Ernest Alexander Michael
Associate Professor
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Astronomical Instrumentation, Heterodyne Interferometry, Photonics Technology for the IR- and THz-range; Optics and Laser Technology, IR- and THz-Spectroscopy, Micro-devices for radiation detection-, generation- and mixing in the IR- and THz-range
Physics, University of Cologne. Alemania, 1995
Physics, University of Düsseldorf. Chile, 1989
Postdoc Full Time
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, Estados Unidos
1997 - 1999
Postdoc Full Time
University of Cologne
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Cologne, Alemania
1996 - 1997
Senior Scientist Full Time
University of Cologne
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Cologne, Chile
1999 - 2005
Senior Scientist Full Time
Max Planck Institut für Radioastronomie
Bonn, Chile
2006 - 2007
Profesor Associado Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2008 - At present
Research Fellow Part Time
Max-Planck Institut für Radioastronomie
Bonn, Alemania
2006 - 2008
Research Fellow Full Time
University of Cologne
Cologne, Alemania
1999 - 2006
Research Fellowship Full Time
University of California at Berkeley
Santiago, Chile
1997 - 1999
2017-2018 — Felipe Besser: "Design and Test of a Digital Correlator for the NIR Heterodyne Interferometer" (Master, finalized)
2010 - 2014 — Jaime Alvarez: "Design and Fabrication of Travelling-wave Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) Tunneling-Junction Diode for Photonic Terahertz Generation” (qualification exam (QE) in Oct. 2012)
2009 - 2013 — Laurent Pallanca: "Design and Development of highly phase-stable and polarization-inactive optical components for fiber-based femto-second timing transmission " (PhD, QE 2011)
2008 - 2014 — Victor Calle: "Simulations on THz Uni-Traveling Carrier Traveling-Wave Photodiodes" (PhD, finalized)
2008 - 2013 — Jorge Castillo: "Study on the limiting factors of a coherent optical fiber link, applied to phase transfer for femtosecond synchronization " (PhD, finalized)
2008 - 2013 — Claudio Barrientos: "Design and Fabrication of a THz Uni-Traveling Carrier Traveling-Wave Photodetector for Radio Astronomical Instrumentation" (QE 2010)
2004 - 2008 — co-mentoring at and in collaboration with MPIfR Bonn: Ivan Camara Mayorga, Ph.D. 2008, University of Bonn: “Photomixers as tunable terahertz local oscillators”
1997 - 1999 — co-mentoring of Ph.D-students of Saykally-group:
Serena Anderson, Ph.D. 2003, “Terahertz Laser Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions.”
Ryan McLaughlin, Ph.D. 1999, “Infrared Laser Absorption spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Biomolecules.”
Donald Wagner, Ph.D. 2001, “Single Photon Infrared Emission Spectroscopy of Candidate Interstellar PAHs.”
2020 - 2021 — Miguel Piña: "Diseño y adaptación de un interferómetro heterodino de dos a tres telescopios"
2017 - 2018 — Taky Parvex: "Astrometric precision spectroscopy: Experimental development of a dual-frequency laser synthesizer based on an optical frequency comb"
2014 - 2016 — Felipe Besser: “A low-cost telescope-to-fiber coupler actuator and control-loop”
2011 - 2013 — Pedro Sanchez: “Implementacion de un correlacionador basado en una placa ROACH para un interferómetro operando en el infrarrojo cercano”
2010 - 2011 — Cristobal Vio: "A low-cost fiber-based infrared heterodyne interferometer for astronomy: First setup and testing of components and the operation principle in the photonics laboratory."
2010 - 2011 — Juan Pablo Robledo: "Simulaciones Electromagnéticas Computacionales de Fotodiodos TW-UTC (Travelling Wave-Uni Travelling Carrier) para Terahertz."
2010 - 2013 — Manuel Mata: "Simulación de Fotodiodos Monopolares de Onda Viajera (TW-UTC-PD) para Aplicaciones en Tera-Hertz"
2011 — Gerson Morales: "Simulaciónes de Fotodiodos de tipo UTC con Synopsys TCAD"
Max-Kade Fellowship
Max-Kade Foundation
Estados Unidos, 1998
Distinction for German Postdocs to perform Work in Optics in the US.
Complementing support for the execution of a complex astronomical instrumentation project for infrared interferometry |
Astro-Photonics for Telescopes in Chile => Developing techniques for fiber-based interferometry |
Staff and student support for the execution of a complex astronomical instrumentation project for infrared interferometry |
Development of a Fiber-Based Near-Infrared Astronomical Heterodyne Interferometer |
A highly tuneable photonic submm source for radio-astronomical instrumentation in Chile |
Experimental Feasibility Study of Fiber-based Infrared Heterodyne Interferometry |
Development and characterization of photonic traveling-wave mixer structures as efficient continuous-wave terahertz radiation sources |
Initiation of a new postdoctoral program in Astronomical Instrumentation at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Chile |
Setup of a Terahertz Photonics Laboratory at the Department of Electrical Engineering |
Leonardo Bronfman
Full Professor
Santiago, Chile
Rafael Rodríguez
Profesor Asistente
Instituto Electicidad y Electronica
Valdivia, Chile
Amelia Bayo
Full Professor
Instituto de Fisica y Astronomia, Facultado de Ciencias
Valparaiso, Chile
Johan Olofsson
Profesor asistente
Instituto de Fisica y Astronomia
Valparaiso, Chile