
Cynthia Fuentealba Sudy

Médico Urólogo

Hospital DIPRECA

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Urología ; Urodinamia ; Cáncer de próstata


  •  Urología, UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Chile, 2011
  •  Médico Cirujano, UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Chile, 2007
  •  Cirugía de Piso Pélvico, UNIVERSIDAD DE VALPARAISO. Chile, 2015

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Adjunto II Part Time


    Ciencias Médicas

    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - A la fecha

  •   Tutor Clínico Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Médico Urólogo Part Time

    Hospital DIPRECA

    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - A la fecha

  •   Médico Urólogo Part Time

    Hospital de Carabineros

    Santiago, Chile

    2010 - A la fecha

  •   Médico Urólogo Part Time

    Hospital Sotero Del Rio

    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - 2015


Article (34)

Minimal Residual Disease Defines the Risk and Time to Biochemical Failure in Patients with Pt2 and Pt3a Prostate Cancer Treated With Radical Prostatectomy: An Observational Prospective Study
The CAPRA score versus sub-types of minimal residual disease to predict biochemical failure after external beam radiotherapy
Combining the Prostate Cancer Risk Index (PRIX) with the presence of secondary circulating prostate cells to predict the risk of biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer
Minimum residual disease in patients post radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer: Theoretical considerations, clinical implications and treatment outcome
Prevalencia de hiperactividad del detrusor secundaria a valsalva en mujeres sometidas a estudio urodinámico para estudio de incontinencia urinaria o síndrome de vejiga hiperactiva
A comparison of 3 on-line nomograms with the detection of primary circulating prostate cells to predict prostate cancer at initial biopsy
Comparación entre dos calculadoras de riesgo en línea para la detección de cáncer de próstata versus el rendimiento de las células prostáticas circulantes en sangre para la detección de cáncer de próstata de alto riesgo en una biopsia inicial
The presence of primary circulating prostate cells is associated with upgrading and upstaging in patients eligible for active surveillance
Comparison between use of PSA kinetics and bone marrow micrometastasis to define local or systemic relapse in men with biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer
Does the presence of primary circulating prostate cells imply the presence of agressive prostate cancer with early biochemical failure: A comparison with the Walz Nomogram
Efficacy of using sequential primary circulating prostate cell detection for initial prostate biopsy in men suspected of prostate cancer
Head to head comparison of the chun nomogram, percentage free PSA and primary circulating prostate cells to predict the presence of prostate cancer at repeat biopsy
Outcome of radical prostatectomy in primary circulating prostate cell negative prostate cancer
Prediction model for early biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy based on the Cancer of the Prostate Risk Assessment score and the presence of secondary circulating prostate cells
Comparison of the formula of PSA, age, prostate volume and race versus PSA density and the detection of primary malignant circulating prostate cells in predicting a positive initial prostate biopsy in chilean men with suspicion of prostate cancer
Comparison of the Walz nomogram and presence of secondary circulating prostate cells for predicting early biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer in chilean men
Expression of P504S and matrix metalloproteinase-2 in circulating prostate cells disseminated as a result of transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy as determined by immunocytochemistry: Clinical implications
Head-to-head comparison of the Montreal nomogram with the detection of primary malignant circulating prostate cells to predict prostate cancer at initial biopsy in Chilean men with suspicion of prostate cancer
Possible role of HER-2 in the progression of prostate cancer from primary tumor to androgen independence
Prostate cancer screening in the fit chilean elderly: A head to head comparison of total serum PSA versus age adjusted PSA versus primary circulating prostate cells to detect prostate cancer at initial biopsy
A Comparative Performance Analysis of Total PSA, Percentage Free PSA, PSA Velocity, and PSA Density versus the Detection of Primary Circulating Prostate Cells in Predicting Initial Prostate Biopsy Findings in Chilean Men
Elimination of primary circulating prostate cells after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer decreases the risk of future biochemical failure
Extended use of P504S Positive Primary Circulating Prostate Cell Detection to Determine the Need for Initial Prostate Biopsy in a Prostate Cancer Screening Program in Chile
Primary circulating prostate cells are not detected in men with low grade small volume prostate cancer
A performance analysis of the presence of malignant circulating prostate cells as a predictive factor for the detection of prostate cancer in the first, second and third prostate biopsy
A performance analysis of the presence of malignant circulating prostate cells as a predictive factor for the detection of prostate cancer in the first, second and third prostatic biopsy
Circulating prostate cells found in men with benign prostate disease are P504S negative: Clinical implications
Effect of Androgen Blockade on HER-2 and Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Expression on Bone Marrow Micrometastasis and Stromal Cells in Men with Prostate Cancer
Secondary Circulating Prostate Cells Predict Biochemical Failure in Prostate Cancer Patients after Radical Prostatectomy and without Evidence of Disease
Redefining micrometastasis in prostate cancer - a comparison of circulating prostate cells, bone marrow disseminated tumor cells and micrometastasis: Implications in determining local or systemic treatment for biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy
Diagnostic performance of malignant prostatic cells detection in blood for early detection of prostate cancer: Comparison to prostatic biopsy Rendimiento diagnóstico de la detección de células prostáticas malignas en la circulación sanguínea para la detección precoz de cáncer prostático: UNA comparación con la biopsia prostática
Detection and characteristics of primary circulating prostate cells; association with micrometastasis and implications for surgical treatment of men with prostate c‡ncer [Detecci—n y caracter’sticas de cŽlulas prost‡ticas circulantes primarias, asociaci—n con la presencia de micromet‡stasis y las implicaciones para el tratamiento quirœrgico en hombres con c‡ncer prost‡tico]
P504S expressing circulating prostate cells as a marker for prostate cancer

Abstract (1)

From clinical trial to clinical practice: The use of primary circulating prostate cells to detect prostate cancer at first biopsy

Review (2)

The presence of secondary circulating prostate tumour cells determines the risk of biochemical relapse for patients with low- and intermediate-risk prostate cancer who are treated only with external radiotherapy
Transitory Spontaneous Remission of Myelodysplasia in an Elderly Man while Receiving Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin for Bladder Cancer: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Cynthia Fuentealba

Médico Urólogo


Hospital DIPRECA

Santiago, Chile

nigel murray



Universidad Finis Terrae

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Tapia

Jefe Técnico Unidad de Paciente Crítico (UPC)

Unidad Paciente Critico (UPC)

Hospital Clinico Metropolitano La Florida

Santiago, Chile

Gloria Calaf

Directora Laboratorio Biología del cáncer

Universidad de Tarapacá

Arica, Chile