
Rodrigo Arnaldo Carrasco Schmidt

Associate Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Prescriptive analytics, in particular, combinatorial problems like scheduling and project management. Design and analysis of approximation algorithms, especially with applications related to control and energy/power management.


  •  Ingeniero Civil de Industrias, Mención Ingeniería Eléctrica, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2002
  •  Ingeniero Civil de Industrias, Mención Ingeniería Eléctrica, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2004
  •  Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería - Control Automático, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2004
  •  Education Abroad Program, University of California at Santa Barbara. Estados Unidos, 2003
  •  Master of Philosophy - Indutrial Engineering and Operations Research, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2010
  •  Doctor of Philosophy - Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2013

Experiencia Académica

  •   Teacher Assistant Part Time


    Santiago, Chile

    1998 - 2004

  •   Teacher Assistant Part Time


    New York, Estados Unidos

    2008 - 2012

  •   Adjunct Instructor Part Time


    New York, Estados Unidos

    2013 - 2013

  •   Associate Professor Full Time


    Faculty of Engineering and Sciences

    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - 2022

  •   Associate Professor Full Time


    Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática y Computacional

    Santiago, Chile

    2022 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Resarch Engineer Full Time

    YX Ltda.

    Santiago, Chile

    2004 - 2004

  •   Resarch Engineer Part Time

    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2003 - 2004

  •   Associate Full Time

    Booz Allen Hamilton

    Santiago, Chile

    2005 - 2008

  •   Research Engineer Full Time

    Siemens Corporate Research

    Princeton, Estados Unidos

    2012 - 2013

  •   Research Assistant Full Time

    Columbia University

    New York, Estados Unidos

    2008 - 2013

  •   UAI Systems Center Director Full Time

    Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - 2018

Formación de Capital Humano

Ph.D. Thesis Currently Supervising
- Andrés Catalán (co-advising with Gonzalo Ruz), 2025 (exp).
- Raúl Araneda, 2028 (exp)

Ph.D. Thesis Supervised
- Anthony Cho (co-advising with Gonzalo Ruz), Prescriptive Maintenance Problems in Astronomical Observatories, 2022.

M.S. Thesis Currently Supervising
- Diego San Martín, 2025 (exp).
- Rodrigo Munizaga, 2025 (exp).

M.S. Thesis Supervised
- Andrés Lagos, Operational energy management strategies with storage, 2023
- César Cerda, Energy storage models for decision support systems, 2023
- Camila Marcuello, Decision support tools for observatory operations, 2023
- Paula Oyarzún, Algorithms for scheduling jobs in servers with penalties and uncertainty, 2022.
- Diego Fuentes (co-advised with Eduardo Moreno), Approximation algorithms for underground mining strategic project scheduling, 2022.
- Helena García, Optimal Energy Management Strategies with Storage, 2022.
- Macarena Azar, Operating Room Scheduling under Uncertain Surgery Times, 2018.
- Bruno Che Leon, Approximation Algorithms for Job Shop Scheduling, 2018.
- Sebastián Roldan, Unconstrained Demand Forecasting for LATAM, 2018
- Juan Jara, Optimization techniques for solving SVMs in Colorization Problems, 2015.

Undergraduate Thesis Supervised
- Constanza Lorca, Strategic Scheduling of Scientific Observations in Service Observatories, 2020
- Javiera Foucaut, Bárbara Morales, Optimal Reconfiguration Strategies for the ALMA Radiotelescope, 2019
- Begoña Gumucio, Ignacio Perez, Optimal Assignment of Professors to Students in Tutoring Courses for Universidad de los Andes, 2018.
- Jean Paul Hirschkowitz, Consuelo Norambuena; Automatic Systems for Fault Detection and Diagnosis at ALMA Radiotelescope, 2017.
- Magdalena Marín, Gianluca Baselli, Salvage Logging after Wildfires using Mixed Integer Programming, 2017.
- Tatiana Hevia, Daniela Thiele; Energy Management in a Microgrid with Multiple Storage Systems, 2016.
- Nataly Balboa, Paulina Castiblanco, Diego Hinojosa; Operational Harvest Scheduling for Forestal Hueicolla, 2016.
- Romina Abdala, Isidora Ramirez; Job Shop Scheduling for Large Problem Instances, 2016.
- Macarena Ballocchi, Loreto Stange; Job Scheduling with Resource Constraints for Prodin S.A., 2016.
- Catalina Flores, María Paz Mayral; Demand Forecasting for El Colorado Skiing Resort, 2016.
- Raúl Ibáñez, Christian Noack; Pricing Strategies for El Colorado Skiing Resort, 2016.
- Slavia Vojkovic, Isabel Margarita Weber; Energy Management in a Solar-Based Microgrid, 2015.
- José Curotto, Javiera Moreno; Revenue Management Tools for Improving the Utilization of Trucks at Lipigas S.A., 2015.
- Sebastián Urzúa, Sebastián Vega; Demand and Capacity Management to Improve Service Level at the University Gymnasium, 2014.
- Valentín Troncoso, Stefan Warda; Mathematical Programming Model for Maintenance Items Format Definition at LATAM Airlines, 2014.

Undergraduate Courses Taught
- Introduction to Data Science (PUC)
- Operations Management (PUC)
- Optimization (UAI)
- Operations Research (UAI)
- Mathematical Modeling (UAI)

Graduate Courses Taught
- Advanced Operations Management (Professional Master, PUC)
- Foundations of Optimization (Professional Master, PUC)
- Asset Allocation (Master Level, Columbia University)
- Linear Optimization (PhD Level, UAI)
- Advanced Optimization (Master Level, UAI)
- Game Theory (PhD Level, UAI)
- Robust Optimization for Portfolio Selection (Master Level, UAI)

Difusión y Transferencia

A whole list of talks can be found at https://www.raxlab.science/talk/
- In 2023, invited to present at the EY Seminar on Opportunities and challenges we see with the new tools in generative AI.
- In 2022, participated in the CNN TV Program "Divergentes" and several radio interviews on applications of Data Science to different industries.
- In 2021, invited to talk about engineering and operations research for the National Engineering Day Seminar at Universidad Católica de Temuco.
- In 2020, invited as a speaker at the Makers Fair Viña and several webinars during the lockdowns.
- In 2018, was the Invited Speaker at the ESO End of Cycle Meeting and in the TV program "Todo por la Ciencia".
- In 2016, participated as one of the main panelists in the First Complex Energy Systems Workshop at Pontificia Universidad Católica, among panelists from several universities and companies.
- In 2015, coordinated the Energy and Optimization Workshop, which allowed the interaction of industry and academic experts in the field. Researchers from 5 different Chilean Universities and 3 French ones, plus representatives of more than 10 companies, discussed important problems in the industry and the current state-of-the-art tools that can be used to solve them. This workshop fostered several research projects directly funded by private companies to do research on energy topics.
- I coordinated the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research seminar at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez from 2013 to 2018, with more than 110 talks, of which over 70 have been done during the last three years. Additionally, these talks are left available for the public on YouTube and are being watched live from all around the country and later from more than 80 countries.

Research Transfer
I have been the Principal Investigator of several applied projects in the last three years, all of which have the objective of transferring and implementing research results to solve real-life problems. The most important in the last five years are:
- Improving Energy Management from Variable Resources with Storage using Stochastic Optimization and Machine Learning (funded by FONDEF) - 2020
- Astronomy 4.0 project for Fault Detection and Diagnostic (funded by CORFO and Ministerio de Economía via de Data Observatory) - 2019
- Developed an Internship Assignment Support System for the Occupational Therapy Department at Universidad de los Andes (privately funded) - 2018
- Developed a vehicle routing and allocation system for ENAP (privately funded) - 2017
- Development of an optimal energy management system for EcoEnergías (funded via CORFO) - 2016.
- Process improvements using artificial intelligence for a health insurance company (privately funded) - 2016.
- Development of autonomous fault detection and diagnosis system for the ALMA Radiotelescope (privately funded) - 2016.
- Development of a production scheduling system for Prodin S.A. (funded via CORFO) - 2015.
- Development of a decision support tool for forecasting and pricing strategies for El Colorado (privately funded) - 2015.
- Algorithm development for a real-time tracking and control system for bus/truck fleet at El Teniente/Codelco (privately funded) - 2014.

Currently holds several global patents for energy management algorithms, that are being implemented in smart grids across the world.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Matrícula de Honor


    Chile, 1997

    Granted to the highest GPA during the previous academic year

  •   Matrícula de Honor


    Chile, 1998

    Granted to the highest GPA during the previous academic year.

  •   Matrícula de Honor


    Chile, 2001

    Granted to the highest GPA during the previous academic year.

  •   Matrícula de Honor


    Chile, 2002

    Granted to the highest GPA during the previous academic year.

  •   Fundacion Andes and Carnegie Institution Scholarship


    Chile, 1999

    Granted to participate in the Astronomy Summer School, at Las Campanas observatory.

  •   Dow Chemical Company Award


    Chile, 2002

    Granted to the highest GPA among M.S. students.

  •   Dean's Honour List


    Estados Unidos, 2003

    Granted to GPAs above 3.5.

  •   Beca Conicyt de asistencia a congresos internacionales


    Chile, 2004

    For assisting and presenting in international conferences.

  •   IEEE Regional Student Paper Contest


    Estados Unidos, 2004

    First place in the Regional Student Paper Contest (R9)

  •   Marcos Orrego Puelma Award


    Chile, 2005

    Granted to the best students among the most important engineering schools in Chile.

  •   Department of Electric Engineering Award


    Chile, 2005

    Granted to the best student graduating from the department.

  •   School of Engineering Award


    Chile, 2005

    Granted to the highest GPA of the class.

  •   Fulbright Scholarship


    Chile, 2008

    Scholarship with CONICYT covering living expenses for 4 years (2008 - 2012) while studying for the Ph.D. degree.

  •   Columbia University Fellowship


    Estados Unidos, 2008

    Fellowship covering tuition and additional expenses while working on the Ph.D degree (given from 2008 to 2013).

  •   INFORMS Computing Society (ICS) Student Paper Award (second place)


    Estados Unidos, 2013

    Second place in the student paper competition.

  •   Excellence in Applied Projects


    Chile, 2020

    Award given each year to one researcher in the School of Engineering and Sciences.

  •   Best Teacher Award


    Chile, 2021

    Best teacher award for the Master in Data Science program, Cohort 1 of 2019.

  •   Best Teacher Award


    Chile, 2021

    Best teacher award for the Master in Data Science program, Cohort 2 of 2019.


Article (17)

Is the change deforestation? Using time-series analysis of satellite data to disentangle deforestation from other forest degradation causes
Uncertainty estimation through quantile forest for prescriptive scheduling of data processing at ALMA
A RUL Estimation System from Clustered Run-to-Failure Degradation Signals
Dealing with uncertain surgery times in operating room scheduling
Improving Prescriptive Maintenance by Incorporating Post-Prognostic Information Through Chance Constraints
Using smartphone photographs of the Moon to acquaint students with non-Euclidean geometry
Operating Room Scheduling under Waiting Time Constraints: the Chilean GES Plan
Real-time fleet management decision support system with security constraints
Slow Degradation Fault Detection in a Harsh Environment
Optimal decisions for salvage logging after wildfires
ALMA engineering fault detection framework
Operating Room Scheduling under Waiting Time Constraints=> the Chilean GES Plan
Resource cost aware scheduling
Fault detection and isolation in cooperative mobile robots using multilayer architecture and dynamic observers
Layered Architecture for Fault Detection and Isolation in Cooperative Mobile Robots
Nonlinear State Estimation in Mobile Robots using a Fuzzy Observer
Fuzzy Logic Based Nonlinear Kalman Filter Applied to Mobile Robot Modelling

BookWhole (1)

Proceedings of the XII Chilean Conference on Operations Research

ConferencePaper (23)

Enhanced Detection of Human-Driven Forest Alterations using Echo State Networks
Minimizing Flow-time Under Uncertainty for Processing Jobs in Servers
Astronomical Scheduling in the Era of Big Observatories
The Online Set Aggregation Problem
Approximation Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling in a Production Process
Capacity Allocation of Operating Rooms under Waiting Time Constraints: The Chilean AUGE program
Energy Management in a Solar Microgrid
Energy Management in a Solar Microgrid Using Stochastic Programming and Data Clustering
Microgrid Energy Management with Renewables and Multiple Storage
Microgrid Energy Management with Renewables and Storage
Model-based fault detection and diagnosis in ALMA subsystems
Energy Management in a Solar Microgrid Using Stochastic Programming and Data Clustering, Analysis and Results
Layered architecture for fault detection and isolation in cooperative mobile robots
Resource Augmentation Algorithm for Single Machine Scheduling with Job-Dependent Convex Cost
Robust Electricity Demand Shaping through Load Shedding and Shifting using Day-Ahead and Real-Time Prices
Single Machine Scheduling with Job-Dependent Convex Cost and Arbitrary Precedence Constraints
Single Machine Scheduling with Job-Dependent Convex Cost and Arbitrary Precedence Constraints using Resource Augmentation
Experimental Results of Approximation Algorithms for Energy Aware Scheduling
Energy aware scheduling: minimizing total energy cost and completion time by alpha-points and alpha-speeds
Nonlinear state estimation in mobile robots using a fuzzy observer
Fuzzy logic based nonlinear Kalman filter applied to mobile robots modelling
Queen-bee Genetic Optimization of an Heuristic Based Fuzzy Control Scheme for a Mobile Robot
Sistema de Guiado para un Robot Movil Basado en Logica Difusa

ConferencePoster (1)

Energy Management in a Photovoltaic Microgrid using Stochastic Programming and Data Clustering

ConferenceProceedingWhole (3)

Approximation Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling in a Production Process, Experimental Results
Operating Room Scheduling under Waiting Time Constraints
Operating Room Scheduling under Waiting Time Constraints, Preliminary Results

Monograph (2)

Resource Cost Aware Scheduling Problems and Analysis
Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Cooperative Mobile Robots

Patent (3)

Equipo, sistema y método para administrar óptimamemte la energía en una red de uso domiciliario e industrial
Demand shaping in an electrical power grid using day ahead market and real time market prices
Demand shaping in an electrical power grid

Proyecto (38)

Development of prioritization strategies for oncological waiting lists with application in the South East Metropolitan Health Service
PLASMA: Analytics Platform for Maintenance Systems
An integer programming approach to production scheduling, with applications in mining, astronomy and other problems
National Strategy and Roadmap for FAIR in Chile
Resource cost-aware scheduling problems under uncertainty
Using deep learning spatial-temporal graph models for seasonal forecasting of extreme temperature events (climateDL)
Alert and monitoring system for environmental relevant areas using satellite imaging
Operations Research Tools Applied to Scheduling in Observatory Operations
Decomposition methods for optimization in networks (DeMON)
Decomposition Methods for Stochastic Fixed-charge Multicommodity Flow Problems
GEMA: mejorando la Gestión de Energía en Microrredes con Almacenamiento vía optimización estocástica y machine Learning
Astronomy 4.0=> Automatic Fault Detection and Diagnosis Systems the New Generation Telescopes
New Strategies for Optimal Last Mile Logistics
Science Project Scheduling=> Strategic and Operational Models
Vehicle Routing and Allocation System
Automatic Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Economic Optimization System for Energy Management
Large Scale Optimization under Uncertainty=> Challenges in Strategic Mine Planning
Demand Forecasting and Pricing Strategies
Production Scheduling Optimization
Production Scheduling: a Mathematical Programming Approach and Applications to Natural Resource Management
Carretera del Cobre Flow Control Algorithm
IROE Project=> Centralized vs. Decentralized Energy Management in a Stochastic Setting
Algorithms for Mathematical Programming
Algorithms for Mathematical Programming with emphasis on bi-level models
Fast First-Order Methods for Large-Scale Structured and Sparse Optimization
Highly dispatchable and distributed demand response for the integration of Distributed Generation
Efficient Algorithms for Problems in the Next Generation of Computing
Fault Detection and Identification in Nonlinear Time Variant Systems
Algorithms for Mathematical Programming
Algorithms for Mathematical Programming with emphasis on bi-level models
Centralized vs. Decentralized Energy Management in a Stochastic Setting
Efficient Algorithms for Problems in the Next Generation of Computing
Fast First-Order Methods for Large-Scale Structured and Sparse Optimization
Fault Detection and Identification in Nonlinear Time Variant Systems
Highly dispatchable and distributed demand response for the integration of Distributed Generation
Large Scale Optimization under Uncertainty: Challenges in Strategic Mine Planning
Rodrigo Carrasco

Associate Professor

Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Aldo Cipriano

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


Santiago, Chile

Javiera Barrera

Profesora Asociada


Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Santiago, Chile

Felipe Núñez

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Eduardo Moreno

Full Professor

Faculty of Engineering and Sciences

Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Peñalolen, Chile

Anthony Cho

Assistant Professor

Universidad Mayor de Chile

Santiago, Chile