Daniela Suzana Rivera Rocabado
Associate Professor
Universidad Mayor de Chile
Santiago, Chile
An interdisciplinary approach with strong links to behavioral ecology, ecological physiology, neurobiology, microbiology, nature-based solutions.
PhD in Biological Sciences majoring in Ecology, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2013
M.Sc. Biological Sciences majoring in Ecology, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2012
Biology, Universidad Mayor de San Simon. Bolivia, 2006
Assistant Professor Full Time
Ciencias, Ingieneria y Tecnologia
Santiago, Chile
2019 - 2023
Professor of course: Biology; a high school student course Part Time
Santiago, Chile
2012 - 2012
Postdoctoral Research Associate FONDECYT 3140395 Full Time
Ciencias Biologicas
Santiago, Chile
2013 - 2016
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Aging and Regeneration, CARE UC. Full Time
Ciencias Biologicas
Santiago, Chile
2017 - 2018
Associate Professor Full Time
Facultad de Ciencias, Ingenieria y Tecnologia
Santiago, Chile
2024 - A la fecha
Postdoctoral Research Associate FONDECYT 3140395 Full Time
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2016 - 2017
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Aging and Regeneration, CARE UC.on, CARE UC Full Time
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2017 - 2018
Assistant Professor Full Time
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile
2019 - 2023
Professor of course: Biology; a high school student course Part Time
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2012 - 2012
Professor Assistant of course: Biostatistics II (BIO249C) Other
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2009 - 2009
Professor Assistant of course: Biostatistics II (BIO249C) Other
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2010 - 2010
Professor Assistant of course: Behaviour Ecology (BIO346B) Other
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2010 - 2010
Professor Assistant of course: Behaviour Ecology (BIO346B) Other
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2011 - 2011
Professor Assistant of course: Behaviour Ecology (BIO346B) Other
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2012 - 2012
Professor Assistant of course: Behaviour Ecology (BIO346B) Other
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2013 - 2013
Professor Assistant of course: Behaviour Ecology (BIO346B) Other
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2014 - 2014
Professor Assistant of course: Behaviour Ecology (BIO346B) Other
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2016 - 2016
Research Assistant Other
Ecological Reserve “Potrerillos del Guenda”
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
2005 - 2008
Research Assistant Other
Center for Biodiversity and Genetics (CBG)
Cochabamba, Chile
2006 - 2008
Research Assistant in the Project of “Andean cat Conservation” Other
Center for Biodiversity and Genetics (CBG)
Cochabamba, Chile
2006 - 2007
Research Assistant in the Project of “Effects of the introduction of pine and eucalyptus on animal diversity in the forests of Polylepis in Tunari National Park” Other
Center for Biodiversity and Genetics (CBG)
Cochabamba, Chile
2004 - 2005
Research Assistant in the Project: “Strategies for feeding and reproduction of three species of poisonous snakes” Other
Ecological Reserve “Potrerillos del Guenda”
Santa Cruz, Chile
2003 - 2006
Research Assistant in the Project of “Assessment and monitoring of flora and fauna of Yungas of Bolivia, Carrasco National Park” Other
Center for Biodiversity and Genetics (CBG)
Cochabamba, Chile
2003 - 2004
Research Assistant associated in the Project “Multitemporal Analysis of Biodiversity Corridor Amboro ? Madidi. Bolivia (Participation in the evaluation of the diversity of flora and fauna in tropical forests within and outside protected areas)” Other
Center for Biodiversity and Genetics (CBG)
Cochabamba, Chile
2001 - 2003
Research Assistant Part Time
Museo de Historia Natural "Alcide d'Orbigny"
Cochabamba, Bolivia
2018 - A la fecha
Responsible for the management and development of Octodon degus colony, for research purposes Part Time
Octodon degus facility
Santiago, Chile
2013 - A la fecha
Associate Professor Full Time
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile
2024 - A la fecha
Associate Professor Full Time
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile
2024 - A la fecha
Undergraduate Teaching
- 2024- Course "Metodologia y Etica en Ciencias" for Biotechnology students, Universidad Mayor. Lecturer in charge.
- 2024- Course "Comunicacion Cientifica II" for Biotechnology students, Universidad Mayor. Lecturer in charge.
- 2020-present Course "Principles of Biology" for Data Science students, Universidad Mayor. Professor in charge.
- 2020-present Course "Ecology and Biodiversity" for Data Science students, Universidad Mayor. Lecturer in charge.
- 2019-present Course "Bioethics and Biosafety" for Biotechnology students, Universidad Mayor. Lecturer in charge.
- 2019 Course "Sustainability and Environment" for students of Occupational Therapy, Kinesiology, Obstetrics, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Nursing, Universidad Mayor. Responsible teacher. Professor in charge
- 2010-2016 Course "Behavioral Ecology" for Biology students, Faculty of Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Assistant professor.
- 2012 Course "Biology" for high school students, Faculty of Science, University of Chile.
- 2009-2010 Course "Biostatistics" for Biology students, Faculty of Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Assistant Professor.
Graduate Teaching
-2024- Course "Taller de escritura academica" Master in Environment and Sustainable Development, Universidad Mayor
- 2020-present Course "Statistics and Experimental Design" for PhD students of Neurobiology. Professor in charge.
- 2020-present Course "Topics and methods in Evolutionary Ecology" for PhD students of Integrative Ecology, Universidad Mayor. Professor in charge.
- 2022 Course "Ecology of stress" for students of the PhD program in Integrative Ecology, Universidad Mayor. Lecturer in charge.
- 2020-present Course "Integrative Ecology" for students of the Doctorate of Integrative Ecology, Universidad Mayor. Collaborating professor.
- 2020-2021 Course "Microbiome and Behavior" for students of the PhD in Integrative Genomics, Universidad Mayor. Lecturer in charge.
- 2020 Course "Ecology of Microbiomes and Symbiosis", for PhD students in Integrative Ecology, Universidad Mayor. Professor in charge.
- 2021 Module "Formulation and presentation of a manuscript in preparation" for students of the Diploma in Quantitative Research Methodology, Universidad Mayor. Lecturer in charge.
- 2021 to present Course "Formulation and presentation of a manuscript in preparation" for students of the Master in Gerontological Kinesiology, Universidad Mayor. Invited professor.
- 2021 to present Course "Formulation and presentation of a manuscript in preparation" for students of the Master in Clinical Exercise Physiology, Universidad Mayor. Invited professor.
- 2021 to present Course "Formulation and presentation of a manuscript in preparation" for students of the Master in Sports Medicine, Universidad Mayor. Invited professor.
Undergraduate Thesis Advisors
- 2023 Thesis director of the student Valentina Beltrán for the Biotechnology degree, Universidad Mayor. "Efecto de la dieta en el microbioma intestinal de Octodon degus".
- 2019-2020 Thesis director of the student Matías Ignacio Valdez to opt for the degree of Veterinary Doctor, Universidad Mayor. "Efecto de la dieta sobre el rendimiento cognitivo del degú (Octodon degus) en condiciones de Bioterio".
- 2020 Thesis director of the student Jahir Muñoz Hernández for the degree of Licenciado, Universidad Metropolitana De Ciencias De La Educación. "Microbioma intestinal de organismos ectotermos y endotermos, ventajas y desventajas de su estudio".
- 2020 Co-director of the thesis of the student Felipe Olea Cubillos for the degree of Licenciado in Agronomy, Universidad Mayor. "Relación de los agroquímicos y el microbioma de abejas comerciales y sus impactos en la polinización de cultivos".
-2021 External member of the academic commission at the Doctoral program of Integrative Ecology, Student name: Oscar Acevedo Valdivia, Universidad Mayor.
- 2020 External member of the academic commission at the Doctoral program of Integrative Genomics, Student name: Ilvanna Salas León, Universidad Mayor.
-2020 External member of the academic commission at the Doctoral program of Biological Sciences majoring in Ecology, Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Student name: Pamela Ubilla ? BIO5110, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
-2017 Supervisor of Professional Practice of the student Isaac Pérez Díaz, Escuela de Recursos Naturales, Duoc, UC.
- 2017 short internship supervisor of the student Magdalena Ñancucheo Tapia, Undergraduate Research Lines, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- 2017 short internship supervisor of the student Darinka Buc Ramirez, Undergraduate Research Lines, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- 2016 short internship supervisor of the student Gabriel Sotelo Salas, Undergraduate Research Lines, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- 2016 Supervisor and responsible of the student Carolina Brain Lindsay, Experimental Unit I (QF080006?1) of the Master's program in Biochemistry, Universidad de Chile.
- 2016 Thesis director of the student Gabi Villanueva Escobar to opt for the Bachelor’s degree, Universidad Mayor de San Simón.
- 2015 supervisor and responsible of the student Isidora Morel Letelier, Research Seminar (BIO296), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Postgraduate Thesis Directorships
- 2024- current Thesis director of the student Camila Molina to opt for the degree of Master In Clinical Physiology of Exercise
- 2024- current Thesis director of the student Francisca Guzman Thomas to opt for the degree of Master's Degree in Environment and Sustainable Development
Universidad Mayor
- 2024-current Thesis director of the student Ramy Martinez to opt for the degree of PhD in Integrative Ecology, Universidad Mayor.
- 2022-current Thesis director of the student Jahir Muñoz to opt for the degree of PhD in Integrative Ecology, Universidad Mayor.
- 2019-2020 Thesis director of the student Ignacio Arellano Albornoz to opt for the degree of Magister in Ethology and Animal Welfare (MEBA), Universidad Mayor. "Influencia del sexo sobre la afiliación y memoria social en el Octodon degus".
- 2019-2020 Thesis director of student Alex Lange for the degree of Magister in Ethology and Animal Welfare (MEBA), Universidad Mayor. "Efecto del género en las interacciones sociales en el roedor Octodon degus".
-2023 Speaker at the 2nd International Workshop on Octodon degus: A natural model from cellular biology to behavioral ecology. Puerto Williams, Chile. "Another way of interpreting behavioral results in neuroscience and other areas: an approach to Multivariate analysis".
- 2021 The article published in the journal Neurobiology of stress (2021): "Live together, die alone": The effect of re-socialization on behavioural performance and social-affective brain-related proteins after a long-term chronic social isolation stress, was featured in the journal Science Featured Series for its contribution to scientific excellence.
- 2020. The article published in Scientific Reports 2020: Effects of long-lasting social isolation and re-socialization on cognitive performance and brain activity: a longitudinal study in Octodon degus was commented on in BBC Worklife in the article: "Why we may have to re-learn to socialise".
- 2021 Note in the Journal of the Universidad Mayor: Science Featured Series recognizes U. Mayor researcher for her contribution to scientific excellence.
- 2022 Note in the Journal of the Universidad Mayor: Do you know the degu?: GEMA Center promotes research using this rodent endemic to Chile as a model
- 2020 Speaker at the Workshops for PhD students: "Effects of stress" Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile.
- 2019 Speaker at the first International Workshop on Octodon degus: A natural model from cellular biology to behavioral ecology. Puerto Williams, Chile. "Octodon degus in physiology and behavior studies under laboratory conditions: achieved goals and future perspectives".
- 2019 Explora Publication (explora.cl): Degu, the extraordinary: https://www.explora.cl/blog/degu-el-extraordinario/
- 2015 Expositora Programa Explora Conicyt Semana Nacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnología "Conversaciones con Cientific@s", Santiago "Octodon degus as a model in biomedicine and ecology".
Vicerrectoría de Investigación (VRAID), Dirección Posgrado (DIP)
Chile, 2012
International conference attendance.
Developing Nations Award (Dev. Nat. member)
Animal Behavior Society (ABS)
Estados Unidos, 2012
Award from the Animal Behavior Society
Latin American Student Field Research Award
American Society of Mammalogist (ASM)
Chile, 2012
Scholarship for Latin American students Field Research Award by the American Society of Mammalogy
Student Research Grants
Animal Behavior Society (ABS)
Chile, 2011
Student Research Grants.
Support Scholarship for postgraduate studies
Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA)
Chile, 2008
Support Scholarship for postgraduate studies.
Support Scholarship for postgraduate studies
Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA)
Chile, 2009
Support Scholarship for postgraduate studies.
Scholarship for postgraduate studies
Chile, 2010
Support Scholarship for postgraduate studies
Ranking of overall average ratings of Biology
Bolivia, 2006
First place in the ranking of overall average ratings of Biology
Conservation International & Darwin Initiative Program Atelopus Initiative
Conservation International & Darwin Initiative Program Atelopus Initiative
Peru, 2005
International course attendance
Traning program in ecological Research
Christensen Foundation
Bolivia, 2003
Training program in ecological research.
II Curso taller "Ecologia y metodologías de investigación en campo"
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco
Peru, 2003
Participation in the area of herpetology, intermediate level that took place at the Mascoitania Farm, Private Reserve of the Centro de Recursos Educativos En la Selva (C.R.E.E.S), Manu Biosphere.
Octodontomys gliroides |
Desarrollo y aplicación de un software basado en inteligencia artificial para el reconocimiento de anomalías en la salud de las colmenas de Apis mellifera |
Impacto del Calentamiento Global en Salud: preliminares in vitro e in vivo – IKAROS |
Nurturing health: social and microbiological insights into breastfeeding in vegan women |
Assessing the interplay between gut microbiome stability metabolism digestive performance and foraging behavior in social Octodon degus |
Andrographolide and physical activity recovers cognitive impairment in a natural model of Alzheimer's disease (Octodon degus) |
Social organization in Octodontomys gliroides and its consequences on the origin and evolution of sociality in octodontid rodents. |
Evaluating the communal nesting and kinship in Andean degus (Octodontomys gliroides) |
EVALUACIÓN DE LOS METODOS DE CAPTURA Y SUJECIÓN DE PRESAS (Rattus rattus) EN LOS VIPÉRIDOS Bothrops neuwiedi, Crotalus durissus terrificus y Lachesis muta muta, (SQUAMATA, VIPERIDAE) EN CAUTIVERIO |
Monitoring of flora and fauna of Yungas of Carrasco National Park, Bolivia |
Multitemporal Analysis of Biodiversity Corridor Amboro - Madidi. Bolivia |
Direct fitness of group living mammals varies with breeding strategy, climate and fitness estimates |

Carolina Oliva
Investigadora y Coordinadora Áreas STEM
Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Doctorados
Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Luis Ebensperger
Full Professor
Santiago, Chile

Santiago, Chile

Fernando Alfaro
Center for Genomics, Ecology and Environment
Universidad Mayor
Santiago, Chile

Pedro Cisternas
Investigador Asociado
Biología Celular
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile