Macarena Soledad Hirmas Adauy
Regular Research Associate Professor
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
Disability and Aging Health Equity and Social Determinants Public Health and Epidemiology Digital Health
Public Health, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2007
Midwife, Licensed in Obstetrics and Childcare, Universidad Mayor. Chile, 2004
Teaching in Health Sciences, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2009
Quantitative Methods, UNIVERSIDAD DIEGO PORTALES. Chile, 2011
Telemedicine and Health Information Technologies, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2020
Public Health candidate, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales. Argentina, 2021
Research Professor Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
Faculty of Medicine
2010 - At present
Coordinator and teacher of public health course Other
Universidad Mayor
Faculty of Medicine
Santiago, Chile
2009 - 2009
Teacher of public health course Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
Faculty of Medicine
2008 - 2010
Tutor diploma course "Field Epidemiology" at the Ministry of Health of Chile. Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
Faculty of Medicine
2016 - 2016
Teacher of the course "Conceptual Basis of Public Health", e-learning modality. Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
Faculty of Medicine
2015 - 2015
Teacher of the course "Conceptual Basis of Public Health", e-learning modality. Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
Faculty of Medicine
2014 - 2014
Teacher of the course "Conceptual Basis of Public Health", e-learning modality. Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
Faculty of Medicine
2012 - 2012
Teaching course "Conceptual Bases of Public Health", e-learning modality. Ministry of Health Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
Faculty of Medicine
2011 - 2011
Tutor of public health course Full Time
Faculty of Medicine
Santiago, Chile
2013 - At present
Investigadora colaboradora Other
2022 - At present
Contributing reviewer Other
Pan American Journal of Public Health
2012 - At present
National evaluator of Fonis projects Other
National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), National Fund for Health Research and Development.
2015 - 2015
Project evaluator Other
IV Chilean Congress of Public Health and VI Chilean Congress of Epidemiology Health in All: Facing a model in crisis.
2016 - 2016
Technical and support personnel for research projects Other
Universidad de Chile
2006 - 2009
Midwife Other
San José Foundation
2006 - 2009
Midwife Part Time
Primary health care facility La Faena
2005 - 2005
Midwife Full Time
Primary health care facility Carol Urzúa
2005 - 2005
Co-investigator Fonis project SA11I1073 Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2012 - 2013
Co-investigator in the project "Barriers and facilitators of access to prenatal care in pregnant adolescents under 20 years old." Part Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2011 - 2012
Co-investigator project Risk factors and clinical and sociodemographic profile of meningococcal disease cases confirmed during 2012 and the first quarter of 2013 in Chile, contracted by the Ministry of Health of Chile. Part Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2013 - 2013
Researcher in charge of FONIS project "Disability and Aging: Impact of the GES Orthosis on the functional capacity of people aged 65 years and older, prospective study". SA13/20089 Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2014 - 2017
Co-investigator in the project "Diagnostic study: profile of the population consulting the disability qualification and certification process". Pan American Health Organization, Division of Disease Prevention and Control, Department of Disability. Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
2015 - 2015
Member of the work team in the project "Measurement and Monitoring Instrument: Compendium of Indicators for Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage PAHO/WHO in Chile". Services Contract Pan American Health Organization Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
2015 - 2015
Co-investigator in the project "Impact of the Implementation of the AUGE Policy on the Increase in the Demand for Medical Leave and Health Spending. Part Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2011 - 2011
Co-investigator in UDD projects "Construction of a data collection instrument that explores access barriers to achieve "effective coverage" in health care with a focus on social determinants" and "Analysis of the social determinants of health care". Part Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2010 - 2012
Co-investigator in the study "Elaboration of the Questionnaire and Recommendations of Biophysiological and Psychosocial Measurements for the First National Survey of Child Health and Early Adolescence (ENSI)". Ministry of Health. Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
2018 - 2018
Co-investigator in the project "Monitoring Compliance with the Tobacco Law in Chile", World Health Organization, Ministry of Health. Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
2018 - 2019
Co-investigator in the project "Evaluation of the effectiveness of health warnings on cigarette packages in Chile". Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
2017 - 2017
Universidad del Desarrollo
2020 - At present
Co-investigator in UDD project "Immune response to Sars-Cov-2 in health personnel of Primary Care in La Pintana". Part Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
2020 - At present
Co-investigator "Development of a Referential Indicator for the adjustment of the base prices of the complementary health plans of open Isapres" with Superintendencia de Salud Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
2020 - 2020
Participation in review, writing and editing of Fundamentos para los lineamientos para el desarrollo de la telemedicina y telesalud en Chile Other
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile
2020 - 2021
Researcher in charge of FONIS “Salud digital y personas mayores: una exploración al uso actual y oportunidades de optimización en Chile”, SA21I0011 Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2022 - At present
Researcher in charge of FONIS “Salud digital y personas mayores: una exploración al uso actual y oportunidades de optimización en Chile”, SA21I0011 Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2022 - At present
Researcher in charge of FONIS “Salud digital y personas mayores: una exploración al uso actual y oportunidades de optimización en Chile”, SA21I0011 Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2022 - At present
Researcher in charge of FONIS “Salud digital y personas mayores: una exploración al uso actual y oportunidades de optimización en Chile”, SA21I0011 Full Time
Universidad del Desarrollo
2022 - At present
Within the framework of the Fonis SA13I20089 project, the following dissemination activities were carried out:
National seminar to disseminate the results of the Fonis SA13I20089 project: a seminar to disseminate the results and recommendations of the study was held on Tuesday, November 29, from 12:00 to 14:00, in Auditorium 1, Teaching Module III, Padre Hurtado Hospital. This seminar was attended by members of the Padre Hurtado Hospital teams, Primary Care centers of the network, beneficiary population that receives the orthosis, and the research team of the study. The results of the project were presented, giving an account of each objective and the recommendations made.
Presentation at the national congress: in the framework of the scientific production result of the Fonis project SA13I20089, whose objective is the dissemination of the results of the study, the work: "Cane, walker, and chair: a qualitative study from the perspective of key informants on the GES of technical aids in three urban communes, Metropolitan Region 2014-15" was presented. This work was accepted for poster presentation at the IV Chilean Congress of Public Health and VI Chilean Congress of Epidemiology "Salud en Todas: Enfrentando un modelo en crisis". This congress was held on December 1 and 2 at the Coquimbo headquarters of the Universidad Católica del Norte where the research team will present it.
As part of the Academia Magazine N°19 spring 2016, whose central theme was "Aging", an interview was conducted with the director and alternate director of this project, one of the kinesiologists who worked in the field and a patient who participated in the study. The purpose of the interview was to disseminate the project and its general results. The magazine is an initiative of the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo, which is published twice a year. The target audience corresponds to government authorities, Universidad del Desarrollo authorities, deans of other medical schools, Universidad del Desarrollo faculty, media, opinion leaders, and medical society, among others. This instance contributed to disseminate the project and its preliminary general results to all the magazine's target audience. The report was published in November. (ANNEX 24)
As part of the Science and Innovation Fair 2016 developed by the CAS-UDD Scientific Academy of Medical Students, the general results of the project were presented at the Symposium "Science and Innovation in Disability: Challenges in Chile". This activity was attended by students, teachers, researchers, and administrative staff from the entire university community of the Universidad del Desarrollo. The presentation took place on Thursday, November 10. (ANNEX 25)
The work: "Cane, walker, and chair: a qualitative study from the perspective of key informants on the GES of technical aids in three urban communes, Metropolitan Region 2014-15" was presented at the IV Chilean Congress of Public Health and VI Chilean Congress of Epidemiology "Salud en Todas: Enfrentando un modelo en crisis" held on December 1 and 2 at the Coquimbo headquarters of the Universidad Católica del Norte, in poster format. The abstract was published in the journal MEDWAVE, reference Medwave 2016; 16(suppl 6): e6637 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2016.6637
Chapter writing: the chapter "A look at social vulnerability and its consequences on the health of the elderly in Chile" was written for the book "Social vulnerability and its effect on health in Chile", an initiative developed by the research team on social inequality of the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo. Within the framework of this project, researchers from the team were invited to participate in the writing of the chapter related to the elderly. The writing of the chapter was carried out between March and August 2015. The chapter had the collaboration of experts in the field who participated in a working group held on May 25, 2015. The book was launched on January 19, 2016. The following table of scientific-technological products and dissemination shows this chapter.
Teacher of excellence
Universidad del Desarrollo
Chile, 2014
Award for Professor of Excellence during the 2013 academic year in the Health Sciences Common Plan.
Teacher Recognition
Universidad del Desarrollo
Chile, 2017
Recognition of excellence in the evaluation of Teaching Evaluation
Recognition of teaching excellence in Teaching Evaluation
Chile, 2018
Recognition of teaching excellence in Teaching Evaluation in the health sciences common plan.
Academic Recognition and Promotion to Regular Research Associate Professor
Chile, 2019
Academic Recognition and Promotion to Regular Research Associate Professor
Una mirada a la vulnerabilidad social y sus consecuencias en la salud de las personas mayores en Chile |
Avanzando al future de la atención de salud a distancia: resultados de encuesta CASEN 2022 y la telemedicina en Chile |
Discapacidad y Envejecimiento=> Impacto del GES Órtesis en la capacidad funcional de las personas de 65 años y más, estudio prospectivo |

Macarena Hirmas
Regular Research Associate Professor
Center for Epidemiology and Health Policies
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile

Orozimba Delgado
Profesor Asociado
Facultad de Medicina Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile

Ximena Aguilera
Full Professor; Director Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud /Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy
Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud (CEPS)/ Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy/Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud (CEPS)
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile

Manuel Nájera
Instructor professor
Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud
Universidad del Desarrollo
santiago de chile, Chile

María Matute
Regular Research Associate Professor
Centro de Epidemiologia y Politicas de Salud
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile

Jeannette Dabanch
Medico Infectóloga
Medicina Interna Nortee
Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Jorge Fernandez
santiago, Chile

Claudia Gonzalez
Associate Professor and Resarcher
Faculty of Medicine
Universidad del Desarrollo
Santiago, Chile

Pablo Vial
School of Medicine
Santiago, Chile