSc students, all of these at the University of Chile (https://sites.google.com/site/rmorenov/students).
Current MSc student at University of Chile
Héctor Otárola, MSc, Co-optimizing network and storage systems investments through stochastic optimization via column generation algorithms
Diego Alvarado, MSc, transmission investments with distributed energy resources and distributionally robust security
Elías Valenzuela, MSc, Measuring the network hosting capacity of transmission networks to integrate renewable energy: A bilevel optimization approach (MPEC)
Alex Villamarín J., MSc, Disaster management and resilience in electric power systems with AC power flows
Gabriel Díaz A., MSc, Economic effects of the tax on CO2 emissions used in the electricity market in Chile.
Andrés Chávez E., MSc, Network cost allocation accounting for capacity redundancy
Ricardo Haro V., MSc, Bi-level approach for beneficiaries-pay network tariffs
Lucas Neira M., MSc, Applications of Benders decomposition on planning secured transmission networks
Bástian Moya, MSc., Resilience in electric power systems against wildfires
Past BSc and MSc students at University of Chile
Cristóbal Cruz L., BSc., Resilient operation and planning of electric transmission networks, 2018
Pedro Rojas O., BSc., Risk assessment of different contractual schemes for energy supply for non-conventional renewable generation, 2017
Hugo Godoy V., BSc., Reliable planning of a 100% renewable electrical system in Chile, 2017
Francisco Latorre C., BSc., Optimal location of FACTS and transmission lines for future generation scenarios in the Chilean electricity system, 2017
Sergio Zúñiga L., BSc., Dispatch strategies of a solar thermal concentration power plant with storage, 2017
Ricardo Hunt P., BSc., Analysis and implementation of the line switching model in the Chilean electricity system, 2017
Enrique Marín M., BSc., Dispatch strategies analysis of a photovoltaic power plant with storage through hydraulic pump with seawater, 2017
Víctor Puente M., BSc., Characteristics of the Chebyshev pseudo-spectral representation in the modeling of electrical systems in the chilean context , 2017
Fernando Llaitul S., BSc., Analysis of the implementation of FACTS equipment in the economic operation of the national electricity system in scenarios of renewable energy development, 2017
Javier De la Fuente A., BSc., Optimal contracting strategies for run-off river hydraulic power plants, 2017
Carlos Sepúlveda H., BSc., Economic operation of a micro-grid with stability restrictions, 2016
Michel Soudre D., BSc., Probabilistic optimization of conventional and intelligent technology portfolios for the robust design of a primary distribution substation, 2016
Felipe González V., MSc/BSc., Optimal Take-Or-Pay Lng Supply For Hydrothermal Electricity Systems, 2016
Jonathan Monsalve R., BSc., Evaluation of the benefit of a storage unit by pumping in Colbún under irrigation requirements, 2016
Sebastián Aldea E., BSc., Optimum stochastic load flow with transient stability for studying the operation of the transmission network with new control technologies, 2015
Carlos Matamala V., BSc., Reserve margins in transmission networks and interconnections to facilitate integration of renewable generation, 2015
Felipe Zuloaga R., BSc., Optimization models for the efficient operation of electrical power systems under probabilistic and deterministic criteria of security supply, 2015
Felipe Riquelme L., BSc., Transmission contingency filters for the optimal power flow problem with safety restrictions, 2015
He has also been the co-supervisor of 5 PhD students in Imperial College London and 1 PhD student at the University of Chile. This list is shown next:
Roberto Moreira, Imperial College, PhD 2016, Business Models for Energy Storage
Yanfei Chen, Imperial College, PhD 2017, Coordination Strategies for Securing AC/DC Flexible Transmission Networks with Renewables
Alex Moreira, Imperial College, PhD current, A Five-Level MILP Model for Flexible Transmission Network Planning under Uncertainty: A Min-Max Regret Approach
Yijun Li, Imperial College, PhD current, Co-optimisation of transmission and generation assets through bi-level models
Magnus Jamieson, PhD current, Resilience against heavy wind and storms in the GB system
Aramis Perez, University of Chile, PhD 2018, Effect of Battery Degradation on Multi-Service Portfolios of Energy Storage
Through his various research projects, especially his Fondef and Newton-Picarte (PCI) projects, Dr. Moreno has directly supervised and worked with more than 10 junior researchers (including 2 postdocs) who has being successfully trained in advanced modelling and applied research.
Additionally, Dr. Moreno regularly teaches undergraduate courses, postgraduate courses and diplomas at the University of Chile, including:
For undergraduate and postgraduate students
EL7047 - Riesgo y Confiabilidad en Sistemas Eléctricos (Risk and Reliability in Electrical Energy Systems)
EL3003 - Laboratorio de Ingeniería Eléctrica (Electrical Engineering Lab)
EL5203 - Laboratorio de Energía (Energy Lab)
For government and industry
ECODIE1 - Diplomado de Coordinación de Sistemas Eléctricos Hidrotérmicos e Integración de Energías Renovables (Diploma in Hydrothermal Scheduling and Renewable Energy)
ECODIE2 - Especialización en El Mercado Eléctrico y el Rol del Gas Natural (Specialization in Electricity and Gas Markets)
ECODIE3 - Diplomado en Liderazgo y Gestión en Mercados Eléctricos (Diploma in Electricity Markets Management)
(see more details in: https://sites.google.com/site/rmorenov/teaching)
Finally, he is regularly invited to give short courses and lectures in universities in Latin America and Europe (PUC and UAI in Chile, PUC and UTEC in Perú, UNA in Paraguay, Imperial College and University of Manchester in the UK, University of Udine in Italy).
Conclusions derived from Dr. Moreno’s research have served to a wide community of private and public agents in the power and energy sector. So far, Dr. Moreno has published 23 ISI journal papers whose findings have been instrumental in more than 30 applied research projects, funded directly by industry and governments. Further, Dr. Moreno has participated in a number of research projects for institutions like Conicyt (a Chilean research council), EPSRC (a British research council), EPRI, Fraunhofer, European Commission, UK and Chilean Governments, World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. He has also participated in various industry projects for regulatory bodies, system operators, and electricity and gas companies in EU and the Americas.
All these projects have been selected and undertaken because of their high societal value. Some of these include:
- The design of the energy policy/energy roadmap in Chile, the so-called Energía 2050 initiative
- The design of the long-term planning process of electricity systems in Chile, the so-called PELP process (Planificación Eléctrica de Largo Plazo)
- The design of the process to determine the path of transmission lines in Chile
- The fundamental review and recommendations for new security standards for distribution and transmission systems in the UK
- The design of the commercial strategies for the largest battery system connected to a distribution system in the world (UK)
- The fundamental review and design of new regulation to coordinate several transmission network regimes in the UK
- The design of the new regulatory framework for auctioning long-term contracts of electricity supply in Chile
All of the above have had a material impact in practical terms and these projects have directly affected companies (generation, transmission and distribution companies), regulatory authorities, policy makers, and ultimately consumers' welfare. Importantly, and as mentioned earlier, the material produced has been extensively published in 23 ISI journal papers, 1 monograph, 6 non-ISI journal papers and 33 conference papers (see more at https://sites.google.com/site/rmorenov/publica).
There is also a bunch of projects that have been carried out and funded by research councils (Conicyt in Chile and UKRC/EPSRC in the UK). Most notably, the Fondef and Newton-Picarte projects have funded elaboration of new computational tools to study the impacts of investment and operational decisions on economic, reliability and resilience performance of electricity networks. Also, Dr. Moreno's ideas and research have been incorporated in the CORFO funded initiative entitled AMEBA, an specialized computational platform to undertake advanced economic and financial analyses in the electricity sector through the application of operations research (see: ameba.cloud).
Dr. Moreno has authored/co-authored more than 60 papers published in journals and conferences proceedings and am a regular reviewer of 8 internationally recognised journals of IEEE, IET and Elsevier. He has been a member of the steering committee of the youth branch of CIGRE in the UK (CIGRE NGN) and am the current Chair of the Latin American Infrastructure Working Group and Vice-Chair of the Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Working Group, both in the Power and Energy Society of IEEE. Dr. Moreno has also organised 18 panel sessions in renowned international conferences in IEEE, CIGRE, INFORMS, IFORS, ISMP, etc (see more at https://sites.google.com/site/rmorenov/further). He is regularly invited to give talks at a national and international levels, and even teach fundamentals in government offices.
Finally, Dr. Moreno has been recently invited to join various expert panels and roundtables, including:
- Roundtable for hydroelectric development (conducted by Energy Ministry)
- Group of experts for design of ancillary services markets (conducted by National Energy Commission)
- Group of experts for transmission network remuneration (conducted by Energy Ministry)
- Expert panel for the Green Climate Fund (conducted by Ministry of Finance)
Distinción en Exámen de Licenciatura
Chile, 2003
Within the best 10% in the test "Examen de Licentiatura en Ciencias de la Ingenieria".
