
Enrico Rezende Landaeta

Profesor Asociado


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Ecologia Evolutiva; Fisiología Evolutiva; Ecologia de Comunidades


  •  Ciencias, Mención en Biología, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1998
  •  Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE. Estados Unidos, 2005

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time


    Facultad de Ecología y Recursos Naturales


    2016 - 2018

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time


    Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas


    2018 - A la fecha

  •   Senior Lecturer Full Time

    University of Roehampton

    London, Reino Unido

    2013 - 2016

  •   Investigador Ramón y Cajal Full Time


    Facultad de Genética y Microbiología


    2008 - 2012

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Investigador Posdoctoral

    Estación Biológica de Doñana - CSIC


    2005 - 2007

  •   Investigador Ramón y Cajal

    Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


    2008 - 2012

  •   Investigador Joven Talento

    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


    2013 - 2013

  •   Senior Lecturer

    University of Roehampton

    Reino Unido

    2013 - 2016


Article (98)

Beyond a single temperature threshold: Applying a cumulative thermal stress framework to plant heat tolerance
Fitness surfaces and local thermal adaptation in <i>Drosophila</i> along a latitudinal gradient
Intraspecific variation of heat tolerance in a model ectotherm: The role of oxygen, cell size and body size
Rapid turnover of a pea aphid superclone mediated by thermal endurance in central Chile
Heat tolerance of marine ectotherms in a warming Antarctica
Long-term forecast of thermal mortality with climate warming in riverine amphipods
Phenotypic specialization of the pea aphid in its southern limit of distribution
Temperature adaptation and its impact on the shape of performance curves in <i>Drosophila</i> populations
Temperature variability and metabolic adaptation in terrestrial and aquatic ectotherms
Thermodynamic effects drive countergradient responses in the thermal performance of<i> Littorina</i><i> saxatilis</i> across latitude
Upper thermal limits and risk of mortality of coastal Antarctic ectotherms
Biological trade-offs underpin coral reef ecosystem functioning
Thermal tolerance in Drosophila: Repercussions for distribution, community coexistence and responses to climate change
Body size variation in polyplacophoran molluscs: Geographical clines and community structure along the south-eastern Pacific
Coral reef fishes reveal strong divergence in the prevalence of traits along the global diversity gradient
Divergence in Thermal Physiology Could Contribute to Vertical Segregation in Intertidal Ecotypes of <i>Littorina saxatilis</i>
Heat tolerance in ectotherms scales predictably with body size
Heat Tolerance, Energetics, and Thermal Treatments of Honeybees Parasitized With Varroa
Heterothermy as the Norm, Homeothermy as the Exception: Variable Torpor Patterns in the South American Marsupial Monito del Monte (<i>Dromiciops gliroides</i>)
Spatial and temporal shift in the factors affecting the population dynamics of <i>Calanus</i> copepods in the North Sea
Climate change and thermoregulatory consequences of activity time in mammals
Predicting temperature mortality and selection in natural <i>Drosophila</i> populations
Rapid within- and transgenerational changes in thermal tolerance and fitness in variable thermal landscapes
Shrinking dinosaurs and the evolution of endothermy in birds
Thermal effects vary predictably across levels of organization: empirical results and theoretical basis
Body size, reef area and temperature predict global reef-fish species richness across spatial scales
Mutualistic interactions reshuffle the effects of climate change on plants across the tree of life
Sexual Selection and the Evolution of Male Reproductive Traits in Benthic Octopuses
Thermal performance across levels of biological organization
Thermal strategies vary with life history stage
Thorsons rule, life-history evolution, and diversification of benthic octopuses (Cephalopoda: Octopodoidea)
Effects of amphibian phylogeny, climate and human impact on the occurrence of the amphibian-killing chytrid fungus
Quantitative Genetic Modeling of the Parental Care Hypothesis for the Evolution of Endothermy
Resting vs. active: a meta-analysis of the intra- and inter-specific associations between minimum, sustained, and maximum metabolic rates in vertebrates
Winter is coming: Food web structure and seasonality in a subtropical freshwater coastal lake
Ecological Influences and Morphological Correlates of Resting and Maximal Metabolic Rates across Teleost Fish Species.
Introduced Drosophila subobscura populations perform better than native populations during an oviposition choice task due to increased fecundity but similar learning ability.
Temperature variability and thermal performance in ectotherms: acclimation, behaviour, and experimental considerations.
Heat tolerance in Drosophila subobscura along a latitudinal gradient: Contrasting patterns between plastic and genetic responses
Phylogenies and stats: putting evolution into numbers
The interactions between temperature and activity levels in driving metabolic rate: theory, with empirical validation from contrasting ectotherms.
Thermal tolerance and climate warming sensitivity in tropical snails.
Thermoregulation in endotherms: physiological principles and ecological consequences.
Exercise training effects on hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory responses in mice selected for increased voluntary wheel running.
