
Pablo Mario Vergara Egert

Profesor Asociado

Universidad de Santiago

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Ecología de Paisaje; Ecología de bosque; Conservación de la biodiversidad


  •  Ciencias Mención Ecología, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2006
  •  Ciencias Mención Ecología , UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2002
  •  Ingeniero Forestal, UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 1997

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2008 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time

    Universidad de Santiago

    Santiago, Chile

    2008 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Tesistas de pregrado: Ingeniería en Agronegocios USACH e Ingeniería Ambiental USACH

Difusión y Transferencia

Publications in International Congresses/Proceedings (2008-presente):

1. 2009. Espinoza JC, Vergara PM & Zulantay M (2009) El sistema de reservas de la biosfera en chile: ¿que tan sustentable es en la actualidad? VII Convención Internacional sobre medioambiente y desarrollo, VI Congreso sobre Áreas Protegidas, La Habana, Cuba, Acta de resúmenes pp 114 (Co Autor)
2. 2009. Vergara PM, Delpiano C & Orellana I (2009) Frugivoría de Persea lingue en bosques fragmentado del sur de Chile. VII Convención Internacional sobre medioambiente y desarrollo, II Congreso de Manejo de Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad, La Habana, Cuba, Acta de resúmenes pp. 91 (Autor)
3. 2009. Vergara PM, Pizarro J & Rodriguez JA (2009) Dinámica de N y P en las principales cuencas hidrográficas en la región centro-sur de Chile. VII Convención Internacional sobre medioambiente y desarrollo, IV Congreso de Gestión Ambiental, La Habana, Cuba, Acta de resúmenes pp. 111, (Autor)
4. 2009. Vergara PM, Zulantay M & Espinoza JC (2009) El sistema de áreas protegidas del estado ubicadas en la región centro sur de chile: ¿funcionan como una red integrada para la biodiversidad? VII Convención Internacional sobre medioambiente y desarrollo, VI Congreso sobre Áreas Protegidas, La Habana, Cuba. Acta de resúmenes pp. 115 (Autor)
5. 2010. Hahn I & Vergara PM (2010): Reproduction and island endemics: nest ecology and conservation of landbirds of the Juan Fernandez Islands, Chile. 40th Anniversary Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 40: 108 (Co Autor)
6. 2011. Hahn I, Vergara PM, Römer U & Baumeister J (2011) Endemic habitat specialists vs. invasive generalists: habitat and population. 41st Annual Meeting “Ecological Functions, Patterns, Processes”, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany (Co Autor)
7. 2011. Hahn I, Vergara PM, Römer U & Baumeister J (2011) Endemic habitat specialists vs. invasive habitat generalists: habitat selection and population fluctuations in Island birds. 12th EEF Congress of the European Ecological Federation Ávila, España, Septiembre (Co Autor)
8. 2011. Hahn I, Vergara PM, Römer U (2011) Population fluctuations and habitat selection in island birds: invasive habitat generalists vs. endemic forest specialists. 6th International Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems, 17. November 2011, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Antalya, Turkey (Co Autor)
9. 2012. Hahn I, Vergara PM, Soto G & Baumeister J (2011) 2010 Chilean tsunami: impacts on soil, flora and fauna of the threatened ecosystem of Robinson Crusoe Island. 105th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, University of Konstanz, Germany 105: 212. (Co Autor)
10. 2012. Soto GE, Vergara PM, Lizama ME, Jimenez JE, Celis C, Duron Q, Rozzi R (2012) Habitat selection of the Magellanic woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) in the Omora Park (55°S), Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile. IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, Chile
11. 2012. Soto GE, Vergara PM, Lizama ME, Celis C, Rozzi R, Duron Q, Hahn I, Jimenez JE (2012) Do beavers improve the habitat quality for Magellanic woodpeckers? IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, Chile
12. 2012. Soto GE, Vergara PM, Lizama ME, Jimenez JE, Rozzi R, Celis C (2012) Uso de hábitat y ámbito de hogar del carpintero negro en la isla Navarino, Reserva de la Biósfera Cabo de Hornos, Chile. Congreso Internacional de Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y Latinoamérica, Salta, Argentina.
13. 2013. Hahn I, Vergara PM, Baumeister J & Soto G (2013): Threatened endemic birds and island environment: case study on structural change, habitat use, and population dynamics. 106th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Ludwig-Maximiliams-University Munich, Germany 106: 124. (Co Autor)
14. 2013. Lizama ME, Soto GE, Vergara PM, Rozzi R, Jimenez JE (2013) Sexual differences in nest attendance by Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus) in the southernmost forest of the world. 98th Annual Ecological Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis 04-09/08/2013 pp. 149 (Co Autor)
15. 2013. Roman I, Jimenez JE, Vergara PM, Rozzi R (2013) Developing sustainable ecotourism with the Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) as a charismatic species in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. One Hundred and Thirty-first Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union held in conjunction, Chicago 14-17/08/2013 pp. 85-86 (Co Autor)
16. 2013. Roman I, Jimenez JE, Vergara PM, Rozzi R (2013) Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) behavior when approached by humans in the context of ecotourism. 98th Annual Ecological Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis 04-09/08/2013 pp. 148, (Co Autor)
17. 2013. Soto GE, Lizama ME, Vergara PM, Rozzi R Jimenez JE (2013) Identifying tree attributes selected for foraging by Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus) in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. 98th Annual Ecological Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis 04-09/08/2013 pp. 149, (Co Autor)
18. 2015. Soto GE, Vergara PM, Perez-Hernández CG (2015) Home-range scale's attributes limiting the habitat selection pattern on magellanic woodpecker 100th ESA Annual Meeting, Baltimore 09-15/08/2015, (Co Autor)
19. 2016. Soto G, Perez-Hernandez C, Hahn I, Rodewald A, Vergara PM (2016) Tree senescence as a direct measure of habitat quality: linking red-edge vegetation indices to space use by Magellanic woodpeckers. North American Ornithological Conference (NOAC VI), Washington DC 16-20/08/2016 pp. 432
20. 2016. Meneses L, Vergara PM, Soto G , Saavedra M (2016) The role of conservation areas in maintaining local populations of Magellanic woodpeckers in southern Chile North American Ornithological Conference (NOAC VI), Washington DC 16-20/08/2016 pp. 304-305
21. 2016. Simonetti, J.A., Grez, AA, Vergara, PM, Pliscoff, P. 2016. Tala rasa, talón de Aquiles en la sustentabilidad forestal. VI Reunión Binacional de Ecología, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina
22. 2017. Barceló, M, Grez AA, Ramírez K, Russek, L, Vergara, PM, Simonetti JA, Rewilding clearcuts: a challenge to biodiversity conservation in forestry landscapes. 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Cartagena, Colombia

