
Matias Zañartu Salas

Full Professor

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Biomedical Sensing and Signal Processing; Speech Production; Acoustic/Speech Modeling and Signal Processing


  •  Electrical and Computer Engineering, PURDUE UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2010
  •  Electrical and Computer Engineering, PURDUE UNIVERSITY. Chile, 2006
  •  Acoustical Engineering, Universidad Vicente Perez Rosales. Chile, 1999

Experiencia Académica

  •   Associate Professor Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2018 - 2022

  •   Postdoctoral Research Associate Full Time


    West Lafayette, IN, Estados Unidos

    2010 - 2011

  •   Graduate Research Assistant Part Time


    West Lafayette, IN, Chile

    2005 - 2010

  •   Visiting Researcher Full Time


    Boston, MA, Chile

    2008 - 2008

  •   Full Professor Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2022 - At present

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2011 - 2018

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Graduate Intern Technical Full Time

    Intel Corporation

    Hillsboro, Oregon, Estados Unidos

    2009 - 2009

  •   Acoustical Engineer Full Time

    Control Acústico Ltda.

    Santiago, Chile

    2002 - 2004

  •   Acoustical Engineer Full Time

    Ambiente Consultores

    Santiago, Chile

    1998 - 2002

  •   Co-Research Director Part Time

    Lanek SPA

    Viña del Mar, Chile

    2020 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

Student Supervision

Summary (main advisor only)

- Post-doctoral fellows supervised: 7
- Current PhD students: 3
- Current MS students: 4
- Current BS students: 2
- PhD Theses completed: 6
- MS Theses completed: 7
- BS Theses completed: 28

Postdoctoral Fellows

1. Jesus Parra (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Topic of research: Models of normal and disorder voice production, 2025-2027
2. Emiro Ibarra (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Topic of research: “Domain adaptation of subject-specific modeling for ambulatory assessment of laryngeal biomechanical components”, 2024-2027
3. Jhosmary Cuadros (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Topic of research: “Mapping cortical activations in laryngeal motor control with EEG”, 2023-2024
4. Juan Pablo Cortés (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM). Topic of research: “Machine learning methods for ambulatory voice monitoring”, 2020-2024.
5. Pavel Prado (PhD in Neuroscience, UCM, Cuba). Topic of research: “Oscillatory auditory responses during voice production”, 2016-2021.
6. Gabriel Alzamendi (PhD in Biomedical Engineering, FICH-UNL, Argentina). Topic of research: “Modeling biomechanical and aero-acoustic mechanisms of vocal hyperfunction”, 2018-2020.
7. Gabriel Galindo (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM, Chile). Topic of research: “Subject-specific modeling of voice production”, 2017-2018.

Graduate students – Current (main advisor only)

1. Josue Martinez (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “High-density electromyography as a method for estimating laryngeal muscle activity”, Expected graduation: December 2024.
2. Carlos Calvache (PhD in Engineering Sciences, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada) Thesis: “Representación de la hiperfunción vocal no fonotraumática con el modelo de cuerpo-cubierta trianguar adaptado a dos pliegues vocales” Expected graduation: December 2024.
3. Nicolás Quinteros (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: TBD, Expected graduation: December 2027.
4. Rocio Ortega (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Language acquisition using the LaDIVA model in an iCub robot“, Expected graduation: December 2025.
5. Carlos Saldivia (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Source location using EEG signal processing algorithms based on GSP”, Expected graduation: December 2025.
6. Alondra Araya (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “YOLO methods for glottal image segmentation”, Expected graduation: December 2025.
7. Matías Huichaqueo (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Automatic analysis of Laryngeal HSV using the EDGE method”, Expected graduation: December 2025.

Graduate students – Former (main advisor only)

1. Jesus Parra (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Modeling Ambulatory Neck Surface Acceleration Distributions in Phonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction”, 2024.
2. Emiro Ibarra (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Vocal function estimations from neck-skin vibration using Bayesian neural network model and Bayesian subject specific voice production model”, 2024.
3. Joaquín Sepulveda (MS in Electronic Engineering, PUC Santiago), Thesis: “Bayesian neural network to predict model-based features from neck surface acceleration signals”, 2024.
4. Jhosmary Cuadros (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Modelo neurocomputacional para el estudio de voz: Un enfoque basado en señales EEG y algoritmos bio-inspirados”, 2023.
5. Benjamin Opazo (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Voice quality modifcation using the WORLD vocoder”, 2021.
6. Juan Pablo Cortes (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “On the role of aerodynamic features in the automatic classification of vocal hyperfunction using machine learning techniques”, 2020.
7. Victor Espinoza (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM) Thesis: “Stationary and dynamic aerodynamic assessment of vocal hyperfunction using enhanced supraglottal and subglottal inverse filtering methods”, 2018.
8. Gabriel Galindo (PhD in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Development of patient-specific numerical models of voice production using laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy and a multimodal Bayesian scheme”, 2017.
9. Alejandro Esteban Bertin Villablanca (MS in Biomedical Engineering, Universidad de Valparaiso), Thesis: “On the use of reduction of dimensionality for neck surface acceleration signals for voice monitoring”, 2020.
10. Rodrigo Manriquez (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Modeling laryngeal muscle activation noise for low-order physiological based speech synthesis”, 2018.
11. Juan Mucarquer (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Nonlinear filtering of articulatory and laryngeal muscle effects in the EEG signal”, 2018.
12. Manuel Díaz (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Estimación de señales clínicas vocales utilizando técnicas de amplificación de movimiento en videos de laringoscopía de alta velocidad”, 2015.
13. Andres Llico (MS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM) Thesis: “Real-time biofeedback and network connectivity for a Voice Health Monitor”, 2013.

Undergraduate students – Current (main advisor only)

1. Javier Quevedo (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Empirical mode decomposition for high density electromyography in the larynx”, Expected graduation: June 2025.
2. Natalia Vega (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: TBD, Expected graduation: June 2025.

Undergraduate students – Former (main advisor only)

1. Mireya Vera (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “EEG Cortical Response Analysis for Validating a Neurocomputational Model”, Expected graduation: July 2024.
2. Matías Valenzuela (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Application of data augmentation in voice signals for the detection of Parkinson's disease”, 2024.
3. Kevin Gajardo (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Graphical user interface for analyzing ambulatory data from the Ambulatory Voice Monitor (AVM)”, 2024.
4. Mathias Wriggle (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Dsiseño electrónico de dispositivo para monitoreo ambulatorio de voz”, 2023.
5. Cristobal Roldán (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Dispositivo de comunicación y control de bomba para mejoramiento de producción de agua en pozos”, 2023.
6. Jorge Lefenda (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Sistema de generación de archivos midi para música house mediante aprendizaje profundo”, 2023.
7. José Manuel Rojas (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Implementacion de modelo BCM triangular para la representación de la laringe del modelo LaDIVA”, 2022.
8. Lucas Cortés (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Análisis de trote sin marcadores en plano sagital con deeplabcut”, 2022.
9. José Bórquez (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Análisis de grupo utilizando modelos probabilísticos para el diagnostico de patologías a las cuerdas vocales”, 2022.
10. Natalia Baeza (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Aplicación de técnica de caracterización temporal en registros electroencefalográficos”, 2022.
11. Daniel Gonzalez (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Development of a docking station for the AVM system”, 2021.
12. Felipe Rodriguez (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Neural motor control of voice with DIVA”, 2021.
13. Franco Tapia (BS in Mathematical Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Lumped mass model of the vocal folds with adaptive order selection”, 2021.
14. Constanza Lorca, (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Sistema de monitoreo y procesamiento de voz: Procesamiento de señales en tiempo real”, 2021.
15. Lucas Salazar, (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Segmentación Automática de la Glotis en Videos Endoscópicos de Alta Velocidad utilizando colores y formas características de las Regiones Glotales”, 2020.
16. Victor Guerra (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Modelado de conectividad cerebral en reposo con modelos autoregresivos multivariados y estimación eficiente de su orden", 2019.
17. Roberto Farias (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Neural network inverse filtering scheme for neck surface acceleracion signals", 2019.
18. Sebastián Márquez (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Automatic sleep apnea detection using neck surface acceleration", 2018.
19. Francisco Garcia (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Voice activity detection for neck surface acceleration signals under noise", 2017.
20. Felipe Acevedo (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Voice activity detection for neck surface acceleration signals", 2016.
21. Manuel Díaz (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Estimación de señales clínicas vocales utilizando técnicas de amplificación de movimiento en videos de laringoscopía de alta velocidad”, 2015.
22. Felipe Vera (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM), Thesis: “Sensor de salud vocal usando un sensor con acelerómetro y una plataforma de Smartphone”, 2015.
23. Andres Llico (BS in Electronic Engineering, UTFSM) Thesis: “Real-time biofeedback and network connectivity for a Voice Health Monitor”, 2013.
24. Francisco Cortés (BS in Acoustical Engineering, Universidad Vicente Pérez Rosales),
Thesis: “Implementation of a phonetic database of 300 Chilean voices”, 2004.
25. Juan Vásquez (BS in Acoustical Engineering, Universidad Vicente Pérez Rosales),
Thesis: “Implementation of a phonetic database of 300 Chilean voices”, 2004.
26. Cristian Cárdenas (BS in Acoustical Engineering, Universidad Vicente Pérez Rosales),
Thesis: “Acoustical study of the Chilean social housing”, 2003.
27. Dirk Fox (BS in Acoustical Engineering, Universidad Vicente Pérez Rosales), Thesis:
“Noise control system for a specific urban bus model in Santiago”, 2002.
28. Eduardo Fuentes (BS in Acoustical Engineering, Universidad Vicente Pérez Rosales),
Thesis: “Noise control system for a specific urban bus model in Santiago”, 2002.

Difusión y Transferencia

Matías Zañartu is a Full Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) in Valparaíso, Chile, and Principal Investigator and former Director of the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) at the same institution, where he also leads the biomedical engineering research and development. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA. Before joining UTFSM in 2011, Dr. Zañartu was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Purdue University, a Graduate Intern Technical at Intel Corporation in Portland, and a Visiting Researcher at the Center for Laryngeal Surgery and Voice Rehabilitation, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. His interests are centered on the development of digital signal and image processing, system modeling, and biomedical engineering tools that involve speech, hearing, and acoustics. His research has been funded by 22 grants in Chile and the US from ANID/CONICYT (1 BASAL, 4 FONDECYT PI, 2 FONDECYT CO-PI, 2 FONDEQUIP, 2 STARTUPCIENCIA, 2 MEC, 2 STICAMSUD), NIH NIDCD (2 P50, 1 R21, 1 R33), and MISTI (3 MIT Chile), accounting for more than US$23 million in direct funds during his career at UTFSM to date. Dr. Zañartu has a publication record of over 65 WoS publications, more than 125 presentations at international conferences, 4 PCT patent submissions (2 granted), and 1 book chapter. He is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), a Fulbright Fellow, and an IEEE Senior Member. He serves as Associate Editor for JASA Express Letters from the ASA, and served in the same role for IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering from 2019 to 2023. Dr. Zañartu is also the co-founder of Lanek SpA, a startup company dedicated to the development of biomedical devices that has received various awards (CORFO, AIE, Avonni), and public and private funding in Chile.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Fulbright fellowship


    Estados Unidos, 2004

    Fulbright scholarship to pursue graduate studies (MS) in the US. Total awarded US$35,000.

  •   Qualcomm “Q award of Excellence”

    Qualcomm Inc.

    Chile, 2007

    QUALCOMM "Q" Awards of Excellence recognize engineering students for their ability to demonstrate the QUALCOMM values of Innovation, Execution and Partnership through their academic achievement, leadership skills and interest in wireless communications and the field of engineering with a US$5,000 scholarship

  •   IIE Scholarship

    Institute of International Education

    Chile, 2004

    The Barsa Scholarships Program assists graduate and undergraduate students from designated Latin American countries in defraying the costs of U.S. training in certain priority fields. Total amount awarded in 2004-2006: US$8,000

  •   SHPE AHETEMS General Scholarship

    Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

    Chile, 2008

    Merit-based scholarship to qualified graduate students who demonstrate both significant motivation and aptitude for a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Total awarded: US$3,000

  •   Best Student Poster in Laryngology/Bronchoesophagology

    Triological Society

    Chile, 2009

    Co-author of first place poster in Laryngology/Bronchoesophagology at the Eastern Section Meeting of the Triological Society in Boston, January 2009. Total awarded: US$500

  •   Best Student Paper Award in Speech Communication

    Acoustical Society of America

    Chile, 2009

    Best Student Paper Award in Speech Communication at the Acoustical Society of America Meeting in Portland, 2009.Total awarded: US$500

  •   Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America

    Acoustical Society of America

    Estados Unidos, 2024

    Elected Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America in 2024 for his contributions to development and application of models of voice production. Dr. Zañartu is the first Chilean to hold this position.

  •   AIE-IEEE Outstanding Engineering Award


    Chile, 2023

    "Outstanding Engineer Award AIE–IEEE" presented by the Electrical and Electronics Industrial Association (AIE) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), in recognition of his professional development, contributions to engineering, and research capabilities.


Article (65)

AC-2306327-0000001 Continuous-time model identification of the subglottal system
Asymmetric triangular body-cover model of the vocal folds with bilateral intrinsic muscle activation
Empirical Distribution of Glottal Edges (EDGE): A Statistical Assessment of Vocal Fold Kinematics Using High-Speed Videoendoscopy
Modeling voice production and self-perception in noise: Understanding the Lombard effect in non-phonotraumatic vocal hyperfunctiona)
An Euler-Bernoulli-type beam model of the vocal folds for describing curved and incomplete glottal closure patterns
DIVA Meets EEG: Model Validation Using Formant-Shift Reflex
Effect of nodule size and stiffness on phonation threshold and collision pressures in a synthetic hemilaryngeal vocal fold model
Glottal Airflow Estimation Using Neck Surface Acceleration and Low-Order Kalman Smoothing
Modeling the influence of the extrinsic musculature on phonation
The effect of swelling on vocal fold kinematics and dynamics
Towards a Corpus (and Language)-Independent Screening of Parkinson's Disease from Voice and Speech through Domain Adaptation
Ambulatory Monitoring of Subglottal Pressure Estimated from Neck-Surface Vibration in Individuals with and without Voice Disorders
Collision Pressure and Dissipated Power Dose in a Self-Oscillating Silicone Vocal Fold Model With a Posterior Glottal Opening
Empirical Evaluation of the Role of Vocal Fold Collision on Relative Fundamental Frequency in Voicing Offset
Lombard Effect in Individuals With Nonphonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction: Impact on Acoustic, Aerodynamic, and Vocal Fold Vibratory Parameters
Modeling the influence of COVID-19 protective measures on the mechanics of phonation
Triangular body-cover model of the vocal folds with coordinated activation of the five intrinsic laryngeal muscles
Direct Measurement and Modeling of Intraglottal, Subglottal, and Vocal Fold Collision Pressures during Phonation in an Individual with a Hemilaryngectomy
Energy-based fluid-structure model of the vocal folds
Estimation of Subglottal Pressure, Vocal Fold Collision Pressure, and Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscle Activation From Neck-Surface Vibration Using a Neural Network Framework and a Voice Production Model
Vocal fold dynamics in a synthetic self-oscillating model: Contact pressure and dissipated-energy dose
Vocal fold dynamics in a synthetic self-oscillating model: Intraglottal aerodynamic pressure and energy
An Updated Theoretical Framework for Vocal Hyperfunction
Bayesian estimation of vocal function measures using laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy and glottal airflow estimates: An in vivo case study
Chirp Analyzer for Estimating Amplitude and Latency of Steady-State Auditory Envelope Following Responses
Glottal Aerodynamics Estimated From Neck-Surface Vibration in Women With Phonotraumatic and Nonphonotraumatic Vocal Hyperfunction
Improved Subglottal Pressure Estimation From Neck-Surface Vibration in Healthy Speakers Producing Non-Modal Phonation
Improving EEG Muscle Artifact Removal With an EMG Array
A Method for Tracking the Time Evolution of Steady-State Evoked Potentials
An acoustic source model for asymmetric intraglottal flow with application to reduced-order models of the vocal folds
Estimating Vocal Fold Contact Pressure from Raw Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy Using a Hertz Contact Model
Estimation of auditory steady-state responses based on the averaging of independent EEG epochs
Laser-Calibrated System for Transnasal Fiberoptic Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy
Neurophysiological Muscle Activation Scheme for Controlling Vocal Fold Models
The difference between first and second harmonic amplitudes correlates between glottal airflow and neck-surface accelerometer signals during phonation
Toward Development of a Vocal Fold Contact Pressure Probe: Bench-Top Validation of a Dual-Sensor Probe Using Excised Human Larynx Models
Toward Development of a Vocal Fold Contact Pressure Probe: Sensor Characterization and Validation Using Synthetic Vocal Fold Models
Ambulatory assessment of phonotraumatic vocal hyperfunction using glottal airflow measures estimated from neck-surface acceleration
Glottal aerodynamic measures in adult females with phonotraumatic and non-phonotraumatic vocal hyperfunction
Modeling the pathophysiology of phonotraumatic vocal hyperfunction with a triangular glottal model of the vocal folds
Modeling Viscous Dissipation During Vocal Fold Contact: The Influence of Tissue Viscosity and Thickness with Implications for Hydration
Performance Evaluation of Glottal Inverse Filtering Algorithms Using a Physiologically Based Articulatory Speech Synthesizer
Bayesian Estimation of Non-Stationary Parameters in a Body Cover Model of the Vocal Folds
Comprehensive, Population-Based Sensitivity Analysis of a Two-Mass Vocal Fold Model
Real-time estimation of aerodynamic features for ambulatory voice biofeedback
Real-time estimation of aerodynamic features for ambulatory voice biofeedback
Using ambulatory voice monitoring to investigate common voice disorders: Research update
Learning to detect vocal hyperfunction from ambulatory neck-skin acceleration features: Initial results for vocal fold nodules
Modeling the effects of a posterior glottal opening on vocal fold dynamics with implications for vocal hyperfunction
Modeling the effects of a posterior glottal opening on vocal fold dynamics with implications for vocal hyperfunction
Robust fundamental frequency estimation in sustained vowels: Detailed algorithmic comparisons and information fusion with adaptive Kalman filtering
A review of lumped-element numerical models of voiced speech.
Response to "Comments on 'A theoretical model of the pressure distributions arising from asymmetric intraglottal flows applied to a two-mass model of the vocal folds' " [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 389-403 (2011)]
Subglottal impedance-based inverse filtering of speech sounds using neck surface acceleration
The impact of glottal area discontinuities on block-type vocal fold models with asymmetric tissue properties
Corrected contact dynamics for the Steinecke and Herzel asymmetric two-mass model of the vocal folds
Mobile Voice Health Monitoring Using a Wearable Accelerometer Sensor and a Smartphone Platform
A theoretical model of the pressure field arising from asymmetric intraglottal flows applied to a two-mass model of the vocal folds
An anatomically-based, time-domain model of the subglottal system.
Investigating acoustic correlates of human vocal fold vibratory phase asymmetry through modeling and laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy
Nonlinear vocal fold dynamics resulting from asymmetric fluid loading on a two-mass model of speech
Observation and analysis of in vivo vocal fold tissue instabilities produced by nonlinear source-filter coupling: A case study.
Air-borne and tissue-borne sensitivities of bioacoustic sensors used on the skin surface
Integration of ultra high-speed color videoendoscopy with time-synchronized measures of vocal function
Influence of acoustic loading on an effective single mass model of the vocal folds.

ConferencePaper (40)

A Wave Reflection Analog Extension for Reduced Order Vocal Fold Investigations with Asymmetric Intraglottal Flows.
Acoustic analysis for voice production studies.
Acoustic correlates of human vocal fold vibratory phase asymmetry through modeling and laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy.
Acoustic coupling during incomplete glottal closure and its effect on the inverse filtering of oral airflow.
Air-borne and tissue-borne sensitivity of skin radiation acoustic sensors.
An anatomically-based, time-domain acoustic model of the subglottal system for speech production.
An impedance-based inverse filtering scheme with glottal coupling.
An Updated Wave Reflection Analog Acoustic Solver for Implementation into Reduced-Order Vocal Fold models.
Application of asymmetric flows, acoustic coupling, and enhanced parameter estimation to a two-mass model of the vocal folds.
Comparative analysis of several tests used to evaluate noise emission from urban buses.
Conference: "Integration of ultra high-speed color videoendoscopy with time-synchronized measures of vocal function".
Deriving Optimal Low-Order Vocal Fold Models from High-Order Finite Element Models.
Duration of ambulatory monitoring needed to accurately estimate voice use.
Economic and social impact of the noise emission regulation for buses belonging to the public transportation system in Santiago.
Effects of acoustic loading on the self-oscillations of a synthetic model of the vocal folds.
Exploring the Role of Fluid-Sound Interactions During Phonation Using an Effective Single Mass Model of the Vocal Folds.
Filtro inverso basado en la impedancia y su aplicación en la producción de la voz.
Fluid-acoustic interactions and their impact on pathological voiced speech.
Framework for environmental noise assessment in highways in Chile.
Future directions in the development of ambulatory monitoring for clinical voice assessment.
Guidelines for an environmental noise assessment in highways: analysis of time / space dependent variables.
Integration of flexible fiberoptic high-speed videoendoscopy with time-synchronized measures of vocal function.
Irregular vocal fold dynamics incited by asymmetric fluid loading in a model of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis.
Methodology for an environmental noise assessment in highways: guideline stage.
Modelamiento numérico de las cuerdas vocales bajo variaciones temporales del tracto vocal.
Modeling incomplete glottal closure due to a posterior glottal opening and its effects on the dynamics of the vocal folds.
Modeling the influence of acoustic loading on laryngeal self-sustained oscillations.
Multi-physics modeling of the impact of asymmetric intraglottal flows on normal and pathological speech.
Noise control system for a specific urban transport bus model.
Nonlinear Vocal Fold Dynamics in a Two-Mass Model of Speech Arising From Asymmetric Intraglottal Flow.
Nonlinearities in block-type reduced-order vocal fold models with asymmetric tissue properties.
Phonetic database of 300 Chilean voices.
Physical Relations Between Continuum and Lumped Mass Models of Vocal Fold Vibration.
Sistema de seguimiento para el monitoreo ambulatorio de la voz en pacientes con hiperfunción vocal.
Smartphone based detection of voice disorders by long-term monitoring of neck acceleration features.
Subglottal impedance-based inverse filtering for the ambulatory monitoring of vocal function: Initial results.
Synthetic model of speech production.
Toward patient-specific vocal fold models: Objective determination of lumped vocal fold model parameters from continuum vocal fold models.
Use of laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy systems to study voice production mechanisms in human subjects, invited paper at the special session The Voice Source: From Physiology to Acoustics
Using skin acceleration overlying the suprasternal notch to monitor phonation.

Patent (3)

Estimation of glottal aerodynamics using an impedance-based inverse filtering of neck surface acceleration.
Speech audio processing: Low power preprocessing algorithms and circuits to enhance speech recognition for handheld, mobile and embedded devices in noisy environment.
Método de estimación de fuerza y presión de contacto en cuerdas vocales a partir de videos laringoscópicos de alta velocidad

Proyecto (35)

Clinical Research Center for Improved Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Vocal Hyperfunction
Subject-specific representations of laryngeal motor control using low-order models of voice production
Neurophysiological control for a computational lumped mass model of the vocal folds
Auditory feedback during speech production in schizophrenic patients: An evoked potential study
Exploring auditory-motor integration in speech production using statistical learning and its implications for hearing prostheses
Exploring auditory-motor integration in speech production using statistical learning and its implications for hearing prostheses
Modeling and analysis of fluid-structure systems using port-Hamiltonian descriptions
Modeling and analysis of fluid-structure systems using port-Hamiltonian descriptions
Procesamiento del feedback auditivo asociado al habla en pacientes esquizofrénicos=> Estudios de potenciales evocados
Clinical Research Center for Improved Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Vocal Hyperfunction
Clinical Research Center for Improved Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Vocal Hyperfunction
Estimación Bayesiana de un modelo numérico de la voz humana con aplicaciones clínicas
Estimación Bayesiana de un modelo numérico de la voz humana con aplicaciones clínicas
A subject-specific model of voice production and its application in the short and long term assessment of vocal hyperfunction
Numerical Modeling and Other Engineering Tools for the Ambulatory Assessment of Vocal Function
Numerical Modeling and Other Engineering Tools for the Ambulatory Assessment of Vocal Function
Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Voice Health Monitoring: Developing Measures of Ambulatory Voice Quality and Dysphonia
Voice Health Monitoring=> Developing Measures of Ambulatory Voice Quality and Dysphonia
Physics-based model of voice production
Sistema para videoendoscopia laringea de alta velocidad (System for laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy)
System for laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy
Physics-based model of voice production
The Development of Ambulatory Biofeedback Approaches to More Effectively Treat Common Voice Disorders
The Development of Ambulatory Biofeedback Approaches to More Effectively Treat Common Voice Disorders
Ambulatory monitoring of vocal function to improve voice disorder assessment
Ambulatory monitoring of vocal function to improve voice disorder assessment
Dynamic model-based algorithm for the ambulatory monitoring of vocal function using neck surface acceleration
Engineering Issues in Understanding Human Speech
Engineering Issues in Understanding Human Speech
Fluid-Structure Interactions within the Human Larynx
Fluid-Structure Interactions within the Human Larynx
Matias Zañartu

Full Professor

Department of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile

Pavel Prado

Lead Researcher

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat)

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Víctor Espinoza

Associate Professor

Departamento de Sonido

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Cortés

Associate Researcher

Electronic Engineering

Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Valparaíso, Chile

Gabriel Galindo


Ingeniería Electrónica


Valparaíso, Chile

Alejandro Weinstein

Associate professor


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile


Profesor Titular

Ingenieria Biomedica


Valparaiso, Chile

Patricio Orio

Profesor Titular


Valparaíso, Chile

Mónica Otero


Facultad de Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Diseño

Universidad San Sebastián

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Maria-Jose Escobar

Associate Professor

Departamento de Electrónica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile