
Alejandro José ROJAS NORMAN

Associate Professor

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Research lines are in order of relevance: - Control over Networks - Process Control - Systems Biology


  •  Ingeniero Civil Electrónico, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 2001
  •  Electronic Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 2001
  •  Electrical Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE. Australia, 2007

Experiencia Académica

  •   Research Academic Full Time


    Engineering and Built Environment

    Newcastle, Australia

    2007 - 2010

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    Concepción, Chile

    2010 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research Academic Full Time

    The University of Newcastle

    Newcasle, Australia

    2007 - 2010

Formación de Capital Humano

Undergraduate Theses

Directed: 28

1) Felipe Rogers, “Sistema de Presencia Académica a Través de Sensor de Movimiento y Control de Asistencia a Través de Huellas Dactilares Usando un Microcontrolador”, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 27/03/2018

2) Mario Rozas, “Identificación de un Modelo para la Nueva Estructura del Microcanal”, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 29/03/2017

3) Sixto Rojas, “Modelación y Control del Proceso de Pasteurización de Leche”, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 10/03/2017

4) Alberto Villagra, “Rediseño de una Compuerta Accionada por Servomotor para Microcanal”, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 10/03/2017

5) Rubén Alarcón, “Control de Caudal en un Canal Hidráulico”, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 24/08/2016

6) Gustavo Vera, “Control de consumo de energía compuerta microcanal“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 29/01/2016

7) Ricardo Reyes, “Uso de estrategia de control fuzzy para microcanal“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 26/01/2016.

8) Raúl Cortés, “Estudio de Interferencias en redes de 2.4 GHz“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 20/01/2016.

9) Omar Castro, “Uso de Estrategias de Control de Predictor de Smith“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 20/01/2016.

10) Klaus Wilckens, “Sistema de Control de agua de microcanal de regadío interrumpiendo la realimentación“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 17/08/2015.

11) Nolbert Cuevas, “Control de Microcanal de Regadío Utilizando Sensor/Transmisor Inalámbrico de Nivel Alimentado con Sistema de Generación a Través de Paneles Solares“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 19/12/2014.

12) Rodrigo Fernández, “Montaje y Control de Compuerta accionada por Motor paso a paso en Microcanal“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 19/12/2014.

13) Miguel Castro, “Diseño de controladores con margenes de ganancia y fase establecidos“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 29/08/2014.

14) Gabriel Moreno, “Integración compuerta automática para estudio de control prealimentado en Microcanal“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 27/08/2014.

15) Camilo Ponce, “Comparación de Tecnología Alámbrica e Inalámbrica para Medición de Nivel de Agua en Microcanal“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 02/04/2014.

16) Hector Veloso, “Proyecto Eléctrico de Automatización de Horno de Recocido para Alambrón“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 27/03/2014.

17) Roberto Honorato, “Control PI por Eventos“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 27/03/2014.

18) Bruno Moraga, “Modelación de Microcanal para Control y Estimación“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 26/03/2014.

19) Ignacio Hernandez, “Implementación de Soluciones de Control para Planta Microcanal“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 26/03/2014.

20) Alvaro Coronado, “Diseño de Controladores para Canales de Regadío“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 02/08/2013.

21) Wagner Ramírez, “Control en Tiempo Continuo para Planta Microcanal“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/ Bachillerato/Bachelor, 02/08/2013.

22) Felipe Fuentes, “Solución Inalámbrica para Medición de Nivel en un Prototipo de Canal de Regadío“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/ Bachillerato/Bachelor, 02/04/2013.

23) Rodrigo Avila, “Modelación y control del canal Hidráulico del Laboratorio de Ingenieria Hidráulica y Ambiental de la UdeC.“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/ Bachillerato/Bachelor, 02/04/2013.

24) Marcelo Rocha, “Interfaz gráfica para un sistema de simulación cardiovascular“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/ Bachillerato/Bachelor, 02/01/2013.

25) Gustavo Borda, “Curved-type gate construction for an irrigation canal prototype“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/ Bachillerato/Bachelor, 01/08/2012.

26) Cristobal Capponi, “Construcción y caracterización de actuador tipo compuerta vertical para canal de prueba“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 01/08/2012.

27) Jaime Parada, “Efectos de canales de comunicación en sistemas controlados de canales de regadío“, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION, Licenciatura/ Bachillerato/Bachelor, 01/03/2012.

28) Chris Renton, “Estimation for Coating Mass Control“, UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE, Licenciatura/Bachillerato/Bachelor, 28/10/2008.

Master's Theses

Directed: 3

1) Nelson Cisneros, "Modelación y Control de un micro canal mediante Sistemas Port Hamiltonianos (PHS)", UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Finished 27/08/2020.

2) Rubén Alarcón, "Modelación de canal abierto mediante L.P.V. y distintos tipos de compuerta", UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Finished 22/01/2021.

3) Oscar Briones, "Tuning Generalized Predictive PI controllers for process control applications", UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION.Finished 14/08/2020.


Directed: 2

1) Hugo Garcés. Research Project: “Sensado indirecto de variables dinámicas y distribuidas sobre procesos de combustión basado en análisis espectral”, 2013-2015. Finished 16/03/2016.

2) Felipe Donoso. Research Project: “Electrocardiogram Signals Classification”, 2010-2014. Finished 06/10/2014.

I am currently directing, at the Universidad de Concepción, 2 undergraduate theses and I am also supervising 2 Master candidates.

In the last three years I have teached 6 courses at the undergraduate level. At any given year these are subdivided as

Semester 1

- Sistemas de Control (1 section)

Semester 2

- Modelación de Procesos (2 sections)

In the last three years I have teached 6 courses at the postgraduate level. At any given year these are subdivided as

Semester 1

- Identificación de Parámetros (1 section)

Semester 2

- Diseño Avanzado de Controladores (1 section)

Difusión y Transferencia

None to report

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Alejandro ROJAS


    Chile, 2018

    Grado Senior Member IEEE (otorgado con fecha 22/10/2018). Este grado se le reconoce tan sólo al 10% de más de 400.000 miembros del IEEE a nivel mundial. Este reconocimiento es reflejo de la madurez profesional, amplia experiencia, y logros significativos hacia la profesión.


Article (39)

Differential Entropy-Based Fault-Detection Mechanism for Power-Constrained Networked Control Systems
Consensus Congestion Control for Ad Hoc Networks: Time-Delay and Saturation
Gain-Scheduled Control Design Applied to Classical dc-dc Converters in Photovoltaic Systems and Constant Power Loads
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Based Fault Detection and Identification
Toward an Intelligent Campus: IoT Platform for Remote Monitoring and Control of Smart Buildings
Modified Algebraic Riccati Equation Closed-Form Stabilizing Solution
Tuning Generalized Predictive PI controllers for process control applications
Fading Channel Signal-to-Noise Ratio Limitation for Closed-Loop Stabilizability
Port-Hamiltonian Modeling and Control of a Micro-Channel Experimental Plant
Optical variables for optimization of industrial combustion processes: Fundamentals, key aspects and applications
Signal-to-noise ratio constrained feedback control: discrete-time robust stability analysis
Signal-to-noise ratio constrained feedback control: Robust stability analysis
Control of Total Radiation in an Industrial Furnace by Optical Sensing of Flame Emissions
On Avoiding the Effect of Non-Minimum Phase Zeros Over the Signal-to-Noise Ratio Limitation
Robust design of a linear quadratic power control algorithm in multiple-access networks
Soot propensity by image magnification and artificial intelligence
A model of bridge pier scour during flood waves
Combustion Diagnostics by Calibrated Radiation Sensing and Spectral Estimation
Dimensionless Effective Flow Work for Estimation of Pier Scour Caused by Flood Waves
Power Allocation in Mobile Cellular Communication Under Multiplicative Noise and Interference Uncertainty
Radiation measurement based on spectral emissions in industrial flames
Event-triggered feedback for power allocation in wireless networks
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Limited Output Feedback Control Subject to Channel Input Quantization
Step reference tracking in signal-to-noise ratio constrained feedback control
Novel insights on the stabilising solution to the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation
Atrial activity selection for atrial fibrillation ECG recordings
Explicit Solution for a Class of Discrete-Time Algebraic Riccati Equations
Signal-to-noise ratio fundamental limitations in the discrete-time domain
Stabilizability of nonminimum phase unstable plants with arbitrary multiplicity over awgn channels
Signal-to-noise ratio fundamental constraints in discrete-time linear output feedback control
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Limitations in Feedback Control
Closed-Form Solution for a Class of Algebraic Riccati Equations in Continuous-Time
Comments on “ Feedback Stabilization Over Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Channels”
Feedback stabilization over a first order moving average Gaussian noise channel
Linear quadratic Gaussian optimization approach for signal-to-noise ratio constrained control over network
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Fundamental Limitations in Continuous-Time Linear Output Feedback Control
Signal-to-noise ratio performance limitations for input disturbance rejection in output feedback control
Channel signal-to-noise ratio constrained feedback control: performance and robustness
Fundamental limitations in control over a communication channel

ConferencePaper (81)

Nonminimum Phase Zeros Effect on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio Channel Input Constraint in Continuous Time
Preliminary Analysis of Denial-of-Service Attack for a Power Constrained Networked Control System
Evaluation of time-series imaging for visual analytics and processing of an indoor air quality sensors network
Generalized Predictive Proportional Integral Controller Design for Unstable Plant Models with Long-Dead Times
Induced Coprime Factorization for Continuous-Time Systems with Delay
SNR Based Detection and Estimation of AWN Channel Parameters Changes
Boiler Monitoring based on Data Analytics Tools
Data analytics tools by alarms visualization and artificial intelligence applied in industrial monitoring
Generalized Predictive PI Controller: Analysis and Design for Time Delay Systems
Modeling optical variables in combustion processes by Hammerstein-Wiener systems
Preliminary Study on Signal-to-Noise Ratio Based Fault Detection and Identification
Robust design of discrete-time General Predictive PI controller for plant models subject to variable network time delay
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Feedback Constraint for Non-Zero Mean Noise Processes
String stability of a PI-controlled vehicular platoon
Temperature calculation from estimated spectra, using the two-color pyrometry
Turbulent Flame Monitoring Using Spectral Estimation Techniques
Analysis of flame temperature optimization subject to network limitations
Constant Time-Headway Spacing Policy with Limited Communication Range for Discrete Time Platoon Systems
Constrained Signal-to-Noise Ratio Stabilization and Tracking for SITO systems
Micro-velocimeter for an open channel: a simple, robust and economical alternative
Model Analysis of Heat Transfer by Hammerstein systems and optical instrumentation
Port Hamiltonian modelling and control of a micro-channel
SNR Stabilization over Fading Channels with Bandwidth Limitation
H-infinity output-feedback control design for combustion systems using optical instrumentation
On the Effect of Sampled-Data Hold and Discretization in Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Control
Optimal Controllers for Combustion Processes: a Preliminary Approach
Predictive PI strategy for hydrographs control in a experimental microscale flume
Reproduction of hydrographs in a micro-canal, through the design of a decentralized PPI control for a TITO model
Stabilization and Tracking for P/PI Combustion Control over a Communication Channel
Energy Efficiency Monitoring in a Coal Boiler Based on Optical Variables and Artificial Intelligence
Identification and Control of Total Radiation in a Combustion Process Based on Hammerstein Systems
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Requirements for Discrete-Time PID Controllers
Two-Degree of Freedom Controller Design for Signal-to-Noi se Ratio Reduction
Experiencia de clases invertidas en curso de modelación de procesos
Irrigation channel stability under arbitrary feed-forward link failures
Selection of nonlinear structures for total radiation modeling
Combustion control and optimization: current methods and a novel proposition using optical variables
On the infimal Signal-to-Noise Ratio limitations for measurable disturbance rejection
On the use of flame analysis and optical variables for an optimized operation in ladle furnace preheating process
Signal-to-noise ratio for irrigation canal networked control system (MSC'2015)
Signal-to-noise ratio requirements subject to a PID controller design
Stabilisation over signal-to-noise ratio constrained channels: Robust analysis for the discrete-time case
A comparative study of boiler optimization via flame spectrum analysis
Analysis of Distributed Power Allocation in Wireless Networks under Multiplicative Noise and Interference Uncertainty
Baseline estimation in flame's spectra by using neural networks and robust statistics
Evaluation of Power Allocation in Wireless Networks under Multiplicative Noise and Interference Uncertainty
Experiencias en aprendizaje activo en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Concepción
Optimización de la eficiencia operacional en procesos de combustión mediante sensores ópticos
Process control and optimization using non-intrusive optical devices
Robust Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Feedback Control
Clustering of Atrial Fibrillation Based on Surface ECG Measurements
Control over Direct and Feedback Path Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Channels
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Limitations in Structured Feedback Control
Digital Output Feedback Control over Signal-to-Noise Ratio Limited Communication Channels
Infimal SNR for Output Disturbance Rejection
On the Discrete-Time Algebraic Riccati Equation and Its Solution in Closed- Form
Reliable Atrial Activity Extraction from ECG Atrial Fibrillation Signals
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Feedback Control over Fading Channels
Water Canals Control over Communication Channels: a Preliminary Study
Digital and sampled-data output feedback control over signal-to-noise ratio constrained communication channels
Feedback Control over Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Communication Channels with Channel Input Quantisation
On the Continuous-Time Algebraic Riccati Equation and its Closed-Form Solution
On the Equivalence of Two Recent Control over Network Results
On the Solution of a Class of Algebraic Riccati Equations with Repeated Unstable Eigenvalues
A Simple Bumpless Transfer Mechanism with Application to Multi-Effect Evaporators
An algorithm for time-varying commodity price models
Closed-Form Solution for a Class of Continuous-Time Algebraic Riccati Equations
Closed-Form Solution for a Class of Discrete-Time Algebraic Riccati Equations
Short or Long Memory Estimators?
Advanced Control Strategies for Stability Improvement of Natural Field Orientation
Infimal Feedback Capacity for a Class of Additive Coloured Gaussian Noise Channels
Input Disturbance Rejection in Channel Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Feedback Control
Managing steam and concentration disturbances in multi-effect evaporators via nonlinear modelling and control
Repeated Poles in Feedback over a Class of Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Channels
Stability Analysis of the Natural Field Orientation Controlled Induction Machine Drive
Feedback Control over Signal to Noise Ratio Constrained Communication Channels
Output Feedback Sensitivity Functions Under Signal to Noise Ratio Constraint
Optimal Signal to Noise Ratio in Feedback over Communication Channels with Memory
Output Feedback Stabilisation over Bandwidth Limited, Signal to Noise Ratio Constrained Communication Channels
Control over a Bandwidth Limited Signal to Noise Ratio Constrained Communication Channel
Phase Analysis for 2-D weakly coupled oscillatory systems

ConferencePoster (2)

D-Stability for Discrete Time Closed-Loops subject to Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constraints
Port-Hamiltonian system model identification of a micro-channel

Proyecto (10)

Analysis and Design of Networked Process Control Systems
Pseudo Hamiltonian numerical methods for modeling and control of thermo-mechanical 2D structures
Combining Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Advances in Process Control
Desarrollo científico y tecnológico de alto impacto para la detección, alerta temprana y gestión del riesgo de aluviones
Networked Control Systems: The Signal-to-Noise Ratio Approach
Sistema de diagnóstico energético y medioambiental de procesos de combustión basado en red de sensores ópticos embebidos
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constrained Control
Clasificación de Señales de Electrocardiograma en Pacientes con Fibrilación Auricular
Limitations in Control over Networks
Estimation for Coating Mass Control
Alejandro ROJAS

Associate Professor

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Hugo Garces

Profesor asociado

Ingenieria Informatica y Ciencias de la Computación

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Luis Arias

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

University of Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Hugo Garcés




Concepción, Chile

Andres Fuentes

Professor Adjunto

Departamento de Industrias


Valparaíso, Chile

Esteban Pino

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Claudia Carrasco

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería de materiales

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Oscar Farías

Profesor Asociado

Ingeniería Mecánica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Rosa Figueroa

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica


concepcion, Chile

Alonso Pizarro

Assistant professor

Departamento de Obras Civiles

Universidad Diego Portales

Santiago, Chile

Felipe Donoso

Profesional part-time

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Oscar Link

Full Professor

Civil Engineering


Concepción, Chile

Karina Acosta

Profesor Asociado

Ingeníeria Eléctrica


Santiago, Chile

Cristián Escauriaza

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental



Hector Ramirez

Associate Professor

Electronic Engineering

Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

Valparaiso, Chile

Eduardo Lecannelier

Profesor titular

Medicina Interna

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepción, Chile

Milan Derpich

Profesor Adjunto

Departamento de Electrónica

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile


Assistant Professor

Dept. of Electronic Engineering

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Francisco Vargas

Assistant Professor

Electronic Engineering Department


Valparaiso, Chile

Jonathan Palma



Universidad de Talca

Curico, Chile