Margarita Calvo Bascuñan
Profesor Asociado
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Neuropathic pain; neuropathic itch, RDEB, small fibre neuropathy, skin conditions, epidemiology of pain
Neuroscience, KINGS COLLEGE LONDON. Reino Unido, 2010
Pain Management, KINGS COLLEGE LONDON. Reino Unido, 2009
Peripheral Nervous system, UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO. Italia, 2020
Postdoctoral fellow Full Time
Biomedical school
london-oxford, Reino Unido
2010 - 2013
Profesor Visitante Full Time
Cs Biologicas
santiago, Chile
2013 - 2014
Profesor Asociado Full Time
Cs Biologicas
santiago, Chile
2014 - A la fecha
Profesor Visitante Full Time
Oxford, Reino Unido
2013 - 2014
Postdoctoral fellow Full Time
Kings College London
london, Reino Unido
2010 - 2013
Honorary contract- Clinical researcher Full Time
Kings College London hospitals
London, Reino Unido
2010 - A la fecha
Honorary contract- Clinical researcher Other
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital-Imperial College
London, Reino Unido
2010 - 2013
Visitant Professor Full Time
Oxford University
Oxford, Reino Unido
2013 - A la fecha
Visitant Professor Full Time
Oxford University
Oxford, Reino Unido
2016 - 2016
profesor visitante Full Time
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2013 - 2014
Medico acreditado-Unidad del Dolor Other
Red de salud UC Christus
Santiago, Chile
2014 - A la fecha
Profesor Asistente Full Time
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
2014 - 2019
Early-Career Advisory Group (ECAG) member Other
Reino Unido
2017 - A la fecha
Management committee Other
Neuropathic Pain Special Interest group (NeuPSIG)
London, Reino Unido
2018 - A la fecha
IASP Councillor Other
International Association for the study of pain
2020 - A la fecha
Directora Other
Inicitaiva Cinetífico Millennium Nucleus -ANID
2020 - A la fecha
Visitant Professor Full Time
Oxford University
Oxford, Reino Unido
2023 - 2023
Dirección De Tesis De Pregrado
- Completa: Daniela Schmidt, Pilar Morales
- En ejecución. Marcelo Kim , Luna Olguin, Alejandra San Martin, Antonia
- Inmersión en investigación de alumna universidad Los Andes 2014-2015 Sofia von Bischhoffshausen
- Investigación para pregrado verano/invierno :2014 Miguel Calderon,
2015 Renate Reisenegger/ Miguel Calderon,
2017 Sofía Guajardo
2018 Matias Torres Jesús Vega
2019 Daniella Pérez, Francisca Henríquez
Dirección De Tesis De Post-Grado (Solo Doctorado)
Rotación de primer año de doctorado de Néstor Corro 2015, Luis Martin Gonzalez
En ejecución, Gustavo Torres
Ariel Tapia
Terminados: Paula Díaz 2024
Macarena Tejos 2024
Zulmary Manjarres 2024
PhD: Victoria Santa María (Universidad Concepción), Guillermo Moya (UC), Mailin Casadei (Universidad Austral,Argentina), Esteban Diaz (UC), Sebastián Castillo (UC), Mailín Casadei (Universidad Austral, Argentina)
MsC: Germán Banner (UC)
-2018: Sociedad de Neurociencias, Puerto Varas
-2016: XXXVIII Congreso Anual De La Sociedad De Farmacología De Chile. Castro, Chiloé
-2023: ACHED Concepcion III Jornada de Dolor Crónico no Oncológico
-ACHED Congreso Chileno de dolor, Santiago
-2024: IASP World Congress on Pain, Amsterdam
-2023 NeuPSIG Lisbon, Portugal
-2022 ACHED Updates in fibromyalgia
-2022 EFIC 12th Congress of the European Pain Federation, Dublin, Ireland
-2022 IASP World Congress in Pain, Toronto, Canada
-2022 XIX Congreso LASRA Chile 2022 (May)
-2022 IV Jornadas de Dolor Grunenthal
-2021 Chilean Rheumatology society
-2021 Peripheral Nerve Society: Neuropathic Pain symposium
-2021 ACHED
-2021 III Congreso SOLANE (Sociedad latinoamericana de enfermedades neuromusculares)
-2021 Argentinian Society for Neuroscience
-2021 IASP World Congress in Pain (online)
-2021 Comité Internacional de Mujeres en Neuromodulación de la Sociedad Argentina de Neuromodulación (SANE)
-2020 1st EB World Congress, London, UK
- 2019 7th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG 2019), London, UK
-2019 eLife Annual Meeting, London, UK
-2018 17th World Congress in Pain IASP. Boston, USA
-2017. Peripheral Nerve Society 2017, Sitges, Spain
-2017. Neuropathic pain Special interest Group IASP, NeuPSIG 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden
-2017 eLife Annual meeting, Boston, USA
-2016. 16th World Congress in Pain IASP. Yokohama, Japan
-2016. Euroconference in Pain, Taormina, Sicily, Italy
-2015. 5to International Congress NeuPSIG. Nice, France
-2015. EFIC IX Pain Congress, Vienna, Austria
-2015. World Congress in neurology, Santiago, Chile
-2015. Chilean Congress in Pain (ACHED). Santiago, Chile
-2014. Satellite symposium in painful neuropathies (NeuPSIG, IASP) Santiago, Chile
-2013. Peripheral Nerve Society Biennial Meeting, St Malo, France
-2012. Joint Italian and British Peripheral Nerve Societies meeting. London, UK
Posters en Congresos Internacionales
- 2016. 16th World Congress in Pain IASP. Yokohama, Japan
- 2015 5th NeuPSIG. Nice, France
- 2015. EFIC IX Pain Congress, Vienna, Austria
- 2014 15th World Congress in Pain IASP. Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 2013 4to Congreso Internacional NeuPSIG. Athens, Greece
- 2012 14th World Congress in Pain IASP. Milan, Italy
- 2010 13th World Congress in Pain IASP. Montreal, Canada
- 2009 Peripheral Nerve Society meeting. Würzburg , Germany
