
Carlos Fernando Cares Gallardo


Universidad de La Frontera


Líneas de Investigación

Semantics of Models and Representational Languages; Ingeniería de Software; Informática Jurídica


  •  Doctor de la Comunidad Europea, UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE CATALUNA. España, 2012
  •  Informática, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 1990

Experiencia Académica

  •   Asociado Full Time


    1990 - 2013

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor

    Universidad de La Frontera


    1990 - At present


Article (26)

Do developers care about code smells? A replicated study from Chile
From Business Process to Data Model: A Systematic Mapping Study
Distinciones Conceptuales para la Trazabilidad de la Historia de la Ley
Top ten NFR to survive in the “brave new world” of E-government applications
Feature Modeling Languages: Denotations and Semantic Differences
Feature Modeling Languages: Denotations and Semantic Differences
On Optimizing the Path to Information Security Compliance
Public Bidding Software: Metrics Based on Speech Acts
Software Call for Tenders: Metrics Based on Speech Acts
Towards a Unified Feature Metamodel: a Systematic Comparison of Feature Languages
Towards a Unified Feature Metamodel: a Systematic Comparison of Feature Languages
A metamodelling approach for i* model translations
On the joint use of i* with other modelling frameworks: A vision paper
Towards interoperability of i* models using iStarML
Towards interoperability of i* models using iStarML
Towards interoperability of i* models using iStarML
3MSF: A framework to select mobile office devices
3MSF: A framework to select mobile office devices
3MSF: A framework to select mobile office devices
Selecting Mobile Office Devices using a Goal-Oriented Approach
Selecting Mobile Office Devices using a Goal-Oriented Approach
Extending tropos for a prolog implementation: A case study using the food collecting agent problem
Extending tropos for a prolog implementation: A case study using the food collecting agent problem
Using Antimodels to Define Agents' Strategy
Extending Tropos for a Prolog Implementation: A case study using the Food Collecting Agent Problem
Computer Aided Call for Tenders: A Tool for Software Bidding

BookWhole (1)

The i* framework for goal-oriented modeling

ConferencePaper (21)

A real approach on web systems packaging and delivery
Agent-Oriented Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems
Are relevant the code smells on maintainability effort? A laboratory experiment
An Overview of Syntactic and Semantic Issues in Software Product Lines
Methodology for the information security controls selection [Metodología para la Selección de Controles de Seguridad de la Información]
Towards iStarML 2.0: Closing gaps from evolved requirements
Top ten NFR to survive in the "brave new world" of E-government applications [Los 10 NFR de Oro para sobrevivir en el "maravilloso mundo nuevo" de las aplicaciones de gobierno electrónico]
Top Ten NFR to Survive in the Brave New World of E-government Applications
Call for tenders challenges in practice: A field study
Feature modeling languages: Denotations and semantic differences
On Optimizing the Path to Information Security Compliance
Public Bidding Software: Metrics Based on Speech Acts
Software call for tenders: Metrics based on speech acts
Towards a unified feature metamodel: A systematic comparison of feature languages
A metamodelling approach for i* model translations
iStarML: Principles and implications
Model interchange and tool interoperability in the i* framework: A proof of concept
On the joint use of i* with other modelling frameworks: A vision paper
Tool interoperability using iStarML
Definition and uses of the i* Metamodel
Selecting Mobile Office Devices using a Goal-Oriented Approach
Carlos Cares


Universidad de La Frontera


Samuel Sepúlveda

Académico JC

Ciencias de la Computación e Informática

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Mauricio Diéguez


Ciencias de la Computación e Informática

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Jorge Hochstetter


Ciencias de la Computación e Infomática

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Oscar Ancán


Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Informática

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Claudio Navarro


Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Informática

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile