
Carlos Vicente Cruz Montecinos

Profesor Asistente

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Mi investigación explora el control motor y biomecánica en rehabilitación. Busco transferir hallazgos a la clínica para mejorar los resultados de intervenciones en pacientes.


  •  Kinesiólogo , Universidad San Sebastián. Chile, 2006
  •  Fisioterapia , UNIVERSIDAD DE VALENCIA. Chile, 2022
  •  Ciencias del Movimiento, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Chile, 2022

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor asistente Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2016 - At present

  •   Profesor asistente Part Time



    2015 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Kinesiólogo Part Time

    Hospital San José

    Santiago, Chile

    2007 - At present

  •   Kinesiólogo Full Time

    Hospital Coelemu

    Coelmu, Chile

    2006 - 2007

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Beca Santander Universidades

    Beca Santander Universidades

    Chile, 2018

    Beca Iberoamérica para Jóvenes Profesores e Investigadores


Article (74)

Individuals with chronic ankle instability show altered regional activation of the peroneus longus muscle during ankle eversion
Powerpenia Should be Considered a Biomarker of Healthy Aging
Psychological factors are associated with pain extent in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
Association Between Pain Coping and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, and Work Absenteeism in People With Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Barriers and facilitators of physical activity in adults with severe haemophilia: A qualitative study
Can Vitality and Mental Health Influence Upper Extremity Pain? A Prospective Cohort Study of 1185 Female Hospital Nurses
Detection of intermuscular coordination based on the causality of empirical mode decomposition
Dosage matters: Uncovering the optimal duration of pain neuroscience education to improve psychosocial variables in chronic musculoskeletal pain. A systematic review and meta-analysis with moderator analysis
Effectiveness of adding pain neuroscience education to telerehabilitation in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
Exercise variables and pain threshold reporting for strength training protocols in people with haemophilia: A systematic review of clinical trials
Gender differences on effects of forearm rotation on compressive stiffness of flexor carpi ulnaris during submaximal handgrip contractions
How can artificial intelligence help rehabilitation programs for people with hemophilia in the coming decades?
How does joint impairment affect the functional capacity of the lower limb in early haemophilia-related arthropathy?
Neuromuscular control of masticatory muscles in people with intellectual disability, middle-aged adults and older adults
Reduced lip seal strength and missing teeth are associated with poorer masticatory performance in young adults with intellectual disabilities: a cross-sectional analytical study
Role of kinesiophobia in the selective motor control during gait in patients with low back-related leg pain
Safety, feasibility, and neuromuscular activity of acute low-load resistance exercise with or without blood flow restriction in patients with severe hemophilia
Social determinants of health and physical activity are related to pain intensity and mental health in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
Task-related differences in peroneus longus muscle fiber conduction velocity
Treadmill exercise post dry needling improves heel rise in patients recovering from surgical ankle fracture: A randomised controlled trial
30 s sit-to-stand power is positively associated with chest muscle thickness in COVID-19 survivors
Altered neural control of gait and its association with pain and joint impairment in adults with haemophilic arthropathy: Clinical and methodological implications
Biased instantaneous regional muscle activation maps: Embedded fuzzy topology and image feature analysis
Clinical assessment of balance and functional impairments in people with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Clinical Effects of Rehabilitation on Balance in People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Distinct displacement of the superficial and deep fascial layers of the iliotibial band during a weight shift task in runners: An exploratory study
Effectiveness of physical exercise on postural balance in patients with haemophilia: A systematic review
Effectiveness of progressive moderate-vigorous intensity elastic resistance training on quality of life and perceived functional abilities in people with hemophilia: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Effects of Cognitive and Mental Health Factors on the Outcomes Following Carpal Tunnel Release: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Exercise capacity in people with haemophilia: A systematic review
Handgrip strength measurement protocols for all-cause and cause-specific mortality outcomes in more than 3 million participants: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis
Neuromuscular and acute symptoms responses to progressive elastic resistance exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Cross-sectional study
Role of active joint position sense on the upper extremity functional performance tests in college volleyball players
Soleus muscle and Achilles tendon compressive stiffness is related to knee and ankle positioning
The Impact of Charlson Comorbidity Index on the Functional Capacity of COVID-19 Survivors: A Prospective Cohort Study with One-Year Follow-Up
Feasibility, safety and muscle activity during flywheel vs traditional strength training in adult patients with severe haemophilia
Modular reorganization of gait in chronic but not in artificial knee joint constraint
Qualitative ultrasonography scale of the intensity of local twitch response during dry needling and its association with modified joint range of motion: a cross-sectional study
Safety, Fear and Neuromuscular Responses after a Resisted Knee Extension Performed to Failure in Patients with Severe Haemophilia
The Relevance of Dual Tasking for Improving Trunk Muscle Endurance After Back Surgery
Changes in Muscle Activity Patterns and Joint Kinematics During Gait in Hemophilic Arthropathy
Does the educational level of women influence hand grip and pinch strength in carpal tunnel syndrome?
Effectiveness of a Group-Based Progressive Strength Training in Primary Care to Improve the Recurrence of Low Back Pain Exacerbations and Function: A Randomised Trial
Effectiveness of Dry Needling in the Management of Spasticity in Patients Post Stroke
Effects of A Dual-Task Intervention in Postural Control and Cognitive Performance in Adolescents
Effects of dual-task demands on the complexity and task performance of submaximal isometric handgrip force control
Effects of knee flexor submaximal isometric contraction until exhaustion on semitendinosus and biceps femoris long head shear modulus in healthy individuals
Effects of performing dual tasks on postural sway and postural control complexity in people with haemophilic arthropathy
Electromyographic and Safety Comparisons of Common Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exercises for People With Hemophilia
EMG, Rate of Perceived Exertion, Pain, Tolerability and Possible Adverse Effects of a Knee Extensor Exercise with Progressive Elastic Resistance in Patients with Severe Haemophilia
Impact of Visual Biofeedback of Trunk Sway Smoothness on Motor Learning during Unipedal Stance
Knee haemophilic arthropathy care in Chile: Midterm outcomes and complications after total knee arthroplasty
Safety and Effectiveness of Progressive Moderate-to-Vigorous Intensity Elastic Resistance Training on Physical Function and Pain in People With Hemophilia
A single preoperative pain neuroscience education: Is it an effective strategy for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome?
Does epimuscular myofascial force transmission occur between the human quadriceps muscles in vivo during passive stretching?
Influence of adiposity and fatigue on the scapular muscle recruitment order
Neuromuscular control during gait in people with haemophilic arthropathy
Perceived physical exertion is a good indicator of neuromuscular fatigue for the core muscles
Social determinants associated to chronic pain after total knee arthroplasty
Tolerability and Muscle Activity of Core Muscle Exercises in Chronic Low-back Pain
Upper-Body Exercises With External Resistance Are Well Tolerated and Enhance Muscle Activity in People With Hemophilia
Changes in the ankle muscles co-activation pattern after 5 years following total ankle joint replacement
Dry needling technique decreases spasticity and improves general functioning in incomplete spinal cord injury: A case report
Influence of a self-regulated cognitive dual task on time to failure and complexity of submaximal isometric force control
Biomechanical properties of different techniques used in vitro for suturing mid-substance Achilles tendon ruptures
Dry Needling Combined With Physical Therapy in Patients With Chronic Postsurgical Pain Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Case Series
Sensory strategies of postural sway during quiet stance in patients with haemophilic arthropathy
The immediate effect of soft tissue manual therapy intervention on lung function in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The importance of cutaneous feedback on neural activation during maximal voluntary contraction
Changes in co-contraction during stair descent after manual therapy protocol in knee osteoarthritis: A pilot, single-blind, randomized study
lSonographic Measurement of the Quadriceps Muscle in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Functional and Clinical Implications
Onset and maximum values of electromyographic amplitude during prone hip extension after neurodynamic technique in patients with lumbosciatic pain: A pilot study
Ultrasound assessment of fascial connectivity in the lower limb during maximal cervical flexion: technical aspects and practical application of automatic tracking
In vivo relationship between pelvis motion and deep fascia displacement of the medial gastrocnemius: anatomical and functional implications

Letter (3)

Assessment of tensile mechanical properties of the Achilles tendon in adult patients with haemophilic arthropathy. Reproducibility study
Joint damage and motor learning during unipedal stance in haemophilia arthropathy: report of two cases
Estimation of tensile properties of the Achilles tendon in haemophilic arthropathy of the ankle: case study

Note (1)

Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation frequency on postprandial glycemia, current-related discomfort, and muscle soreness. A crossover study

Proyecto (1)

Sistema de telerrehabilitación guiado por electrogoniometría, lúdico y de bajo costo, para la recuperación funcional posterior a una artroplastía de rodilla en personas mayores
Carlos Cruz

Profesor Asistente


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Nuñez



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

claudio tapia

Coordinador de Innovación


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Torres

Profesor Asistente


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Guillermo Méndez

Profesor Asociado

Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

Universidad Santo Tomás

Talca, Chile

Mauricio Cerda

Assistant Professor (appointed)

Programa de Anatomía y Biología del Desarrollo


Santiago, Chile

Carlos De la Fuente


Postgraduate, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences

Universidad Andrés Bello

santiago, Chile

Eduardo Martinez

Assistant Professor

College of Life and Environmental Sciences

University of Birmingham

Birmingham, Reino Unido

Gonzalo Rivera

Profesor Asociado

kinesiologia - Neurociencia

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Guzmán

Profesor Asociado

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

maritza ortega

Jefa Departamento de Intervención Psicosocial - Subdirección de gestión al usuario

Intervención Psicosocial

Hospital doctora Eloísa Díaz Insunza

Santiago , Chile

Julio Torres

Profesor Asistente


Universidad de Chile

santiago, Chile

julio torres

profesor Asistente


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile


Professor / Director (Head) Laboratorio Fisiología del Ejercicio


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Alvaro Besoaín

Encargado de Extensión


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile




Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Sevilla, España

Trinidad Bruna


Hospital San José

Santiago, Chile

Maximiliano Barahona


ortopedia y traumatología

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Orlando Diaz

Profesor Asociado

Enfermedades Respiratorias


Santiago, Chile

David Arriagada

Profesor Asistente / Director Laboratorio de Neuromecánica Aplicada

Ciencias Médicas

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Leandro Miret

Coordinador Kineisología


Complejo Hospitalario San José

Santiago, Chile

Lilian Solis

Docente clínico


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Weinstein


Escuela de Ingenieria Civil Biomedica

Universidad de Valparaiso

Valparaiso, Chile

Luis Vasconcello


Departamento de Kinesiología

Universidad de Chile

Ñuñoa, Chile

Joaquin Salazar

Profesor asistente

Universidad Santo Tomás

Talca, Chile


Profesor Asociado


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Neira

Académico jornada

Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud

Universidad Mayor de Chile

Santiago, Chile