Distinción Máxima Ingeniería Civil
Chile, 2005
Summa Cum Laude in Civil Engineering (scored 6.02/7.0).
Distinción Máxima Magister
Chile, 2005
Summa Cum Laude in the Master in Engineering Sciences (scored 6.5/7.0).
Beca Presidente de la República para Doctorado en el Extranjero
Chile, 2007
Excellent quality of academic records and CV.
Chair of the Latin American Infrastructure Working Group of the Power and Energy Society of IEEE
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Estados Unidos, 2010
Leadership in the organization of several activities in the Latin American working group of the IEEE-PES.Organization of panel sessions in optimization, renewable energy, smart girds, and system planning, among others.
Most-Accessed Paper IEEE-PES
IEEE - Power and Energy Society
Chile, 2010
Moreno, R., Strbac, G., Porrua, F., Mocarquer, S., Bezerra, B., “Making Room for the Boom - New Regulatory Avenues and Network Infrastructure Changes for Accommodating Renewables”, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol 8, No 5, pp 36-46, Sep-Oct 2010 (7th in the ranking of most-accessed papers in Oct 2010 in IEEE-PES).
Certificate of Appreciation of IEEE
IEEE - Power and Energy Society
Chile, 2011
Chairing/co-chairing the panel session "Deploying Tomorrows's Electrical Power Systems: Low carbon, Efficiency and Security" sponsored by the International Practices Subcommittee of the Energy Development and Power Generation Committee at the IEEE PES General Meeting 2011, Detroit, MI.
Most-Read Paper SAGE-Journal of Risk and Reliability
Reino Unido, 2012
Moreno, R., Pudjianto, D., and Strbac, G., “Integrated Reliability and Cost-Benefit-Based Standards for Transmission Network Operation”, Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol 226, No 1, pp 75-87, Feb 2012 (constantly ranked within the first 5 articles in the ranking of most-read papers Feb-Aug 2012 in SAGE-Journal of Risk and Reliability).
Researcher Pay Relativity
Chile, 2013
In recognition of the quality of my achievements and contribution to the College. (include a payment of 1000£).
Most-Accessed Paper IEEE-PES
IEEE – Transactions on Power Systems
Estados Unidos, 2013
Moreno, R., Pudjianto, D., and Strbac, G., “Transmission Network Investment with Probabilistic Security and Corrective Control”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press (24th in the ranking of most-accessed papers in Jul 2013 in IEEE-PES).
2nd best research proposal in engineering group 2 at national level, Fondecyt contest
Chile, 2013
Diploma given in the annual ceremony by the University of Chile for top proposals in the Fondecyt contest.
Vice-Chair Natural Disasters Working Group in IEEE
IEEE Power and Energy Society
Estados Unidos, 2018
Leadership in the organization of several activities in the natural disaster working group of the IEEE-PES.Organization of panel sessions in power system resilience, high impact low probability events, natural disasters and hazards.
Resilient Network Operation and Planning against Multiple Natural Hazards |
Techno-Economic framework for Resilience and Sustainable Electrification |
Analysis of fast starting power plants in the Chilean system |
Design of the process of preliminary transmission paths |
Economic assessment of storage projects in the Chilean electricity system |
Robust design and economic analysis of transmission grids |
Support for capacity development on energy planning of key stakeholders in the energy sector in Peru |
Disaster Management and Resilience in Electric Power Systems |
Evaluation of risks associated with curtailments of solar photovoltaic generation in the north of the SING |
Instituto de Sistemas Compejos de Ingeneiría |
International practices and recommendations for improvements in the regulation of electricity distribution |
Market study of electricity generation in Chile |
Method design for robust long-term energy planning in Chile (design of PELP process) |
Power System Operation in Continuous Time Based on Chebyshev Pseudo-spectral Representation |
Problems of auctions in the presence of storage technologies |
The future development of hydroelectricity in Chile |
Distribution network security standards P2/6 |
Energy policy process Energía 2050=> Academic support |
Estimation of long-term hourly prices in the national interconnected system |
Generation reserves zones |
Necessary improvements in the secure and economic operation of the Chilean transmission network |
Development of optimization platform for analysis in power system operation and planning (AMEBA model) |
Incorporation of take-or-pay contracts for LNG in economic dispatch models |
Regulatory changes in the design of electricity supply auctions |
Solar Energy Research Center |
Smarter Network Storage LCNF Project |
Smarter Network Storage LCNF Project |
Strategic planning of transnational offshore grids |
Transmission Network Operation and Design with Smart Grid Technologies and Corrective Control |
Control for Energy and Sustainability |
Control for Energy and Sustainability=> Costs and benefits of future power networks |
Coordination Study for HVDC & AC Network Power Flow Control |
Coordination Study for HVDC & AC Network Power Flow Control |
HubNet - A Hub for Energy Networks |
HubNet – A Hub for Energy Networks |
Including Generation Reserve in Transmission Planning Methods |
Including Generation Reserve in Transmission Planning Methods |
Integrated Transmission Planning and Regulation Project |
Integrated Transmission Planning and Regulation Project |
iTesla: Innovative Tools for Electrical System Security within Large Areas |
iTesla=> Innovative Tools for Electrical System Security within Large Areas |
Development of smart meters in Central Chile |
Project TransmiT: The Importance of Locational Signals in Electricity Markets: the Case of Great Britain |
Project TransmiT=> The Importance of Locational Signals in Electricity Markets=> the Case of Great Britain |
Sustainable development in the Chilean transmission grid |
A Strategic Overview on Efficient Energy Procurement and Best Practices in Energy Auctions |
A Strategic Overview on Efficient Energy Procurement and Best Practices in Energy Auctions |
Dynamic transmission investment model – DTIM |
Dynamic transmission investment model – DTIM |
Fundamental Review of the Security and Quality of Supply Standards (SQSS) |
Fundamental Review of the Security and Quality of Supply Standards (SQSS) |
Supergen FlexNet: Towards a Probabilistic Network Security Standard |
Supergen FlexNet=> Towards a Probabilistic Network Security Standard |
The Impact of Intermittent Generation on Transmission Network Investment |
The Impact of Intermittent Generation on Transmission Network Investment |
Transmission Access Review=> Analysis of Constraint Costs and Strawman Models |
Efficiency frontier methodologies for the determination of the Distribution Added Value |
Metodologías de Frontera de Eficiencia para la Determinación del Valor Agregado de Distribución |
Analysis of fast starting power plants in the Chilean system |
Design of the process of preliminary transmission paths |
Development of optimization platform for analysis in power system operation and planning (AMEBA model) |
Development of smart meters in Central Chile |
Disaster Management and Resilience in Electric Power Systems |
Distribution network security standards P2/6 |
Economic assessment of storage projects in the Chilean electricity system |
Energy policy process Energía 2050: Academic support |
Estimation of long-term hourly prices in the national interconnected system |
Evaluation of risks associated with curtailments of solar photovoltaic generation in the north of the SING |
Generation reserves zones |
Incorporation of take-or-pay contracts for LNG in economic dispatch models |
Instituto de Sistemas Compejos de Ingeneiría |
International practices and recommendations for improvements in the regulation of electricity distribution |
Market study of electricity generation in Chile |
Method design for robust long-term energy planning in Chile (design of PELP process) |
Necessary improvements in the secure and economic operation of the Chilean transmission network |
Power System Operation in Continuous Time Based on Chebyshev Pseudo-spectral Representation |
Problems of auctions in the presence of storage technologies |
Regulatory changes in the design of electricity supply auctions |
Resilient Network Operation and Planning against Multiple Natural Hazards |
Robust design and economic analysis of transmission grids |
Solar Energy Research Center |
Strategic planning of transnational offshore grids |
Support for capacity development on energy planning of key stakeholders in the energy sector in Peru |
Sustainable development in the Chilean transmission grid |
Techno-Economic framework for Resilience and Sustainable Electrification (TERSE) |
The future development of hydroelectricity in Chile |
Transmission Access Review: Analysis of Constraint Costs and Strawman Models |
Transmission Network Operation and Design with Smart Grid Technologies and Corrective Control |

Hugh Rudnick
Electrical Engineering
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Olivares
Profesor Asociado
Santiago, Chile

Enzo Sauma
Profesor Titular
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Carlos Matamala
Ingeniero de investigación y desarrollo
Centro de Energía, Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Javiera Barrera
Profesora Asociada
Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Santiago, Chile

Pablo Osses
Docencia universitaria
Geografía física
Santiago, Chile

Matias Negrete
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Leonardo Basso
Full Professor
Department of Industrial Engineering
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile