Francisca Verónica Bronfman Cáceres
Full Professor
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile
1-We studied the signaling mechanisms allowing neuronal growth, survival and plasticity by neurotrophic factors. 2-We are also interested in studying functional lipids derived from seaweeds to prevent, mitigate, or treat non-communicable diseases.
PhD in Medical Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven (KUL). Bélgica, 2000
Degree (5 years studies) in Biological Sciences, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 1993
Associate Professor Full Time
Biological Sciences
Santiago, Chile
2009 - 2019
Assistant Professor Full Time
School of Biological Sciences
Santiago, Chile
2002 - 2009
Postdoctoral Training Other
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel
2000 - 2003
Visiting scientist Other
Max Plank Institute
Goettingen, Alemania
2000 - 2000
Visiting scientist Other
Catholic University of Leuven
Leuven, Bélgica
2003 - 2003
Visiting scientist Other
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel
2006 - 2006
Honorary Senior Lecturer Other
University Colleage London
London, Reino Unido
2016 - 2017
Profesor Titular Full Time
Universidad Andres Bello
Facultad de Medicina
Santiago, Chile
2019 - At present
Assistant Professor Full Time
P. Catholic University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
2000 - 2009
Associate Professor Full Time
P. Catholic University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
2009 - 2019
Full Professor Full Time
Universidad Andrés Bellos
Santiago, Chile
2019 - At present
Running. Student's name, title and date of the defense / procurement
1-Paulina Covarrubias. Research training to get a Bachelor's degree in Biology (Bio -296). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Physiology. "Proteolytic processing of the p75 neurotrophin receptor in PC12 cells." July 2005.
2-Oscar Lazo. Research training to get a Bachelor's degree in Biology (Bio -296). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Physiology. Axotomy of the septo- hippocampal pathway induces the loss of the cholinergic phenotype in cells of the medial septum per no neuronal death. December 2005.
3-Edgardo Allende. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Physiology. "ADAM17 and its role in neurotrophic signaling. March 2007-December 2008 (did not handle the manuscript).
4-Carolina Cabeza. Research training to get a Bachelor's degree in Biology (Bio -296). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Physiology. " PC12 Cells - U18666A. A model to study the cellular phenotype of Niemann Pick Type C". December 2008.
5-Elisabeth Medina. Research training to get a Bachelor's degree in Biology (Bio -296). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Physiology" Signs dependent BDNF Rab11 -deficient neurons." December 2009.
6-Alicia Figueroa. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Physiology. "Neurotrophic signaling in the cholinergic system of Mice null for NPC II". April 2010.
7-Jose Ignacio Parraguez. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Physiology. "Molecular Determinant of internalization and endocytic trafficking Neurotrophin receptor p75" May 2010.
8-Claudia Pissani. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). Characterization of the neuroprotective effects of two agonists of PPARgamma in a cortical focal stroke model in rat. May 2012.
9-Jorge Larios. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Cell and Molecular Biology. Cross-talk signaling between neurotrophins and Reelina/ApoER2 system (co -advisor). Advisor Dr Maria Paz Marzolo. June 2012.
10-Valentina Contreras. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). Catholic University of Chile. School of Biological Sciences. Department of Physiology. "Venlafaxine Regulates the Expression of BDNF, FGF2 and TGFbeta in a model of cortical stroke”. Finished 23th May 2014.
11-Carla Gonzalez. Undergraduate thesis (Biotechnology). Study of Rab11 phosphorylation induced by TrkB receptor in HEK293 cells. Mayor University. Finished, 7th December 2016.
12-Pedro Picker. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). Phosphorylation of the intracellular domain of the p75 neurotrophin receptor. Catholic University of Chile. Finished, 18th May 2017.
13-Diego Villegas Research Seminar, Bio296. Techniques for quantification and measurement of stroke in mice. Biological Sciences Faculty. Catholic University of Chile. First semester, 2018.
14-Nicolas Stuardo. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). "Generation and validation of monobiotinylated AviTag BDNF for studies of its endocytic traffic" Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. Completed July 18, 2019.
15-Diego Zavala. Undergraduate thesis (Biochemistry). "Elucidating the mechanism of regulation of the expression of the PPARgamma transcription factor by BDNF in cortical neurons in primary culture. Possible dependence on the CREB transcription factor". Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. University of Santiago, Chile. October 11, 2019.
1-María Gallardo. PhD candidate in Biomedice (January 2023). Universidad Andres Bello. “In vivo role of Rab11 in nuclear signaling and hippocampal dendritic arborization induced by BDNF/TrkB under physiological conditions and in a model of endosomal dysfunction”.
2-Xavier Valero. PhD candidate in Biomolecular Sciences (August 2023). Universidad Andrés Bello. “Role of Rab11 endosomes and the molecular motor dynein in BDNF/TrkB-dependent nuclear signaling”.
Completed. Student's name, title and date of the defense / procurement
1-Maria Soledad Urra. PhD in Biological Sciences. Cellular and Molecular Biology programme. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. "Molecular and Cellular Regulation of p75 Proteolytic Processing". Completed, November 13, 2009.
2-Oscar Marcelo Lazo. PhD in Biological Sciences. Physiology programme. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. "The traffic on Route TrkB receptor recycling regulated by Rab11 is necessary for BDNF -induced dendritic branching in hippocampal neurons in low density". Completed, June 10, 2011.
3-Claudia Escudero. PhD in Biological Sciences. Physiology programme. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. "Functional role of internalization and retrograde transport of p75 neurotrophin receptor". Completed, August 20, 2012.
4-Rodrigo Zepeda. Doctor of Science with a major in Neuroscience. Valparaiso University. “Role of venlafaxine and hyperforin in functional recovery and neuronal plasticity induced focal ischemia in rat motor cortex”. Completed, April 16, 2013.
5-Andrés Gonzalez. PhD in Biological Sciences. Mention Physiology. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. “The early-recycling pathway regulates genetic expression an activation of the transcription factor CREB required for the dendritic arborisation induced by BDNF”. Completed, May 16, 2016.
6-Juan Pablo Lezana. PhD in Biological Sciences. Cellular and Molecular Biology programme. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. “PPAR? promotos neuronal growth and regeneration in the nervous system”. Completed, July 24, 2017.
7-Claudia Pissani. PhD in Biological Sciences. Physiology programme. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. Effect of a botanical extract, which has PPAR? activators, on ischemic injury and motor impairment of rats subjected to cortical focal ischemia. Completed, May 14, 2018.
8-Guillermo Moya-Alvarado. PhD in Biological Sciences. Physiology programme. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. Mechanism of long-distance control of dendritic growth by Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in central neurons. Completed, December 3, 2019.
9-Carolina Cabeza. PhD in Biological Sciences. Physiology programme. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. Thesis project approved “Rol of the endocytic system in the apoptotic signaling mediated by p75 neurotrophin receptor in sympathetic neurons”. Completed, April 9, 2021
10-America Chandía (co-advisor with Dr Alejandra Alvarez). PhD in Biological Sciences. Cellular and Molecular Biology programme. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Catholic University of Chile. “Role of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase c-Abl in Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)-induced dendritic arborization in hippocampal neurons”. Completed, March 23, 2021.
1-Carlos Flores. PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology. Austral University of Chile. August 2008- August 2012.
2-Oscar Lazo. PhD in Biological Sciences. Program of Physiology. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. August 2011 -March 2014.
3-Claudia Escudero. PhD in Biological Sciences. Program of Physiology. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. August 2012-January 2014.
4-Bernardita Cádiz. PhD in Neuroscience. University of Valencia. August 2016-August 2018.
5-Raquel Ibañez. PhD in Biological Sciences. Cellular and Molecular Biology Programme. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. March 2017-November 2023.
6-Viviana Perez. PhD in Biological Sciences, Cell Biology. University of Concepcion (UDEC). He won the Fondecyt postdoctoral 2019 competition in a project in collaboration with Prof Juan Pablo Henriquez. March 2020-March 20238-
7-Reynaldo Tiburcio. PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Research Center and Advanced Studies of the Polytechnic Institute National (CINVESTAV-IPN). Mexico 2019. September 2021-Abril 2024 ANID Postdoctoral Project.
Karen Fuenzalida. PhD in Biological Sciences. Cellular and Molecular Biology Programme. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Karen has worked part-time as a researcher on different projects in my laboratory (Basal Funds, FONDEFidea, IFAN Corfo). March 2015-Dicember 2023.
“p75 neurotrophin receptor trafficking and processing in the endocytic pathway”. Symposium “Neurotrophic factor signaling”. SBA, Biomedical Argentinian Society Conference. Mar del Plata. Buenos Aires. 20th, November 2004. Invited speaker.
“p75 neurotrophin receptor trafficking and processing in the endocytic pathway”. Workshop on RNA Control of Neuronal Function, Kfar Blum, Israel. Clues for axonal retrograde signaling. May 22- 26, 2005. Oral presentation.
“p75 neurotrophin receptor trafficking and processing in the endocytic pathway”. Gordon Conference for Neurotrophic Factors, Salve Regina University, US. June 19-24, 2005. 19-24 de Junio 2005. Oral presentation.
“p75 neurotrophin receptor trafficking and processing in the endocytic pathway” Organization and participation in the symposium "Signaling mediated by neurotrophic factors. Molecular, cellular and physiological aspects”. First Annual Meeting of the Chilean Society for Neuroscience. December 2005. Oral presentation.
“p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Processing in Endosomes: New Clues for Retrograde Signaling?” Symposium and Workshop in “Molecular and Cellular Basis of Neuroconectivity”. 4-6th May, Leuven, Belgium, 2006. Invited speaker.
“p75 neurotrophin receptor processing and trafficking in neuronal endosomes; new clues for p75 neuronal signalling”. EMBO/FEBS/ISF Workshop on system dynamics of intracellular communication –overcoming distances in signaling networks. Maale Hachamisha, Jerusalem Hills, Israel. 18-22th, March, 2007. Oral presentation.
“p75 neurotrophin receptor processing and trafficking in neuronal endosomes; new clues for p75 neuronal signalling”. Symposium of Neurobiology of Brain Development, organized by the Center of Neurobiology and Plasticity. Valparaiso University. Valparaiso, Chile. 31th August, 2007. Invited speaker.
“BDNF-Induced dendritic arborization is regulated by the Rab11 monomeric GTPase in hippocampal neurons”. EMBO/FEBS/ISF Workshop on system dynamics of intracellular communication –overcoming distances in signaling networks. Maale Hachamisha, Jerusalem Hills, Israel. 15-19th March 2009. Oral presentation.
Discussion Leader at the “Gordon Conference for Neurotrophic Factors”, Salve Regina University, USA. 21-26th June 2009.
“Axonal Retrograde Killing by Neurotrophins”. Symposium "Axonal Cell Biology and Regeneration" at the XXV Annual meeting of the Chilean society for cell biology. 1-5th November, Puerto Varas, Chile. 2011. Organization and speaker.
“Neurotrophic Factors and Neurodegeneration”. Symposium. VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Alzheimer. October 18-20th. 2012. Santiago. Chile. Invited speaker.
“Bad news from the axon: Role of p75 neurotrophin receptor in retrograde killing”. The 20th TEL-AVIV University Alzheimer's Disease Conference. Symposium. June 27-28th. 2012. Tel Aviv, Israel. Invited speaker.
“BDNF regulates rab11-mediated endosome dynamics to induce dendritic branching”. EMBO Conference. Spatial 2013: From spatial signaling to sensing spatiality. Symposium on spatial signaling in neurons. 24-28 April. Dead See. Israel. Oral presentacion.
“BDNF-induced activation of the c-Jun amino terminal kinase regulates the generation of a retrograde apoptotic signaling endosome containing p75 neurotrophin receptor in sympathetic neurons”. American Society for Cell Biology. 14-18th December, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Selected for e-poster talk.
“Death signaling endosomes in neuronal axons containing the common neurotrophin receptor. implication for neurodegenerative diseases. 4th International Conference of Young Scientists & Annual General Meeting of the Global Young Academy. 22th May, 2014, Santiago, Chile. Short talk. Invited Speaker.
“Role of the endocytic system in BDNF-mediated dendritic branching”. Participation in Simposium I: “The god and the bad of neurotrophins” at the XXIX annual meeting of the Argentian Society of Neuroscience (SAN). 1st of October, 2014. Invited Speaker.
Organization of Symposium and Chair. “Vascular Development and Function” XXIX Annual Meeting of the Sociedad de Biología Celular de Chile. Puerto Varas, Chile. 25-29th October, 2014.
“Contribution of the endocytic pathway to BDNF-induced dendritic branching and signaling” (session 6). CiSNe Summer Symposium in Biophysics and Neurobiology. From single molecules to complex multicellular organism. Valdivia. Chile. 6-9th January de Enero, 2015. Invited Speaker.
“c-Jun N-terminal kinase regulates p75 internalization leading to retrograde axonal transport of apoptotic signaling endosomes”. Symposium on long-distance control of the transcriptomic and proteomic responces to neuronal injury (S37). 25th meeting of the international society for neurochemistry (ISN). Cairns, Australia. 23-27th August, 2015. Invited Speaker.
“Axonal BDNF promotes local synthesis and retrograde transport of the transcription factor PPARgamma in an mTOR depdent manner”. Keystone meeting. Axons: from cell biology to pathology. Santa Fe, New Mexico, US. 24-27th January 2016. Oral presentation.
“Reciprocal regulation of neurotrophin signaling and endosomal Rab GTPases to increase dendritic branching. From dendrites to the nucleus”. EMBO WORKSHOP Actualizations in Membrane Trafficking in Health and Disease. La Serena, Chile. 4-9th September 2016. Invited Speaker.
“PPARgamma function in the nervous system and a molecular target for natural drugs inducing neuroprotection”. Symposium. XXX Annual Meeting of Cellular Biology Society of Chile. Puerto Varas. 23-26th October 2016. Invited Speaker.
Discussion Leader at the “Gordon Conference for Neurotrophic Factors”, Salve Regina University, USA. 4-9th June 2017.
“Role of signaling endosomes and long-distance signaling in BDNF-mediated dendritic arborization” Symposium “Molecular Biology of the Neuron. Local versus long-distance signaling”. LXI Annual Meeting of the Biology Society of Chile. Puerto Varas, 20-22th November, 2018. Organization and participation.
Discussion Leader at the “Gordon Conference for Neurotrophic Mechanism in health and Diseases”, Salve Regina University, USA. 2-7th June 2019.
“Axonal BDNF/TrkB regulation of mTor-dependent local translation and dendritic branching in somas” Symposium (S07) on RNA control of axonal function. ISN-ASN meeting. Montreal, Canada. 4-8 th August, 2019. Invited Speaker.
“A close relation between signaling and trafficking in neurons. The case of neurotrophins”. Conference at the Faculty of Biological Sciences. Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB). Santiago. Chile. 12th, May 2010. Invited speaker.
“Cellular processes regulating physiological function by neurotrophins. The case of signaling endosome”. Department of Physiology. Faculty of Biological Sciences. PUC. 24th de September, 2010. Departmental seminar. Invited speaker.
“Binding by Neurotrophins. Where, How and When? Molecular Interaction and Physiological Functions”. 80 years of Physiology at the PUC. Conference at Abate Molina. Casa Central. Faculty of Biological Sciences. PUC. 26th, Octubre, 2011. Invited speaker.
“Role of recycling endosomes in signaling and dendritic arborization induced by BDNF. From dendrites to the nucleus?” 18th June, 2014. Conference at the Faculty of Science, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Invited speaker.
“Stroke and neuronal plasticity; importance for effective therapies”. Second round of seminar CEBIMA project. Room “Carlos Bance Conrads”. Hospital of Magallanes. 13 August 2015. Invited professor.
“Stroke and neuronal plasticity; importance for efective therapies”. Second round of seminar CEBIMA project. Room “Ernesto Livacic Gazzano”. University of Magallanes. 14 August 2015. Invited professor.
“BDNF regulates the endocytic system allowing the transcriptional control of dendritic growth”. Talks of the Institute of Biomedical Neuroscience (BNI). Institute of Biomedical Sciences. Faculty of Medicine. U Chile. 13th July 2016. Invited professor.
How do neurons regulate their morphology? Role of neurotrophins in protein translation
and transport of endosomes. Departamental Seminar. Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology. Faculty of Biological Sciences. P Catholic University. 12th July 2017. Invited professor.
“p75 neurotrophin receptor processing and trafficking in neuronal endosomes; new Clues for p75 neuronal signalling”. The second ISN Special Neurochemistry Conference Neuronal Glycoproteins and Glycolipids, Antigua, West Indies. 1-5, December, 2006. Invited speaker.
“A close relation between signaling and trafficking in neurons. The case of neurotrophins”. Molecular Neurobiology Forum. Weismann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel. 8th of June 2010. Invited speaker.
“Jun N-terminal kinase regulates internalization to multivesicular bodies of the p75 neurotrophin receptor and retrograde apoptotic killing of sympathetic neurons”. Gordon Conference for Neurotrophic Factors, Salve Regina University, USA. 5-10th, June 2011. Invited speaker.
“Orchestrating neuronal morphology. Brain derived neurotrophic factor regulates recycling endosome dynamics to induce dendritic branching”. Weizmann Molecular Neuroscience Forum. Rehovot Israel. 26th, June 2012. Invited speaker
“BDNF regulates rab11-mediated endosome dynamics to induce dendritic branching”. Department of Cell Biology. University Medical Center. Groningen University. 22th April 2013. Invited speaker by Sven van Ijzendoorn.
“BDNF regulates Rab11-mediated recycling endosomal dynamics to induce dendritic branching and activation of the trascription factor CREB”. Emerging Concepts in Neuronal Cytoskeletom. 26-30th, May 2013. Marbella Resort, Maintencillo Chile. Invited speaker.
“Contribution of the endocytic pathway to BDNF induced dendritic branching”. CSHA / NGF 2014 joint conference on Nerve Growth Factor and Related Neurotrophic Factors: Emerging Concepts, New Mechanisms, Novel Technologies. 26th June Suzhou, China. Invited speaker.
“Contribution of the endocytic pathway to BDNF induced dendritic branching”. EMBO workshop: Current advances in membrane trafficking: Implications for polarity and diseases. 11th September, 2014. Puerto Natales, Chile. Invited speaker.
“Contribution of the endocytic system to BDNF-induced dendritic branching and signaling”. Emerging Concepts of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton. Puerto Varas, Chile. 22-26 March, 2015. Invited speaker.
“Contribution of the endocytic pathway to BDNF-induced dendritic branching and nuclear signaling”. Gordon Research Conference, Neurotrophic Factors. Salve Regina University, Newport, USA. 31 May-5 June, 2015. Invited speaker.
“Neurotrophins regulate the endosomal system and local translation of proteins for transcriptional control of dendritic growth” ALS Seminar. Sobell Department. Institute of Neurology University College London (UCL). March, 2017. Invited speaker.
“How do neurons control their morphology? Role of Neurotrophins in protein translation and endosomal transport” Randall Seminar. April 2017. King´s College London.UK. Invited speaker.
“How do neurons control their morphology? Role of neurotrophins in endosomal transport and protein translation” Molecular Neurobiology Forum. Weizmann Institute of Science. Rehovot. Israel. Invited speaker 19th June 2018.
“Role of signaling endosomes in BDNF-mediated local and long distance signaling and dendritic branching” Departmental seminar. Department of Pharmacology and Physiology. Sackler School of Medicine. Tel Aviv University.
Invited speaker 21th June 2018.
“Role of signaling endosomes in BDNF-mediated local and long distance signaling and dendritic branching” at the International Conference on Neurotrophic Factors (NGF2018), Salamanca, Spain. 23th June 2018. Invited speaker.
Preparation of experimetal techniques to measure the activation of neurotrophins receptors. Latin American School of Neuroscience, IBRO 8-13 May 2006.
Organization and Participation in the Inter - University Course for graduate students " Theoretical and Experimental Course on Basic Principles in Wide Field and Confocal Microscopy " Conducted by Dr. Paul Maddox in the School of Biological Sciences (Room Abate Molina). 13-17 th Nov 2006.
Seminar at Alicante College of Maipu, "Molecular Motors and Neurodegenerative Diseases " October 6 th, 2005. EXPLORA Program from CONICYT.
Seminar at “Sacrago Corazón” College. "Molecular Motors and Neurodegenerative Diseases " October 6th, 2008. EXPLORA Program from CONICYT.
Seminar at the University of Antofagasta for post-graduate students. “Functional Role of internalization and proteolytic processing of neurotrophin receptors. University of Antofagasta. 10th July, 2009.
Small article in the magazine " Que Pasa". How neurotrophins transmit their signal in neurons?
Participation in the " Citizens' Forum " radio program. October 2009.
Article on the scientific career of Francisca Bronfman written by Nibaldo Inestrosa. In the Journal YA of the news paper “El Mercurio”. October 2009.
Participation as Guest Speaker at the XXVII National Congress of Students of biochemistry. A close relationship between trafficking and signaling of neurotrophin receptors". University of Antofagasta. August 7th, 2010.
Participation in Bio -Science Fair Organized by students of the Faculty of Biological Sciences (F.Bronfman) "Development of neuro-regenerative therapies based on increasing neurotrophins in the nervous system." Lecture in the school "Emmanuel College. 5th October, 2011.
Organization of a microscopy course in Regenerative Biology for teenager students. (Millennium Science Initiative). November 26th - Dec-11th, 2012.
Participation in Video “Women: protagonist of science. Girls of today, scientific of tomorrow”. Released November 21th, 2012 in Room Theater Level 2 Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda Organized by CONICYT Program "SCIENCE change our life"
Interview Radio Universidad de Chile. Topic: research performed at the Millenium Nucleus in Regenerative Biology. March 19th, 2012.
Interview electronic newspaper e.mol. Theme: Academy of Sciences Award. 1st June, 2012.
Participation in video for cable network TV a series of about the research performed in different labs. VidaConCiencia Millennium Scientific Initiative (ICM), 2013.
Interview Radio Universidad de Chile. Theme: Millennium Program. March 10, 2014. http://radio.uchile.cl/programas/milenio/vicky-quevedo-converso-con-denise-saint-jean-directora-del-programa-formacion-de-capital-humano-avanzado-de-conicyt-sobre-los-concursos-destinados-a-profesionales-de-excelencia-que-buscan-perfecci
Interview Radio Universidad de Chile. Theme: Millennium Program. November 16, 2015.
Organization of a Regenerative Biology Microscopy Workshop for Middle School Students. Organized with funds of the Millennium Science Initiative. June 30-July 9 2015
Article published in “El Mostrador” 14th April 2016 (an electronic newspaper) about the research performed in Bronfman´lab related to stroke. Link:http://www.elmostrador.cl/noticias/vida-en-linea/2016/04/14/investigan-uso-de-antidepresivo-como-terapia-en-infartos-cerebrales/
Article published in “El Mercurio” one of the most influential newspapers in Chile. Page A9 section Life, Science and Technology. 28th April 2016. The article high-light the research performed in Bronfman lab related to stroke. Link:http://www.carechile.cl/es/el-mercurio-destaca-investigacion-de-dra-francisca-bronfman/.
Organization of a Regenerative Biology Microscopy Workshop for hight school students. Organized with funds of the Millennium Science Initiative. 21 November-7-December. 2016
Invited to participate in the Panel "Women in Sciences" within the framework of the Scientific Culture Day organized by the Andrés Bello University (UNAB). Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center (GAM), Santiago, Chile, November 29, 2017.
Radial Interview on Radio ADN "Agenda de Género", by Lucía López. December 14, 2017. http://www.adnradio.cl/noticias/sociedad/sabado-23-de-diciembre-conversamos-de-mujeres-en-el-futbol-con-belen-carvajal-y-monica-ledezma /20171226/nota/3674632.aspx. In the STEM Women's space we met the neurobiologist Francisca Bronfman, former director of the Millennium Nucleus in Regenerative Biology and Virginia Garretón, director of the Millennium Initiative, they talked about what it is to be a woman leader in the sciences.
As President of the Chilean Society for Cell Biology, I participated in the organization together with the Allende-Conelly Foundation of a “Latin American Workshop of Cell Biology” to generate a module of Cell Biology for secondary education that was held at the Central House of the University of Chile during November 26-27th, 2018.
WO72008/145789 Use of Compounds derived from benzamidine methanesulphonate or pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, for example, imatinib mesylate, for the preparation of a drug for the treatment of neurodegenerative niemann-pick disease (NPC). PCT/ES2008/000378 Pontificia Universidad Católica. MUÑOZ LOPEZ, Francisco José, ZANLUNGO MATZUHIRO Silvana, BRONFMAN CACERES Francisca, ALVAREZ ROJAS Alejandra.
WO/2021/097584 patent granted in Chilean office (05-07-2021). Method for the preparation of an oleoresin originating from a red alga that maintains the capacity to induce the transcriptional activity of the nuclear receptor PPAR-gamma. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad Andrés Bello. BRONFMAN Miguel, BRONFMAN Francisca, PINTO, Claudio, PISSANI Claudia, PAREDES MARTÍNEZ, María José. (WO/2014/186913 PCT/CL2013/000031)
PCT/CL2019/050052. Efecto antiproliferativo de Extracto de Agarophyton chilensis en cáncer prostático. Antiproliferative effect of Agarophyton chilensis extract in prostate cancer. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Universidad Andrés Bello. GODOY Alejandro, BRONFMAN Francisca, SCHMIDT Camila, CONTRERAS Loretto.
PCT/CL2019/050117. Extracto de Agarophyton chilensis, rico en ácidos grasos libres, como nutracéutico o suplemento nutricional útil para modular la actividad de PPARgamma. Agarophyton chilensis extract, rich in free fatty acids, as a nutraceutic or nutritional supplement useful to modulate the PPARgamma Activity Inventors BRONFMAN, Francisca, FUENZALIDA, Karen IBÁÑEZ, María Raquel, CONTRERAS PORCIA Loretto, BARRAZA Víctor.
Title of Research
Project responsible (*) and co - researchers
Funding agency
Duration (start year and end year)
Fundación Andes (Projects for Young Researchers)
“Retrograde signaling by the neurotrophin receptor p75 and its relevance for the regeneration of cholinergic neurons”.
Francisca Bronfman*
Fundación Andes
July 2003-July 2005
(2 years)
FONDECYT (Nº 1040799).
“Signaling mechanisms and cellular compartmentalization of the p75 neurotrophin receptor”.
Francisca Bronfman*
March 2004-March 2008
(4 years)
Bilateral cooperation project between Chile and Flanders
“Cell Biology of APP processing and and its cross talk with the neurotrophic signaling”.
Francisca Bronfman (Chile) * Willem Annaert (Belgium)
Flemish Community of Belgium. International Coopercaión
January 2004 -January 2006
ARA Project "Signaling pathways leading to neuronal death in NPC".
Silvana Zanlungo*, Alejandra Alvarez, and Francisca Bronfman
Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation.
July 2005-July 2007
FONDAP 13980001 2003-2008
Center for Cell Regulation and Pathology.
Nibaldo Inestrosa*, Miguel Bronfman, María Paz Marzolo, Enrique Brandan, Juan Larrain, Alfonzo Gonzalez Francisca Bronfman (Principal Investigators).
January 2005-January 2010
(5 years)
FONDECYT (Nº 1085273)
"Contribution of endocytosis and proteolytic processing to neurotrophic signaling: crosstalk with Reelina/ApoER2 system "
Francisca Bronfman* María Paz Marzolo
March 2008-March 2012
FONDECYT (Nº 1070377)
"Glia -to- axon transfer of ribosomes: Pathways and regulatory mechanisms"
Felipe Court* Jaime Alvarez y Francisca Bronfman
March 2007-March 2010
Basal program for scientific and technological centers of excellence.
Nibaldo Inestrosa*, Miguel Bronfman, María Paz Marzolo, Enrique Brandan, Juan Larrain, Alfonzo Gonzalez Carlos Vio, Juan Pablo García-Huidobro, Francisca Bronfman (Principal Investigator)
April 2008-2013.
Millennium Nucleus in Regenerative Biology (MINREB).
Juan Larrain*, Maria Paz Marzolo*, Felipe Court, Francisca Bronfman (Pricipal Investigators)
ICM (Millenium Scientific Initiative)
November 2009-November 2012.
Millennium Nucleus in Regenerative Biology (MINREB).
Francisca Bronfman*, Juan Larrain, Maria Paz Marzolo, Felipe Court, Juan Pablo Henríquez (Principal Investigators) ICM (Millenium Scientific Inniciative)
November 2012-March 2017.
FONDEF D0811031
“Botanical Drugs for the treatment of insulin resistance and Type II Diabetes and its evaluation in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases”.
Miguel Bronfman*, Felipe Court, Francisca Bronfman (co-researchers). February 2010-February 2013
FONDECYT (Nº 1120512)
“The synaptic c-Abl kinase regulates synaptic plasticity in the adult brain. Its deregulation is involved in synaptic loss in Alzheimer disease".
Alejandra Alvarez*, Francisca Bronfman y Briggitte Van Zundert (co-researches).
FONDECYT (Nº 1120146)
"Role of Endocytic Rab GTPases in Neurotrophin Signaling and Neuronal Responses".
Francisca Bronfman*, Christian Gonzalez-Billault y Briggitte Van Zundert (co-researches)
March 2012-March 2016
Francisca Bronfman *
ICM (Millenium Scientific Initiative)
2012 (1 year)
FONDECYT (Nº 1130321)
“Role of Wnt Signaling During the maturation of the neuromuscular junction”.
Juan Pablo Henriquez * Francisca Bronfman y Nelson Osses (co-researchers)
Nibaldo Inestrosa*, Enrique Brandan, Juan Larrain, Alfonzo Gonzalez, Carlos Vio, Francisca Bronfman Brigitte Van Zundert, Francisca Bronfman (Principal Investigator)
Francisca Bronfman*
ICM (Millenium Scientific Initiative)
December 2014-December 2015
Francisca Bronfman*
ICM (Millenium Scientific Initiative)
December 2015-December 2016
FONDECYT (Nº 1171137),
“Elucidating the mechanism of long-distance control of dendritic growth by BDNF/TrkB signaling endosomes. Role of CREB and PPARgamma transcription factors”
Francisca Bronfman*
FONDEFidea (ID16I10185)
“Development of a Nutraceutical Formulation derived from a Botanical extract with Neuroplastic and Neuroprotective Activities”.
Francisca Bronfman* and Karen Fuenzalida (co-researcher)
Francisca Bronfman* and Loretto Contreras, Alejandro Godoy and Nibaldo Inestrosa
"Study of the nutraceutical potential of functional lipids derived from the Chilean algae Agarophyton chilense and Pyropia orbicularis for the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders associated with obesity".
Francisca Bronfman*, Loretto Contreras y Lorena Varela-Nallar.
FONDECYT (Nº1221203)
“Elucidating the mechanism by which Rab11 endosomes control BDNF transcriptional regulation and dendritic arborization in hippocampal neurons”
Francisca Bronfman* Lorena Varella-Nallar (co-researcher)
ANID (Asociacion Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo)
Scholarship DIPUC
Chile, 1994
Scholarship DIPUC ( Directorate of Research and Graduate Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) research residency (Dr Nibaldo Inestrosa )
CONICYT Scholarship for graduate students
Chile, 1995
CONICYT Scholarship for graduate students (1995-1996)
Scholarship for doctoral studies
Flemish Community of Belgium. International Cooperation
Bélgica, 1996
Scholarship for doctoral studies of the Flemish Community of Belgium ( 1996-1997).
Scholarship for PhD students
KUL (Catholic University of Leuven)
Bélgica, 1997
Scholarship for PhD students of the Catholic University of Leuven , Belgium
Scholarship for postgraduate research EMBO (short - term)
Alemania, 2000
Scholarship for postgraduate research EMBO (short - term) , Max Plank Institute for Biological Chemistry (Dr. Tom Jovin)
Fainberg Postdoctoral Fellowship
Weizmann Institute of Science
Israel, 2000
Fainberg Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Weizmann Institute of Science (October 2000 - January 2003).
Excellence Award in Research
Chileam Academy of Sciences
Chile, 2012
Premio a la trayectoria destacada Investigadora Joven
p75 neurotrophin receptor processing and trafficking in neuronal endosomes. New clues for p75 neuronal signaling |
Commuting within the cell - Mind the GAPs workshop on systems dynamics of intracellular communication: Overcoming distance in signalling networks |
PCT International Application. Method for preparing an oleoresin from red algae, which maintains the ability to induce the transcriptional activity of nuclear receptor PPARgamma. |
Endosomal transport of neurotrophins: Roles in signaling and neurodegenerative diseases |

Francisca Bronfman
Full Professor
Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile

Felipe Court
Full Professor and Director
Center for Integrative Biology
Universidad Mayor
Huechuraba, Chile

Silvana Zanlungo
Full Professor
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Alejandra Alvarez
Full professor
Cell and Molecular Biology
Santiago, Chile

Carolina Cabeza
Académica y Jefa de Centro de Investigación
Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins
Santiago , Chile

Attilio Rigotti
Full Professor
Nutrition, Diabetes and Metabolism
Santiago, Chile

Maria Paz Marzolo
Profesor Titular
Departamento de Biología Celular y Molecular
Santiago, Chile

Mauricio Sandoval
Lab Manager
Facultad de Medicina
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Loretto Contreras
Profesora Titular
Ecología y Biodiversidad
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile

Karen Fuenzalida
Investigador responsable de la Unidad de investigación y desarrollo del Laboratorio de Enfermedades Metabólicas, área de laboratorio.
Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de Alimentos
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Assistant Professor/Director (Head) Center for Genetics and Genomics; Director, PhD Program in Sciences and Innovation in Medicine
Centro de Genética y Genómica
Universidad del Desarrollo-Clínica Alemana

Attilio Rigotti
Full Professor
Nutrition, Diabetes and Metabolism
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Gonzalo Cancino
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Natalia Salvadores
Profesora Asistente
Centro de Resiliencia, Adaptación y Mitigación
Universidad Mayor de Chile
Temuco, Chile

Rodrigo Fuentealba
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Departamento de Inmunología Clínica y Reumatología / Facultad de Medicina
Pontificia Universidad Católica
Santiago, Chile

David Diaz
Asistente de Investigación
Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Valentina Valenzuela
Investigador Asociado
Centro de Biotecnologia
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Marjorie De la Fuente
Académico investigador
Facultad de Medicina
Universidad Finis Terrae
Santiago , Chile

Rodrigo Quera
Santiago, Chile

ignacio jausoro

Associate Professor
Cell Biology
Concepción, Chile

Paula Diaz
PhD (c)
Departamento de Fisiología
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Andrés Couve
Profesor Titular
Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Calderón
Estudiante doctorado
Ciencias Biomedicas
Universidad Católica del Norte
Coquimbo, Chile

Claudio Hetz
Deputy Director

Cristina Pinto
Doctor en ciencias biologicas
Centro de Biotecnología
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Benjamin Pinilla
Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile
Rodrigo Sandoval
Director de departamento
Ciencias Biomédicas
Coquimbo, Chile