Tolerance landscapes in thermal ecology
Biogeographic, historical and environmental influences on the taxonomic and functional structure of Atlantic reef fish assemblages
El estudio de las tolerancias térmicas para el examen de hipótesis biogeográficas y de la vulnerabilidad de los organismos ante el calentamiento global: ejemplos en anfíbios
Evolution. Better oxygen delivery.
Mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running have larger midbrains: support for the mosaic model of brain evolution.
Vanishing chromosomal inversion clines in Drosophila subobscura from Chile: is behavioral thermoregulation to blame?
Comment on 'Ecologically relevant measures of tolerance to potentially lethal temperatures'.
Hsp70 protein levels and thermotolerance in Drosophila subobscura: a reassessment of the thermal co-adaptation hypothesis.
Keeping pace with climate change: what is wrong with the evolutionary potential of upper thermal limits?
Measurement error in heat tolerance assays
On the reliability of visual communication in vertebrate-dispersed fruits
Phylogenetic analyses: comparing species to infer adaptations and physiological mechanisms.
Estimating the adaptive potential of critical thermal limits: methodological problems and evolutionary implications
Evolution and plasticity of anuran larval development in response to desiccation. A comparative analysis.
Making sense of heat tolerance estimates in ectotherms: lessons from Drosophila
The role of body mass in diet contiguity and food-web structure.
Climate change and chromosomal inversions in Drosophila subobscura.
Clinal patterns of chromosomal inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila subobscura are partly associated with thermal preferences and heat stress resistance.
Contrasting patterns of phenotypic variation linked to chromosomal inversions in native and colonizing populations of Drosophila subobscura.
Faster returns on ‘leaf economics’ and different biogeochemical niche in invasive compared with native plant species
Genetic constraints for thermal coadaptation in Drosophila subobscura.
Cold acclimation in Peromyscus: individual variation and sex effects in maximum and daily metabolism, organ mass and body composition.
Compartments in a marine food web associated with phylogeny, body mass, and habitat structure.
Glycogen storage and muscle glucose transporters (GLUT-4) of mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running.
Macrophysiology: a conceptual reunification.
Running behavior and its energy costs in mice selectively bred for high voluntary locomotor activity
The evolution of jumping performance in anurans: morphological correlates and ecological implications.
Development partly determines the aerobic performance of adult deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus.
Basal and stress-induced plasma corticosterone concentrations of mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running.
Deer mouse aerobic performance across altitudes: effects of developmental history and temperature acclimation
Effects of phenotypic complementarity and phylogeny on the nested structure of mutualistic networks
Leptin levels and body composition of mice selectively bred for high voluntary activity
Non-random coextinctions in phylogenetically structured mutualistic networks.
Effects of size, sex and voluntary running speeds on costs of transport in lines of laboratory mice selected for high wheel-running activity
Maximal oxygen consumption in relation to subordinate traits in lines of house mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running.
Maximum aerobic performance in lines of Mus selected for high wheel-running activity: effects of selection, oxygen availability and the mini-muscle phenotype.
Renal morphology, phylogenetic history and desert adaptation in South American hystricognath rodents
An evolutionary frame of work to study physiological adaptation to high altitudes
Contractile abilities of normal and "mini" triceps surae muscles from mice (Mus domesticus) selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running.
Maximal metabolic rates during voluntary exercise, forced exercise, and cold exposure in house mice selectively bred for high wheel-running.
Phylogenetic approaches in comparative physiology.
Climatic adaptation and the evolution of basal and maximum rates of metabolism in rodents.
Cold-acclimation in Peromyscus: temporal effects and individual variation in maximum metabolism and ventilatory traits.
Voluntary running in deer mice: speed, distance, energy costs and temperature effects.
Activity and space use by degus: a trade-off between thermal conditions and food availability?
Age and aerobic performance in deer mice.
Does ambient temperature constrain daily activity of the fossorial rodent Spalacopus cyanus?
Dynamic thermal balance in the leaf-eared mouse: The interplay among ambient temperature, body size, and behavior
Passerines versus nonpasserines: so far, no statistical differences in the scaling of avian energetics.
Does thermal history affect metabolic plasticity?: a study in three Phyllotis species along an altitudinal gradient.
Patterns of daily activity in the leaf-eared mouse (Phyllotis darwini): effects of food availability
Standard and comparative energetics of a small avian herbivore (Phytotoma rara)
When nonshivering thermogenesis equals maximum metabolic rate: Thermal acclimation and phenotypic plasticity of fossorial Spalacopus cyanus (Rodentia)
The role of gastrolites on feeding behavior and digestive efficiency in the Rufous-collared Sparrow

Proyecto (8)

Forecasting the impact of climate change in Chilean drosophilids=> physiological, ecological and evolutionary responses
Unravelling the impact of global change drivers on Chilean amphibians=> emerging diseases, land use-change and climate warming
Comparing community size patterns and food web structure at different trophic states in temperate and sub-tropical freshwater systems
Evolutionary adaptation to extreme environmental temperatures=> direct and correlated responses of artificial selection on heat tolerance
Thermal tolerance, species distribution and the impact of climate warming
Thermal comparative biology in Drosophila subobscura across two latitudinal gradients
Grup de Biologia Evolutiva (GBE)
Adaptación térmica en Drosophila=> la base funcional que subyace los gradientes latitudinales

Review (1)

Energetic mechanisms for coping with changes in resource availability
Enrico Rezende

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ecología


Santiago, Chile

María Pardo

Profesor Asistente adjunto

Ecología y Biodiversidad

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Christian Ibáñez


Ecología y Biodiversidad


Santiago, Chile

Grisel Cavieres

Profesora invitada Evolucion

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

José Pulgar

Profesor Asociado


Santiago, Chile

Cristóbal Galbán

Profesor Asociado

Centro de Genómica, Ecología y Medio Ambiente

Universidad Mayor de Chile

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Marcela Aldana

Investigadora de centro

Universidad Santo Tomás

Santiago, Chile

Manuel García-Huidobro

Investigador Adjunto

Centro de Investigación e Innovación para el Cambio Climático, Universidad Santo Tomás

Santiago, Chile

Sergio Carrasco


Biología Marina

Universidad Católica del Norte

Coquimbo, Chile



Instituto de Investigación Interdisciplinar

Universidad SEK

Providencia, Chile

Alfredo Figueroa

Profesor Titular

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Francisco Fonturbel

Profesor adjunto

Instituto de Biología

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaiso, Chile





READING, Reino Unido

Claudio Azat


Centro de Investigación para la Sustentabilidad

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Rogelio Sellanes

Profesor Titular

Biología Marina


Coquimbo, Chile

Elie Poulin

Profesor Titular

Ciencias Ecologicas


Santiago, Chile