
Pedro Luiz Ramos

Profesor Asistente

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Survival analysis, Bayesian inference, classical inference, and probability distribution theory


  •  Estadistica, UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO. Brasil, 2018
  •  Applied and Computational Mathematics, São Paulo State University. Brasil, 2015
  •  Statistics, São Paulo State University. Brasil, 2011

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Finalist of the 2019 ANP Technological Innovation Award, (joint work with other institutions)

    Brazilian National Oil Agency.

    Brasil, 2019

    The ANP Award for Technological Innovation has the objective of recognizing and rewarding the results associated with research, development and innovation projects that represent technological innovation of interest to the oil, natural gas and biofuels sector, developed in Brazil by research institutions, credentialed by ANP Brazilian companies and oil companies, with total or partial use of resources of the present Clause in Exploration and Production contracts.

  •   Best Poster Award on Statistics and Data Science

    2nd Conference on Statistics and Data Science,

    Chile, 2018

    El artículo titulado "Nuevo gráfico de control de procesos estadísticos para datos de recuento sobredispersos basados ??en la distribución de Bell" recibió el Premio al Mejor Póster en Estadística y Ciencia de Datos en el II Congreso de Estadística y Ciencia de Datos, celebrado en Salvador - BA, entre el 18 y noviembre. 20.

  •   2 o Place in the Best Doctoral Thesis Award from 2016-2018

    Brazilian National Symposium on Probability and Statistic

    Chile, 2018

    La tesis doctoral "Inferencia bayesiana y clásica para la distribución gamma generalizada y modelos relacionados", defendida en febrero de 2018 en el Instituto de Matemáticas e Informática (ICMC) de la USP São Carlos, recibió el 2do lugar en el Premio a la Mejor Tesis de Doctorado en el Simposio Nacional de Probabilidad y Estadística (SINAPE).

  •   NSF/QPRC Award


    Estados Unidos, 2017

    NSF/QPRC Award, University of Connecticut, 2017.


Article (56)

Power laws distributions in objective priors
Objective Bayesian inference for the Capability index of the Weibull distribution and its generalization
Reliability assessment of repairable systems with series-parallel structure subjected to hierarchical competing risks under minimal repair regime
Reliability assessment of repairable systems with series–parallel structure subjected to hierarchical competing risks under minimal repair regime
Statistical process control of overdispersed count data based on one-parameter Poisson mixture models
A Bayesian approach for the zero-inflated cure model: an application in a Brazilian invasive cervical cancer database
Bayesian analysis of the inverse generalized gamma distribution using objective priors
Bayesian Reference Analysis for the Generalized Normal Linear Regression Model
Generalizing Normality: Different Estimation Methods for Skewed Information
Improved objective Bayesian estimator for a PLP model hierarchically represented subject to competing risks under minimal repair regime
Inverse Gaussian process model with frailty term in reliability analysis
Objective bayesian analysis for multiple repairable systems
Objective Bayesian inference for the capability index of the Gamma distribution
On Posterior Properties of the Two Parameter Gamma Family of Distributions
Optimal burn-in policy based on a set of cutoff points using mixture inverse Gaussian degradation process and copulas
Power laws in the Roman Empire: a survival analysis
The impacts of climate change on rainfall modeling in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul
The random deterioration rate model with measurement error based on the inverse Gaussian distribution
Una distribución de Lindley ponderada reparametrizada: propiedades, estimación y aplicaciones
Weighted Lindley frailty model: estimation and application to lung cancer data
An extended poisson family of life distribution: a unified approach in competitive and complementary risks
Bayesian non-parametric frailty model for dependent competing risks in a repairable systems framework
Bias Reduction in the Closed-Form Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Nakagami-m Fading Parameter
Contributed Discussion on 'On a Class of Objective Priors from Scoring Rules'
Exponential-Poisson distribution: estimation and applications to rainfall and aircraft data with zero occurrence
Incorporation of Frailties Into a Non-Proportional Hazard Regression Model and Its Diagnostics for Reliability Modeling of Downhole Safety Valves
Objective Bayesian analysis for the Lomax distribution
Posterior properties of the Weibull distribution for censored data
Reference Bayesian analysis for the generalized lognormal distribution with application to survival data
The Lehmann type II inverse Weibull distribution in the presence of censored data
The polynomial-exponential distribution: a continuous probability model allowing for occurrence of zero values
Um estudo de caso de engenharia de confiabilidade de colhedoras de cana-de-açúcar
A Distribution for Instantaneous Failures
A Note on Bias of Closed-Form Estimators for the Gamma Distribution Derived From Likelihood Equations
A note on the exponential geometric power series distribution
A Repairable System Subjected to Hierarchical Competing Risks: Modeling and Applications
Improved Bayes estimators and prediction for the Wilson-Hilferty distribution
Medical Care in Emergency Units with Risk Classification: Time to Attendance at a Hospital based on Parametric Models
Modeling traumatic brain injury lifetime data: Improved estimators for the Generalized Gamma distribution under small samples
Risk Management in E-Commerce-A Fraud Study Case Using Acoustic Analysis through Its Complexity
Some new results for the transmuted generalized gamma distribution
The Frechet distribution: Estimation and application-An overview
The inverse weighted Lindley distribution: Properties, estimation and an application on a failure time data
Bayesian Reference Analysis for the Generalized Gamma Distribution
Efficient closed-form maximum a posteriori estimators for the gamma distribution
Poisson-exponential distribution: different methods of estimation
Posterior Properties of the Nakagami-m Distribution Using Noninformative Priors and Applications in Reliability
Reliability-Centered Maintenance: Analyzing Failure in Harvest Sugarcane Machine Using Some Generalizations of the Weibull Distribution
The Inverse Nakagami-m Distribution: A Novel Approach in Reliability
Bayesian analysis of the generalized gamma distribution using non-informative priors
Binomial-exponential 2 Distribution: Different Estimation Methods with Weather Applications
Exponentiated Chen distribution: Properties and estimation
An Efficient, Closed-Form MAP Estimator for Nakagami-m Fading Parameter
Different Estimation Procedures for the Parameters of the Extended Exponential Geometric Distribution for Medical Data
The generalized weighted Lindley distribution: Properties, estimation, and applications
Pedro Ramos

Profesor Asistente


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Diego Carvalho

Formal Researcher

Universidad de Atacama

Copiapó, Chile