Publications in national Congresses/Proceedings (2008-presente):
1. 2015. Ramírez-Collio, K., Vergara, PM., Simonetti, JA. 2015. Abundancia y movimiento del Hued-Hued Castaño (Pteroptochus castaneus: Rhinocryptidae). XXII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Ecología de Chile
2. 2017. Riera, P., Vergara, PM, Simonetti, JA. Abundancia del Hued-hued castaño (Pteroptochos castaneus) en paisajes dominados por actividades humanas XXIV Reunión Anual Sociedad de Ecología de Chile
3. 2017. Barahona-Segovia, RM, Pliscoff, P., Grez, AA., Vergara, PM, SImonetti, JA. 2017. Conectando el paisaje forestal generando corredores de mínimo costo. XXIV Reunión Anual Sociedad de Ecología de Chile


Article (84)

Area-restricted search in Magellanic Woodpeckers: importance of tree senescence, forest composition and open habitats (Mar, 10.1007/s10336-021-01878-w, 2021)
Effects of urban environmental conditions and landscape structure on taxonomic and functional groups of insects
Giants are coming? Predicting the potential spread and impacts of the giant Asian hornet (Vespa mandarinia, Hymenoptera:Vespidae) in the USA
Latitude does not influence cavity entrance orientation of South American avian excavators
Native bees in Mediterranean semi-arid agroecosystems: Unravelling the effects of biophysical habitat, floral resource, and honeybees
Recent rapid colonization of the invasive species Bagrada hilaris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in the collapsed ecosystem Aculeo lake, Chile
Remote-sensing estimates of forest structure and dynamics as indicators of habitat quality for Magellanic woodpeckers
Scale-dependent habitat use from an individual-based perspective: the case of the endangered Darwin's fox living in heterogeneous forest landscapes
The failed invasion ofHarmonia axyridisin the Azores, Portugal: Climatic restriction or wrong population origin?
Tree decay modulates the functional response of lichen communities in Patagonian temperate forests
Current and future spatial assessment of biological control as a mechanism to reduce economic losses and carbon emissions: the case of Solanum sisymbriifolium in Africa
Defining corridors for movement of multiple species in a forest-plantation landscape
Expansion of the Emerging Fungal PathogenCryptococcus bacillisporusInto America: Linking Phylogenetic Origin, Geographical Spread and Population Under Exposure Risk
Landscape-scale effects of forest degradation on insectivorous birds and invertebrates in austral temperate forests
Landscape-scale management of exotic forest plantations: synergy between deadwood and clear-cutting synchrony modulates saproxylic beetle diversity
Regeneration of Quercus spp. along interactive forest boundaries in a fragmented peri-urban landscape of Mexico City
Rodent assemblage composition as indicator of fire severity in a protected area of south-central Chile
Spatial Quantification of the Population Exposed to Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii Species Complexes in Europe: Estimating the Immunocompetent and HIV/AIDS Patients Under Risk
Trophic behavior of specialist predators from a macroecological approach: The case of the magellanic woodpecker in south American temperate forests
A native long horned beetle promotes the saproxylic diversity in exotic plantations of Monterrey pine
Behavioral switching in Magellanic woodpeckers reveals perception of habitat quality at different spatial scales
Chronicle of an Environmental Disaster: Aculeo Lake, the Collapse of the Largest Natural Freshwater Ecosystem in Central Chile
Landscape-mediated edge effect in temperate deciduous forest: implications for oak regeneration
Intersexual segregation in foraging microhabitat use by Magellanic Woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus): Seasonal and habitat effects at the worlds southernmost forests
The fruit of competition: seed dispersal by Magellanic Woodpeckers in the threatened Valdivian Rainforest
Converting clear cutting into a less hostile habitat: The importance of understory for the abundance and movement of the Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet (Pteroptochos castaneus: Rhinocryptidae)
How does the replacement of native forest by exotic forest plantations affect the diversity, abundance and trophic structure of saproxylic beetle assemblages?
Magellanic Woodpeckers in three national parks of central-southern Chile: habitat effects and population variation over the last two decades
Occupancy pattern of a long-horned beetle in a variegated forest landscape: linkages between tree quality and forest cover across spatial scales
The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project
Tree senescence as a direct measure of habitat quality: Linking red-edge Vegetation Indices to space use by Magellanic woodpeckers
Cooling and eutrophication of southern Chilean lakes
Diversity, biogeography, abundance, and conservation of the birds of Mocha Island National Reserve, Chile
Foraging Behaviour in Magellanic Woodpeckers Is Consistent with a Multi-Scale Assessment of Tree Quality
Is metapopulation patch occupancy in nature well predicted by the Levins model?
Lethal Agonistic Behavior between Two Male Magellanic Woodpeckers Campephilus magellanicus Observed in the Cape Horn Area
Mesocarnivores respond to fine-grain habitat structure in a mosaic landscape comprised by commercial forest plantations in southern Chile
The austral thrush (Turdus falcklandii) reduces the seed germination for the urban ornamental tree glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) in Santiago, Chile
Diurnal Human Activity and Introduced Species Affect Occurrence of Carnivores in a Human-Dominated Landscape
Do corridors promote connectivity for bird-dispersed trees? The case of Persea lingue in Chilean fragmented landscapes
Hierarchical spatial decisions in fragmented landscapes: Modeling the foraging movements of woodpeckers
Tsunami impact on the population development of a critically endangered hummingbird species of a Pacific island
Impact of the 2010 tsunami on an endangered insular soil-plant system
Influence of land use and climate on the load of suspended solids in catchments of Andean rivers
Potential impact of the Alien American Mink (Neovison vison) on Magellanic woodpeckers (Campephilus magellanicus) in Navarino Island, Southern Chile
The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts
Deforestation in central Chile causes a rapid decline in landscape connectivity for a forest specialist bird species
First description of the micro-habitat selection pattern of the island endemic Juan Fernandez Tit-tyrant
Matrix composition and corridor function for austral thrushes in a fragmented temperate forest
Nest-site selection by Slender-billed Parakeets in a Chilean agricultural-forest mosaic
Biodiversity and biogeography of birds in Pacific Mexico along an isolation gradient from mainland Chamela via coastal Marias to oceanic Revillagigedo Islands
Biodiversity and biogeography of birds in Pacific Mexico along an isolation gradient from mainland Chamela via coastal Marias to oceanic Revillagigedo Islands
Do beavers improve the habitat quality for Magellanic Woodpeckers?
Importance of nest attributes in the conservation of endemic birds of the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile
An island biogeography approach for understanding changes in compositional similarity at present scenario of biotic homogenization
Habitat selection and population trends in terrestrial bird species of Robinson Crusoe Island: habitat generalists versus forest specialists
Importance of nest attributes in the conservation of endemic birds of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile
Matrix-dependent corridor effectiveness and the abundance of forest birds in fragmented landscapes
Effective point count duration for estimating bird Species’ richness in Chilean forests.
Conserving Chile's most critically endangered bird species: First data on foraging, feeding, and food items of the Masafuera Rayadito (Aves: Furnariidae)
Description of Dicrossus foirni sp. n. and Dicrossus warzeli sp. n. (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae), two new cichlid species from the Rio Negro and the Rio Tapajos, Amazon drainage, Brazil
Effective Point-Count Duration for Estimating Bird Species' Richness in Chilean Forests
Frugivory on Persea lingue in temperate Chilean forests: interactions between fruit availability and habitat fragmentation across multiple spatial scales
Heavy metals in northern Chilean rivers: Spatial variation and temporal trends
Nutrients dynamics in the main river basins of the centre-southern region of Chile
The importance of forest patch networks for the conservation of the Thorn-tailed Rayaditos in central Chile
Vegetation structure affects bird community composition in an island ecosystem: the role of nativity and introduction
Biogeography, diversity, and conservation of the birds of the Juan Fernández Islands, Chile
Linking edge effects and patch size effects: Importance of matrix nest predators
Responses of Chilean forest birds to anthropogenic habitat fragmentation across spatial scales
Conservation of birds in evergreen Chilean forest: the effect of partial cutting systems
Conservation of birds in evergreen Chilean forests: the effect of partial cutting systems
Effects of nest box size on nesting and renesting decisions of Thorn-tailed Rayaditos (Aphrastura spinicauda) and House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon)
On the seasonal effect of landscape structure on a bird species: the thorn-tailed rayadito in a relict forest in northern Chile
A new bird-flea from Chile (Siphonaptera : Ceratophyllidae)
A new bird-flea from Chile (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae) Description d'une nouvelle puce d'oiseau provenant du Chili (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae)
Abundance and movement of understory birds in a maulino forest fragmented by pine plantations
Aggregate retention in two Tierra del Fuego Nothofagus forests: Short-term effects on bird abundance
Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) sap feeding and its role in the Tierra del Fuego forest bird assemblage
Avian responses to fragmentation of the Maulino Forest in central Chile
Does nest-site cover reduce nest predation for rhinocryptids?
Magellanic woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) abundance and foraging in Tierra del Fuego, Chile
Forest fragmentation and rhinocryptid nest predation in central Chile
El canquén (Chloephaga poliocefala) en bosques de Tierra del fuego: distribución y depredadores

BookSection (2)

Aves y mamíferos de bosque
¿Cómo responden los animales del bosque a las perturbaciones antropogénicas?

BookWhole (1)

Fauna Nativa en plantaciones forestales. Guía de Campo

EditorialMaterial (1)

Native forest replacement by exotic plantations triggers changes in prey selection of mesocarnivores

Proyecto (14)

How do Magellanic woodpeckers respond to the functional connectivity of longhorn beetle metapopulations in degraded forest landscapes?
Rewilding after clearcutting: a missing step for forestry sustainability
Rewilding after clearcutting=> a missing step for forestry sustainability
Do Magellanic woodpeckers switch their movement decisions from a bottom-up to a top-down strategy when landscape fragmentation increases?
Estructura espacial de las poblaciones de rayaditos en bosques fragmentados de Chile=> efecto de las decisiones de movimiento basadas en la calidad del hábitat
The Use Of Riparian Forest Corridors By Fruit-Eating Birds In The Central Valley Of Southern Chile: Does The Matrix Matter?
The use of riparian forest corridors by fruit-eating birds in the central valley of southern Chile=> does the matrix matter?
Efectos de la fragmentación del hábitat sobre la persistencia metapoblacional de las aves de bosques del sur de Chile: utilización de modelos espacialmente realistas
Efectos de la fragmentación del hábitat sobre la persistencia metapoblacional de las aves de bosques del sur de Chile=> utilización de modelos espacialmente realistas
Fragmentación de bosques y uso del hábitat por rinocríptidos
Proyecto de Monitoreo Ambiental Río Condor, en la especialidad de aves y especies amenazadas, XII Región
Herbivory and forest fragmentation=> a temperate/tropical comparison
Do Magellanic woodpeckers switch their movement decisions from a bottom-up to a top-down strategy when landscape fragmentation increases?
Pablo Vergara

Profesor Asociado

Gestión Agraria

Universidad de Santiago

Santiago, Chile

Gerardo Soto


Instituto de Estadística

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Alberto Alaniz

Investigador Postdoctoral

Departamento de Gestión Agraria

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Javier Simonetti


Ciencias Ecológicas


Santiago, Chile

Dario Moreira

Profesor asistente

Gestión Agraria

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Jaime Pizarro

Full Professor

Ingeniería Geográfica

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Cristian Fierro

Asistente de Investigación

Ciencias Agrarias

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Madelaine Quiroz


Gestión Agraria

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Ignacio Núñez

PhD Candidate

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Armesto

Full Professor

Departamento de Ecología


Santiago, Chile

Sergio Castro

Profesor Asociado


Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Horacio Samaniego

Associate Professor

Conservación, Biodiversidad y Territorio

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Antonio Rivera

Profesor Asociado

Instituto de Entomología


Santiago, Chile

Hernan Cofre

Profesor Adjunto

Facultad de Ciencias

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Ricardo Rozzi


Philosophy & Religion

University of North Texas

Denton, Estados Unidos

Tomás Altamirano

Investigador Asociado

Departamento de Ecosistemas y Medio Ambiente

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Ignacio Fernandez

Associate Professor

Departamento de Ciencias

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Santiago, Chile

José Ibarra

Profesor Asociado

Campus Villarrica & Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal (FAIF)

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Villarrica, Chile

Cecilia Smith

Profesora Titular

Universidad de Los Lagos

Osorno, Chile

Pablo Gutiérrez

Profesor adjunto


Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Sharon Rodriguez


Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Ivan Brito

Profesor Titular


Universidad de Antofagasta

Antofagasta, Chile

André Rubio

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas Animales

Universidad de Chile

Santiago , Chile

Fabian Jaksic

Full Profesor


Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Vásquez

profesor titular

Ciencias Ecológicas


Santiago, Chile

Cristóbal Briceño




Patricio Pliscoff

Profesor Asistente


Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Reinaldo Vargas


Departamento de Biología

Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Santiago, Chile

Cristián Delpiano


Universidad de La Serena

La Serena, Chile

Karla García


Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile