

Profesor Titular


Valparaiso, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Cognitive and Computational Neurscience; Signal processing; Brain Computer Interface ; Neuroimaging; Pain Processing;


  •  Electrical Engieering, AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY. Egipto, 1988
  •  Neural Networks, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON. Reino Unido, 1993

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time


    Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health

    Reino Unido

    2012 - 2016

  •   Profesor Asociado Part Time


    Reino Unido

    2008 - 2012

  •   Profesor Asistente Part Time


    Reino Unido

    2005 - 2008

  •   Profesor Asistente Part Time


    Reino Unido

    2002 - 2005

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time



    2014 - At present

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time


    Facultad de Ingenieria


    2016 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research Scientist

    Unilever Research & Development

    Reino Unido

    1997 - 2002

  •   Computer Engineer



    1988 - 1991

Formación de Capital Humano

List of supervised PhD students
PhD Funding Year awarded
Gabriela Vargas ANID, Chile 2023
Ingeniería Biológica y Médica

David Araya ANID, Chile 2023
Biophysics and Computational Biology

Aland Astudillo ANID, Chile 2023
Modelamiento de características de dinámica cerebral en EEG a través de modelos generativos híbridos tipo Markov Oculto
Biophysics and Computational Biology

Monica Otero ANID, Chile 2020
Entrainment and phase-dependent persistence of the EEG alpha oscillations: computational modelling and empirical evidence
Ingeniería Electrónica

Samy Castro ANID, Chile 2020
The Mesoscale Organization Of Human Connectome Shapes Ignition In Cortical Activity

Jules Schneider BBSRC, R.Unido 2019
Sleeping soundly: Effects of auditory closed-loop stimulation on sleep and memory
Ciencias Biológicas, Médicas y de la Salud

Grace Whitaker MRC 2018
Investigating the Role of Striatal Dopamine in Attentional Inhibition
Ciencias Biológicas, Médicas y de la Salud

Ashley Symons Uni Manchester President’s award 2017
Examining the Role of Temporal Prediction in Multisensory Emotion Perception
Ciencias Biológicas, Médicas y de la Salud

Emily Hird MRC 2017
Placebo analgesia: the role of expectation and aversive prediction error
Ciencias Biológicas, Médicas y de la Salud

Isobel McMillan EPSRC 2017
Stimulating reading: a behavioural and electrophysiological investigation of the impact of brain stimulation in developmental dyslexia
Ciencias Biológicas, Médicas y de la Salud

Caroline Lea-Carnall EPSRC 2017
Investigating properties of functional brain networks using the resonance phenomenon
Medical and Human Sciences

Adama Lawarence MRC 2017
Investigating the limits of how expectation can shape affective judgement
Medical and Human Sciences

Jennifer Gethin MRC 2015
Electrophysiological and neurocognitive correlates of self-blame and associated vulnerability to major depression
Medical and Human Sciences

James Cousins MRC 2014
The role of post-learning reactivation in memory consolidation
Medical and Human Sciences

George Farmer ESRC 2014
Computational and Behavioural Analysis of Rationality in Contextual Preference Reversals
Medical and Human Sciences

Sarah Davies BBSRC 2013
The role of context in flavour-flavour evaluative conditioning
Medical and Human Sciences

Marianna Blackburn BBSRC 2012
Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Differentiating Between “If”, “What” and “When” Outcomes Occur
Medical and Human Sciences

Mark Drakesmith SPS bursary 2012
Reconstructing coherent networks from electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography recordings
Medical and Human Sciences

Martin O'Driskoll Cochlear Ltd 2012
The Electrophysiology of Brainstem Stimulation in Adults and Children with an Auditory Brainstem Implant
Medical and Human Sciences

Liam Mason MRC 2012
Characterising the neural mechanisms of reward processing in bipolar disorder using EEG and fMRI
Medical and Human Sciences

Eve Applegate MRC 2011

Michael Moutoussis 2011
Defensive Avoidance in Paranoid Delusions: Experimental and Computational Approaches
Medical and Human Sciences

Ivan Koychev Industry 2011
Neuropsychological and electrophysiological biomarkers of the schizophrenia spectrum
Medical and Human Sciences

Magdalena Krol SPS bursary 2011
Role and mechanisms of top-down optimisation of perception
Medical and Human Sciences

Alexis Makin ESRC 2010
Velocity Memory
Medical and Human Sciences

Michael Maslin MRC 2010
Plasticity, hemispheric asymmetries and the neural representation of sound
Medical and Human Sciences

Debbie Morton Arthritis Research UK 2009
Cognitive changes due to placebo analgesia
Medical and Human Sciences

Alison Watson Arthritis Research UK 2008
Neurophysiology of human placebo analgesia
Medical and Human Sciences

Post docs supervised
Name funding years
Felipe Torres ANID, Chile 2022-
Claudio Roman ANID, Chile 2022-
Monica Otero ANID, Chile 2021-2022
Grace Whitaker ANID, Chile 2018-2020
Caroline Lea-Carnall MRC 2017-2021
Laura Mirams Unilever 2011-2013
Ivan Olier EU 2010-2012
Christopher Brown MRC 2008-2012
Alison Watson Arthritis Research UK 2008-2013
Andrea Power Dr Hadwen Trust 2010-2013
Laura Mirams Unilever 2011-2013
Idrick Akhoun MRC 2008-2011
Johanna Kuenzel EU 2007-2010
Andy Woods EU 2007-2010
Ian Jarman Unilever 2007-2009
Carmen Sordo Unilever 2005-2007
Antonio Cofino Unilever 2003-2005

Panel Membership
2019 -2021 ANID. Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile
2016 -2019 Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, Chile
2013 - 2017 Medical Research Council, U

Difusión y Transferencia

Patents granted
Cronin OS, El-Deredy W, Harbron CG, Hayet M, Patel S. Software Patent: System for analysing textual data. EP1271341 (2003)

Adjali I, Dias MB, El-Deredy W, Sordo-Garcia CM, Li M, Lisboa PJG. Purchases method and system. US 6983926 (2011).


Article (116)

Beyond global synchrony: Equivalence between Kuramoto oscillators and Wilson-Cowan model for large scale brain networks
Efficient Estimation of Time-Dependent Brain Functional Connectivity Using Anatomical Connectivity Constraints
Group-Wise Cortical Parcellation Based on Structural Connectivity and Hierarchical Clustering
Self-regulation learning as active inference: dynamic causal modeling of an fMRI neurofeedback task
A mean-field model of glutamate and GABA synaptic dynamics for functional MRS
Altered Pain Processing Associated with Administration of Dopamine Agonist and Antagonist in Healthy Volunteers
Modelling neural entrainment and its persistence: influence of frequency of stimulation and phase at the stimulus offset
Uncovering hidden resting state dynamics: A new perspective on auditory verbal hallucinations
C-low threshold mechanoafferent targeted dynamic touch modulates stress resilience in rats exposed to chronic mild stress
Cortical ignition dynamics is tightly linked to the core organisation of the human connectome
GABA Modulates Frequency-Dependent in Humans
Improving EEG Muscle Artifact Removal With an EMG Array
Individuals with chronic pain have the same response to placebo analgesia as healthy controls in terms of magnitude and reproducibility
Persistence of EEG Alpha Entrainment Depends on Stimulus Phase at Offset
A Method for Tracking the Time Evolution of Steady-State Evoked Potentials
Boundary effects of expectation in human pain perception
Limbic-visual attenuation to crying faces underlies neglectful mothering
Sensitivity to pain expectations: A Bayesian model of individual differences
Transcranial alternating current stimulation at 10 Hz modulates response bias in the Somatic Signal Detection Task
A comparison between the neural correlates of laser and electric pain stimulation and their modulation by expectation
A comparison between the neural correlates of laser and electric pain stimulation and their modulation by expectation
A Re-Examination of Bias in Human Randomness Perception
Identification of memory reactivation during sleep by EEG classification
Temporal dissociation of salience and prediction error responses to appetitive and aversive taste
Effects of Acute Ketamine Infusion on Visual Working Memory: Event-Related Potentials
Evidence for frequency-dependent cortical plasticity in the human brain
Pre-stimulus alpha oscillations over somatosensory cortex predict tactile misperceptions
The Effect of Expected Value on Attraction Effect Preference Reversals
A Systematic Review of Efficacy of the Attention Training Technique in Clinical and Nonclinical Samples
Attentional Bias Predicts Increased Reward Salience and Risk Taking in Bipolar Disorder
Cortical Resonance Frequencies Emerge from Network Size and Connectivity
Cortical resonance frequencies emerge from network size and connectivity
Cued Reactivation of Motor Learning during Sleep Leads to Overnight Changes in Functional Brain Activity and Connectivity
Effects of Acute Ketamine Infusion on Visual Working Memory: Event-related Potentials
Good vibrations: Global processing can increase the pleasantness of touch
I feel bad and look worse than you: Social comparisons moderate the effect of mood on face health judgement
The Effect of Expected Value on Attraction Effect Preference Reversals
The Functional Role of Neural Oscillations in Non-Verbal Emotional Communication
Why contextual preference reversals in humans maximise expercted value
An Empirical Study of Defensive Avoidance in Paranoia
Attentional bias predicts increased reward salience and risk taking in bipolar disorder
Cortical auditory evoked potentials as an objective measure of behavioral thresholds in cochlear implant users
Differential phonological and semantic modulation of neurophysiological responses to visual word recognition
Electrically evoked compound action potentials artefact rejection by independent component analysis: Procedure automation
Electrode Selection and Speech Understanding in Patients With Auditory Brainstem Implants
Old-new ERP effects and remote memories: the late parietal effect is absent as recollection fails whereas the early mid-frontal effect persists as familiarity is retained
Striatal opioid receptor availability is related to acute and chronic pain perception in arthritis: does opioid adaptation increase resilience to chronic pain?
The attraction effect in motor planning decisions
The clash of expectancies: Does the P300 amplitude reflect both passive and active expectations?
A formal model of interpersonal inference
An ERP investigation of conditional reasoning with emotional and neutral contents
Bayesian inferences about the self (and others): a review.
Cued Memory Reactivation during Slow-Wave Sleep Promotes Explicit Knowledge of a Motor Sequence
Decision-making and trait impulsivity in bipolar disorder are associated with reduced prefrontal regulation of striatal reward valuation
Feeling Bad and Looking Worse: Negative Affect Is Associated with Reduced Perceptions of Face-Healthiness
Placebo analgesia: cognition or perception.
The behavioural assessment of savouring in schizotypal anhedonia: The Verbal Fluency Test of Enjoyable Experiences (VFTEE)
When the brain expects pain: common neural responses to pain anticipation are related to clinical pain and distress in fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.
A switching multi-scale dynamical network model of EEG/MEG
Evidence for multiple mechanisms of cortical plasticity: a study of humans with late-onset profound unilateral deafness.
Experimental Placebo Analgesia Changes Resting-State Alpha Oscillations
Reconstructing Coherent Networks from Electroencephalography and Magnetoencephalography with Reduced Contamination from Volume Conduction or Magnetic Field Spread
Source analysis reveals plasticity in the auditory cortex: evidence for reduced hemispheric asymmetries following unilateral deafness.
The Feedback-Related Negativity Signals Salience Prediction Errors, Not Reward Prediction Errors
The future is risky: discounting of delayed and uncertain outcomes.
Better than I thought: positive evaluation bias in hypomania.
Core dysfunction in schizophrenia: electrophysiology trait biomarkers.
Covert tracking: a combined ERP and fixational eye movement study.
Delay discounting as emotional processing: an electrophysiological study.
Evidence for the role of cognitive resources in flavour-flavour evaluative conditioning.
I want it now! Neural correlates of hypersensitivity to immediate reward in hypomania
I want it now! Neural correlates of hypersensitivity to immediate reward in hypomania.
Placebo analgesia: cognitive influences on therapeutic outcome.
Abnormal neural oscillations in schizotypy during a visual working memory task: Support for a deficient top-down network?
Bayesian modelling of Jumping-to-Conclusions bias in delusional patients
Bayesian modelling of jumping-to-conclusions bias in delusional patients
Coherent illusory contours reduce microsaccade frequency.
Effects of energy conditioning on food preferences and choice.
Expecting yoghurt drinks to taste sweet or pleasant increases liking.
fMRI evidence of a relationship between hypomania and both increased goal-sensitivity and positive outcome-expectancy bias.
New visual information processing abnormality biomarker for the diagnosis of Schizophrenia.
When believing is seeing: the role of predictions in shaping visual perception.
Attentional modulation of visual-evoked potentials by threat: investigating the effect of evolutionary relevance.
Cognitive changes as a result of a single exposure to placebo.
Placebo analgesia as a case of a cognitive style driven by prior expectation.
Visual information processing deficits as biomarkers of vulnerability to schizophrenia: an event-related potential study in schizotypy.
Placebo conditioning and placebo analgesia modulate a common brain network during pain anticipation and perception.
Reproducibility of placebo analgesia: Effect of dispositional optimism.
Tracking visible and occluded targets: changes in event related potentials during motion extrapolation.
Confidence in beliefs about pain predicts expectancy effects on pain perception and anticipatory processing in right anterior insula.
Dissociating nociceptive modulation by the duration of pain anticipation from unpredictability in the timing of pain.
Exploring event-related brain dynamics with tests on complex valued time-frequency representations
Exploring event-related brain dynamics with tests on complex valued time-frequency representations.
Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates
Modulation of pain ratings by expectation and uncertainty: Behavioral characteristics and anticipatory neural correlates.
Selective modulation of nociceptive processing due to noise distraction.
The value of personalised recommender systems to e-business: a case study.
A probabilistic model for item-based recommender systems
Arthritic pain is processed in brain areas concerned with emotions and fear.
Placebo analgesia is not due to compliance or habituation: EEG and behavioural evidence.
Removal of eye movement artefacts from single channel recordings of retinal evoked potentials using synchronous dynamical embedding and independent component analysis.
Categories of placebo response in the absence of site-specific expectation of analgesia.
Changes in neural complexity of the EEG during a visual oddball task.
Dipole source localisation using independent component analysis: single trial localisation of laser evoked pain.
Dopamine transmission in the human striatum during monetary reward tasks.
Selective smoothing of the generative topographic mapping.
Tumour grading from magnetic resonance spectroscopy: a comparison of feature extraction with variable selection.
Application of self-organizing maps in conformational analysis of lipids.
Movement discrimination by single cells in the human pallidum characterised by hidden Markov models.
Firing patterns of pallidal cells in parkinsonian patients correlate with their pre-pallidotomy clinical scores.
Pattern recognition approaches in biomedical and clinical magnetic resonance spectroscopy: a review.
Pretreatment prediction of the chemotherapeutic response of human glioma cell cultures using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and artificial neural networks.
Assessment of statistical and neural networks methods in NMR spectral classification and metabolite selection.
Brain stem responses evoked by stimulation of the mature cochlear nucleus with an auditory brain stem implant.
Brain stem responses evoked by stimulation with an auditory brain stem implant in children with cochlear nerve aplasia or hypoplasia.
Electrode Selection and Speech Understanding in Patients With Auditory Brainstem Implants.

Proyecto (36)

Sensory and Electric Brain Stimulation for Neurorehabilitation: From Mechanisms to Clinical Practice
A generative model of EEG dynamical functional connectivity to predict neurodegenerative-disease progression: bridging the gap between biophysical and machine learning models
Multimodal machine learning approach for detecting pathological activity pattern in elderlies
Detección de la dinámica de mircoestados cerebrales en la enfermedad de parkinson y su relación con los síntomas clínicos
Chaos versus Noise as drivers of Multistability in Neural Networks
Chaos versus Noise as drivers of Multistability in Neural Networks
Neural Mechanisms of Brain Self-regulation with Brain-Machine Interfaces and Application to Addiction
Dispositivo neuroingenieril para mejorar el control de la atención de trabajadoresen minas a gran altura
From neurotransmitters to dynamic connectivity: A statistical mechanics approach to modelling cortical interactions
From neurotransmitters to dynamic connectivity=> A statistical mechanics approachto modelling cortical interactions.
Neural Mechanisms of Brain Self-regulation with Brain-Machine Interfaces and Application to Addiction
Dispositivo neuroingenieril para mejorar el control de la atención de trabajadoresen minas a gran altura
Imaging dynamical brain networks using hybrid dynamical models
Imaging dynamical brain networks using hybrid dynamical models
Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronical Engineering
Investigating properties of functional brain networks using the resonance phenomenon
Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronical Engineering
The feeling of what (does not) happen: A multimodal neurobehavioural account of somatosensory misperceptions
The feeling of what (does not) happen=> A multimodal neurobehavioural account of somatosensory misperceptions [£346,000]
Too much of a good thing? Examining the bounds and time course of expectation-induced perceptual and hedonic experience
A new perspective on human judgement and decision making as optimal: A framework for behaviour change
A new perspective on human judgement and decision making as optimal=> A framework for behaviour change [£250,000]
Investigating properties of functional brain networks using the resonance phenomenon
Too much of a good thing? Examining the bounds and time course of expectation-induced perceptual and hedonic experience [£65,000]
Role of prior expectations in affective experience [£250,000]
Bayesian Model of EEG Source Dynamics and Effective Connectivity [€174,000]
Osteoarthritis=> Interactions between endogenous brain opioids and the physiological and psychological responses to pain [£757,000]
Automatic and individually optimised fitting of cochlear implants [£523,000]
behavioural modelling using Bayesian graphical models [£246,000]
Endogenous pain control mechanisms in patients with chronic pain [£119,000]
Endogenous pain control mechanisms in patients with chronic pain [£317,000]
Dynamics of reward processing in humans=> Role of short-term incentives in maintaining long-term goal directed behaviour [£130,000]
Neuroscience and food [€235,000]

Review (1)

Bayesian inferences about the self (and others): A review

Profesor Titular

Ingenieria Biomedica


Valparaiso, Chile

Pavel Prado

Lead Researcher

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat)

Santiago de Chile, Chile

David Araya

Profesor Investigador


Universidad Andrés Bello

Viña del Mar, Chile

Alejandro Weinstein

Associate professor


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile

Matias Zañartu

Full Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile

Mónica Otero


Facultad de Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Diseño

Universidad San Sebastián

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Patricio Orio

Profesor Titular


Valparaíso, Chile

Alexies Dagnino

Full Professor



Valparaíso, Chile

Pamela Guevara

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Ranganatha Sitaram

Associate Professor and Director of Laboratory of Brain-Machine Interfaces and Neuromodulation

Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, and Department of Psychiatry

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Maria-Jose Escobar

Associate Professor

Departamento de Electrónica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

María Rodríguez

Profesora Asociada


Santiago, Chile