
Pilar Maria Alamos Valenzuela

Profesora Asistente

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Vínculo profesor-alumno en educación inicial; socialización de emociones en educación inicial; desarrollo socioemocional en el contexto escolar; bienestar docente


  •  Psicología Educacional, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Estados Unidos, 2019
  •  Psicología Educacional, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2013

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctoral Associate Full Time


    School of Medicine

    New Haven, Estados Unidos

    2019 - 2020

  •   Postdoctoral Research Associate Full Time


    School of Education and Human Development

    Charlottesville, Estados Unidos

    2020 - 2023

Formación de Capital Humano

• Dirección de Tesis Doctorado:
- Paulina Gárate Chateau, estudiante del Doctorado en Educación UC, generación 2024

• Miembro Comisión de Tesis:
- Catalina Miranda Riquelme, estudiante del Doctorado en Educación UC, generación 2022
- Esmeralda Dionicio, estudiante del Doctorado en Educación UC, generación 2023
- Catalina Lecaros, estudiante del Doctorado en Educación UC, generación 2023
- Magdalena Muñoz, estudiante del Doctorado en Educación UC, generación 2023

Premios y Distinciones

  •   SRCD international travel award

    Society for Research in Child Development

    Estados Unidos, 2025

    The SRCD International Travel Awards, consisting of $1,000 USD each, are offered as a benefit for SRCD members to support attendance at the SRCD Biennial Meeting

  •   Jacobs Research Fellow

    Jacobs Foundation

    Suiza, 2025

    Fellow cohorte 2025–2027. Aprox. $165 millones de pesos The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program offers fellowships to early- and mid-career researchers whose work is dedicated to improving the learning and development of children and youth worldwide. The relevant disciplines include, but are not limited to, education sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, behavioral science, computer science, pedagogy, linguistics, neurosciences, and science of learning. Particularly encouraged to apply are scholars who seek to combine multiple levels of analysis and engage in interdisciplinary work. There is a special focus on work to understand and embrace variability in learning, promote the practical application of evidence on human learning and development, and increase the scale-up of effective education policies and practices.

  •   Developmental Psychology Editor’s Choice paper

    American Psychological Association

    Estados Unidos, 2022

    APA Journal articles selected as outstanding, noteworthy, and impactful for the field by APA Journal editors.

  •   CASEL Weissberg Scholar

    Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

    Chile, 2021

    2021–2023; CASEL Weissberg Scholar, Programa para investigadores jóvenes destacados en aprendizaje socioemocional.

  •   SRCD graduate student travel award

    Society for Research in Child Development

    Chile, 2019

    The SRCD Graduate Student Travel Awards consisting of $300 USD each, are offered as a benefit for SRCD members to support attendance at the SRCD Biennial Meeting.

  •   Early Career Prevention Network (ECPN) graduate student poster

    Society for Prevention Research

    Chile, 2018

    The ECPN Student Poster Contest was initiated in 2009 to encourage student attendance and participation in the annual meeting, increase student visibility at the conference, attract new student members to SPR and ECPN, and encourage existing student members to become full members upon graduation. Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to enter. The posters will be displayed during the Tuesday and Wednesday evening SPR poster sessions, and winners will be announced on Thursday at the awards presentation. The winners will receive a monetary award plus a free 1-year SPR membership. Honorable mention poster presenting authors will receive a 1-year SPR membership. SPR memberships will be awarded for the next year (2025). We are very excited that the ECPN Student Poster Contest continues to be an annual event.


Article (21)

A pilot study of a micro-course to promote positive teaching practices and prevent exclusionary discipline in early childhood
Emotional schemas in relation to educators’ social and emotional competencies to promote student SEL
A conceptual model to understand and address racial disparities in exclusionary discipline through teacher-child relationships
Examining individual children's peer engagement in pre-kindergarten classrooms: Relations with classroom-level teacher-child interaction quality
Implementation of an early childhood mental health consultation pilot in Virginia: Critical tensions and implications for scale-up
Missing Out: Kindergarten Teachers' Reports of Soft Exclusionary Discipline Practices
Bidirectional associations among teachers' burnout and classroom relational climate across an academic year
How Does Inhibitory Control Predict Emotion Regulation in Preschool? The Role of Individual Children's Interactions With Teachers and Peers
Making the Invisible Visible: Using a Contextual Measurement Approach to Identify Children With Social-Emotional and Behavioral Needs in Preschool Classrooms
Preschool Children's Observed Interactions with Teachers: Implications for Understanding Teacher-Child Relationships
Teacher and Child Factors Associated with Emotion Talk between Teachers and Preschoolers Displaying Elevated Externalizing Behaviors
An Exploration of Electronic Media Use Profiles for Preschoolers of Low-Income Families
Exploring dyadic teacher-child interactions, emotional security, and task engagement in preschool children displaying externalizing behaviors
Teacher-child emotion talk in preschool children displaying elevated externalizing behaviors
The role of teacher-student relationships in predicting teachers' personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion
Does Fidelity of Implementation Account for Changes in Teacher-Child Interactions in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Banking Time?
Understanding Banking Time Implementation in a Sample of Preschool Children Who Display Early Disruptive Behaviors
Construcción de cuentos: ¿Qué pueden aportar al desarrollo socioemocional inclusivo?
Percepción de estudiantes de pedagogía en relación a las oportunidades para el desarrollo de prácticas generativas en su formación
Academic performance and personal and contextual dimensions of socioemotional learning: Evidence of its association in Chilean students [Rendimiento académico y las dimensiones personal y contextual del aprendizaje socioemocional: Evidencias de su asociación en estudiantes chilenos]
Socioemotional learning in students of fifith and sixth grades: Presentation and impact evaluation of base program [Aprendizaje socioemocional en estudiantes de quinto y sexto grado: Presentación y evaluación de impacto del programa base]

BookSection (5)

Afterword: An invitation for collaboration and growth
What is educator SEL? Why is it important? How can it be promoted?
Using Measurement and Continuous Improvement to Support SEL at the Classroom, School, District, and State Levels
A developmental framework for SEL assessments: Context, culture, and equity
El rol de los docentes en el aprendizaje socioemocional de sus estudiantes: La perspectiva del apego escolar

BookWhole (1)

Jugar y crecer: Un juego para cada día

Proyecto (4)

Diseño y evaluación piloto de un modelo de construcción de cuentos infantiles interactivos en temas de inclusión que promueven el aprendizaje socio-emocional en niños de 5° básico
Coherence and Assignment Study in Teacher Education (CATE)
Pilar Alamos

Profesora Asistente

Facultad de Educación

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Magdalena Müller

Profesor Asistente

Aprendizaje y Desarrollo

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Soledad Veliz



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Christian Berger

Subdirector de Investigación y Postgrado


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile