
Jose Luis Campos Gomez

Full professor

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Viña del Mar, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Biological treatment of Wastewater Resources recovery from wastewater Bacteria populations identification


  •  Industrial Chemistry, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. España, 1994
  •  Ciencias Químicas, Universdad de Santiago de Compostela (España). España, 2000
  •  Ciencias Químicas, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. España, 1996

Experiencia Académica

  •   Associate professor Full Time

    Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España

    2001 - 2013

  •   Professor Full Time

    Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

    Faculty of Engineering and Sciences

    Viña del Mar, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Tesis Doctorales dirigidas: 8
Tesis de Magíster dirigidas: 10
Memorias de Tesis dirigidas: 30

Difusión y Transferencia

-Instalación de sistema ELAN para eliminación de nitrógeno en la PTAS de Guillarei (España)


Article (137)

Rapid start-up and stable maintenance of the mainstream nitritation process based on the accumulation of free nitrous acid in a pilot-scale two-stage nitritation-anammox system
Factors That Affect Methane Yield Using Raw Olive Alperujo (Unhydrolyzed) as Substrate in BMP Assays
Gamma distribution function to understand anaerobic digestion kinetics: Kinetic constants are not constant
Performance of a two-stage partial nitritation-anammox system treating the supernatant of a sludge anaerobic digester pretreated by a thermal hydrolysis process
Techno-Economic Evaluation of Ozone Application to Reduce Sludge Production in Small Urban WWTPs
An unusual overrepresentation of genetic factors related to iron homeostasis in the genome of the fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. ABC1
Application of Anammox-Based Processes in Urban WWTPs: Are We on the Right Track?
Bioconversion of Organic Pollutants in Fish-Canning Wastewater into Volatile Fatty Acids and Polyhydroxyalkanoate
Is the ammonia stripping pre-treatment suitable for the nitrogen removal via partial nitritation-anammox of OFMSW digestate?
Mainstream anammox reactor performance treating municipal wastewater and batch study of temperature, pH and organic matter concentration cross-effects
Monitoring the stability of aerobic granular sludge using fractal dimension analysis
Municipal Wastewater Reuse: Is it a Competitive Alternative to Seawater Desalination?
On-Line Control of Feast/Famine Cycles to Improve PHB Accumulation during Cultivation of Mixed Microbial Cultures in Sequential Batch Reactors
Organic carbon bioavailability: Is it a good driver to choose the best biological nitrogen removal process?
Understanding the microbial trends in a nitritation reactor fed with primary settled municipal wastewater
Assessment of a fast method to predict the biochemical methane potential based on biodegradable COD obtained by fractionation respirometric tests
Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas chilensis Strain ABC1, Isolated from Soil
Digested blackwater treatment in a partial nitritation-anammox reactor under repeated starvation and reactivation periods
Limits of the anammox process in granular systems to remove nitrogen at low temperature and nitrogen concentration
Optimal Design of Multilayer Fog Collectors
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) Production: A Feasible Economic Option for the Treatment of Sewage Sludge in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants?
Sistemas granulares aerobios para el tratamiento descentralizado de aguas servidas y su reutilización en condominios en Chile
Determination of the intrinsic kinetic parameters of ammonia-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in granular and flocculent sludge
Does the feeding strategy enhance the aerobic granular sludge stability treating saline effluents?
Effect of Operational Conditions on the Behaviour and Associated Costs of Mixed Microbial Cultures for PHA Production.
High -Yield Synthesis of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) Copolymers in a Mixed Microbial Culture: Effect of Substrate Switching and F/M Ratio
How to cope with NOB activity and pig manure inhibition in a partial nitritation-anammox process?
Low oxygen start-up of partial nitrification-anammox process: mechanical or gas agitation?
Moving forward in the use of aerobic granular sludge for municipal wastewater treatment: an overview
Operational behavior of a hydrogen extractive membrane bioreactor (HEMB) during mixed culture acidogenic fermentation
Predicting Accumulation of Intermediate Compounds in Nitrification and Autotrophic Denitrification Processes: A Chemical Approach
Pulsed aeration enhances aerobic granular biomass properties
Biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests: Reducing test time by early parameter estimation
Influence of biomass acclimation on the performance of a partial nitritation-anammox reactor treating industrial saline effluents
Novel system configuration with activated sludge like-geometry to develop aerobic granular biomass under continuous flow
Performance and microbial features of the partial nitritation-anammox process treating fish canning wastewater with variable salt concentrations
Pilot-scale ELAN (R) process applied to treat primary settled urban wastewater at low temperature via partial nitritation-anammox processes
Biomass aggregation influences NaN3 short-term effects on anammox bacteria activity
Effect of Free Ammonia, Free Nitrous Acid, and Alkalinity on the Partial Nitrification of Pretreated Pig Slurry, Using an Alternating Oxic/Anoxic SBR
Effects of Inoculum Type and Aeration Flowrate on the Performance of Aerobic Granular SBRs
Effects of inoculum type and aeration flowrate on the performance of aerobic granular sbrs
Granular biomass floatation=> A simple kinetic/stoichiometric explanation
Nitrite oxidizing bacteria suppression based on in-situ free nitrous acid production at mainstream conditions
Partial Nitritation-Anammox Granules=> Short-Term Inhibitory Effects of Seven Metals on Anammox Activity
Short- and long-term orange dye effects on ammonium oxidizing and anammox bacteria activities
Bacterial community dynamics in long-term operation of a pilot plant using aerobic granular sludge to treat pig slurry
Comparison of the chemical precipitation, UV/H2O2 and Fenton processes to optimize removal of chronic toxicity from kraft mill effluents
Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants: Minimization, Treatment, and Prevention
Influence of light intensity on bacterial nitrifying activity in algal-bacterial photobioreactors and its implications for microalgae-based wastewater treatment
The granular biomass properties and the acclimation period affect the partial nitritation/anammox process stability at a low temperature and ammonium concentration
The presence of organic matter during autotrophic nitrogen removal: Problem or opportunity?
Transformations, treatment, and prevention of water pollutants
Transient concentrations of NaCl affect the PHA accumulation in mixed microbial culture
Advances in the biological removal of sulphides from aqueous phase in anaerobic processes: A review
Filamentous bacteria existence in aerobic granular reactors
Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the start-up of the anammox-based process: ELAN (R)
Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the start-up of the anammox-based process: ELAN®
Integration of the Anammox process to the rejection water and main stream lines of WWTPs
Integration of the Anammox process to the rejection water and main stream lines of WWTPs
Optimizing upflow velocity and calcium precipitation in denitrifying granular systems
Anaerobic digestion of aerobic granular biomass: Effects of thermal pre-treatment and addition of primary sludge
Cross effect of temperature, pH and free ammonia on autotrophic denitrification process with sulphide as electron donor
Enhanced ammonia removal at room temperature by pH controlled partial nitrification and subsequent anaerobic ammonium oxidation
Implications of full-scale implementation of an anammox-based process as post-treatment of a municipal anaerobic sludge digester operated with co-digestion
Influence of the shear stress and salinity on Anammox biofilms formation: modelling results
Sequencing batch reactor operation for treating wastewater with aerobic granular sludge
Substrate versatility of polyhydroxyalkanoate producing glycerol grown bacterial enrichment culture
A novel control strategy for enhancing biological N-removal in a granular sequencing batch reactor: A model-based study
Comparison of the anaerobic digestion of activated and aerobic granular sludges under brackish conditions
Effects of the cycle distribution on the performance of SBRs with aerobic granular biomass
Influence of the cycle length on the production of PHA and polyglucose from glycerol by bacterial enrichments in sequencing batch reactors
Operation of an aerobic granular pilot scale SBR plant to treat swine slurry
Post-treatment of fish canning effluents by sequential nitrification and autotrophic denitrification processes
Stability of Aerobic Granular Biomass Treating the Effluent from A Seafood Industry
Aerobic granular SBR systems applied to the treatment of industrial effluents
Aerobic granular-type biomass development in a continuous stirred tank reactor
Autotrophic denitrification with sulphide in a sequencing batch reactor
Denitrifying activity via nitrite and N 2O production using acetate and swine wastewater
Denitrifying activity via nitrite and N2O production using acetate and swine wastewater
Effect of coagulant-flocculant reagents on aerobic granular biomass
Effects of the cycle distribution on the performance of SBRs with aerobic granular biomass
Is the CANON reactor an alternative for nitrogen removal from pre-treated swine slurry?
Short- and long-term effects of ammonium and nitrite on the Anammox process
Aerobic granulation in a mechanical stirred SBR: Treatment of low organic loads
Application of biofilm reactors to improve ammonia oxidation in low nitrogen loaded wastewater
Autotrophic nitrogen removal at low temperature
Behaviour of molecular weight distribution for the liquid fraction of pig slurry treated by anaerobic digestion
Behaviour of molecular weight distribution for the liquid fraction of pig slurry treated by anaerobic digestion
Effect of free ammonia nitrogen on the methanogenic activity of swine wastewater
Genotoxic effects of kraft pulp mill effluents treated by biological aerobic systems
Performance of an in-situ rotating biological contactor in a recirculating aquaculture system
Performance of an in-situ rotating biological contactor in a recirculating aquaculture system
Sequencing batch biofilm reactor: From support design to reactor operation
Start up of a pilot scale aerobic granular reactor for organic matter and nitrogen removal
Thermal pre-treatment of aerobic granular sludge: Impact on anaerobic biodegradability
Treatment of high loaded swine slurry in an aerobic granular reactor
Microbial community distribution and activity dynamics of granular biomass in a CANON reactor
Modelling aerobic granular SBR at variable COD/N ratios including accurate description of total solids concentration
Monitoring the stability of an Anammox reactor under high salinity conditions
Nitrifying granular systems: A suitable technology to obtain stable partial nitrification at room temperature
Applications of Anammox based processes to treat anaerobic digester supernatant at room temperature
Characteristics of nitrifying granules developed in an air pulsing SBR
Defining the biomethane potential (BMP) of solid organic wastes and energy crops: A proposed protocol for batch assays
N2O production by nitrifying biomass under anoxic and aerobic conditions
Operation of an Anammox SBR in the presence of two broad-spectrum antibiotics
Ozonation strategies to reduce sludge production of a seafood industry WWTP
Population dynamics of nitrite oxidizers in nitrifying granules
Post-treatment of effluents from anaerobic digesters by the Anammox process
Treatment of anaerobic sludge digester effluents by the CANON process in an air pulsing SBR
Treatment of anaerobic sludge digester effluents by the CANON process in an air pulsing SBR
Biofilm and granular systems to improve Anammox biomass retention
Influence of gas flow-induced shear stress on the operation of the Anammox process in a SBR
Kinetics of denitrification using sulphur compounds: Effects of S/N ratio, endogenous and exogenous compounds
Short- and long-term effects of temperature on the Anammox process
Treatment of saline wastewater in SBR aerobic granular reactors
Evaluation of activity and inhibition effects on Anammox process by batch tests based on the nitrogen gas production
Stability of a nitrifying activated sludge reactor
Effects of mechanical stress on Anammox granules in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
Effects of mechanical stress on Anammox granules in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
Start-up of the Anammox process in a membrane bioreactor
Development of a membrane-assisted hybrid bioreactor for ammonia and COD removal in wastewaters
Multiple analysis reprogrammable titration analyser for the kinetic characterization of nitrifying and autotrophic denitrifying biomass
Partial nitrification in a SHARON reactor in the presence of salts and organic carbon compounds
Enrichment of Anammox biomass from municipal activated sludge: experimental and modelling results
Improvement of the settling properties of Anammox sludge in an SBR
Stability of the ANAMMOX process in a gas-lift reactor and a SBR
Combined system for biological removal of nitrogen and carbon from a fish cannery wastewater
Coupled BAS and anoxic USB system to remove urea and formaldehyde from wastewater
Completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite in one single reactor
Nitrification in saline wastewater with high ammonia concentration in an activated sludge unit
The effect of kaolin particles on the behavior of nitrifying activated sludge units
Effect of two broad-spectrum antibiotics on activity and stability of continuous nitrifying system
Simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification of pretreated effluents from a fish canning industry
Operation of a nitrifying activated sludge airlift (NASA) reactor without biomass carrier
Nitrification at high ammonia loading rates in an activated slugde unit
Nitrous oxide production by nitrifying biofilms in a biofilm airlift suspension reactor
Anammox process for nitrogen removal from anaerobically digested fish canning effluents

BookSection (32)

Advanced Systems for Nitrogen Removal from Effluents Produced in the Fish Canning Industry
Aerobic Granulation Process for Waste Treatment
Application of microbial ecology to the operation of sewage treatment plants
Innovative processes for resources recovery from wastewaters: PHA production
Novel biological nitrogen removal processes: Applications and perspectives
Aerobic granulation technology
Anammox based processes for nitrogen removal
Aspectos energéticos de la tecnología Anammox
Effect of shear stress in wastewater treatment systems performance
Evaluation of in-situ sludge reduction technologies for wastewater treatment plants
Nitrogen removal in aerobic granular systems
Procesos avanzados de eliminación de nitrógeno: nitrificación parcial, Anammox, desnitrificación autótrofa
Tecnologías basadas en biomasa granular aerobia
Tecnologías de eliminación de nitrógeno en aguas residuales: Alternativas y evaluación de costes
The ANAMMOX process
Biological treatment processes for urea and formaldehyde
Tratamiento de aguas de retorno a cabecera de planta en EDARs
Efluentes líquidos de curtidos: parámetros de caracterización y de operación de las unidades de depuración
Learning to operate anaerobic bioreactors
Nuevos avances en la tecnología de la potabilización
Tratamiento aerobio de efluentes de curtidurías: estado del arte
Tratamiento anaerobio de efluentes de curtidurías: estado del arte
Nitrifying granular sludge in a sequencing batch reactor
Tecnologías emergentes para la depuración de aguas residuales urbanas e industriales
Tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas e industriales
Remoción biológica de materia orgánica
Tratamiento de aguas con alto contenido de azufre
Control de la emisión de oxido nitroso durante la eliminación de nitrógeno en purines de cerdo
Digestión anaeróbica de purines porcinos
Diversity of nitrogen-removing microorganisms
Efluentes líquidos de curtidos: parámetros de caracterización y de operación de las unidades de depuración.
Nitrificación parcial-desnitrificación aplicado en purines de cerdo pre-tratados anaeróbicamente

Patent (1)

A method and a system for enhancing Nitrogen removal in a granular sequencing batch reactor (GSBR) and a computer program product

Proyecto (31)

Continuous flow aerobic granular sludge technology=> the next generation of sewage treatment systems
Diseño de una plataforma productiva de sideróforos para su uso en agricultura
Desarrollo de malla eficiente para atrapanieblas
Application of the partial nitrification and Anammox processes to the main stream=> a step forward in the quest for an energy positive wastewater treatment plant
Desarrollo de un sistema de postratamiento de efluentes agroganaderos para aumentar la recuperación de energía y disminuir el impacto ambiental
Investigación de tecnologías de tratamiento, reutilización y control para la sostenibilidad futura de la depuración de aguas (ÍTACA)
Desarrollo de tecnologías limpias para la optimización del diseño y operación de EDARs
Estudio de procesos biotecnológicos para el tratamiento de sobrenadantes de digestión anaerobia de residuos orgánicos
Instalación y puesta en marcha de un sistema de desnitrificación autótrofa a escala piloto con el fin de optimizar la operación de la EDAR de Vigo
Hacia la implementación industrial de sistemas de biomasa granular aerobia=> aplicación (TOGRANSYS)
Sistema de filtración para efluentes de toma y vertido en piscinas de acuicultura
Estudio de alternativas para el tratamiento y reutilización de aguas de proceso en la industria de teñido de chapa natural
Conception of the Sewage Treatment Plant of the XXI Century. Development, implementation
Investigación sobre la minimización integral del impacto ambiental de la industria láctea
Desarrollo de biorreactores aerobios de lodo granular para el tratamiento y reutilización de aguas residuales
Control óptimo y modelización de procesos de tratamiento anerobio de aguas residuales industriales ANACOM
Desarrollo de biorreactores granulares y sistemas de membranas para la producción de efluentes reutilizables (BIOGRAMEN)
Minimización de lodos generados en una industria alimentaria mediante su tratamiento con ozono
Optimization of pollution control using biofilm systems
Evaluación ambiental e innovación tecnológica en sectores alimentarios estratégicos mediante el análisis del ciclo de vida
Granulación de fangos para un desarrollo sostenible de EDARs (GRAFAN)
Caracterización y optimización de un sistema de reciclado de agua en instalaciones de acuicultura
Control y eliminación de nitrógeno amoniacal en sistemas de recirculación de agua en instalaciones de agua en instalaciones de acuicultura
Desarrollo de reactores biológicos para la OXidación ANaerobia de AMONio (OXANAMON)
Desarrollo y aplicación de biosensores de titulación y tratamientos de aguas industriales mediante biorreactores de membranas
Evaluación y optimización de un sistema de desinfección de agua en instalaciones de acuicultura
Gestión ambiental de la industria de curtidos
Improved Control and Application of Nitrogen Cycle Bacteria for Ammonia Removal from Wastewater (IcoN).
Improved control of the nitrogen cycle for wastewater treatment
Desarrollo de reactores híbridos de membrana para la ampliación de la capacidad de eliminación de nitrógeno en EDAR urbanas

Review (2)

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Recovery From Anaerobically Pretreated Agro-Food Wastes: A Review
Advances in the biological removal of sulphides from aqueous phase in anaerobic processes: A review
Jose Campos

Full professor

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Viña del Mar, Chile

Marisol Belmonte

Profesora Titular / Coordinadora Investigación y Postgrado, Facultad de Ingeniería

de Ciencias de la Ingeniería para la Sostenibilidad

Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación

Valparaíso, Chile


Profesor Titular

Departamento de Ingeniería Ambiental


Concepción, Chile

Dafne Crutchik

Profesora Asociada

Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias

Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Santiago, Chile

David Jeison

Profesor Titular

Escuela de Ingeniería Bioquímica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Oscar Franchi

Investigador Principal

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Viña de mar, Chile

Daniel Valenzuela



universidad adolfo ibáñez

Viña del Mar, Chile

Jacques Dumais

Professor Titular

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Viña del Mar, Chile

Rolando Chamy


Valparaíso, Chile

Jose Arumi

Profesor Titular

Water Resources


Chillan, Chile

Juan Pavissich

Profesor Asociado

Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias


Santiago, Chile

Carlos Henríquez



Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas

Coquimbo, Chile

Paris Lavín

Profesor asistente


Universidad de Antofagasta

Antofagasta, Chile

Raúl Donoso



Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana

Santiago, Chile

Lorna Guerrero

Académico Adjunto

Ingeniería Química y Ambiental



Luis Caminos

Profesor Asitente

Facultad de Ingenierìa y Ciencias

Universidad Adolfo Ibánez

Viña del Mar, Chile

maria torres

Profesor Asociado

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

quilpué, Chile

Victor Campos

Associate Professor



Concepción, Chile

Katherina Fernandez

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería Química


Concepción, Chile

lorena jorquera

associate professor

Construction engineering

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

valparaiso, Chile

Víctor Guzmán

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ingeniería Química

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Marlene Roeckel

Profesor Titular

Ingeniería Química


Concepción, Chile

Elisa Giustinianovich


Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile

Andrea Barahona





Cesar Huiliñir

Profesor Asociado

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Francisco Cabrera

Docente investigador

Ingeniería en construcción

Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Temuco, Chile

Michael Seeger

Full Professor



Valparaíso, Chile

Christian Vergara

Director de Carrera

Ingeniería Química


Temuco, Chile

Alvaro Torres

Associate Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Constanza Arriagada


Ingeniería Química

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Andrés Donoso

Investigador senior

Centro Tecnológico del Agua (Cetaqua)

Santiago, Chile

Knud Hansen

Profesor Adjunto

Ingenieria Quimica y Ambiental


Valparaiso, Chile

Fernanda Pinto

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Procesos Industriales

Universidad Católica de Temuco

Temuco, Chile

Estela Tapia

Académico asociado

Ingeniería para la sostenibilidad

Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación

Valparaíso, Chile

Mario Sepúlveda




-, Chile