
Macarena Andrea Silva Trujillo

Associate Researcher

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

My research interests concern: Reading comprehension development. Higher-level language skills involved in early reading comprehension. Quality Early Childhood Education.


  •  Educational Psychology, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2007
  •  PhD in Psychology, UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER. Reino Unido, 2012

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctoral researcher Full Time


    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - 2014

  •   Research Assisstant Part Time


    Science and Technology

    Reino Unido

    2008 - 2009

  •   Research Assisstant Part Time


    Ciencias Sociales

    Santiago, Chile

    2006 - 2007

  •   Associate Researcher Full Time


    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Inicia test: Coordinator of the language items development (for preschool teachers) Other

    Centre for Advanced Research in Education

    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - At present

  •   Disciplinary specialist in the creation of the Disciplinary Standards for initial teacher training Other

    Centre for advanced research in education

    Santiago, Chile

    2010 - 2010

  •   Coordination of the impact assessment of the 'Primero Lee' program Other

    Centre for advanced research in education

    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - 2013

  •   Coordinator of the curricula analyses of the language area for the ERCE test (developed by UNESCO) Other

    Centre for advanced research in education

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - 2017

  •   Director of the impact assessment of the OWL (opening the worlds of learning) curriculum implemented by the Opportunity Foundation in preschool classrooms Other

    Centre for advanced research in education

    Santiago, Chile

    2016 - 2017

  •   Impact assessment of 'A Good Start' project, implemented by the Opportunity Foundation Other

    Centre for advanced research in education

    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - 2018

Formación de Capital Humano

- Advisor of a Postdoctoral researcher (Ernesto Guerra), funded by Fondecyt Postdoctorado (year 2017)
- Master's thesis advisor of Natalia Gallegos, to obtain the title of Master in Cognitive Development (Program of the Diego Portales University)

Teaching experience:
* Social Sciences Faculty, University of Chile, Preschool education. Course for undergraduate students: Foundations of learning and development and Theories of learning and development (2015)
* Social Sciences Faculty, University of Chile, Preschool education. Course for undergraduate students: Language and Communication I and II (2013-2014)
* Psychology Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Cato?lica de Chile, Undergraduate course: Intelligence, Reasoning, and Language
* Psychology Faculty, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Master in Psychology, Postgraduate course: Advanced Quantitative Methods
* Psychology Faculty, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Undergraduate courses: Research Methods; Quantitative methods I and II
* Psychology Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Undergraduate course: Developmental psychology
* Psychology Department, Lancaster University: Tutor of the following undergraduate courses:
- Investigating psychology (2008 - 2011)
- Developmental psychology: (2008 - 2010)
- Understanding psychology: (2008 – 2010)

Difusión y Transferencia

Distance course (MOOC offered through COURSERA platform): Comprehensive reading in children aged 4-8: Central topics to promote their development (2018).

Invited professor to give a talk for an educational corporation in Chillan (June, 2016).

Invited professor in the 'Segundo Coloquio Regional sobre Lectura y Fomento Lector', Talca (July, 2015).

Invited professor to do a research visit (one week) at the Educational research department at University of La Laguna directing an international research seminar (September, 2010).

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Doctoral studentship


    Reino Unido, 2008

    Doctoral studentship to support PhD studies.

  •   Beca presidente de la republica


    Chile, 2007

    Award to develop PhD studies abroad (UK) during 4 years.

  •   International Travel Award

    Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading

    Canada, 2017

    Award received for the paper presented in the Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading conference, consisting on U$1000 to support travel/expenses to attend the conference.

  •   International Travel Award

    Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading

    Chile, 2012

    Award for the paper presented at the society for the scientific studies of reading conference, consisting on U$1000 to attend the conference.

  •   Grindley Grant

    Experimental Psychology Society

    Reino Unido, 2010

    Grant obtained to support conference expenses.


Article (8)

The use of questions to scaffold narrative coherence and cohesion
Reading comprehension in children with specific language impairment: An Exploratory study of linguistic and decoding skills
Reading comprehension, linguistics abilities and decodification in young students with SLI
The relations between lower and higher level comprehension skills and their role in prediction of early reading comprehension
Early narrative skills in Chilean preschool: Questions scaffold the production of coherent narratives
El estudio de la comprensión lectora en Latinoamérica: necesidad de un enfoque en comprensión.
Symbolic understanding of pictures and written words share a common source
Gestión del Tiempo en 12 Salas Chilenas de Kindergarten: Recreo, Colación y Algo de Instrucción

BookSection (4)

Preschool teaching and language development: what do we need to focus on
Early childhood education and care in Chile: An overview of preschool education
The contribution of narrative to early reading development
El rol de las preguntas en el desarrollo del lenguaje

ConferencePaper (8)

The skills behind early comprehension of narrative and expository text
The prediction of inference making skill and its role in early reading comprehension
La influencia del problema linguístico de los ninños TEL en la comprensio?n lectora
Narrative skill: ways to understand and promote its development
The use of questions to scaffold narrative cohesion and coherence
Narrative production and comprehension: the role of home literacy and oral language
Symbolic development in preschool children
The influence of home literacy in the comprehension and production of mental states in narrative

ConferencePoster (4)

Written production in Chilean elementary school: an exploratory study of children narrative skills
Using questions to scaffold narrative production
What can children do with a wordless book? Narrative production and comprehension: the role of home literacy, language, and cognitive abilities.
The use of questions to scaffold narrative production

Proyecto (2)

Intervención en conciencia fonológica, léxico y gramática para apoyar la comprensión lectora de niños con riesgo lector
Estructura textual narrativa y expositiva en el nivel preescolar y su relación con la comprensión lectora temprana
Macarena Silva

Associate Researcher

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Katherine Strasser


Escuela de Psicología

Pontificia Uniersidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Carmen Sotomayor

Profesora Titular

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Carmen Coloma

Profesora Titular

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

María Lissi

Profesora titular


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile