
Beatriz Patricia Cámara Herrera

Associate Investigator


Valparaíso, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Protein Chemistry; Molecular Biology; General Microbiology; Actinobacteria; Streptomyces; Marine Microbiology; Secondary Metabolites; Bioactive Compounds; Phylogenetic Biodiversity


  •  Natural Sciences, mention in Molecular Microbiology and Biochemistry, TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT ZU BRAUNSCHWEIG. Alemania, 2007
  •  Industrial Chemist, UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA. Chile, 1999

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctoral Scientist Full Time


    Londres, Reino Unido

    2008 - 2010

  •   Investigador Asociado Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2011 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Co-investigator Full Time

    Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinshaft (DFG)- European Graduate College 653


    2003 - 2006

  •   Co-investigator Full Time

    Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) David Philips Fellowship (BB/E023703)

    Reino Unido

    2008 - 2012

  •   Co-Investigator Part Time

    Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María - USM 13.11.09


    2011 - 2012

  •   Principal Investigator Part Time

    Fondecyt Initiation Project N° 11121571


    2012 - 2015

  •   Principal Investigator Part Time

    Vetenskapsradet - Swedish Research Council Proyect N° 2013-6713


    2014 - 2017

  •   Principal Investigator Full Time

    Fondecyt regular Nº 1171555

    Valparaíso, Chile

    2017 - 2020

  •   Co-investigator Other

    CARe Project – Sweden


    2020 - A la fecha

  •   Principal Investigator Part Time

    Anillo Project ACT172128

    Valparaíso, Chile

    2018 - 2020

  •   Sponsor Other

    Fondecyt Postdoctoral Project N° 3180399


    2018 - 2021

  •   Co-investigator Part Time

    Fondecyt Regular Project N° 1180702

    Valparaíso, Chile

    2018 - 2021

  •   Investigator Part Time

    USM 2016 N°216.27.2

    Valparaíso, Chile

    2016 - 2017

  •   Research Collaborator Part Time

    Fondecyt Project N° 1110992

    Valparaíso, Chile

    2011 - 2014

  •   Co-Investigator Part Time

    USM 13.11.09

    Valparaíso, Chile

    2011 - 2012

Formación de Capital Humano


Ongoing: PhD thesis supervisor: Leonardo Zamora, Doctorado en Biotecnología, Programa conjunto Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. 2018
“Activation of silent Biosynthetic Gene Clusters for the search of novel secondary metabolites in Chilean marine Streptomyces.“

Ongoing: PhD thesis supervisor: Laura Muñoz, Doctorado en Biotecnología, Programa conjunto Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. 2018
“Estudio dinámico metagenómico de gránulos de kéfir de agua para el desarrollo de un cultivo iniciador y el aislamiento de microorganismos con potencial probiótico.”

Ongoing: PhD thesis supervisor: Alison Acosta, Doctorado en Biotecnología, Programa conjunto Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. “Metabolitos secundarios producidos por Actinobacteria marinas que tienen actividad anti-biopelícula en bacterias modelo.”

Ongoing: PhD thesis supervisor: Andrés Cumsille, Doctorado en Biotecnología, Programa conjunto Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. “Similarity networks to bioprospect antimicrobial natural products from marine actinobacteria.”

Graduated students

PhD thesis supervisor: Néstor Serna Cardona, Doctorado en Biotecnología, Programa conjunto Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. “Chemoprospecting of bioactive molecules extracted from Actinobacteria of the Chilean coast.”Title obtained April, 2023

PhD thesis supervisor: Fernanda Claverías Ramos, Doctorado en Microbiología, Programa Universidad Austral de Chile. “Taxonomic and genomic study of Spiractinospora alimapuensis VN6-2T”
Title obtained March, 2023.

Undergaduate thesis supervisor: Neri Vargas Salem, Ing. Civil Ambiental, UTFSM.
“Aislamiento de actinobacterias marinas provenientes de la región de Aysén y evaluación de su potencial antibacteriano.”
Title obtained October, 2022. Mark obtained: 100%.

PhD thesis supervisor: Valentina González, Doctorado en Biotecnología, Programa conjunto Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María y Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. “Biopprospeccion de actinobacterias marinas: búsqueda de enzimas implicadas en el mecanismo de degradación de la queratina.”
Title obtained August, 2021. Mark obtained: 100%.

PhD thesis co-supervisor: Agustina Undabarrena, Doctorado en Ciencias mención Microbiología, Programa conjunto Universidad de Chile y Universidad de Santiago. 2017.
“Bioprospección de actinobacterias productoras de compuestos antimicrobianos aisladas desde sedimentos marinos mediante la caracterización de determinantes genéticos involucrados en la biosíntesis de metabolitos secundarios.”
Awarded by the Chilean Microbiology Society as the best PhD thesis in Microbiology 2017.

Undergaduate thesis supervisor : Vania Molina Cádiz, Ing. Civil Ambiental, UTFSM. 2019
“Actinobacterias marinas: Evaluación de la actividad antibacteriana y la exploración de su potencial ambiental.”

Undergraduate thesis supervisor : Claudia Rojas Fuentes, Ing. Civil Ambiental, UTFSM. 2016
“Estudio de Actinobacterias marinas provenientes de isla de Pascua como agentes productores de compuestos bioactivos y evaluación de su potencial en biodegradación de micro-plásticos”

Undergraduate thesis supervisor : Gastón Vergara, Ing. Civil Ambiental, UTFSM. 2016
“Actinobacterias marinas de la Isla de Pascua: efecto inhibitorio de extractos bioactivos y su rol potencial en biotecnología”

Undergraduate thesis supervisor : Andrés Cumsille, Ing. Civil Ambiental, UTFSM. 2015
“AIislamiento de actinobacterias asociadas a esponjas marinas y evaluación de su actividad antibacteriana”

Undergraduate thesis supervisor: Valentina González, Ing. Civil Ambiental, UTFSM. 2015
“Búsqueda del potencial rol en biotecnología del actinobacterias marinas y de ambientes extremos”

Undergraduate thesis supervisor: Fernanda Claverías, Ing. Civil Ambiental, UTFSM. 2014
“AIislamiento de Actinobacterias marinas y búsqueda de genes involucrados en la síntesis de compuestos bioactivos”
Title obtained April, 2014. Mark obtained: 100%.

Undergraduate thesis supervisor: Maria José Vargas, Biochemist, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. 2012
“Estudio de sistemas de síntesis NRPSs y PKSs involucrados en la producción de compuestos con actividad quelante de hierro o actividad antimicrobiana en Burkholderia xenovorans LB400”
Title obtained October, 2012. Mark obtained: 100%.

Master thesis supervisor: Jeanette Ehlersson, Pharmacist, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 2011
“Study of the biosynthesis of an antibiotic compound against Staphylococcus aureus by Burkholderia xenovorans LB400.”

Difusión y Transferencia

Participación en congresos / Congress presentations

- 2020 -

Cumsille A, Woolery M, Reyes F, Cámara B. Similarity networks to bioprospect antimicrobial compounds from marine actinobacteria. Congreso Digital Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH. Diciembre 2 - 4

Undabarrena A, Serna N, González V, Olano C, Salas JA, Cámara B. Genetic engineering in marine Streptomyces: insights into the biosynthesis of novel compounds. Congreso Digital Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH. Diciembre 2 - 4

Undabarrena A, Valencia R, Cumsille A, Zamora-Leiva L, Castro-Nallar E, Barona-Gomez F, Cámara B. La genómica evolutiva del género Rhodococcus revela rasgos biosintéticos de productos naturales ancestrales dependientes de la filogenómica. [Talk]. LXIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Biología. Noviembre 25 - 27

Cumsille A, Woolery M, Reyes F, Cámara B. Redes de similitud para la bioprospección de antimicrobianos naturales producidos por actinobacterias marinas. [Awarded as best poster presentation]. LXIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Biología. Noviembre 25 - 27

González V, Vargas-Straube MJ, Beys-da-Silva W, Santi L, Beltrametti F, Cámara B. Bioprospection of marine-derived Actinobacteria from the Chilean coast and new insight in the mechanism of keratin degradation in Streptomyces sp. G11C. LXIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Biología. Noviembre 25 - 27

Cumsille A. y Cámara B. Genómica y redes moleculares para la bioprospección de antimicrobianos naturales producidos por bacterias marinas. Congreso de Estudiantes de Ingeniería USM - UC. Agosto 27 y 28, charla modalidad en línea

González V., Valencia P. y Cámara B. Caracterización del extracto enzimático de Streptomyces sp. G11C utilizado en la hidrólisis de queratina de plumas. Segunda Jornada de Biocatálisis (Jbiocat 2019), 22 - 24 de enero. Santiago.

- 2019 -

González V, Valencia R, Valencia P & Cámara, B. Marine actinobacteria from Chilean coasts : a prospective source for the discovery of keratinases. [Talk]. XLI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH, 5 - 8 noviembre, Puerto Varas, Chile.

Undabarrena A, Valencia R, Zamora L, Cumsille A & Cámara, B. Comparative genomics reveals insights into evolutionary dynamics of natural products biosynthetic gene clusters. XLI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH, 5 - 8 noviembre, Puerto Varas, Chile.

Muñoz L, Valencia P, Seeger M, Urtubia A, Carvajal A & Cámara, B. Condiciones ideales de bioprocesos para la fermentación de una bebida de Panela con el consorcio microbiano kéfir de agua. XLI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH, 5 - 8 noviembre, Puerto Varas, Chile.

Undabarrena A., Valencia R., Cumsille A., Castro-Nallar E. & Cámara B. Expanding the landscape of biosynthetic gene clusters involved in Natural Product Discovery of the Rhododoccus genus. 1st ISME Latin America ISME-LA, Valparaíso, Chile.

González V., Valencia P. and Cámara B. Production and characterization of keratinolytic enzymes by Streptomyces sp. CHA1, isolated from marine sediments of the Chilean coast. 1st ISME Latin America ISME-LA, Valparaíso, Chile.

Serna N. and Cámara B. Chemo-prospecting of Streptomyces sp VB1. of the South Pacific: genomic and metabolic study for the search of new antimicrobial compounds. 1st ISME Latin America ISME-LA, Valparaíso, Chile.

Zamora-Leiva L., Valencia R., Undabarrena A. and Cámara B. Whole-genome sequencing and genome-mining of chilean sea Streptomyces strains unveil vast production capability and specific adaptation features. 1st ISME Latin America ISME-LA, Valparaíso, Chile.

