Denis Roland Saure Valenzuela
Associate Professor
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Stochastic modeling and its applications to service operations and revenue management. Data-driven approaches to decision-making under uncertainty, and their application in the retail industry, healthcare, and service systems in general.
Operations Research, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2011
Operations Research, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2008
Operations Management, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2004
Industrial Engineer, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2004
Assistant Professor (tenure track) Full Time
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Campus
Pittsburgh, Estados Unidos
2010 - 2013
Profesor Asistente Full Time
Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Santiago, Chile
2013 - 2023
Profesor Asociado Full Time
Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Santiago, Chile
2023 - A la fecha
Assistant Professor Full Time
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Estados Unidos
2010 - 2013
Summer Intern Full Time
IBM J Watson Research Center
Hawthorne, NY, Chile
2009 - 2009
Assistant Professor Full Time
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
2013 - 2023
Research Assistant & Instructor Full Time
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
2003 - 2005
Associate Professor Full Time
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
2023 - A la fecha
As advisor or co-advisor, graduate studies (selected):
Co-advisor (with R. Epstein): Daniel Iriarte, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2024.
Advisor: Constanza Encina, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2023.
Advisor: Natalia Trigo, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2023.
Advisor: Sebastian Mena, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile,2022.
Advisor: Ignasi Neira, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2022.
Advisor: Simon Grass, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2022.
Advisor: Pablo Galaz, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2020.
Advisor: Cristian Aguayo, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2019.
Advisor: Diego Bernstein, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2018.
Advisor: Ignacio Correa, Bachelor in Mathematics and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2017.
Co-advisor (with O. Prokopyev): Juan Sebastian Borrero, currently Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University, 2017.
Advisor: Oscar Carrasco, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2017.
Advisor: Sebastian Cea, Industrial Engineer and Master in Operations Management, University of Chile, 2016.
Co-advisor (with R. Epstein): Francisco Castro, Bachelor in Mathematics, University of Chile (currently Assistant professor at UCLA), 2014.
Co-advisor (with A. Schaefer): Amin Khademi, recipient 2012 Bonders Scholarship for Applied Operations in Health Services, currently Assistant Professor at Clemson University, 2013.
Junior Faculty Interest Group's Best Paper Award (second prize)
Estados Unidos, 2009
The Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Forum invites submissions to the JFIG paper competition. JFIG Forum was created in 2001 to promote the career development of tenure-track faculty in INFORMS. The goals of the paper competition are to encourage research among junior faculty and to increase the visibility of research conducted by junior faculty within the fields of operations research and management science. The entries will be judged and up to six finalists will be selected by the award committee. The papers submitted for the competition will be evaluated based on the importance of the topic, appropriateness of the research approach, and the significance of research contribution. For the 2014 competition, first place carries a cash award of $500, second place $250, and the remaining finalists $100 each. Winners will be announced at the INFORMS 2014 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA, where all finalists will present their research at a JFIG sponsored session.
Junior Faculty Interest Group's Best Paper Award (Second Prize)
Estados Unidos, 2013
The Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Forum invites submissions to the JFIG paper competition. JFIG Forum was created in 2001 to promote the career development of tenure-track faculty in INFORMS. The goals of the paper competition are to encourage research among junior faculty and to increase the visibility of research conducted by junior faculty within the fields of operations research and management science. The entries will be judged and up to six finalists will be selected by the award committee. The papers submitted for the competition will be evaluated based on the importance of the topic, appropriateness of the research approach, and the significance of research contribution. For the 2014 competition, first place carries a cash award of $500, second place $250, and the remaining finalists $100 each. Winners will be announced at the INFORMS 2014 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA, where all finalists will present their research at a JFIG sponsored session.
Manufacturing & Service Operations's Student Paper Competition (First Prize)
Estados Unidos, 2009
The INFORMS Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM) announces the Student Paper Competition. The awards are given annually for papers judged to be the best in the field of Operations Management. The first prize is accompanied by a $500 honorarium. The second prize is accompanied by a $300 honorarium. Prizes will be awarded at the Fall INFORMS meeting. In addition, all finalists will be awarded $100. The number of finalists will depend on the number of entries. Typically there are six finalists including the first and second place winners. Finalists will be invited to submit abstracts of their paper for publication in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. (Under INFORMS policy, the publication of such abstracts in no way conflicts with submission of the full manuscript for review to any INFORMS or other journal for publication.)
Pierskalla Best paper Award (Finalist)
Estados Unidos, 2012
The Health Applications Section of INFORMS sponsors an annual competition for the Pierskalla Award, which recognizes research excellence in the field of health care management science. The award includes a $1,000 honorarium for the best paper presented in a Health Applications Section sponsored session at the annual INFORMS conference. The award is named after Dr. William Pierskalla to recognize his contribution and dedication to improving health services delivery through operations research. Dr. Pierskalla is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Anderson School at UCLA and the Ronald A. Rosenfeld Professor Emeritus, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and serves as an editor on numerous operations research journals.
Franz Edelman Award (Finalist)
Estados Unidos, 2016
The Franz Edelman competition attests to the contributions of operations research and analytics in both the profit and non-profit sectors. Since its inception, cumulative benefits from Edelman finalist projects has topped the $292 billion mark. Edelman finalist teams have improved organizational efficiency, increased profits, brought better products to consumers, helped foster peace negotiations, and saved lives. The purpose of the Franz Edelman competition is to bring forward, recognize and reward outstanding examples of operations research, management science, and advanced analytics in practice in the world, with $15,000 in awards. First prize is accompanied by a $10,000 honorarium.
Manufacturing & Service Operations's Student Paper Competition (First prize - Sajad Modaresi; student)
Estados Unidos, 2018
Recipient: Sajad Modaresi (student) The INFORMS Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM) announces the Student Paper Competition. The awards are given annually for papers judged to be the best in the field of Operations Management. The first prize is accompanied by a $500 honorarium. The second prize is accompanied by a $300 honorarium. Prizes will be awarded at the Fall INFORMS meeting. In addition, all finalists will be awarded $100. The number of finalists will depend on the number of entries. Typically there are six finalists including the first and second place winners. Finalists will be invited to submit abstracts of their paper for publication in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. (Under INFORMS policy, the publication of such abstracts in no way conflicts with submission of the full manuscript for review to any INFORMS or other journal for publication.)
Franz Edelman Award (First Prize)
Estados Unidos, 2022
The Franz Edelman competition attests to the contributions of operations research and analytics in both the profit and non-profit sectors. Since its inception, cumulative benefits from Edelman finalist projects has topped the $292 billion mark. Edelman finalist teams have improved organizational efficiency, increased profits, brought better products to consumers, helped foster peace negotiations, and saved lives. The purpose of the Franz Edelman competition is to bring forward, recognize and reward outstanding examples of operations research, management science, and advanced analytics in practice in the world, with $15,000 in awards. First prize is accompanied by a $10,000 honorarium.
Euro Excellence in Practice Award (Finalist)
The association of European Operational Research Societies
Chile, 2018
In 1995 EURO introduced the EURO Excellence in Practice Award (EEPA) for outstanding accomplishments in the practice of OR. All interested candidates are invited to submit a description of an application of OR with a real impact on practice, with original features, whether in methodology, application or implementation. A short-list of finalists are invited to present their work in a special session of the EURO-k Conference. The winner is determined by the jury at the end of the special session(s) and is announced by the chair of the jury during the closing session of the EURO-k Conference. Only one award may be made on each occasion.
Optimal Exploitation of a Mineral Resource under Stochastic Market Prices |
Bilevel Bandits |
Approximate Dynamic Programming Methods for Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis |
Respuesta automatizada para inteligencia en despachos online (RAPIDO) |
Desarrollo de Tecnologias para Mejorar la Experiencia de Compra de los Clientes en un Ambiente Multi-canal |
Improving Yield Under Uncertainty in Complex Processes |
Repetitive Combinatorial Optimization with learning |
Adaptive Reliability and Lifetime Extension of Nuclear Facilities in Uncertain, Dynamic Environments (NRC Young Faculty Development Grant) |
Transdisciplinary research before, during and after COVID-19 vaccination in Chile: a virtuoso collaboration with future perspectives |

Leonardo Basso
Full Professor
Department of Industrial Engineering
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Juan Pablo Torres
Pediatría y Cirugía Infantil Oriente
Santiago, Chile

Guido Lagos
Profesor Asistente
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias
Universidad Adolfo Ibánez
Viña del Mar, Chile

Jaime Miranda
Director de Escuela
Control de Gestión y Sistemas de Información
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Académico Asistente
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
Universidad de chile
Santiago, Chile

Marcel Goic
Profesor Asociado
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Susan Bueno
Profesor Asociado
Genética Molecular y Microbiología
Santiago, Chile

Monica Acevedo
Profesor Asistente
Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas
Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Olivares
Assistant Professor
Departamento de Ingenieria Industrial
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Miguel O'Ryan
Profesor Titular
Programa de Microbiologia y Micologia
Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Bruhn
Profesor Titular. Director de Investigación y Postgrado, Facultad de Medicina
Departamento de Medicina Intensiva
Santiago, Chile