
Juan Alberto Lecaros Urzúa

Associate professor

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Bioética, bioderecho, ética medioambiental


  •  Philosophy, UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID. España, 2015
  •  Bioethics, UNIVERSITAT RAMON LLULL. España, 2009
  •  Law, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1998

Experiencia Académica

  •   Professor Part Time


    Barcelona, España

    2007 - 2012

  •   Director Observatory of Bioethics and Law Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2012 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor asociado Full Time

    Universidad del Desarrollo

    Santiago, Chile

    2012 - At present

  •   Professor Part Time


    Barcelona, España

    2007 - 2012

Formación de Capital Humano

Since 2017, Gonzalo López, a lawyer at the University of Chile, joined the Observatory of Bioethics and Law as a research assistant. He was trained in this research unit in the area of biolaw. Currently, he is an instructor professor and obtained a Master's degree in Bioethics in the program of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad del Desarrollo and a Master's degree in Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universidad de Chile, in addition to a Diploma in research ethics. He has published several articles with me in recent years. In 2024 he entered, with our support, the Doctor of Law program at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad del Desarrollo.

Another young researcher who has been trained by us is Pablo Lapostol, a lawyer from the University of Chile. Since 2021 he has participated as a research assistant in practically all the projects that we have developed in the Observatory of Bioethics and Law. In the first research project in which he participated, a diagnostic study and proposal for the management of health data in health emergencies for the Council for Transparency (2021-2022). The result of his work consisted in the production of guidelines and strategies for the governance of health data in the public sector, contributing significantly to the development of crucial policies in that context. In this same line of research, Pablo contributed to the project of proposals for legal and technical regulation of biobanks for a body funded by the National Research Agency in Chile, focused on accelerating technology transfer in Chile, the Center for Translational Biotechnology, during the year 2022. And from that year to date, he has participated in the design and implementation of the governance system of a Trusted Research Environment for the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad del Desarrollo.

Difusión y Transferencia

Juan Alberto Lecaros was co-founder of International Network of Biolaw at Santiago, Chile, which has academics from more than 25 universities in the world ( His current group focuses its work on legal innovation in the area of biomedicine and biotechnology, with special emphasis on bench-based science and translational studies. In recent years, the lines of research have been the generation of regulatory proposals to improve and develop national regulation on biomedical research ( In 2014, his group published a report with regulatory proposals to improve the regulation of the biomedical research law and update the technical standard in research. This report was the product of a collaborative and interdisciplinary work in association with the National Drug Agency (ANAMED, ISP): Lecaros JA & Del Canto R (2014). Informe Investigacion Biomedica. Nuevas propuestas regulatorias. Registro de Propiedad Intelectual N° 246.677. ISBN 978-956-796-170-2. In 2016, his group published a report with regulatory proposals of use of human biological specimens and biobanks of research: Lecaros JA, Del Canto R (2016). Informe Propuesta Regulatoria sobre obtencion, uso y almacenamiento de muestras biologicas con fines diagnosticos y de investigacion, y creacion de biobancos. Registro de Propiedad Intelectual N° A-269256. ISBN 978-956-374-014-1. Currently, his research is focused on proposing regulatory models for regenerative medicine in Chile (Lecaros JA, Toscano D, LópezG (2018). Informe Regulacion de la Medicina Regenerativa: tension entre la Gobernanza internacional y local. Registro de Propiedad Intelectual N° A-290878. ISBN 978-956-374-021-9) and the development of regulation for research in biomedical informatics, bioinformatics and telehealth (Fundamentos para los lineamientos para la telemedicina y telesalud en Chile. Bien Público Estratégico para la Competitividad 2018-2021

In 2021, the Observatory signed a collaboration agreement with the Transparency Council to support health data management policies in the context of health emergencies and developed a report with proposals for “access and processing of health data in the context of health emergencies and for research purposes”.

That same year the Observatory was awarded funds from the Center for Translational Biotechnology, Sofofa Hub, ANID center, to develop a proposal for public regulatory policies on biobanks for research purposes, the product of which was the report Propuesta de regulación para el funcionamiento de Biobancos con fines de investigación biomédica en Chile ( Currently, the transfer of this regulatory proposal is being done by the Observatory through the National Cancer Commission and the National Center for Cancer Prevention and Control.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Award for Excellence in Bioethics "Manuel Velasco Sua?rez" 2012 PAHEF / PAHO


    Estados Unidos, 2012

    Dr. Urzúa received the 2012 Manuel Velasco Suárez Award for Excellence in Bioethics for his proposal A theoretical framework and a methodology for the application of principles of environmental bioethics. The proposal presents a framework and methodology to be used in the current debate in Chile regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs), focusing on genetically modified (GM) crops and foods. His project seeks to consider the human health, ecological, and socio-economic risks of GMOs. This analysis is potentially useful to other Latin American countries that have not yet defined their national policies on GM crops and foods.


Article (18)

A snapshot of cancer in Chile II: an update on research, strategies and analytical frameworks for equity, innovation and national development
Biobanks and data interoperability in Latin America: engendering high-quality evidence for the global research ecosystem
Derecho a la ciencia en relación con los derechos de los pueblosindígenas. Consideraciones acerca de la jurisprudencia evolutivade la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Medical liability in telemedicine: a proposal of principles for a telemedicai leges artis Responsabilitat civil mèdica en telemedicina: una proposta de principis per a una lex artis telemèdica Responsabilidad civil médica en telemedicina: una propuesta de principios para una lex artis telemédica
Rare diseases in Chile: challenges and recommendations in universal health coverage context
Making Environmental Ethics more practical=> a model of principlism
Survey research implementation in educational centers in Chile: fulfillments of ethical and legal regulatory aspects
“Aspectos médicos, éticos y legales de la criopreservación de embriones humanos”
“Bioética clínica narrativa: de los fundamentos a la práctica”
“Propuesta de un glosario para la discusión del aborto”
"Decisiones al final de la vida y envejecimiento satisfactorio"
La ética medio ambiental: principios y valores para una ciudadanía responsable en la sociedad global
“Ecological ethics: the road of responsibility towards global bioethics”
“El puesto del hombre en la naturaleza: el problema del antropocentrismo”.
“El respeto a la vida: el biocentrismo en la ética medio ambiental”.
“Las éticas de la Tierra: por qué estamos obligados a responder moralmente a la Tierra”.

BookSection (14)

Biobanks for Biomedical Research: Evolution and Future
Ethical Issues in Genetically Modified Foods: From Transgenesis to CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing Technology
Freedom of Scientific Research and Primacy of Human Being: Practical and Epistemological Tensions
Introduction: Biomedical Research in One World: Current and Future Challenges
Introduction: Scientific Integrity and Institutional Ethics: Challenges and Perspectives
Patients’ Rights at the End of Life in Chilean Juridical System. Legal and Jurisprudential Analysis from Biolaw’s Perspective
Acceso a recursos genéticos y beneficios compartidos: los desafíos del Protocolo de Nagoya para el bioderecho
Biolaw and Bioethics: Convergences and Divergences
El uso de animales en experimentación biomédica
La ética de la responsabilidad de Hans Jonas: perspectiva fenomenológica a la ética animal
La ética de la responsabilidad en la bioética global
Origen y evolución de la bioética
La ética ecológica: de los caminos de fundamentación hacia la responsabilidad global
Una mirada pluridimensional del aborto

BookWhole (6)

Filosofía Ambiental: principios éticos y valores para una ciudadanía ecológica planetaria
Handbook of Bioethical Decisions, Vol. I: Decisions at the Bench
Handbook of Bioethical Decisions, Vol. II: Scientific Integrity andInstitutional Ethics
Biolaw and Policy in the Twenty-First Century : Building Answers for New Questions
Ética animal, fundamentos empíricos, teóricos y dimensión práctica
Bioética: el pluralismo de la fundamentación

Letter (3)

Ley de salud mental chilena y su impacto en la investigación biomédica
Límites de la responsabilidad médica durante la pandemia de coronavirus
Carta al Editor 1: Lectura clínica de una sentencia judicial: algunas precisiones sobre el análisis de la profesora Couceiro

Proyecto (11)

Landscape of clinically actionable cancer genes: towards precisiononcology in chile
¿Envejecimiento saludable?: aproximaciones normativas y filosóficas para un enfoque integral sobre el envejecimiento
Propuesta regulatoria para el funcionamiento de biobancos en Chile
Estudio diagnóstico y propuesta de gestión de los datos de salud en emergencias sanitarias
Un enfoque ético de principios de nivel intermedio para la resolución de conflictos socio-ambientales
Lineamientos para el desarrollo de la Telemedicina y Telesalud en Chile
Núcleo Milenio para la Investigación Colaborativa en ResistenciaAntimicrobiana
Propuesta regulatoria sobre terapia génica y celular
Propuesta regulatoria sobre obtención, almacenamiento y uso de muestras biológicas con fines de investigación, diagnóstico y tratamiento, y creación de biobancos
Marco teórico y una metodología de aplicación de principios para bioética medio ambiental. Análisis de un caso=> un diagnóstico acerca de debate de los transgénicos en Chile
Manual introductorio a la ética medio ambiental=> principios éticos y valores para el ciudadano de la sociedad global

PuntoDeVista (2)

Aspectos médicos, éticos y legales de la criopreservación de embriones humanos
Propuesta de un glosario para la discusión del aborto
Juan Lecaros

Associate professor

Institute of Science and Innovation in Medicine

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Carla Castillo

Associate Professor

Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud / Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile


Assistant Professor/Director (Head) Center for Genetics and Genomics; Director, PhD Program in Sciences and Innovation in Medicine

Centro de Genética y Genómica

Universidad del Desarrollo-Clínica Alemana


Ximena Aguilera

Full Professor; Director Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud /Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy

Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud (CEPS)/ Center of Epidemiology and Health Policy/Centro de Epidemiología y Políticas de Salud (CEPS)

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Maria Repetto

Profesora Titular

Center for Genetics and Genomics


Santiago, Chile

Juan Calderon


Facultad de Medicina

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Gonzalo Encina


Instituto de Ciencias e Innovación en Medicina

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Catalina Merino

Asistente de la Coordinación de Investigación

Carrera de Kinesiología

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile


Postdoctoral fellow Fondef IDeA ID17I10064 IDI17

Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile