
Pablo Valenzuela Valdés

Founder and Scientific Director

Fundación Ciencia & Vida

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Pioneer in the global biotechnology industry. Development of vaccines and products for human health, food industry and blood banking. Currently, his research focuses on the development of a novel drug for cancer treatment.


  •  Biochemistry, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1965
  •  Biochemistry, Northwestern University. Estados Unidos, 1970

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctoral fellow Full Time


    San Francisco, Estados Unidos

    1970 - 1971

  •   Full Professor Full Time


    Biological Sciences

    Santiago, Chile

    1972 - 2009

  •   Adjunct Associate Professor Full Time


    San Francisco, Estados Unidos

    1977 - 1981

  •   Professor, Founder and Director Graduate Program in Biotechnology Other


    Santiago, Chile

    2002 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Founder and Vice-President of Research and Development Full Time

    Chiron Corporation

    Estados Unidos

    1981 - 1996

  •   Founder and Chairman of the Board Full Time

    Grupo Bios S. A.


    1986 - 2016

  •   President Other

    Chiron Diagnostics

    Estados Unidos

    1995 - 1997

  •   Founder and Scientific Director Full Time

    Fundación Ciencia & Vida

    Santiago, Chile

    1997 - At present

  •   Member of the Board of Directors Other

    PraxSys Biosystems Inc.

    Estados Unidos

    1997 - 2003

  •   Senior Vice President Emeritus Other

    Chiron Corporation


    1998 - At present

  •   Member of the Board of Directors Other

    Applied Imaging Inc.


    2000 - 2007

  •   Cofounder and Director Full Time

    Millennium Institute for Fundamental and Applied Biology (MIFAB)

    Santiago, Chile

    2000 - 2009

  •   Member Other

    Chilean Academy of Sciences


    2004 - At present

  •   Board Member Other

    Algenis SpA


    2005 - At present

  •   Member of the Scientific Advisory Board Other

    Medivation Inc.

    Estados Unidos

    2008 - At present

  •   Board Member Other

    Austral Capital

    Santiago, Chile

    2008 - At present

  •   Member of the Advisory Board Other


    Santiago, Chile

    2009 - At present

  •   Founder and Chairman Other

    Andes Biotechnologies S.A.

    Santiago, Chile

    2009 - At present

  •   Member Other

    Consejo Nacional de Innovación para la Competitividad


    2010 - 2014

  •   Board Member Other

    Phage Technologies S.A.


    2010 - At present

  •   Board Member Other

    Zentynel Ltda.


    2012 - At present

  •   Board Member Other

    Nova Mineralis SpA


    2014 - At present

  •   Board Member Other


    Estados Unidos

    2014 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

Investigator and graduate professor with academic trajectory:

- Professor participating in doctorate programs at various Chilean universities
- Director of Ph.D. Program in Biotechnology at Universidad Andrés Bello.
- Member of the Directive Board Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, Chile.
- Creator of strong ties with the University of California in San Francisco, with which he maintains an academic exchange in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and the Cancer Center.
- Author of more than 130 international publications in molecular biology and biotechnology and named inventor in more than 50 international patents.

Difusión y Transferencia

* Scientist with ample experience in the direction and management of science and technology in the U.S. Co-founder and VP of R&D at the Chiron Corporation (1981-1996), one of the 3 early emblematic biotechnology companies in the U.S. This management included directing scientific and technological investigations, hiring scientists and engineers, and preparing and executing budgets, reports, and presentations for boards, investors, members of investment banks, and NASDAQ analysts.

* Scientist and entrepreneur with extensive experience in intellectual property and technology transfer. Has participated in the licensing and transfer of Chiron Corporation’s technologies to several companies (Pharmacia, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott, etc.) and in the transfer of technologies from the Fundación Ciencia y Vida to an international company (Novartis). An inventor in more than 50 patent applications in Chile and abroad. Director of research activities resulting in more than 200 patent applications in which he is not an inventor.

* Responsible for the development of multiple technologies and biotechnology products (in the USA) using genetic engineering, among them:
- ten products in the area of international diagnostics and blood banking (Hepatitis C, AIDS, Hepatitis B).
- four products in the pharmaceutical area (Hepatitis B vaccine, human insulin, beta-interferon and a wound-healing factor) and one product for the food industry (bovine rennin).
These products, which are commercialized by Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novo-Nordisk, Abbott and Gist Brocades, command today more than 15 billion dollars in sales.

* Responsible for the development of multiple technologies and biotechnology products (in Chile), among them:
- vaccines for the salmon aquaculture (one product already on the market).
- products for human health and blood banking (Chagas, Helicobacter, rotavirus, blood tests, viral antigens, etc.).
All these products are commercialized in Chile and Latin America, with current sales of approximately 15 million dollars per year.

* Co-founder and responsible for the initial activities of biotechnology start-ups (Chiron Corporation, Ventria Biosciences, Austral Biologicals, GrupoBios S.A., Phytotox S.A., Andes Biotechnologies S.A.) and BiosCell with a market value of more than 5 billion dollars.

* Entrepreneur with experience in financing biotechnology start-ups through angel investors, venture capital, and initial public offerings. Has participated in the early financing and capital increases of companies mentioned above (Chiron Corporation, GrupoBios S.A., Ventria Biosciences, Applied Imaging, Phytotox S.A., and Andes Biotechnologies S.A.) for a total of nearly 100 million dollars.

* Under his administration, Fundación Ciencia & Vida has developed a “Science and Business Park” with more than 15 participating institutions, such as the foreign companies Austral Biologicals, The Tree Lab, Medivation Inc., Green Pacific Biologicals, EvolveMol Inc., Sanivation Inc. and Ventria Bioscience, as well as the Chilean start-ups Phage Technologies S.A., GrupoBios S.A., Zentynel Ltda., Digital Education S.A., BiosCell S.A. and Invitae.

* National Chilean Prize in Applied Sciences and Technology (2002)

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Fulbright Fellowship

    Fulbright Program

    Estados Unidos, 1967

    Fulbright Program: American scholarship program of competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists.

  •   Fogarty International Fellowship


    Estados Unidos, 1974

    The Fogarty International Center at NIH offers a variety of funding opportunities to support the field of global health research.

  •   Science Merit Award


    Chile, 2001

    Science Merit Award Universidad Andrés Bello

  •   Presidential Medal


    Chile, 2002

    Presidential Medal

  •   National Award in Applied Sciences and Technologies


    Chile, 2002

    Chilean National Award in Applied Sciences and Technologies

  •   Doctor Honoris Causa


    Chile, 2003

    Doctor Honoris Causa

  •   Doctor Honoris Causa


    Francia, 2005

    Doctor Honoris Causa

  •   Doctor Honoris Causa


    Chile, 2009

    Doctor Honoris Causa

  •   Order of the Southern Cross Medal


    Chile, 2012

    Medalla Orden de la Cruz del Sur

  •   Lifetime Achievement Award

    Life Sciences Association of Northern California

    Estados Unidos, 2012

    Lifetime Achievement Award

  •   Bicentenario Medal


    Chile, 2011

    Medalla Bicentenario

  •   Alumnus of the Year Award


    Estados Unidos, 2013

    Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award, University of California at San Francisco

  •   UCSF Medal


    Estados Unidos, 2014

    UCSF Medal For Advancing Health Worldwide

  •   WIPO Gold Medal for Inventors

    World Intellectual Property Organization

    Suiza, 2015

    Medal World Intellectual Property Organization

  •   The Third World Academy of Sciences Award


    Italia, 2016

    Regional Prize for Building Scientific Institutions 2016


Article (113)

Charting Brachyury-mediated developmental pathways during early mouse embryogenesis
Prediction of Bacterial microRNAs and Possible Targets in Human Cell Transcriptome
Transcriptome Profiling of Botrytis cinerea Conidial Germination Reveals Upregulation of Infection-Related Genes during the Prepenetration Stage
Expression of Mitochondrial Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) Is Modulated by High Risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Oncogenes
First detection and complete genome sequence of Deformed wing virus in Chilean honeybees
Aromatic and polar residues spanning the candidate fusion peptide of the Andes virus Gc protein are essential for membrane fusion and infection
Bchex virulence gene of Botrytis cinerea: characterization and functional analysis
A diagnostic oligonucleotide microarray for simultaneous detection of grapevine viruses
Characterization of two divergent cDNAs encoding xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase (XTH) expressed in Fragaria chiloensis fruit
First Report on the Occurrence of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 5 in Chilean Grapevines
Andes Virus Antigens Are Shed in Urine of Patients with Acute Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome
Draft Genome Sequence of the Extremely Acidophilic Bacterium Acidithiobacillus caldus ATCC 51756 Reveals Metabolic Versatility in the Genus Acidithiobacillus
Isolation and characterization of the equine influenza virus causing the 2006 outbreak in Chile
Characterization of cross-reactive and serotype-specific epitopes on the nucleocapsid proteins of hantaviruses
Generation and analysis of an Eucalyptus globulus cDNA library constructed from seedlings subjected to low temperature conditions
Genome analysis and detection of a Chilean isolate of Grapevine leafroll associated virus-3
Preparation and Analysis of an Expressed Sequence Tag Library from the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella
The nucleoprotein and the viral RNA of infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) are localized in the nucleolus of infected cells
Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a CBF transcription factor from E. globulus
A vaccine against the salmonid pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis based on recombinant proteins
Generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags from Botrytis cinerea
Hantavirus Gc glycoprotein: evidence for a class II fusion protein
Human and rodent humoral immune responses to Andes virus structural proteins
Isolation, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin, neuraminidase and nucleoprotein genes of the Chilean equine influenza virus subtypes H7N7 and H3N8
Production and immune response of recombinant Hsp60 and Hsp70 from the salmon pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis
Isolation and expression of the genes coding for the membrane bound transglycosylase B (MltB) and the transferrin binding protein B (TbpB) of the salmon pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis
Cloning and expression of the coding regions of the heat shock roteins HSP10 and HSP16 from Piscirickettsia salmonis
Complete sequence of the genome of the human isolate of Andes virus CHI-7913: comparative sequence and protein structure analysis
Consorcios: Una estrategia-país para el desarrollo biotecnológico en Chile
Immunoresponse of Coho salmon immunized with a gene expression library from Piscirickettsia salmonis
The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Cloning and comparison of ten gene sequences of a Chilean H. pylori strain with other H. pylori strains revealed higher variability for VacA and CagA virulence factors
Detection of Piscirickettsia salmonis in fish tissues by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using specific monoclonal antibodies
PR-7 is a nucleosome-specific methyltransferase that modifies lysine 20 of histone H4 and is associated with silent chromation
Characteristics of monoclonal antibodies against Piscirickettsia salmonis
The bacteriophage lambda DNA packaging enzyme: Identification of four structural domains of the gpNul subunit using limited proteolysis
Hepatitis B virus e antigen specific epitopes and limitations of commercial anti-HBe immunoassays
Estrategias y perspectivas para una vacuna contra el virus de hepatitis C
Serological response to Helicobacter pylori recombinant antigens in Chilean infected patients with duodenal ulcer, non-ulcer dyspepsia and gastric cancer
Use of a novel Hepatitis C major epitope chimeric polypeptide for the diagnosis of HCV viral infection
Signal transduction mediated by the neural truncated trkB receptor isoforms, trkB.T1 and trkB.T2
La biotecnología como herramienta de progreso económico y social
Yeast Expression Systems
Gene expression and engineering in yeast and other fungi
Hepatitis A,B,C y D and E viruses. Structure of their genomes and general properties
La ingeniería genética del siglo XXI y su impacto en los países en desarrollo
Molecular cloning of a three-immunoglobulin-like domain form of the human basic fibroblast growth factor receptor cDNA. Expression of a biologically active extracellular domain in a baculovirus system
Expression of three recombinant homodimeric isoforms of PDGF in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Evidence for differences in receptor binding and functional activities
Synthesis and assembly of a functionally active recombinant PDGF A-B heterodimers
The production of foreign proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characterization of human recombinant human epidermal growth factor produced in yeast
The yeast tRNA (Phe) gene family: structures and transcriptional activities reveal member differences not explained by intragenic promoters
Enhancement of epidermal regeneration by biosynthetic epidermal growth factor
La Industria Biotecnológica
Antigen engineering in yeast: synthesis and assembly of hybrid hepatitis B surface antigen-herpes simplex 1 gD particles
Assembly in yeast of hepatitis B surface antigen particles containing the polyalbumin receptor
Biosynthetic human EGF accelerates healing of neodecadron-treated primate corneas
Factor VIII:C synthesis in the kidney
Polypeptide composition of human coagulation factor VIII:C and partial molecular cloning of its genomic and cDNA sequences
Alpha-factor directed synthesis and secretion of mature foreign proteins in S. cerevisiae
Chemical synthesis of a human epidermal growth factor-urogastrone gene and its expression in yeast
Cloning and analysis of integrated hepatitis virus sequences from a human hepatoma cell line
Isolation and sequence of a rat chymotrypsin B gene
Nucleotide sequence of a yeast tRNA arginine 3A gene and its transcription in a homologous in vitro system
Primary structure and transcription of an amplified genetic locus: The CUP-1 locus of yeast
Synthesis of hepatitis B surface antigen in mammalian cells: Expression of the entire gene and the coding region
Rat prepocarboxy¬peptidase A: cDNA sequence and preliminary characterization of the gene
Structure of the eukaryotic genome: A unique pseudogene lacking introns and polyA tails as a member of the human beta-tubulin gene family
Synthesis and assembly of hepatitis B virus surface antigen particles yeast
Chemical modification of lysyl and cysteinyl residues of yeast RNA polymerase I
Estructura, identificación de los genes e integración del genoma del virus de la hepatitis B
Expression of hepatitis B virus core and surface antigens in E. Coli K12
Isolation and structure of yeast initiator methionine tRNA gene
Molecular cloning and physical map of bacteriophage PM2 DNA
Nucleotide and corresponding amino acid sequences encoded by alpha and beta-tubulin mRNAs
Physical characterization of a plasmid (pTT1) isolated from Thermus thermophilus
The effect of pH on the structure and activity of yeast RNA polymerase I
The interaction of yeast polymerase I and Cibacron blue F3GA
The reactivity of sulfhydryl groups of yeast DNA dependent RNA polymerase I
In vitro synthesis of acetylcholine receptor polypeptides
Integration of hepatitis B virus sequences and their expression in a human hepatoma cell
The pH dependence of rat liver RNA polymerases I and II
Isolation of yeast tRNA leu genes. DNA sequence of a cloned tRNA leu-3 gene
Nucleotide sequence of the gene coding for the major protein of hepatitis B surface antigen
Specific gene transcription in yeast nuclei and chromatin by added homologous RNA polymerases I and II
Structure and processing yeast precursor tRNAs containing intervening sequences
Structure of yeast phenylalanine tRNA genes. An intervening DNA segment within the region coding for the tRNA
Subunits of yeast RNA polymerase I involved in interactions with DNA and nucleotides
Phosphorylation of yeast DNA-dependent RNA polymerases in vivo and in vitro. Isolation of the enzymes and identification of the phosphorylated subunits
The nucleotide sequence of yeast 5S ribosomal RNA gene and adjacent putative control regions
The ribosomal RNA genes of S. cerevisiae. I. Physical map of the repeating unit and location of the regions coding for 5S, 5.8S, 18S and 25S ribosomal RNAs
The ribosomal RNA genes of S. cerevisiae. II. Physical map and nucleotide sequence of the 5S ribosomal RNA gene and adjacent intergenic regions
Phosphorylation of yeast RNA polymerases
The 24,000 dalton subunit and the activity of yeast RNA polymerases
The molecular structure of yeast RNA polymerase III. Demonstration of the tripartite transcriptive system in lower eukaryotes
Yeast DNA-dependent RNA polymerase I. A rapid procedure for the large scale purification of homogeneous enzyme
Yeast DNA-dependent RNA polymerases I, II and III. The existence of subunits common to the three enzymes
Yeast RNA polymerase I. A eukaryotic zinc metalloenzyme
Inactivation of E. coli RNA polymerase by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate: Identification of a low pKa lysine as the modified residue
Inactivation of rat liver RNA polymerases I and II and yeast RNA polymerase I by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. Evidence for the participation of lysyl residues at the active site
Active site-directed inhibition of E. coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate
Are all nucleotidyls transferases metalloenzymes?
Preparation and kinetic properties of a new form of chymotrypsin which is active at alkaline pH: a1-chymotrypsin
Conformation of delta-chymotrypsin during catalysis. Chemical reactivity of the isoleucine 16 amino group in the acyl-enzyme intermediate
Kinetic properties of succinylated-and ethylendiamine-amidated-alpha-chymotrypsin
The difference between a and d-chymotrypsins. Preparation and alkaline pH dependence of a1-chymotrypsin catalyzed hydrolysis of N-acetyl-L-tryptophan methyl ester (ATME)
Binding competitive inhibitors to d-chymotrypsin in the alkaline pH region. Competitive inhibition kinetics and proton uptake measurements
Alkaline pH dependence of d-chymotrypsin catalyzed hydrolysis of specific substrates
Terpene biosynthesis: formation of nerol, geraniol and other prenols by an enzyme system from P. radiata seedlings
Acid catalyzed hydrolysis of neryl pyrophosphate and geranyl pyrophosphate
Occurrence of monoterpenes in Pinus radiata and utilization of labeled CO2 and mevalonic acid
Phosphorylated intermediates of terpenes biosynthesis in Pinus radiata
Biosintesis de terpenos en agujas de Pinus radiata compuestos intermediarios fosforilados

Abstract (1)

Development of a recombinant vaccine against ISA virus based on synthetic genes

BookSection (20)

Fundación Ciencia para la Vida: Una iniciativa hacia la vinculación ciencia-industria en biotecnología
Recombinant yeast as a production system in biotechnology
Recombinant subunit vaccines from yeast
Epidermal growth factor genes: From molecular biology to clinical therapeutics
Synthesis and secretion of pharmaceutical products by yeast
Antigen engineering in yeast: Synthesis and assembly of hybrid hepatitis B surface antigen-Herpes simplex-1gD particles
Synthesis and assembly in yeast of hepatitis B surface antigen particles containing the polyalbumin receptor
Hepatitis-B vaccine: Characterization of hepatitis-B antigen particles produced in yeast
Structure of hepatitis B antigens and their synthesis and assembly in heterologous systems
Synthesis and assembly of hepatitis B virus antigens in heterologous systems
Isolation and structure of the yeast tRNA genes
The genome of bacteriophage PM2. Restriction endonuclease map and characterization of temperature sensitive mutants
A human hepatoma cell lines contains sequences of hepatitis B DNA and RNA sequences
The nucleotide sequence of the hepatitis B viral genome and identification of the major viral genes
Yeast tRNA precursors: Structure and removal of intervening sequences by an excision-ligase activity
Isolation and nucleotide sequence of the yeast phenylalanine tRNA genes: A novel structure involving an intervening DNA segment within the coding region
The structure of the ribosomal RNA genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Isolation and assay of eucaryotic DNA-dependent RNA polymerases
RNA polymerases and transcriptive specificity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The role of DNA-dependent RNA polymerases in transcriptive specificity

ConferencePaper (2)

Preliminary genomic and functional analysis of a cDNA library from Botrytis cinerea
Insights into the metabolism and ecophysiology of three acidithiobacilli by comparative genome analysis

ConferenceProceedingWhole (1)

Transcription and integration of hepatitis B virus

NewsItem (3)

First Report of Grapevine Syrah virus-1 in Chilean Grapevines.
First detection of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 4 in Chilean grapevines
First report on the occurrence of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 7 and 9 in Chilean grapevines

Patent (61)

Chitosan formulation with slightly acidic pH - used to increases resistance of plants to pathogens and environmental stress
Composición compuesta por proteínas seleccionadas de MLTB-1, MLTB-2, TBPB-1 de Piscirickettsia salmonis; vacuna recombinante y su uso para prevenir o proteger la infección por Piscirickettsia salmonis
Composición de vacuna que comprende una combinación de al menos dos proteínas seleccionadas del grupo de HSP60, HSP70, SodA y FeB de Streptococcus phocae o regiones inmunogénicas de estas; vacuna recombinante; procedimiento de preparación; y uso para prevenir o proteger a un vertebrado de la infección por Streptococcus phocae
Composición para vacuna que comprende una combinación de al menos dos proteínas de Aeromonas salmonicida seleccionadas entre HSP60, HSP70, OmpA y FSTB, o las regiones inmunogénicas de estas, usos, vacuna recombinante que contiene la composición; y procedimiento de preparación de dicha vacuna contra la furunculosis
Composición que comprende HSP60, HSP70 y FIgG de Piscirickettsia salmonis; vacuna recombinante que comprende la composición anterior; y uso de la vacuna para prevenir o proteger la infección por P. salmonis
Detection of Helicobacter pylori infection – by detecting reactivity of samples with H. pylori type-common antigens and type-specific H. pylori Type I antigens
DNA cassette for efficient expression in yeast – comprises transcriptional regulatory and initiation regions, structural gene and terminator region
DNA construct for expressing HSV glycosylated polypeptide – useful for vaccinating against HSV-1 and –2 infections
DNA encoding snake venom fibrolase – for use as thrombolytic agent
Formulación inmunogénica de proteínas de Flavobacterium psychrophilum y lipopolisacáridos de E. coli, efectiva en la protección de peces contra la flavobacteriosis
Formulación que comprende al menos 3 de las proteínas seleccionadas del grupo FP, HE, NP y M1 de virus ISA o segmentos de ellas; vacuna recombinante que la comprende; método de preparación de la vacuna; y su uso para prevenir o proteger un vertebrado de la infección por virus ISA
Formulación que comprende al menos 3 proteínas de HSP60, HSP70, flagelina, y OMPU de Vibrio ordalii o segmentos de ellas y al menos un LPS o polisacárido complejo de un microorganismo; vacuna recombinante que la comprende; método de preparación; y su uso para prevenir o proteger un vertebrado de la infección por Vibrio ordalii
Formulación que comprende al menos tres proteínas, segmentos, zonas inmunógenas, proteínas homologas, de fusión, o derivadas del grupo de FP, HE, NP y M1 del virus ISA; vacuna recombinante que la comprende; procedimiento de preparación; y uso de dicha formulación para prevenir o proteger un vertebrado de la infección por virus ISA
Gene for human epidermal growth factor – useful in recombinant DNA transfer vector for prodn. of human EGF, and for treating wounds and ulcer
Generación de portainjertos de vid para saneamiento y tolerantes al virus GLV
Hepatitis B virus surface antigen for immunisation vaccines – synthesized in yeast by using constructed yeast expression vectors
Hepatitis C virus multiple copy epitope fusion antigens
Hepatitis surface antigen particle vaccine – contg. a human polyalbumin binding site receptor
High yield prodn. of pre-proinsulin – by cultivation of yeast transformed with DNA construct
Hybrid DNA síntesis of mature insulin-like growth factors
Hybrid immunogens from particle forming and specific polypeptide (s) – presenting epitope (s) for at least one component, useful in vaccines, and DNA coding sequenc
Linear fusion protein containing multiple copies of epitope(s) for immunoassay – specifically detection of antibodies to hepatitis C, are soluble, easily purified and may detect several different pathogens or strains in single test
Methods for the preparation of hepatitis C multiple copy epitope fusion antigens
Monoclonal antibodies to factor VIIIC – for isolating factor VIIIC complex from plasma and polypeptide fragments
Monoclonal antibody against human blood coagulation Factor VIII – used for isolating or detecting Factor VIIIC and related polypeptides for treating e.g. myocardial ischaemia
New hybrid polypeptide particulate immunogens – comprising e.g. hepatitis B surface antigen linked to circumsporzite protein of Plasmodium falciparum
New polypeptide fragments of factor VIIIC – useful in therapy to enhance clotting capability and with MABS for diagnostic assays
New recombinant human fibroblast growth factor receptor – is useful in treatment of hyperplasia (s), tumours and herpes simplex infection
New superoxidedismutase analogues – including heterologous adhesive peptide domain to localise therapy sites or increase corporal life-times
Novel DNA molecule encoding 92.5 kD sub-unit of human Factor VIIIC – useful in expression vector for prodn. of Factor-VIIIC complex sub-units e.g. for use in diagnostic assay and for therapy
Procedimientos mejorados para la producción del antígeno de superficie del virus de la hepatitis B mediante la amplificación del gen que codifica dicho antígeno, en células de mamíferos, utilizando técnicas de DNA recombinante y un nuevo plasmidio de expresión que contiene el gen del antígeno unido al promotor y secuencias de terminación del virus SV-40
Prodn. or human factor viii C or its precursors of sub-units – by using recombinant DNA techniques with Factor VIII C gene expressed in host
Production of recombinant herpes simplex virus glycoprotein B polypeptide – by expression of DNA construct in eukaryotic cells
Promoting healing of epithelial and stromal wounds – esp. of the cornea, by applying compsn. contg. recombinant human epidermal growth factor
Protein prepn. contg. hepatitis B surface antigen from yeast cells – transformed with DNA segment encoding the S-protein of hepatitis B virus
Recombinant herpes simples vaccine – prepd. by expression of DNA constructs in a eukaryotic host
Secuencia de ADN que codifica una proteína del factor de virulencia (VacB) de Piscirickettsia salmonis; vacuna de ADN y proteína que comprende VacB; método de detección de anticuerpos contra VacB; proceso de preparación de la vacuna y usos contra P. salmonis
Secuencia nucleotídica aislada desde Eucalyptus spp, que codifica una proteína CBF que confiere resistencia al estrés abiótico en plantas, útil para transformar plantas; la proteína codificada; uso de la proteína para preparar un anticuerpo; el anticuerpo; útil para la detección y cuantificación de proteína CBF
Synthesis of human virus antigens by yeast
Transcriptional regulation control constructs for yeast – contg. a transcriptional initiation region from the yeast GAPDH gene
Treatment of corneal stromal wound – with recombinant human epidermal growth factor
Treatment of recurrent herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection – with vaccine containing HSV glycoprotein D (gpD) or truncated gpD lacking all or part of the anchor sequence
Un procedimiento para obtener plantas resistentes al virus en hoja de abanico de la vid (GFLV)
Use of yeast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter – for high level prodn. of hepatitis B surface antigen in yeast
Vaccine for treatment of herpes simples virus – contains recombinant HSV glycoproteins B and D
Vaccines against herpes simplex virus infection – containing recombinant HSV glycoprotein B
Vacuna contra el síndrome rickettsial del salmón basada en un fragmento de ADN que codifica para la proteína de unión a transferrina de Piscirickettsia salmonis (TBPB) o una región inmunogénica de ésta; vacuna polipeptídica con TBPB; procedimiento de preparación; ADN que codifica TBPB y sus usos
Vacuna contra el síndrome rickettsial del salmón que comprende 1 fragmento de ADN que codifica para la transglicosidasa lítica de membrana B (MLTB) de Piscirikettsia salmonis, procedimiento de preparación, ADN que la codifica y método de detección de anticuerpos contra MLTB
Vacuna de ADN que comprende un fragmento de ADN que codifica para la proteína de estrés térmico 10 (HSP10) de Piscirickettsia salmonis para generar respuesta inmune contra Piscirickettsia salmonis
Vacuna de ADN que comprende un fragmento de ADN que codifica para la proteína de estrés térmico 16 (HSP16) de Piscirickettsia salmonis para generar respuesta inmune contra Piscirickettsia salmonis
Vacuna de ADN que comprende un fragmento de ADN que codifica para la proteína de estrés térmico 60 (HSP60) de Piscirickettsia salmonis, insertado en un vector PUK21-A2 para expresar la proteína y generar respuesta inmune contra Piscirickettsia salmonis en vertebrados
Vacuna de ADN que comprende un fragmento de ADN que codifica para la proteína de estrés térmico 70 (HSP70) de Piscirickettsia salmonis, insertado en un vector PUK21-A2 para expresar la proteína y generar respuesta inmune contra Pisciriketssia salmonis en vertebrados
Vacuna para el síndrome rickettsial del salmón que comprende un fragmento de ADN que codifica para la transglicosidasa lítica soluble (SLT70) de Piscirickettsia salmonis; procedimiento de preparación; ADN que codifica; proteína SLT70; vacuna recombinante que comprende SLT70; y usos
Vacuna recombinante que comprende al menos dos proteínas seleccionadas del grupo de HSP70, PsaA, Sip y PrtS de Streptococcus phocae o regiones inmunogénicas de estas; composición que comprende dicha vacuna; procedimiento de preparación de dicha vacuna; y uso de dicha composición contra la infección de S. phocae
Vector for amplified expression of foreign DNA – inserted into beta-lactamase gene and under control of trp promoter, esp. for hepatitis B surface antigen prodn
Yeast expression vector under control of yeast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter – esp. Useful for prodn. of hepatitis C surface antigen
Yeast expression vector with pyruvate kinase promoter etc. – useful in enhanced produn. of e.g. hepatitis B virus surface antigen
Yeast expression vector – contains DNA coding segment and an adenovirus major late promoter
Yeast hepatitis B surface antigen particles – prepd. using yeast expression vector contg. S-gene and used for prodn. of vaccines
Yeast vectors for expressing hepatitis B surface antigen – under control of high efficiency pyruvate kinase promoter
Pablo Valenzuela

Founder and Scientific Director

Fundación Ciencia & Vida

Santiago, Chile

Luis Burzio

Scientific Director

Andes Biotechnologies


Santiago, Chile

Mario Rosemblatt

Executive Director


Fundacion Ciencia & Vida

Santiago, Chile

Esteban Engel

Principal Investigator


Princeton University

Princeton, Estados Unidos

Jorge Valdes



Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

David Holmes

Head, Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Genome Biology

Center for Bioinformatics and Genome Biology


Santiago, Chile

Tomas Perez-Acle

Full Professor

Computational Biology Lab

Fundación Ciencia para la Vida

Santiago, Chile

Marcela Ferres

Head of Department

Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Erwin Krauskopf

Profesor Asociado

Ciencias Biologicas


Santiago, Chile

Jaime Villegas

Profesor Asociado

Ciencias Biológicas

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Gonzalo Barriga

Profesor Asistente

Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Nicola Fiore

Profesor Asociado

Sanidad Vegetal

Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas

Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Lopez

Profesor Titular

Infectologia e Inmunologia Pediatrica


Santiago, Chile

jaime villegas

Investigador Senior

Andes Biotechnologies

Fundación Ciencia para la Vida

Santiago, Chile

Raquel Quatrini

Research Associate

Fundación Ciencia & Vida

Santiago, Chile

Sebastián Valenzuela

Director de Area Veterinaria

Area Veterinaria

Fundación Ciencia para la Vida

Santiago, Chile

Maria Opazo

Profesor Asociado

Universidad de Las Américas

Santiago, Chile

Consuelo Bruno

Encargado de Seguimiento y Control



Santiago, Chile

Marco Alvarez

Full Professor

Department of Biological Science

Universidad Andres Bello

Viña del Mar, Chile

María Becker

Scientific Director, President

Research and Development


Santiago, Chile

Evelyn Silva

Directora Ejecutiva


Universidad Mayor de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Macarena Lolas

Program manager

Lucira Health Inc.

santiago, Chile


Research Professor


Santiago, Chile

Claudio Villota

Profesor/investigador Asociado

Facultad de Salud

Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

Santiago, Chile

Raúl Herrera


Biología Molecular y Biotecnología

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Inti Pedroso

Profesor Asistente

Facultad de Ciencias

Universidad Mayor

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Vial


School of Medicine


Santiago, Chile

Verónica Burzio

Investigadora Asociada

Fundacion Ciencia y Vida

Santiago, Chile

Jorge Fernandez




santiago, Chile

Evelyn Menares

investigador postdoctoral

programa disciplinario de inmunología

Universidad de Chile

santiago, Chile

Cristóbal Girardi

Líder Gestión de Riesgo Ambiental


Fundación Chile

Vitacura, Chile

Eugenio Ramírez


Santiago, Chile

pamela araya





Pablo Ferrer

Jefe Laboratorio

Medicina Interna

Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile