Alexis Antonio Gonzalez Parra
Adjunct Professor
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso
Valparaíso, Chile
Mechanisms of collecting duct renin regulation and interactions with prorenin receptor. Intrarenal renin angiotensin system in kidney disease and hypertension
Adjunct Professor Full Time
Valparaíso, Chile
2012 - At present
Postdoctoral Full Time
Tulane University
New Orleans, Estados Unidos
2009 - 2012
Undergraduate Thesis:
1. Regulation of collecting duct renin by vasopressin. Flavia Cifuentes, Bioquímico PUCV 2012-2015
2. Effect of the activation of the prorenin receptor on profibrotic markers and reactive oxygen species. Leonardo Zamora, Bioquímico PUCV 2014-2015
3. Effect of a high potassium diet on the expression of intrarrenal renin angiotensin system in hypertensive rats Matías Gallardo, Bioquímico PUCV 2015-2015, Co-tutoring Dr. Carlos P Vio, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
4. Angiotensin II stimulated renin expression in collecting duct cells via PKC and calcium. Cristobal Ibaceta, Bioquímico PUCV 2014-2015
5. Role of the E prostanoid receptors in the regulation of collecting duct renin” Nicolas Salinas, Bioquímico PUCV 2015-2017
6. Angiotensin II and vasiopressin in the modulation of renin expression in the collecting duct. Alex González, Bioquímico PUCV 2015-2017.
7. Expression of the intra-renal renin angiotensin system in obstructive uropathy. Steffany Figueroa. Bioquímico PUCV 2016 (on-going), Co-tutoring Dr. Cristian Amador Universidad Autonoma de Chile
8. Expression of the ntra-renal renin angiotensin system in renal ischemya - reperfussion. Steffany Duque Bioquímico PUCV 2017 (on-going), Co-tutoring Dr. Cristian Amador Universidad Autonoma de Chile
PhD Thesis:
1. Arsenic and antimony as toxic elements for collecting duct cells (PhD in Chemical sciences, PUCV, On-going)
International meetings (last three years):
1. Leonardo Zamora, Cristobal Ibaceta Flavia Cifuentes, Alexis A. Gonzalez. (Pro)renin receptor increases profibrotic gene expression via reactive oxygen species in rat renal inner medullary collecting duct cells. 1st Panamerican Congress of Physiological Sciences, Iguassu Falls Brazil, August 2-6, 2014.
2. Alexis A. Gonzalez, Flavia Cifuentes, Leonardo Zamora, Cristobal Ibaceta, Minolfa C Prieto. Vasopressin receptor 2 (V2R) increases renin expression in mouse cortical collecting duct cells. 1st Panamerican Congress of Physiological Sciences, Iguassu Falls Brazil, August 2-6, 2014.
3. Alexis A. Gonzalez, Liu Liu, Flavia Cifuentes, L. Gabriel Navar, Minolfa C Prieto. Regulation of renin expression in collecting duct cells. III international symposium of the renin angiotensin system (RAS): understanding systemic and tissue RAS. August 8th- 9th- 10th, 2014 at the Hotel/UNIFESP, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. (Invited speaker).
4. Leonardo Zamora, Cristobal Ibaceta Flavia Cifuentes, Alexis A. Gonzalez. Activación del receptor de (pro)renina aumenta la expresión de genes profibroticos vía formación de especies reactivas de oxígeno en cultivos primarios renales de células epiteliales de túbulo colector medular. XVII Congreso Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nefrología e Hipertensión (SLANH), Casa Piedra Santiago, 19 al 23 de agosto 2014.
5. Alexis A. Gonzalez, Flavia Cifuentes, Leonardo Zamora, Cristobal Ibaceta, Minolfa C Prieto. Estimulación del receptor v2 de vasopresina aumenta los niveles de renina en células de túbulo colector renal. XVII Congreso Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nefrología e Hipertensión (SLANH), Casa Piedra Santiago, 19 al 23 de agosto 2014.
6. Alexis A. Gonzalez, Flavia Cifuentes, Leonardo Zamora, Cristobal Ibaceta, Minolfa C Prieto. Vasopressin receptor 2 (V2R) increases renin expression in mouse cortical collecting duct cells. Council of High Blood Pressure Research 2014, September 9-12, San Francisco, CA, USA.
7. Alexis A. Gonzalez, Liu Liu, Lucienne S. Lara, Camille RT Bourgeois, Cristobal Ibaceta-Gonzalez, Dale M. Seth, Minolfa C. Prieto. Angiotensin II regulates renin expression in collecting duct cells through PKC/cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway. Southern Regional Meeting, February 26 - 28, 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA
8. Alexis A. Gonzalez, Flavia Cifuentes, Leonardo Zamora, Cristobal Ibaceta, Minolfa C Prieto. Vasopressin receptor 2 (V2R) increases renin expression in mouse cortical collecting duct cells. Experimental BIology 2015, March 27 – April 1, Boston, MA, USA.
9. Alexis A. Gonzalez, Intrarenal renin-angiotensin-system in hypertension: is the collecting duct renin contributing to sodium reabsorption? 1st PanAmerican Symposium at EB-2015, April 1, Boston, MA, USA. (Invited speaker).
10. Catherina A Cuevas, Alexis A Gonzalez, Nivaldo C Inestrosa, Carlos P Vio, Minolfa C Prieto. (pro) Renin Receptor Stimulates the Expression of Fibrotic Genes in Mouse Collecting Ducts Cells via Wnt/?-catenin Signaling, Independently of Angiotensin II. Experimental BIology 2015, March 27 – April 1, Boston, MA, USA.
11. V. Reverte Ribo, V.R. Gogulamudi, A.A. Gonzalez, C.B. Rosales, M.R. Gallaty, A. Castillo, A. Ichiara, L.G. Navar, M.C. Prieto. Deletion of the Prorenin Receptor in the Collecting Duct Impairs Renal Function and Attenuates Blood Pressure in Chronic Angiotensin II-Infused Mice. Experimental Biology 2016, April 2-6 San Diego USA.
12. A.A. Gonzalez, V. Reverte-Ribo, A. Katsurada, C.B. Rosales, M. Galatty, M. McLellan, O. Gentile, L.C. Veiras, D.M. Seth, A. Ichihara, A.A. Mc Donough, M. Mamenko, O.M. Pochynyuk, L.G. Navar, M.C. Prieto. Lack of the Prorenin Receptor in the Collecting Duct Blunts the ENaC Responses to Chronic Angiotensin II. Experimental Biology 2016, April 2-6 San Diego USA.
13. Alexis A. Gonzalez. Hormonal Regulation of collecting duct-derived renin. IV INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE RENIN ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM (RAS): From cell biology to novel physiological paradigms and the latest advances in therapeutics” and Meeting of Brazilian Society of Hypertension. July 19-23 2016, São Paulo, Brasil. (Invited speaker).
14. Alexis A Gonzalez, Cristian Reyes-Martinez, Leonardo Zamora, Minolfa C Prieto. Prorenin Receptor Activation Increases Profibrotic Markers and Fibroblast-like Phenotype Through MAPK-dependent ROS Formation In Mouse Renal Collecting Duct Cells. Council of the American Heart Association, sept 13-16 2016, Orlando Florida.
Diffusion talks in schools and Universities:
1. Chemistry in action “Reforestando el Belloto del Norte (Beilschmiedia Miersii) en la comuna de Quilpué”. Quilpué, Chile
2. Explora: “Que es la hipertensión arterial?” Liceo Matilde Brandau de Ross A-25 de Valparaíso, octubre de 2015, Valparaíso, Chile.
3. Explora: “Que es la hipertensión” Liceo Bicentenario de Viña del Mar en octubre de 2014, Valparaíso, Chile.
4. Samsung – PUCV “soluciones para el futuro” 2014, Valparaíso, Chile.
5. “What we have learned about renin and the (pro)renin receptor in the collecting duct” Seminars at the Department of Physiology, Tulane Medical Center, New Orleans USA. November 11, 2013.
6. "Renin, (Pro)renin Receptor and Cyclooxygenase-2: a dynamic trio in the renal medulla for blood pressure regulation?" Seminars at the Department of Physiology, Tulane Medical Center, New Orleans USA. February 23, 2015.
7. Explora: “Que es la hipertensión arterial?” Colegio Guardiamarina Riquelme October 3, 2016, Valparaíso, Chile.
“Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI) Trainee Research Award”
Southern Section-American Federation for Medical Research (SAFMR)
Estados Unidos, 2011
Given for the best work in basic research
Young investigator award
Council of High Blood Pressure Research
Chile, 2012
Given by the Council on Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, Council of High Blood Pressure Research, Washington, DC, Estados Unidos to recognize the Young Investigator research.
“Premio Investigador Joven”
sociedades de Nefrología, Hipertensión y Transplante,
Chile, 2012
Given to the best basic work research in kidney and recognizing young investigator
“American Heart Association (AHA) International Mentoring Travel Grant”
American Heart Association
Estados Unidos, 2013
Mentoring travel grant, to have the opportunity to talk and share new findings with previous mentors.
“SAFMR/SSCI Junior Faculty Research Travel Award”
Southern Section-American Federation for Medical Research (SAFMR) and the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI)
Chile, 2015
Given to the young reseachers out of EEUU recognizing as Faculties.
“Early Career Physiologist Award”
American Physiological Society
Chile, 2015
Given to the early career investigator from US and around the world.
Mejor trabajo científico
Sociedad Chilena de Hipertensión Arterial
Chile, 2016
mejor trabajo ciencia basica area hipertensión
Mejor trabajo científico
Sociedad Chilena de Nefrología
Chile, 2016
Mejor trabajo ciencia básica
Interamerican Society of Hypertension- Best Basic Research
Interamerican Society of Hypertension
Argentina, 2017
IASH-SAHA joint Meeting, Mendoza Argentina
“Travel Award” American Physiological Society PANAMERICAN CONGRESS OF PHYSIOLOGY, La Havana, Cuba.
American Physiological Society (PANAM)
Cuba, 2019
Travel Award Panamerican Congress Physiology without borders
“Paul Dudley White International Shoolar American Heart Association (AHA)” Hypertension research, New Orleans 2019.
American Heart Association
Estados Unidos, 2019
“Paul Dudley White International Shoolar American Heart Association (AHA)” Hypertension research, New Orleans 2019.
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Roles of collecting duct renin and (pro)renin receptor in hypertension: Mini review |