Claverías F & Cámara B. Phylogenomic study of a novel rare actinobacteria and assessment of antimicrobial activities of its extracts. 1st ISME Latin America ISME-LA, Valparaíso, Chile.

Muñoz L., Valencia P., Seeger M., Urtubia A., Carvajal A. & Cámara B. Metabolic analysis of the water kefir grains fermentation main products for the development of a functional drink based on panela. 1st ISME Latin America ISME-LA, Valparaíso, Chile.

Zamorano, N., Serna N, Montenegro I. and Cámara B. Marine Streptomyces from Chilean coasts: a prospective source for the discovery of compounds against pathogenic fish oomycete Saprolegnia parasitica. 1st ISME Latin America ISME-LA, Valparaíso, Chile.

Serna N., Zamorano N. and Cámara B. Chemo-prospecting of Streptomyces of the South Pacific: genomic and metabolic study of novel antimicrobial compounds. XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products MaNaPro & XI European Conference on Marine Natural Products ECMNP, Peniche, Portugal.

Cumsille A, Undabarrena A, Zamora L, Serna N, Zamorano N, González V, Claverías F & Cámara B. Actinobacteria from the S, outh Pacific – Chemical diversity of specialized metabolites. XV Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology BAGECO, Lisbon, Portugal.

Muñoz L., Vogel R., Seeger M., Pieper D. and Cámara B. Metagenomic study of water kefir grains for the development of starter culture and the isolation of microorganisms with probiotic potential. Biotech France 2019 International Conference and Exhibition, 26 - 28 June, Paris, France


Cumsille A, Undabarrena A, González V, Claverías F, Rojas C & Cámara B. Biodiversity of Actinobacteria from the South Pacific: exploring chemical diversity of natural compounds. Eighteenth International Society for Microbial Ecology ISME 18 – Leipzig - Germany.

Bioprospección de actinobacterias marinas de Chile con potencial biotecnológico para la hidrólisis de queratina de plumas. González V., Valencia P. and Cámara B. 33° Congreso Latinoamericano de Química, CLAQ y X Congreso de Ciencias Químicas, Tecnología e Innovación, QUIMICUBA’2018. 9 - 12 de octubre. La Habana, Cuba.

Undabarrena A, Cumsille A, Valencia R, Molina V, Castro-Nallar E, Salvà-Serra F, Jaén-Luchoro D, Ugalde J, Moore E, Seeger M & Cámara, B. Genome-based natural product discovery from Northern Chilean Patagonia marine actinomycetes. XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH, Santiago, Chile.

Cumsille A, Undabarrena A, Valencia R, Salvà-Serra F, Moore E & Cámara B. Genome quality assessment of marine actinomycete for biosynthetic gene cluster prediction. XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH,Santiago, Chile.

González V, Valencia P & Cámara B. Screening and characterization of marina actinobacteria isolated from the chilean coast with potential to hydrolize keratin from feathers. XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH,Santiago, Chile.

Muñoz L, Garay G, Seeger M, Urtubia A & Cámara B. Comparative study of water keffir granules fermentation for the potential use in the production of probiotic cultures. XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH,Santiago, Chile.

Serna-Cardona N, Cumsille A, Zamora L, Undabarrena A, Cámara B. Metabolic profile study for the identification of antimicrobial compounds of marine actinomycetes. XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH,Santiago, Chile.

Zamorano N, Cumsille A, González V, Claverías F, Undabarrena A, Montenegro I & Cámara B. Evaluación de la actividad antioomicete de metabolitos secundarios presentes en extractos de Streptomyces marinas de las costas chilenas. XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH,Santiago, Chile.

Claverías F, Cumsille A & Cámara B. Insights into a BGC of a novel marine rare Actinobacteria from Valparaíso bay. XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH,Santiago, Chile.

Undabarrena A, Claverías F, Cumsille A, González V, Rojas C & Cámara B. Chilean marine actinobacterial culture collection: an important resource for bioprospection. (TALK). XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH,Santiago, Chile.


Undabarrena A, Figueroa M, Derouaux A, Lassaux P, Smargiasso N, Bertrand V, De Pauw E, Van de Weerdt C, Martial J, Seeger M & Cámara B. Metabolomics-guided identification of a cyclic peptide with antimicrobial activity from a Chilean marine actinomycete. XXXIX Congreso Chileno de Microbiología, La Serena, Chile.

Cumsille A, Undabarrena A, González V, Claverías F, Rojas C y Cámara B. Assessing the metabolic profile of marine streptomycetes from Chilean coasts. XXXIX Congreso Chileno de Microbiología, La Serena, Chile.

Rojas C, Vergara G, Svensson L, Moore ERB, Seeger M, González V & Cámara B. Bioprospecting marine actinobacteria from Easter Island. XXXIX Congreso Chileno de Microbiología, La Serena, Chile.

González V, Valencia P, Seeger M y Cámara B. Marine actinobacteria from Chilean coasts: a prospective source for the discovery of keratinases for application in poultry processing industries. XXXIX Congreso Chileno deMicrobiología, La Serena, Chile.

Undabarrena A., Ugalde J., Seeger M. & Cámara B. Genomic data mining of the marine Streptomyces sp. H-KF8 and functional response to abiotic stressors. XXXIX Congreso Chileno deMicrobiología, La Serena, Chile.

González V, Valencia P, Seeger M, Cámara B. Prospección de queratinasas a partir de actinobacterias marinas para su aplicación en el procesamiento de plumas. XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Alimentos, CIBIA 2017, Valparaíso, Chile.

Seeger M., Vega-Celedón P., Alfaro F., Peirano C.,Taha, D., Vergara, A., Carvajal M.,Cámara B., Besoain X., Montenegro I. y Valenzuela M. Prospección de microorganismos y plantas de Chile con potencial para el control de fitopatógenos. Congreso Latinoamericano de Fitopatología , Chillán, Chile

Undabarrena A., Ugalde J., Figueroa M., Derouaux A., Lassaux P., Smargiasso N., Bertrand V., De Pauw E., Van de Weerdt C., Martial J, Seeger M. & Cámara B. Whole Genome Sequence of the Chilean Marine Actinomycete Streptomyces sp. H-KF8 and Metabolomic-guided Identification of an Unusual Cyclic Decapeptide with Antimicrobial Activity. International symposium of the Biology of Actinomycetes 2017, Jeju - Korea

Undabarrena A., Seeger M., & Cámara B. Assessing natural products potential in marine actinomycetes from Northern Chilean Patagonia: Bioprospecting antimicrobial compounds from isolation to genome mining and metabolomics. International symposium of the Biology of Actinomycetes 2017, Jeju, Korea


Undabarrena A, Claverías F, González, V Cumsille A, Ugalde J, Beltrametti F, Moore ERB, Seeger M, Cámara B. Diversidad de actinobacterias marinas del Pacífico sur y bioprospección de compuestos antimicrobianos. LIX Reunion de la Sociedad de Biología, Con Con, Chile.

Vargas-Straube MJ, Cámara B, Tello M, Montero-Silva F, Cárdenas F & Seeger M. Genetic and functional analysis of the biosynthesis of a non-ribosomal peptide siderophore in Burkholderia xenovorans LB400. Sixteenth International Society for Microbial Ecology ISME 15, Montreal, Canada.

Vargas-Straube MJ, Cámara B, Tello M, Montero-Silva F, Cárdenas F & Seeger M. Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 Synthesizes a Novel Non-ribosomal Peptide Siderophore for Iron Transport. 52th Annual Meeting Argentine Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Undabarrena A, Ugalde J, Beltrametti F, Gonzalez M, Seeger M & Cámara B. Bioprospecting for antimicrobial Products: Isolation and Genome Mining in Marine Actinomycetes of the Chilean Patagonia. Gordon Research Conference Marina Natural Products – Ventura – USA.


Undabarrena A, Beltrametti F, Ugalde J, Reyna M, Weinstein C, Seeger M & Cámara B. Deciphering biological activity and chemical nature of a novel anti- infective compound isolated from Streptomyces from Northern Chilean Patagonia. XXXVII Congreso Chileno de Microbiología, La Serena, Chile.

Undabarrena A, Claverías F, González V, Cumsille A, González M, Seeger M, Beltrametti F, Moore ERB & Cámara B. Actinobacteria from the South Pacific: a bioprospection for marine bioproducts. (TALK). 9th European Conference of Marine Natural Products, Glagow, Scotland.

Cámara B. Marine Actinobacteria from the South Pacific: biosprospecting for antimicrobial compounds. Nuestro Océano Chile 2015, Valparaíso, Chile.

González V, Undabarrena A, Claverías F, Cumsille A, Seeger M, Moore ERB, Beltrametti F, & Cámara B. Diversity of culturable actinomycetes from El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile: exploring their biotechnological potential. Thermophiles 13th International meeting, Santiago, Chile.

- 2014 - 1999 -

Undabarrena A, González M, Seeger M, Cámara B. Biodiversidad de actinobacterias marinas del Sur de Chile y evaluación de su actividad antimicrobiana. XXXVI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología, La Serena, Chile. (2014)

González V, Meneses M, González M, Seeger M, Beltrametti F, Cámara B. Aislamiento de Actinobacterias marinas psicrotolerantes desde la bahía de Valparaíso. XXXVI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología, La Serena, Chile. (2014)

Cumsille A, Undabarrena A, Claverías F, González V, González M, Seeger M, Beltrametti F, Cámara B. Aislamiento de Actinobacterias Asociadas a Sedimentos Marinos y Esponjas Marinas de la Región de Atacama. XXXVI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología, La Serena, Chile. (2014)

Cámara B. Actinobacterias de sedimentos marinos del Pacífico Sur: bioprospección para nuevos productos naturales bioactivos. (TALK). XXII Congreso Latinoamericano de Microbiología ALAM, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. (2014)

Claverías F, Undabarrena A, González M, Seeger M, Cámara B. Nuevas actinobacterias raras desde sedimentos marinos de la bahía de Valparaíso, Chile: Aislamiento, diversidad y potencial de producción de compuestos bioactivos. (TALK). XXII Congreso Latinoamericano de Microbiología ALAM, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. (2014)

Undabarrena A, Beltrametti F, González M, Seeger M, Cámara B. Caracterización de nuevos aislados de Streptomyces del Sur de Chile con actividad antimicrobiana. XXII Congreso Latinoamericano de Microbiología ALAM, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. (2014)

Undabarrena A, Claverías F, González M, Seeger M, Cámara B. Biodiversity of marine actinomycetes from central and southern Chile. XXVII International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes ISBA 17 - Kusadasi, Aydin, Turkey. (2014)

Claverías F, Undabarrena A, González M, Seeger M, Cámara B. Isolation and characterization of marine Actinobacteria from Central and Southern Chile. Fifteenth International Society for Microbial Ecology ISME 15 – Seoul - Korea. (2014)

Claverías F, Undabarrena A, González M, Michael Seeger M, Cámara B. Aislamiento y caracterización de actinobacterias marinas de la Región de Valparaíso. XXXV Congreso Chileno de Microbiología – Marbella - Chile. (2013)

Undabarrena A, Claverías F, González M, Seeger M, Cámara B. Búsqueda de genes involucrados en la síntesis de compuestos bioactivos en Actinobacterias marinas aisladas del Sur de Chile. XXXV Congreso Chileno de Microbiología – Marbella - Chile. (2013)

Cámara B. Inhibición de la RNA polimerasa de Escherichia coli por una proteína Gp2 derivada del bacteriófago T7 mediante la desestabilización del complejo transcripcionalmente competente. XXXV Congreso Chileno de Microbiología – Marbella - Chile. (2013)

Vargas MJ, Cámara B, Tello M, Montero F, Romero MJ, González M & Seeger M. Estudio de un sistema de síntesis de NRPS involucrado en la producción de un sideróforo en Burkholderia xenovorans LB400. XXXIV Congreso Chileno de Microbiología – Valdivia - Chile. (2012)

Seeger M, Méndez V, Romero MJ, Cárdenas F, Juantok C, Córdova M, Urtuvia V, Vega-Celedón P, Ponce B, Cámara B & González M. Metabolismo microbiano para la biorremediación ambiental y la síntesis de bioproductos. Simposio: Biotecnología microbiana para el Desarrollo sustentable: biocombustibles, bioproductos, biorremediación y agricultura. Vol. 1, p. 23, 23 – 26. XXXIV Congreso Chileno de Microbiología – Valdivia - Chile. (2012)

Méndez V, Romero MJ, Ponce B, Córdova M, Latorre V, Saavedra JM, Acevedo F, Agulló L, Cámara B, González M & Seeger M. From structural and functional genomics to the design of novel bacterial strains and approaches for bioremediation. Vol. 1, p.39-40. Environment Workshops: Metagenomics and Environmental Microbiology. – Baeza – Spain. (2011)

Cámara B, Sheppard C, Liu M, Shadrin A, Severinov K, Cota E, Matthews S, Wigneshweraraj S. Inihibition of Escherichia coli RNAp by T7 Gp2 protein: role of negatively charged amino acid residues in Gp2. 69th Harden Conference: RNAP 2010 Structure, function and evolution of RNA polymerases – Cambridge – United Kingdom. (2010)

Cámara B, Liu M, Shadrin A, Weinzierl R, Severinov K, Cota E, Matthews S and Wigneshweraraj S. Structure-function analysis of T7 phage Gp2 protein: an inhibitor of the bacterial RNA polymerase. FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Mechanisms and Regulation of Prokaryotic Transcription. Vermont – USA. (2009)

Functional and structural characterisation of T7 Gp2: a potent inhibitor of the Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. (Talk). 21st RNA Polymerase Workshop, University of Bristol - United Kingdom. (2009)

Duarte M, Ferreira-da-Silva F, Plumeier I, Bielecka A, Cámara B, Junca H, Manaia CM, Pieper DH and Nunes OC. Characterization of a new molinate hydrolase from G. molinativorax ON4T. FEMS - 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists. Gottenburg – Sweden (2009)

Cámara B, Hui T, Weinzierl R and Wigneshweraraj S. Characterising the interaction between Echerichia coli RNA polymerase and the T7 bacteriophage host RNAP inhibitor Gp2. 20th RNA Polymerase Workshop, University of York - United Kingdom. (2008)

Marín M, Cámara B, Hecht HJ and Pieper DH. trans-Dienelactone Hydrolase from Pseudomonas reinekei MT1: a novel metal dependent hydrolase. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology, VAAM – Germany (2008)

Marín M, Cámara B and Pieper DH. Novel degradation pathway of methylsubstituted salicylates in Pseudomonas reinekei MT1. ASM conference on Pseudomonas - Seattle - USA (2007)

Marín M, Cámara B, Hecht HJ and Pieper DH. Degradation of substituted salicylates by Pseudomonas reinekei MT1. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology, VAAM – Osnabrück – Germany (2007)

Cámara B and Pieper DH. An alternative pathway for degradation of chlorocatechol in Pseudomonas sp. MT1. ISME 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology – Vienna – Austria (2006)

Cámara B and Pieper DH. Molecular characterisation of the novel chlorocatechol degradation pathway in Pseudomonas sp. MT1. International Symposium on Environmental Biocatalysis: From remediation with enzymes to novel green processes - Córdoba – Spain. (2006)

Cámara B, Junca H, Pieper DH. trans-Dienelactone Hydrolase, the key enzyme for chlorosalicylate degradation in Pseudomonas sp. MT1. 10th International Congress Pseudomonas 2005 - Marseille, France (2005)

Cámara B, Junca H and Pieper DH. trans-Dienelactone hydrolase: the key enzyme of a novel chlorocatechol pathway. XXVI Chilean Congress of Microbiology - Valparaíso – Chile (2004)

Cámara B, Nikodem P, Hecht V and Pieper DH. The new metabolic route of chlorosalicylate degradation in Pseudomonas sp. MT1. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology, VAAM – Braunschweig – Germany (2004)

Seeger M, Agulló L, Martínez P, and Cámara B. Effects of (chloro)biphenyls and end products of the biphenyl pathway on the physiology and the proteome of Burkholderia sp. LB400. Vol. 1, p. 34. XII International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition “The World Congress on Biotechnology: Biotechnology 2004” - Santiago - Chile (2004)

Hernández M, Avila M, Villalobos P, González M, Cámara B, Dinamarca MA and Seeger M. Characterisation of simazine-degrading bacteria isolated from chilean agricultural soils. Vol. 1, p. 29. X International Symposium on Microbial Ecology - Cancún - Mexico (2004)

Hernández M, Cámara B, Villalobos P, González M, and Seeger M. Aislamiento y caracterización de cepas bacterianas capaces de degradar herbicidas en el valle del Aconcagua. Acta Microbiológica, Vol. 9, p. 122. XXV Chilean Congress of Microbiology - Antofagasta - Chile (2003)

Seeger M, González M, Cámara B, Muñoz L, Ponce E and Sepúlveda-Boza S. Biotransformation of isoflavonoids by recombinant microbial enzymes. Vol. 1, p. 44. The World of Microbes IUMS - Paris - France. (2002)

Cámara B, Herrera C, González M and Seeger M. Cinéticas de formación de metabolitos desde (cloro)bifenilos mediante la vía superior de bifenilo de Burkholderia sp. LB400. Acta Microbiológica, Vol. 8, p. 62. XXIV Congreso Chileno de Microbiología - Punta de Tralca - Chile. (2002)

Flocco CG, González M, Cámara B, Giuletti AM and Seeger M. Removal of phenantrene by mixed plant and bacterial cultures. Biocell, Vol. 26, p. 67. XXXVIII Reunión Nacional Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular -Córdoba - Argentina. (2002)

González M, Flocco CG, Cámara B, Giuletti AM and Seeger M. Remoción de bifenilo por cultivos mixtos de bacterias y plantas. Acta Microbiológica, Vol. 8, p. 91. XXIV Congreso Chileno de Microbiología - Punta de Tralca - Chile. (2002)

Cámara B, Herrera C, González M and Seeger M. Aerobic biodegradation of polychlorobiphenyls generate toxic metabolic intermediates. Vol. 1, p. 133. 10th European Congress of Biotechnology - Madrid - Spain. (2001)

Seeger M, Cámara B and Hofer B. Dioxygenation of substituted biphenyls and other aromatic pollutants by the biphenyl-2,3-dioxygenase of Burkholderia sp. strain LB400. Vol. 1, p. 618. American Society for Microbiology - Orlando - United States. (2001)

Muñoz L, González M, Mejías L, Cámara B, Vásquez Y, Sepúlveda-Boza S and Seeger M. Nuevos isoflavonoides generados por enzimas de la bacteria Burkholderia sp. LB400. Libro Resúmenes Vol. I, pág. 58. XXIII Congreso Chileno de Microbiología - Tomé - Chile. (2001)

Ponce E, González M, Cámara B, Mejías L, Mascayano C, Sepúlveda-Boza S and Seeger M. Biotransformación de isoflavonoides por enzimas microbianas recombinantes. Libro Resúmenes Vol. I, pág. 59. XXIII Congreso Chileno de Microbiología - Tomé - Chile. (2001)

Cámara B, Hofer B and Seeger M. Oxidación de PCBs altamente recalcitrantes por una enzima híbrida. Biological Research Vol. 34, p. R45. XLIV Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Biología de Chile - Pucón - Chile. (2001)

Seeger M, Cámara B, Timmis K.N and Hofer B. Degradation of di- to hexa-chlorobiphenyls by the bph-encoded biphenyl pathway of Burkholderia sp. LB400. Vol 3, p. 434-436. XI International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition “The World Congress on Biotechnology: Biotechnology 2000” - Berlin - Germany. (2000)

Seeger M, Hofer B and Cámara B. Oxidación de contaminantes aromáticos recalcitrantes por la bifenilo-2,3-dioxigenasa de Burkholderia sp. LB400. Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiología Vol. 42, p. 392. XV Latinoamerican Congress of Microbiology - Mérida - Mexico. (2000)

Herrera C, Cámara B, González M and Seeger M. Biosíntesis de metabolitos de policlorobifenilos y sus efectos sobre la viabilidad bacteriana. Anales de Microbiología Vol. 3, Nº1, p. 35. XXII Congreso Chileno de Microbiología - Punta de Tralca - Chile. (2000)

Cámara B, González M and Seeger M. Producción de metabolitos por bacterias modificadas por ingeniería genética. Vol. I, p. CO25. VIII Italo-Latinoamerican Congress of Etnomedicine - Valparaíso - Chile. (1999)

Cámara B, González M and Seeger M. Metabolitos de policlorobifenilos generados por la bifenilo-2, 3-dioxigenasa de Pseudomonas sp. LB400 y su toxicidad. XXI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología - Valdivia - Chile. (1999)

Charlas / Talks

“El espacio químico de las Actinomicetes marinas nos brinda un mar de posibilidades”
Talk – Department of Chemistry, UTFSM.
22nd October 2020

“A genomics and metabolomics guided bioprospection of marine actinomycetes of the South Pacific”
Talk – ActinoBase e-Seminar (Youtube Channel).
6th August 2020

“Actinobacteria from the South Pacific: A bioprospection for Natural Bioproducts”
Talk – Center for Biotechnology, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
16th January 2020

“Marine actinobacteria from Chilean coasts: a prospective source for the discovery of keratinases.”
Talk – XLI Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH, Puerto Varas, Chile.
8th November 2019

“Actinobacteria from the South Pacific – Chemical diversity of specialized metabolites.”
Talk – XV Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology BAGECO – Lisbon – Portugal.
30th May 2019

“Actinobacteria from the South Pacific: A bioprospection for Natural Bioproducts”
Talk – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
22nd January 2019

“Chilean marine actinobacterial culture collection: an important resource for bioprospection”
Talk - XXIV Congreso Latinoamericana de Microbiología ALAM 2018 - XL Congreso Chileno de Microbiología SOMICH, Santiago, Chile.
13th – 16th November 2018

“Bioprospecting marine actinobacteria from the south Pacific: from isolation to genome mining and metabolomics”
Talk – II Simposio Biotecnología Microbiana y Bioingeniería. Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile
30th-31st August 2018

“Bioprospecting bioactive compounds: targeting marine actinobacteria from the Northern Chilean Patagonia”
Talk – Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
21st August 2018

“Bioprospección de actinobacterias marinas: búsqueda de enzimas implicadas en el mecanismo de la queratina.”
Talk – University of Oviedo, Spain
19 July 2018

“Bioprospecting bioactive compounds: targeting marine actinobacteria from the Northern Chilean Patagonia”
Talk - Imperial College London, London, UK
10th July 2018

“Un mar de posibilidades”
TEDx talk Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile
4th October 2017

“Bioprospecting marine actinobacteria from the south Pacific: from isolation to genome mining and metabolomics”
Talk – Simposio Biotecnología Microbiana y Bioingeniería. Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile
24-25th August 2017

“Actinobacteria from the South Pacific: A bioprospection for Natural Bioproducts.”
Talk – CCUG, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2nd June 2016

“Actinobacteria from the South Pacific: A bioprospection for Natural Bioproducts.”
Talk – Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain.
25th May 2016

“Actinobacteria from Marine Sediments in the South Pacific: a Potential Bioprospection for Novel Bioactive Natural Products.”
Talk – Imperial College London, London, UK
16th August 2013

“In search of novel Antibiotics acting on Bacterial RNA polymerases”
Coloquio Microbiología 2011 – Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile
19th May 2011

“Structure-function analysis of a potent bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor”
Annual Research Open Day – Centre for Structural Biology – Imperial College London, UK
We were 6 invited speakers, including Nobel Prize Winner of Chemistry 2009, Dr Venki Ramakrishnan
24th September 2010

“Functional and structural characterisation of T7 Gp2: a potent inhibitor of the Escherichia coli RNA polymerase”
21st Annual RNA Polymerase Workshop
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
23rd – 24th March 2009

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Premio Excelencia Académica Investigadora Joven Academia Chilena de Ciencias 2012


    Chile, 2012

    Honourable mention of the Award "Premio Excelencia Académica Investigadora Joven Academia Chilena de Ciencias 2012." Chilean Academy of Science Award granted on the 16th May 2013.

  •   Best oral presentations for incorporation to the "Sociedad de Microbiología de Chile (Somich)

    Sociedad de Microbiología de Chile (Somich)

    Chile, 2013

    Awarded as one of the best oral presentations for incorporation to the "Sociedad de Microbiología de Chile (Somich)" in XXXV Congreso de Microbiología 2013. Title: “Inhibición de la RNA polimerasa de E. coli por una proteína Gp2, derivado del bacteriófago T7, mediante la desestabilización del complejo transcripcionalmente competente”. Award granted on the 30th of November 2013.


Article (32)

Exploring the biosynthetic gene clusters in <i>Brevibacterium</i>: a comparative genomic analysis of diversity and distribution
GenoVi, an open-source automated circular genome visualizer for bacteria and archaea
Mimicking Nonribosomal Peptides from the Marine Actinomycete Streptomyces sp. H-KF8 Leads to Antimicrobial Peptides
Phylogenetic classification of natural product biosynthetic gene clusters based on regulatory mechanisms
Spiractinospora alimapuensis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment of Valparaiso Bay (Chile) and proposal for reclassification of two species of the genus Nocardiopsis
An Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis for Keratinase Detection in Marine-Derived Streptomyces
Rhodococcus comparative genomics reveals a phylogenomic-dependent non-ribosomal peptide synthetase distribution: insights into biosynthetic gene cluster connection to an orphan metabolite
Enzyme Bioprospection of Marine-Derived Actinobacteria from the Chilean Coast and New Insight in the Mechanism of Keratin Degradation in Streptomyces sp. G11C
Corynebacterium alimapuense sp. nov., an obligate marine actinomycete isolated from sediment of Valparaiso bay, Chile
Complete genome sequence of the marine Rhodococcus sp H-CA8f isolated from Comau fjord in Northern Patagonia, Chile
Biodiversity of Actinobacteria from the South Pacific and the Assessment of Streptomyces Chemical Diversity with Metabolic Profiling
Genome sequence of streptomyces sp. H-KF8, a marine actinobacterium isolated from a northern chilean patagonian fjord
Genomic data mining of the marine actinobacteria Streptomyces sp H-KF8 unveils insights into multi- stress related genes and metabolic pathways involved in antimicrobial synthesis
Exploring the Diversity and Antimicrobial Potential of Marine Actinobacteria from the Comau Fjord in Northern Patagonia, Chile
Genetic and functional analysis of the biosynthesis of a non-ribosomal peptide siderophore in burkholderia xenovorans LB400
Culturable diversity and antimicrobial activity of Actinobacteria from marine sediments in Valparaiso bay, Chile
Structural and Mechanistic Basis for the Inhibition of Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase by T7 Gp2
Activity Map of the Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase Bridge Helix
Inhibition of Escherichia coli RNAp by T7 Gp2 Protein: Role of Negatively Charged Strip of Amino Acid Residues in Gp2
Sensing DNA Opening in Transcription Using Quenchable Forster Resonance Energy Transfer
T7 phage protein Gp2 inhibits the Escherichia coli RNA polymerase by antagonizing stable DNA strand separation near the transcription start site
Characterization of a Gene Cluster Involved in 4-Chlorocatechol Degradation by Pseudomonas reinekei MT1
Coupling sigma Factor Conformation to RNA Polymerase Reorganisation for DNA Melting
trans-Dienelactone hydrolase from Pseudomonas reinekei MT1, a novel zinc-dependent hydrolase
A Gene Cluster Involved in Degradation of Substituted Salicylates via ortho Cleavage in Pseudomonas sp. Strain MT1 Encodes Enzymes Specifically Adapted for Transformation of 4-Methylcatechol and 3-Methylmuconate
Generation by a widely applicable approach of a hybrid dioxygenase showing improved oxidation of polychlorobiphenyls
Pseudomonas reinekei sp. nov., Pseudomonas moorei sp. nov. and Pseudomonas mohnii sp. nov., novel species capable of degrading chlorosalicylates or isopimaric acid
Response to (chloro)biphenyls of the polychlorobiphenyl-degrader Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 involves stress proteins also induced by heat shock and oxidative stress
Generation of novel-substrate-accepting biphenyl dioxygenases through segmental random mutagenesis and identification of residues involved in enzyme specificity
From PCBs to highly toxic metabolites by the biphenyl pathway
Biotransformation of natural and synthetic isoflavonoids by two recombinant microbial enzymes
Dehalogenation, denitration, dehydroxylation, and angular attack on substituted biphenyls and related compounds by a biphenyl dioxygenase

BookSection (1)

Aerobic Degradation of Chloroaromatics

Proyecto (13)

Genome-based natural product discovery: Characterization of bioactive compounds in marine Actinobacteria
GAMBIO=> Genomics and Applied Microbiology for Biodegradation and Bioproducts.
Genetic engineering of natural products biosynthesis in Chilean marine streptomycetes.
Multidisciplinary study on the passivation of microbial corrosion of metallic materials using nanostructured h-BN coating.
Genomics-guided bioprospecting=> targeting bioactive marine actinomycetes for natural product discovery
Evaluación de extractos naturales provenientes de bacterias marinas como alternativa para la innovación de procesos de la industria de alimentos=> Aplicación de alto impacto en la inocuidad alimentaria y la preservación medioambiental
Detection and characterization of genes associated with the synthesis of bioactive compounds in bacteria from marine sediments of the Chilean coast: searching for novel antimicrobial agents
Detection and characterization of genes associated with the synthesis of bioactive compounds in bacteria from marine sediments of the Chilean coast=> searching for novel antimicrobial agents.
Characterization of polyketide synthase and non ribosomal peptide synthetase gene clusters involved in the synthesis of antibiotics and related bioactive compounds in Actinobacteria from marine sediments in the South Pacific.
Anabolism, catabolism and physiological adaptations to aromatic compounds of Burkhorderia xenovorans LB400 and their biotechnological applications
Estudio de biocatalizadores microbianos para procesos de biorremediación
Síntesis de nuevos isoflavoniodes mediante transformaciones enzimáticas para mejorar su bioactividad
Beatriz Cámara

Associate Investigator

Departamento de Química/Centro de Biotecnología Daniel Alkalay


Valparaíso, Chile

Michael Seeger

Full Professor



Valparaíso, Chile

Fernanda Claverías

Investigadora postdoctoral

Centro de biotecnología DAL

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Juan Ugalde

Assistant Professor

Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Eduardo Castro


Departamento de Microbiología

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

María Vargas


Departamento de Química

Laboratorio de Microbiología Molecular y Biotecnología Ambiental

Valparaíso, Chile

Andres Cumsille

Estudiante doctorado

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Franco Cárdenas


Centro Regional de Estudios en Alimentos Saludables

Valparaíso, Chile

Yesseny Vasquez


Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile




Universidad de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile

Loreine Agullo





Mario Tello



Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Pedro Valencia

Research Associate

Chemical Engineering


Valparaíso, Chile

Carolina Mascayano


Ciencias del Ambiente


santiago, Chile

Roberto Durán

Investigador (Programa Asistentes Científicos)

Departamento de Química

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Francisco Montero

Investigador Responsable, pryecto FOndecyt postdoctorado 3180683


Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile