Daniel Andrés Miranda Fuenzalida
Assistant Professor
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Study of the intergenerational transmission of political inequality, political socialization, youth political participation, social cohesion, intergroup relations and development of public opinion.
Social-Community Psychology, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2010
Psychology, UNIVERSIDAD DE TALCA. Chile, 2006
Assistant Researcher Professor Full Time
Social Sciences
Santiago, Chile
2018 - 2024
Assistant Professor Full Time
Faculty of Social Sciences
2024 - At present
Instructor Professor Part Time
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2016 - 2017
Human Resources Psychologyst Full Time
Triggs S.A.
Curció, Chile
2006 - 2007
Psychologyst and Head of Health Department(S) Full Time
Consultorio de Salud Rural de Paredones
Paredones, Chile
2007 - At present
Voluntary Worker Full Time
Fundación para la Superación de la Pobreza
Rancagua, Chile
2008 - 2008
Assistant Researcher Professor Full Time
MIDE UC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2018 - 2024
Academic Full Time
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2024 - At present
Co-supervised Master thesis
- Mardones, M. (2023). Socialización Política de Estudiantes de Enseñanza Media [Political Socialization of Secondary School Students] (Master thesis). Sociology, Universidad Diego Portales.
- Miranda, C. (2019). Brechas de género en las expectativas de participación política: una mirada desde las actitudes de igualdad de género en Chile 2009 y 2016 [Gender gaps in expectations of political participation: a look at gender equality attitudes in Chile 2009 and 2016] (Master thesis). Sociology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Participation in Press
- August 2024. Interview on Radio DUNA to discuss the 2024 Human Development Report in Chile.
- August 2024. Invitation to participate in the 13Cn program “Hablemos de Chile” to discuss Social Cohesion, based on the results of the Longitudinal Social Study of Chile (ELSOC).
- August 2024. Invitation to participate in the 13C program “Hablemos de Chile” to discuss Social Cohesion, based on the results of the Longitudinal Social Study of Chile (ELSOC).
- May 2023. Participation in podcast: Tras las Líneas, with Manuel Antonio Garretón.
- October 2022. Interview on CHV, in the framework of the anniversary of the social outbreak.
- August 2020. Press report by El Mercurio, which publishes my opinion as an expert, about young people and their relationship with politics.
- November 2020. Opinion column published in the Revista Universitaria UC, number 161, page 73.
- November 2019. Opinion column in CIPER academic: On the politicization of high school students and how inequality could push them to radicalism.
Outreach events
- August 2024. Invitation to present the results of the Longitudinal Social Study of Chile (ELSOC) to the National Migration Service.
- August 2024. Presentation at the Interdisciplinary Seminar on Political Behavior and Public Opinion, organized by the School of Government and the Institute of Sociology of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- July 2024. Presentation of the Longitudinal Social Study of Chile (ELSOC) "X-ray of Social Cohesion: Longitudinal Study 2016-2023" main findings of the 7 waves of the Longitudinal Social Study of Chile (ELSOC).
- August 2023. Participation as a speaker at the Parliamentary Academy Seminar: Chile in the regional context: reality and challenges, organized by the Chamber of Deputies of Chile.
- January 2023. Participation in the closing activity of the Territorial Program for School Coexistence and Crisis Care, developed by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the ProCíviCo Project of the School of Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University, together with the Provincial Department of La Granja.
- December 2022. Participation in the closing activity of the Territorial Program for School Coexistence and Crisis Care, developed by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the ProCíviCo Project of the School of Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University, together with the Provincial Department of Linares and the Department of Municipal Administration of Linares.
- October 2022. Presentation at the University of Bath at the: Visiting scholar Seminar, developed by the Department of Education of the University.
September 2022. Presentation at the seminar: Youth and Participation in Politics, developed by the Universidad de O'Higgins, the Institute of Social Sciences and the Center for Conflict and Social Cohesion Studies.
- March 2022. Guest Professor to introduce the topic of Political Participation for the course 'Civic Education' organized by Professor Ellen Claes, KU Leuven.
- January 2022. Presentation of the Longitudinal Social Study of Chile (ELSOC) "X-ray of Social Change: New Longitudinal Findings 2016-2021" main findings of the 5 waves of the Longitudinal Social Study of Chile (ELSOC).
- August 2021. Seminar "Student movement 2011. Consequences, impacts and challenges 10 years later". Organized by FONDECYT project n°11190198 and FONDECYT n°11190508. Virtual activity.
- March 2021. Seminar "Myths and realities about violence in social mobilization and protest", organized by the Fondo de Cultura Económica and the Center for Conflict and Social Cohesion Studies COES.
- November 2020. Seminar "What do people think about different public issues and how close are they to the existing data on the subject? Virtual activity.
- May 2020. Guest Professor to teach a class on Citizenship and Participation, within the framework of the 'Pre-Professional Practice' course, organized by Professor Jorge Varela, School of Psychology, Universidad del Desarrollo.
Outstanding Early Career Paper Award
Special Interest Group: Citizenship and Democratic Education of the 62th Comparative and International Education Society
Estados Unidos, 2018
Award for a version of the paper: Miranda, D.; Castillo, J. & Sandoval-Hernandez, A. (2020). Young Citizens Participation: An Empirical Testing of a Conceptual Model, Published at Youth & Society.
Outstanding Early Career Paper Award
Special Interest Group: Large Scale Cross-National Studies of the 62th Comparative and International Education Society
Estados Unidos, 2017
Award for a version of the paper: Miranda, D. (2023). Socio-economic inequalities of families and their differential impact on types of politics participation in the new generation of 24 countries, published at International Journal of Social Psychology.

Macarena Bonhomme
Profesora Asociada
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Ignacio Madero
Associate Professor
Sociology & Public Health
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Roberto Gonzalez
Full Professor
School of Psychology
Santiago, Chile

Maria Santelices
Profesor asociado
Santiago, Chile

Diego Carrasco
Assistant Research Professor
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Felipe Sánchez
Instituto de Sociología
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Profesor Asistente
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales
Universidad de O'Higgins
Rancagua, Chile