- 2008 12th World Congress in Pain IASP. Glasgow, UK
- 2007. Peripheral Nerve Society,meeting. Snowbird, Utah, USA
Participación En Otras Actividades Asociadas A Investigación.
Revisor de Publicaciones Internacionales (Journal, fecha)
eLife 2018, Glia 2017, Plos NTD 2017, Journal of molecular histology 2017, Neuroscience letters 2017, 2015, 2014, Journal of Pain 2015, Pain Research and Treatment 2015, Pain Medicine 2014, Journal of pain Research 2014 , Biological Research 2014-2018, Revista médica de Chile 2018, Pain 2020-ongoing, Neuroscience letters, Journal of Pain, Pain Research and Treatment, Pain Medicine, Journal of pain Research, Biological Research, Wellcome open access, Frontiers in Pain Research, Journal of the peripheral nervous system, BMJ Open
Revisor de Proyectos Nacionales
Parte del grupo de estudio G1 ANID (fodnecyt regular, de inicio, postdoctorado)
FONDEF 2015, 2019 2020, Becas Chile (doctorado extranjero) 2018-ongoing
Revisor de Proyectos Extranjeros
-Newton Prize 2019-2020 UK National Commission for UNESCO Team.
-The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO/ZonMw) 2016-ongoing
-Italian Ministry of Health (MOH) Riserca Sanitaria 2014-ongoing
• Council elected IASP 2020-2026 https://www.iasp-pain.org
• Secretary of Neuropathic Pain Consortium (NPC) within the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) https://www.pnsociety.com/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3467 2022- ongoing
• Secretary of Neuropathic Pain SIG 2022- ongoing
- Co chair Global Year IASP 2025
- Co chair NeuPSIG 2025 Congress, Berlin, Germany
• Member of the nomination committee IASP 2022-2024
• Member of the Scientific program committee for IASP congress 2022 , 2024, 2026
• Member of the Scientific program committee for PNS congress 2023
• Member of the Scientific program committee for NeuPSIG congress 2019, 2023, 2025
• Member of the editorial board of Pain Research Forum: 2018-ongoing
• Member of the editorial board of Revista de Neurología (Viguera) 2020-ongoing
• Member of the editorial board of Journal of pain (U.S. association for the study of pain) 2022-ongoing
• Associate editor of Frontiers in Pain Research 2020-ongoing
• Member of the Early Career Research Advisory Board of the Journal eLife 2017-2019
Beca Presidente de la Republica
Gobienro de Chile
Chile, 2007
Beca para estudiar el PhD.
Beca Alban
Portugal, 2006
Beca Alban para estudios de postgrado en la Comunidad Europea
P.K Thomas Fellowship Award
Peripheral Nerve Society
Estados Unidos, 2009
Mejor presentacion del congreso de PNS
travel grant
Reino Unido, 2010
TRavel grant
travel grant
Chile, 2009
travel grant
travel grant
Estados Unidos, 2010
travel grant
Chile, 2010
International Association for the study of pain travel grant
travel grant
Chile, 2008
International association for the study of pain travel grant
Travel grant
Chile, 2017
eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. eLife was founded in 2011 by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society and the Wellcome Trust, who provide financial support and strategic guidance. They provide a few grants each year to early-stage researchers on eLife papers for funding towards presenting their work at a meeting of their choice.
IASP councilor
International Association for the study of pain
Estados Unidos, 2020
I am an elected councillor for the biggest International society in Pain (IASP). I have been working hard in special interest groups task and in managing the neuPSIG (one of the main SIG of IASP). This year I was selected as one in the " IASP Hall of Champions" (https://www.iasp-pain.org/Membership/Content.aspx?ItemNumber=6221) and then elected to be councillor for 6 years.
Natural and exact sciences Millenium Nucleus
Chile, 2020
MiNuSPain, milenium nucleus for the study of pain. Adjudicado en concurso 2020 Directora
Exploring neuroinflammation: A key driver in neuropathic pain disorders |
Signals from injured neurons that modulate microglia |
An Immunological Signature of Pain in Fibromyalgia Syndrome. |
Dolor crónico en la población adulta chilena en edad de trabajar |
A double-blind, randomized, cross-over, multi-centre, feasibility trial of pregabalin for the treatment of RDEB-associated neuropathic pain and itch |
Investigating neurotrophins role in small fibre neuropathy in Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa |
Investigating a novel mechanism of hypersensitivity induced by exclusive damage to intraepidermal nerve fibres=> neuropathic pain in Epidermolysis Bullosa |
Determining the frequency and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neuropathic pain in epidermolysis bullosa and its potential as a novel mechanism of hypersensitivity induced by sole cutaneous nerve fibre damage |

Margarita Calvo
Profesor Asociado
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Paola Murgas
Profesor Investigador Asistente
Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia
Universidad San Sebastián
Puerto Montt, Chile

Rodrigo Pacheco
Associate Investigator; Head of the Laboratory of Neuroimmunology
Fundación Ciencia para la Vida
Santiago, Chile

Felipe Court
Full Professor and Director
Center for Integrative Biology
Universidad Mayor
Huechuraba, Chile